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File: 29 KB, 628x623, DVKt6VEX4AAkfVe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10277661 No.10277661 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else really want to get into the stock market here but just don't have the few thousand spare required to put into it?

>> No.10277680

Don't invest in stocks now. The world economy is fucked right now and it's only just starting.

>> No.10277684

I made 1000+ on the stockmarket last week alone....

>> No.10277691

sure you did.
post proof or larp the fuck out

>> No.10277709
File: 68 KB, 1301x221, ETL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a screenshot.

>> No.10277719

Just short the lira. It's going down like a lead turd goes down the drain. Turky is europes next shithole.

>> No.10277730

the next stock market crash is upon us OP, dont be silly to think it wont happen this time.
in Q1 next year we will pay with urine and feces

>> No.10277742
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It's like a computer game, first you have to prove yourself with the scum down here in hell. And when you are one of the 5 people that get rich off from crypto. You are allowed to invest in socks.

>> No.10277754

also don't listen to retards like this.

>> No.10277765
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I already know some businesses I would like to invest in but it costs like 2k to get the minimum units, sucks man

>> No.10277775

the stock market is incredibly difficult to make money in

you have to get lucky picks like this faggot >>10277754 or have tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) to really make any noticeable amount of money

the stock market isn't for plebs like us with chump change, it's for millionaires and people who work upper management at a Fortune Top 20 company that are being showered in free stock shares.

>> No.10277830

Literally none of this is true
To make money on the stock market you need like 5k minimum, which in the grand scheme of things is chump change

>> No.10277837

If you don't have 2000$ to spend on stocks you should concentrate on finding a source of income and save up some money. 2000$ invested in stocks won't get you very far.

>> No.10277848

yeah $5000 and you'll be lucky to make more than $500 over the course of 6 months

it's shit

>> No.10277875

true when I first started I made 80 bucks in 6 months..

>> No.10277877

Why the hell would you invest in the stock market after 10 years of insane bull market and CAPE ratios of >30 on everything? Did you also buy bitcoin in December?

>t. has no idea

>> No.10277891

i'm going away for 3 years, almost unpaid, and want some stock to hold for the next 5-10 years

>> No.10277893

>t. first year trader

>t. retard first year trader

I know you guys think this is bitcoin, but you are in for a nasty surprise and the sp500 goes to 4k without you :) oh yeah, and trump will win a second term too

>> No.10277905

Just use 100x leverage and you would make 8k

>> No.10277918

You must be a billionaire

>> No.10277928

and historically speaking stocks rally the best in the 3th year of a presidentlie... i has always been like this since the 1950..

>> No.10277936
File: 229 KB, 900x900, f2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>10277891
fuck apprenticeships

>> No.10277939

S&P500 goes to vaccuum and will suck my dick dry with you cuck watching

>> No.10277959

Long term you will be fine but at this point at least DCA your entry.

>t. retard first year trader
lol, been invested in stocks since I was like 14, have a degree in finance, have like 800k nw, 90%+ in cash

>> No.10277966

Meant for >>10277893

>> No.10277982

this is why people like crypto

you can invest $100 and buy up 20,000 coins and make $20,000 when it moons

>> No.10277989

I put $50k into stocks a year ago. I put $10k into crypto. I have made more money in crypto than my entire stock market balance right now, even after the crash. I just put in an S&P500 index though but I did sell at >2800.

>> No.10278026
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mfw crypto always drops the second I brave it and I try to buy, it's like it wasn't meant to be

>> No.10278073
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yes but you can't cash out.

>> No.10278075

The only stocks I am invested in are Amazon, Google (Alphabet), and Microsoft. If you cannot recognize that these will dominate the world in the following 20 year, nobody can help you. If you don't have enough money, just go for Amazon and Google.

>> No.10278115
File: 867 KB, 1920x1080, IfQ3EpL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Alphabet inc is actually my #1 stock choice, followed by Boeing and Lockheed. Amazon seems good enough, if they can carry the momentum. What kinda stuff does microsoft do nowadays?

>> No.10278131


Nice larp, you clearly know nothing about the markets so shut your mouth :) SP500 will hit 3k then 4k and theres nothing you can about it

>> No.10278165

I would not invest in stocks now.QE and stock buy backs made them a Ponzi and the time to buy in a Ponzi is not at the end. They should of course not operate as Ponzi at all but that's the age we are in.

>> No.10278180

>If you don't have enough money just go for the most expensive stocks each over $1.2k instead of some other ones under $50

>> No.10278185

>Yeah Alphabet inc is actually my #1 stock choice

The FANGS are vastly overvalued garbage. They are basically all just selling advertising, with some spyware. Absolute shit and with PE ratios that are beyond absurd. Google has become ineffective slow, its news and finance services are crap, its searches increasingly slow and crap, youtube crap and its voice and other spyware offerings are appalling. Personally I want google and facebook gone from my country.

>> No.10278187

buy high, sell low

>> No.10278195

What do you think crypto is? It's buying in early, selling it later at higher price to some other guy. No use case, other than being able to send it back and forth

>> No.10278197
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>> No.10278198

Microsoft has a strong base with their software, have their cloud environment (Azure, somewhat competing with Amazon AWS but this sector is growing very fast), and is one of the companies that, for some reason, can adopt to the changing market environments even though it's a big company.

I personally don't invest much in other sectors but Boeing or Lockheed might be decent hedges in case someone goes full retard and starts WW3.

>> No.10278205

Alphabet and facebook make a dying Microsoft look wonderful. That's the level of shit that they are at.

>> No.10278217

Ignoring a stock just because one single share has a high price is a big mistake. The price itself is irrelevant, important is the growth potential. When Amazon is $2k two years from now and your $50 stock has grown to $60, who made the better deal?

>> No.10278220

>. No use case
I disagree, the blockchain is useful, smartcontracts are useful and electronic money is useful. The fact that the black economy embraced crypto is all the proof you need. Its often ahead of legal markets in responsiveness and innovation

>> No.10278237

>When Amazon is $2k two years from now

Amazon would at that point have a PE ratio that would mean its return on investment would take a 1000 years.

>> No.10278239

Ok, I lied, I have facebook, too.

Unfortunately, I missed the Netflix train but I (still) don't understand their potential.

>> No.10278242

Ah, you arent American, its all making more sense :)

>> No.10278250

wow youre stupid

>> No.10278256
File: 414 KB, 1024x768, 3211396764_4bd6fb6bb3_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world economy is fucked right now and it's only just starting.

>> No.10278258

You can't judge Amazon with the PE ratio. If a company invests all earnings into growth, the PE ratio obviously is shit. What, if they suddenly stop investing this money and start spending it on dividends?

>> No.10278259

The point I'm making is that you need $1.2k minimum to buy one of those stocks. OP says he doesn't even have thousands to spare, let's say he has $1k. He can't afford either one.

Do you get it anon? Do you get it?

>> No.10278275

Well I disagree, the blockchain isn't useful, smart contracts aren't useful, and electronic money isn't useful. The fact that the rest of the economy has not embraced crypto is all the proof you need.

>> No.10278284

The solution for this dilemma can be described with a single word: Work.

>> No.10278286

Cloud infrastructure is garbage. yes lets run a word processor or email application accessing data over a large intermediary network with no quality of service instead of a local server because muh cloud. Critical business functions like erp (salesforce), productivity (office 365 and google docs) email (gmail and outlook.com etc) online accounting and payroll applications are SHIT. They are SHIT. This is exactly the reason private block chains will thrive as will that which connects them to public blockchains..

>> No.10278295

>You can't judge Amazon with the PE ratio
>Well I disagree, the blockchain isn't useful, smart contracts aren't useful, and electronic money isn't useful.
>Ok, I lied, I have facebook, too.

You seem to be idiots. Bye now.

>> No.10278327

>The solution for this dilemma can be described with a single word: Work.

Shush. Garbage like facebook, google, facebook, twitter, instragram, snapchar, salesforce, azure, dropbox, amazon etc is rushing in the no benefit low productivity era of fail and crypto is bad.

>> No.10278332

dont come back either faggot

>> No.10278346

Difference between me and you is I actually work with businesses. Where as you just fap on a smartphone

>> No.10278347

>SP500 will hit 3k then 4k and theres nothing you can about it

Hahahah you sound just like the cucks on reddit
>bitcoin will go to 100k EOY and there is nothing you can do about it
sure boyo, I'll be buying your bags at 30+% discount before 2020

>The FANGS are vastly overvalued garbage. They are basically all just selling advertising, with some spyware. Absolute shit and with PE ratios that are beyond absurd
They are not garbage, but really overvalued. Unless you expect earnings to go up a shit ton in thw future, why buy at these prices. Same for Tesla

>> No.10278378

Just lol @ not having all your savings in an Ultrashort ETF.


>> No.10278379


>> No.10278399


>> No.10278400
File: 50 KB, 816x486, amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are not garbage

>> No.10278411
File: 45 KB, 852x486, azure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are not garbage,

>> No.10278427

>Cloud infrastructure is garbage. yes lets run a word processor or email application accessing data over a large intermediary network with no quality of service instead of a local server because muh cloud. Critical business functions like erp (salesforce), productivity (office 365 and google docs) email (gmail and outlook.com etc) online accounting and payroll applications are SHIT.
Can you explain why you think that.
>This is exactly the reason private block chains will thrive as will that which connects them to public blockchains..
Blockchains are only a data structure, a database. More precisely, a database with huge overhead. In other words: Non-competitive as long as you don't need decentralization, which you only need if you need censorship resistance and immutability (which private blockchains don't provide anyway).

Nevermind, bye. ^^

>> No.10278432
File: 49 KB, 770x458, salesforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are not garbage..

>> No.10278442
File: 51 KB, 842x475, facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are not garbage, but

>> No.10278451

>posts unrelated picture using Google to imply that FANGS are useless

>> No.10278462

The great thing about stocks and crypto currencies is that you can invest into your own beliefs. ;-)

>> No.10278471
File: 46 KB, 789x423, office365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are not garbage, but really overvalued

I did not bother to do google, because google hilariously enough censors comments about google. In essence though its product is just advertising and spyware related to advertising. A handful of companies selling advertising are not equal to most of the rest of the real economy such a mining, energy,agri manufacturing, construction

People don't even know what amazons PE is fucked and are buying/holding it without knowing why a 2K PE would mean on ROI. These stocks can't deliver on anything, because they don't have a product to deliver.

>> No.10278478

Went $350k in Feb 2016
Up $150ăk since then.

>> No.10278493

This is what ETFs and mutual funds are for.

>> No.10278494

FANGS are down
FANGS are slow
FANGS are offline

PE ratios gentleanons and bad product. You may fully expect to go O yeah I remember google/facbook/salesforce/amazon/apple in 20 years and you will be laughing people ever took this shit seriously.

>> No.10278521

return on equity

>> No.10278546

so is it good to hold cash for now. Would fiat survive if market takes absolute shit?

>> No.10278617

The only reason these pretty useless companies have such massive overvaluations is QE leakage and stock buybacks. They are the ultimate shitty advertising/marketeering larping as tech ponzis and their 'product' is nearly useless and what there was of it is getting technically worse and worse why they drift into the stratosphere of privacy violations and failure. Tell me why money spent of facebook advertising produces an equivalent ROI to other marketing spend or logistics investment. business wizzards, It does not, neither does google, the vacuous yard sale economics of SEO or any of this other shit. icloud my ass.iwatch my ass, azure my ass, salesforce my ass grossly overvalued is an understatement lets build another datacentre and pray is not a business model and neither is selling toilet roll in bulk at a loss and claiming one day you will deliver it by drones or giving away crappy Linux hosting for free in the hope someone somewhere will discover a money making use for it. .

>> No.10279203

When I bought in at $2300 last July it dropped below $1000 and everyone was panicking I just said fuck it and held.

>> No.10279278

Lol oy vey buy my next project tho fren

>> No.10279305

I mean it dropped below $2000