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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10270201 No.10270201 [Reply] [Original]

>just bought 459 FOMO3D keys

annnnnnnnnd we're good...

If fomo3d's key price hits 1 ethereum:

459 x 434 = 200k$


>> No.10270255

i'm pretty sure it can't get that high given there isn't enough ethereum that exists. Though I don't know the rate with which it increases per key bought so maybe you're onto something anon.

Either way i have 1200 keys no regrets

>> No.10270270

just imagine in a few months the media hype around this. there will be SHITLOADS of normies trying to get the 100$M payout

>> No.10270283

2305 key marine here, no fucking regrets. Lets make some money guys

>> No.10270293

Sitting on 2800 of those bad boys, never been comfier

>> No.10270299

If this pot goes to 100 Million, we will swim in eth dividends

>> No.10270319

>459 x 434 = 200k$
so? it's not like you can sell your keys

>> No.10270324

What is this FOMO3D?
How does it work?

>> No.10270359

in the end, you get 10-30% back and before it ends you collect so fuckin juicy dividends

>> No.10270365

here you go fren

>> No.10270371

just look at exitscam.me ist something like a new paradigm of lottery and pyramid scheme, we are in the really early stage so there is still enough money to be made.

>> No.10270378

>you get 10-30% back and before it ends you collect so fuckin juicy dividends
I didn't know about the 10-30% you get back. Is that just the ETH amount you deposited? For example, I sent 3 ETH, so once the game ends, I should expect 10-30% of that back?

>> No.10270384

yes, look at the amount "on lockdown" in your vault
you get that back at end of round

>> No.10270396

>>10270378 10-30% from all keys bought is going back to the investors who did not bought the last key. How much you get depends on the eth/key amount and which team you choose.

>> No.10270429

guys did you saw that 13 ETH buy in a couple seconds before? Little whales dumping some play Money in it haha

>> No.10270471

that was me with my life savings you idiot, i have to make a move NOW

>> No.10270477

smart move, F3D is literally the only way to make money in this market at the moment

>> No.10270504

Don’t believe this. The contract needs 9x the total volume in order for you to make your initial back. You need 18x the total volume to make a 2x. This ship has already sailed. If you hate money then by all means

>> No.10270562

You’re a fucking retard.

>> No.10270572

show me the maths senpai

>> No.10270622
File: 160 KB, 749x578, 2500B820-FB64-4D38-87F2-0857D861080A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this connected to exitscam or is this a separate entity this whole thing has me so confused. I bought 20 keys for exitscam just to try it out. What should I do to maximize me return, what exactly is this fomo3d that I can access from the exitscam. What is Dividends+. Help me out guys I’m so lost.

>> No.10270660

It’s not hard to do. It is also not linear as well so buyers now are getting rekt.

>> No.10270663

seems like you are the fucking retard who hates money..
If you bought keys on exitscam.me you are in
Dividends-> the money you get from the guys buying keys later then you.

maximize return? Buy some more and reinvest the dividends for exponential grow

>> No.10270678

depends on how far this thing goes, I could imagine that we will see 3-5 Million USDT without any big problems

>> No.10270718

>retard who hates money.

Stfu. I’m talking about buyers who are buying right now. Whoever bought in early, good for them, as I did too. But instead of always trying to cuck bizfags. You faggots shouldn’t act like this is all easy money because there’s a SHITLOAD of volume that needs to come in in order for one to even get their initial back. Quit acting like a bitch and keep it real

>> No.10270731

what does the big red button do?????????????

>> No.10270741


How much Money goes into some shitty ICOs and look how much money is in F3D so far, there is still good money to be made.

>> No.10270778

If you think 9x the volume (~27k) eth will come in, then by all means please buy in

>> No.10270857

>what does the big red button do?????????????
what does the big red button do?????????????

>> No.10270880

>>what does the big red button do?????????????
>what does the big red button do?????????????
>what does the big red button do?????????????
what does the big red button do?????????????

>> No.10270895

I have 1K keys.. This shit is pretty awesom3le though, this is gonna be one for the history books.

>> No.10270900

You fags falling for these ponzi schemes again. Don't fucking come back crying here when this inevitably backfires.

>> No.10270920

It's called FOMO for a reason dumbass, do you see the pot? There are 24 hours to go, this shit is going to last for a long time. It doesn't take a genius to see that.

>> No.10271017

I think you mean the button for buying one key

>> No.10271029

Its not bad to fall for a ponzi when you are in the early phase, a 720 eth pot is like fuckin peanuts

>> No.10271038

I don't know, just don't click it.
Better safe than sorry

>> No.10271067

>tell /biz/ about p3d on launch
>"definitely a ponzi, yup, not gonna go into it"
>not a ponzi tho
>miss out on hundreds of ETH in pure gains
>tell /biz/ about f3d on launch
>"lmao you fags falling for ponzis again?"
>not a ponzi tho
>miss out on hundreds of ETH in pure gains
>buy into every single shit token ICO
>lose money wherever you can
>"a-at least I didn't buy into a p-ponzi amirite?"
/biz/ deserves to stay poorfags.

>> No.10271145

I'm staying out of FOMO, but got into P3D early. Them divies from FOMO are most excellent.

>> No.10271151

>maximize return? Buy some more and reinvest the dividends for exponential grow
by "reinvesting" your return you end up with no return at all. that's how ponzies work. take BCC as example. don't put your money in these if you have no clue

>> No.10271200

I make over 1 ETH a day off this shit. Comfy.jpg

>> No.10271421

How much did you invest?

>> No.10271437


>> No.10271469

So you invested like 4000 USD? I only invested 20. I’m just new to the whole Eth scene so I’m taking it slow.

>> No.10271618

About that yeah

>> No.10271651

degenerate parasites

>> No.10271661
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All in F3D or also his older brother P3D?

>> No.10271934


we posted about f3d, AT LAUNCH, and every day since.

you haven't missed out.

just stuck with your head in ur sand missing out.

i got in two days ago and already 60% back, in afew months i should be like 5-7x