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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10263623 No.10263623 [Reply] [Original]

Have we reached peak decadence yet? I don't understand what's happening anymore

>> No.10263651

Best scam in the world, be born into a family that's famous for being famous.

>> No.10263654

>media is calling this "self-made"

>> No.10263657

no their not

>> No.10263679

>he has not seen the cover

>> No.10263697


Why do you think cuck became such a popular phrase? It’s not about the sexual fetish so much as it is about a fundamental rewriting in how humans interact with the world starting 50 years ago when TVs became popular. We are now reaching peak cuckoldry where we derive increasing amounts of pleasure from WATCHING others do things. We now watch others play video games, watch others eat, watch others fuck, watch others become rich. This is only the logical conclusion, we’ve removed every layer and now directly give people money just so they can have more money.

>> No.10263712

She is a psycho occultist sell out.
Braindead brainwashed women worship this sicko.
Beta male bitches think shes "hot" "sexy" and so on... so disgusting.
WTF is wrong with people.

>> No.10263719

That's the most contemplative yet disturbingly possible explanation for the word "cuck" that I've ever seen.

>> No.10263760

Interesting. So you get to watch other people fulfil your dreams while you eat shit and die. I guess this is an elaborate way to control a certain portion of the population

>> No.10263765


The evolution of language, including slang, is often an indicator for the collective unconscious. I don’t mean this in an arm-waver Jungian sense, I am saying that language itself evolves subconsciously via survival of the fittest and involves the participation of many people. It is fundamentally democratic which means it is often extremely revealing about our collective condition and the state of the world we live in. By looking at language you can get an approximation if everyone’s combined opinions and views which is often more revealing than any psychologist grad students “research”.

>> No.10263771


Screencapped. Posting this in every cuck thread from now on. Just reading your post actually made me ill, and makes me glad that I'm too pathetic to have children. At least I won't give birth to people who will live like this.

>> No.10263773

In english doc

>> No.10263834

you're a cuck yourself dipshit

>> No.10263842


I'm not into the cuck fetish. Makes me physically ill to even think about it. I can't even read that shit without wanting to punch someone, and the fact that people revel in it makes me wish we had a WW3 so people can stop acting like this.

>> No.10263844


The best part is when you point this out to people you will be shunned, suppressed, or at best ignored as someone who can’t “switch your brain off bro”. Just try criticising people from donating money to twitch streamers. The biggest red pill of all is that you don’t need to oppress people by force, people can be given all the facts and have everything laid out and explained to them but will choose oppression anyway. They will choose to be bootlickers. Even Aristotle once wrote some people are born to be slaves.

>why is it like this?

Due to a side effect of the amygdala. See the amygdala is responsible for our ability to learn by observing others, to incentivise this it needs to release strong chemicals that cause us to pay attention whenever we see something very good or very bad happen to another human:

>See a human walk into some tall grass and get killed by a lion
>better release some adrenaline/dopamine to make sure I never forget what happens in the tall grass

>See another human crack open a coconut and enjoy some cool refreshing coconut water
>better release some adrenaline/dopamine and remember how to open coconuts

The problem is we were never meant to exist in a world with recordings and videos so while the pleasure of DOING something is greater, it has a higher barrier. Whereas seeing stuff happen to people has a very low barrier. Such a low barrier that now we can create a constant slow drip of stimulation by watching others engage in activities but Are increasingly losing motivation to do stuff. So we are evolving into a lifestyle of wage cucking all day, going home and staying up late watching streamers and buying digital goods. Quite dystopian desu.

>> No.10263857

One of the best posts I have seen in this place.

It's true! The funny thing is people now think it's strange for not having Instagram , Facebook, watching streams etc.

Some weeks ago I saw 2 girls spending around 10 minutes in a restaurant trying to make a perfect picture of a bottle water with lemon. Absolutely deluded

>> No.10263937

But then again by nature i am a daydreaming sloth with asocial and antisocial tendencies.

The only thing i dislike is that this post has no get.

>> No.10263980

atleast this gives incels an out and they will always be able 2 say she wasn't 100% self made

>> No.10263996

Damn nature you scary

>> No.10264007

They literally are though.

>> No.10264230

Has no one actually read the article? It states that last year her company made 350mil in revenue. And with the previous 2 years combined she is close to 1 bill in revenue. So in the total existence of her company she almost sold for 1 nil in products. I think her personal profit is close to something 5-10% of that. So she probably has something close to 100mil max. So not even close to billionaire.

>> No.10264236

Kill yourself

>> No.10264254

I got a chuckle out of it

>> No.10264260

where do i go to donate?

>> No.10264266
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She has a gofundme campagne
past that behind the usual gofundme dot com site

>> No.10264319
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>> No.10264425

maybe true.
but being able to pinpoint what it means is pure speculation

>> No.10264436

wasnt wallstreet journal calling it self made on cover?

>> No.10264437

>Believing this fake news

>> No.10264649
File: 308 KB, 984x888, 1526981936680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screencap worthy boomer wisdom
Can some of you zoomers explain the Youtube Let's Play or Twitch Streamer meme to me?
My boomer brain doesn't get this at all. How is this not boring? I get watching some pro player in Star Craft, DOTA, CS:GO, etc in order to learn new tactics. I get speedrunners because it's quite impressive to watch those blitz through my favorite boomer games like Half Life. I get PewDiePie, Markiplier, et al because they edit their videos and they are to some degree charismatic/funny/original. I even get watching some big tiddy female Twitch streamer.
What I don't get are those unedited, long-ass, unfunny videos/streams taken by nobodies. What's the appeal there? It's boring as fuck! Wouldn't you rather play those games yourself? When I was kid I would get pissed if my friend didn't hand over the SNES controller quickly enough.
It used to be the case that older generations would call the trends of younger generations too extreme, too loud, too dangerous, too disturbing, etc. Now we're moving in the opposite direction. The lifestyle of teenagers these days is boring and tame as fuck. It's like a whole generation got collectively neutered.

>> No.10264678

I don't mind stealing bread
from the mouths of decadence

>> No.10264929

yes they are

>> No.10264945

scam to 100 mill lol

>> No.10264964

Not counting inflation and the value of the dollar, of course?

>> No.10264974

>Watching others fuck
I made it and I have a lot of money, I care not for successful people news and I do my best not to compare myself with others. But I still have major issues when it comes to watching others fuck. It is killing me from the inside as I have no excuse now but my laziness and my crippling fear of commitment. ( Some girls literally asked me out and I rejected them).
I am depressed as fuck, please help.

>What I don't get are those unedited, long-ass, unfunny videos/streams taken by nobodies.
They give me a better sense of how the game will play and look like before I make a purchase, I always skip to the middle parts to avoid spoilers though and I don't watch more than five minutes max.

>> No.10264990

KYS namefag

>> No.10265672


Interesting. I never thought that there might be a conection between me not being a cuckold and me disliking reality TV, celebreties, watching others play computer games, watching sports and social media in general.

>I am now thinking if likeing those thinks could be an indicator for someone to be a cuck in the narrow sence of the word.

>> No.10265833

Such a disgusting mudshark

>> No.10265874

Insightful anon. Scary too. Maybe people should stop watching bullshit and start doing things. The sad thing is that they won't and eventually they will realize they've wasted their entire lives doing nothing.

>> No.10265893

you fuckers realize this just now? Absolute monsters with zero sense of consciousness. How fucking oversatisfied with your lives were you to the point where you stopped all thinking processes and not once thought about this? I guess you are at least better than the people who STILL don't understand this basic shit.

Feels good to live in a country thats not yet polluted and destroyed by this modern garbage the """""""""""better"""""""""" western countries are spewing these days.

>> No.10265915


I agree to this post, but what does that make the content providers?
They too are being exploited by getting a part of their revenue by the companies that provide them to means to distribute their content, but they are living their dream and actually developing as creatures. Would they be the equivalent of the female huntress in the lion pride, and the companies the alpha males, while the viewers are the hunted impalas?

>> No.10265953


Don’t tags to riches stories need, well, rags...?

I hope California drops into the sea

>> No.10265989

Nail on the fucking head. I'm screencapping because I couldn't have written it better.

>> No.10266035

Wow. You are so lucky you were born where your parents fucked. Thanks for your contribution to society. Really. We appreciate it.

>> No.10266083

Every time I get sick of all the bullshit and tell myself I'm going to quit 4chan for good, someone posts something insightful and wise like this that makes me question society and I stay

>> No.10266148

Don't forget: you're here forever.

>> No.10266180


Why is that so? I would say because we really do like anonymity and enjoy the kind of communication that happens when there is no apparent ego obstructing the view, which as a side effect has the potential of out of hand trolling.

>> No.10266190
File: 88 KB, 1024x904, 10xnci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be born famous
>rich because you're famous
>get praised for becoming a self made millionare
>people donate to make you a billionaire

>> No.10266194


t. here since ~2007, during that time I was in constant struggle with all kinds of societal/existential red pilling which was severely damaging to my constructed persona, but I kept coming back all these years, knowing that this place is where the truth recurs over and over again

>> No.10266216

>enjoy the kind of communication when there is no apparent ego obstructing the view
You mean low effort shitposts with that occasionally have a tiny amount of more honesty than regular forums? And that's if you ignore all the children larping as someone important. people here always shit on reddit but it consistently has more informational and useful content, especially regarding crypto.

>> No.10266231

Go back there then. No one is forcing you to stay.

>> No.10266234

yep, fucking this.

>> No.10266236


that's why I added the "has the potential of out of hand trolling", but those tiny glimpses of truth among all the bitter and angsty posts such is the one you just posted are very rare outside of this place on surface web, I don't follow reddit so I have no idea how aware are they of all the constructs in reality

>> No.10266275

It's because 4chan is one of the few places(only place I've found) where people see through the fakeness and bullshit of the world aka redpilled.

>> No.10266276

Friend simulator

>> No.10266294

When the next economic meltdown hits no one is going to be able to afford 1000 iphones and 100 a month cellphone plans. After that it will end real quick.

>> No.10266295

>crippling fear of commitment
>depressed, help
You got me in the feels, fren. Same here. Just press on until we find a solution. We still didn't make it, but we will.

>> No.10266304

jewish degeneracy is peaking. Try not to get too caught up in it

>> No.10266310

All info I've gotten about the true reality of markets is from anons on biz. On Reddit anyone who didn't say "XD to the moon yea!!" gets downvoted so there will never be any redpilling since redpills are often controversial and get downvoted asap.

>> No.10266313

the "truth" very rarely pops up like in times like this. realize that most people in this world are brainlets, and there's no difference in this fact on 4chin, millions of people know about this site and have posted on here at least once before and the chance of most being brainlets is extremely high it's pretty much guaranteed. just browse /pol/

>> No.10266320


well usually the succesfull ones really are the best of the best where people to come to see the peak performance/learn new skills, the other popular niche are girls which low end males flock to, other people playing are usually not watched, and if they are, it's because of their phenomenal charisma that people enjoy, practically falling in love with them as persons/projecting friendship feelings onto them, but that's a much smaller niche than the first two

the boomer equvalent is watching sport games, basically the same thing as twitch, but boomers watch people run with physical legs after a ball, younger gens watch people run with virtual legs, same shit to the brain chemistry

>> No.10266348

>roasties donating money to an armenian model
>wow jewish degeneracy is out of control
fuck you

>> No.10266356

I don't get what's so sensational about this insight.

How is this any different from normal? We've been watching people do things (sports) for millennia, we had newspapers and gossip magazines for decades before the internet too, we've always been interested in this.

>> No.10266363


after years of experience on this site, your brain automatically filters posts that aren't worth the read, and I can tell you, there are great threads on many boards, /pol/ not so much, it's littered with incels coping through national identity, toppest of the keks, if you met 90% of them irl you would know what I mean, and I met them.

more insightful boards are unironically /x/, when you filter out the spiritual shit, great discussions happen there, /out/ is great, /biz/ has legit financial discussions, /lit/ is full of very smart people, which sounds like a meme but it isn't, strike a conversation there and you will see what I mean, if you are wise enough to ignore the raised nose style of conversations that you get when you talk to hipsters in general

/fit/ and /biz/ have the best memes

>> No.10266376

>if you met 90% of them irl you would know what I mean, and I met them
I'm curious, you met up with people from /pol/? Why? What were they like?

>> No.10266405

but now cucks would rather watch some faggot play a game instead of doing it themselves, not everyone can drive an F1 car or Climb Mount Everest

>> No.10266410

Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.10266426


In my old job there used to be a few out of shape, highly intelligent, distanced from others-yet vocal and informed, individuals that were obviously never going to get laid until they change a few paradigms in their mentality

I kept contact with one of them after leaving the company, very cool guy, not so /pol/ inclined, more /sci/ but still high level wizard incel due to mentality and social inhibitions, through him I met a whole bunch of pollacks that are sperging so hard that I couldn't keep hanging out with them, full on black trenchcoat and black leather gloves wearing incels, very disturbing to see irl

I do have to say that they are in fact smart, informed, but viewing the world through that one prism that will literally get them nowhere in life, especially the fact that they don't understand that it isn't feminism that's blocking their reproductive abilities, it's them and only them. At this point I am very sure that they would never be in that ideology if they had the ability to actually practice what they preach and actually have wife and kids

>> No.10266443

>we’ve removed every layer and now directly give people money just so they can have more money.
This is next level delusion. I guarantee 99% of these people are against income inequality, but won’t think twice about forking it over to the rich when they can live vicariously through them. This is the equivalent of a homeless man handing out his change to people on the street. Totally bizarre.

>> No.10266458


summa summarum: if they worked out, travelled out of their comfort zone, hung out with people that practice understanding and value of deep communication and interaction between humans, they would reach a metamorphosis I guarantee it, late bloomers basically

>> No.10266506

>hurr whty do cuck popular
Its one out of fucking hundreds of meme phrases, brainlet pseud. You think tv starts the downfall when cucking has been around as long as life itself. look at the fucking morons who gawk at you little retard babble. You're the kylie jenner here bitch.

>> No.10266511

It’s a confidence issue that has largely started with television. It’s easy to believe you are worthless when you see people on tv driving an f1, climbing Everest, or making a billion dollars in their twenties. Drag that out over nearly a century and you have less and less people willing to do anything themselves because you see people do these things and are much better at them than you, so you think “I’ll never be that good, what’s the point in trying”. Same thing applies to video games, sex, anything you can name really.>>10266410

>> No.10266522

Didn’t mean to (you) the second post there but you’re welcome for it

>> No.10266536
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SMBC predicted this. Pic related.

>> No.10266656

There was one XCOM streamer that explained why he made every move with technical detail. It was informative and helped improve your own thought process.
XCOM however, is a turnbased game that allows for such explanations. Most streams are either unfunny tards or "pros" who barely explain shit because there is no time. For the life of me I couldn't understand why you'd watch that, and these are the most popular streams too

>> No.10266682

>implying the kardashians are not a jewish creation
Wat do

>> No.10266701

Holy fuck that makes sense. Feelin sad for zoomers now.

>> No.10266803
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This is so fucking woke

>> No.10266835

personally haven't been on 4chan that long. actually only started using this site 2 years ago when crypto started becoming popular. thing about brain filtering is that while it is useful in ignoring brain dead shit like muh golden bull run and chainlink post, you never want to get into the habit of seeing only what you want to see. seeing low intellect shit and proving it wrong(not just greentexting and thinking you won the argument) keeps the mind in shape and reminds you to always critically think and not be a puppet of someone's words.

the only boards i've really used are biz, fit, and pol for anything longer than 1 day. i will try to check out those 3 other boards you listed, but one thing(pertaining to lit) i have a gripe with people that are well read is that they usually fall into 3 categories and it's pretty hard to find someone not in one of these 3.

1) they understand the material but have completely disregarded the practicality of what they're reading, so they'll believe in stupid shit like the NAP and muh invisible hand optimizing the market like ancaps do. when you try to point out loopholes they start shitting themselves and try to make bullshit excuses on the fly which is so obvious to spot. usually the work hard study hard low IQ types

>> No.10266846

2) they understand the material and how it pertains to the world, and don't believe everything they read word for word. however, they never use this knowledge to actually do anything, they are basically the cucks that >>10263697 is talking about. good example is commies thinking that the revolution will just "come" when the proletariat wakes up, but that will never happen without a catalyst. they keep discussing the flaws about muh capitalism but never actually do anything about it, like opening a cooperative business for starters. mentally high iq but practically useless

3) they understand the material, know the practicality of it, and have questioned it so they understand the flaws of the material they read like #2. while they try to change their lives, the difference comes in the fact that they don't expand beyond that, they're incapable of connecting the dots to anything that isn't in the material they read and making conclusions for themselves. for example again, >>10263697 this guy talks about cucks aka watching other people do shit instead of themselves doing it right? what other things in society sound familiar that haven't already been listed as examples by him? what about the consequences of the federal reserve fucking with the economy outside of muh inflation and dollar devluation to keep wage keks working? if you can't think of anything, you fall into this category. while smarter than the average sheep, lack of thinking out of the box and very easily influenced by the latest thing they've read.

>> No.10266851

You are one of the most insufferable posters I have ever seen post here.

>> No.10266871
File: 295 KB, 512x512, pepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem angry nigger, go back to /pol/

>> No.10266882

>le poor cuntry is bettur
>Watches women in his 3rd world shithole sell out for colonist $$$

>> No.10267048

Its funny that you have a little pseudo-intellectual rant about the dangers of confirmation bias then bash /pol/ in 50% of your posts. I haven't used 4/pol/ in ages though.

>> No.10267132

I love capitalism, but this roastie is the strongest argument against it.

>> No.10267133 [DELETED] 

Its a satire. So far less than $1200 has been raised and unless the campaign reaches 100 million donated no one will actually donate anything because the goal has to be reached.

>> No.10267169

Oddly insightful post from 4chan. I guess this explains video games. At least we can pretend there's a tiny bit of agency in our fantasy.

>> No.10267218

>and these are the most popular streams too
the average person is stupid, and if you want something to be popular make it stupid.

>inb4 edgy

>> No.10267221

Good post

>> No.10267228

Its a satire. So far less than $1200 has been raised and unless the campaign reaches 100 million donated no one will actually donate anything because the goal has to be reached.

go fund me dotcom
let 039 s -get -kylie -jenner -to -a -billion

>> No.10267313

It' just a snowball effect. The sensory overload associated with the enormous debit of online entertainment paralyzes average slobs and they watch shit like this while hating themselves. The Internet has made smart people smarter, dumb people dumber and useless people more useless.

>> No.10267477

We’re heading into ‘fall of the eldar’ territory

>> No.10267561

You being here means you are a cuck as you are reading what other people are thinking, the only way to be free from all this cuckoldery is to go and live in the woods on your own.

>> No.10267662

He sounds like he had just graduated from high school and starting college. He'll get his shit pushed in in the real world.

>> No.10267706

>go live innawoods
>hunt a deer for food
>bear chases you off and steals it
>cuckening continues
The ride never ends.

>> No.10267723

Spoken like a true cuck

>> No.10267815

People have idolised successful people since the beginning of time. Stop spouting shit, Mr. Boomer.

>> No.10267889

Here you can partake in the exchange of ideas freely, something which is rarely seen these days, for instance i can call you a raging faggot and you can do the same to me while in every other platform you would be either banned or put up for the mandatory public shaming sessions of social media

>> No.10267917
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t. angry brainlets

>> No.10267921

this, and it way outweighs the negative parts of it. I got the pleasure of having few very productive conversations on 4chan. /ck/ is my favorite place to hang out.

>> No.10267944

Oh fugg he cracked the code. Shut it down.

>> No.10267990

this is the only reason i come to this shithole. IRC used to be the same but the brainwashing has gotten so bad now that even a username is enough to ruin the premise of the conversation

>> No.10268005



Mental enslavement by choice is the decision that probably 60% of people on Earth gladly agree to.

You can get mad or you can get rich. I chose option 2.

>> No.10268064

The world won’t go into some complete dystopian shit hole yet, first a new Victorian era will arise

>> No.10268086

why do you argue/worry about such pointless shit? Flexing knowledge? Who gives a fuck, just live your life and avoid useless internet battles.
Find intelligent friends and grow together, spot the normie and distance yourself from them.

>> No.10268151

i actually don't really care, i just shitpost on this board most of the time, precisely because of those types of people i mentioned and the average sleepwalking brainlet normie. i'm typing this as i'm watching the charts btw, so don't be deluded into thinking i actually put effort into this shit.

>> No.10268167

Okay thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.10268200

They are still selling it as She Beat Zuckerberg. Wealth is bullshit anyway because Zuck just takes all his stock he owns and sells it into greedy hands, its like Bezos who is the richest man on earth when he has 10 million shares each worth 1715 dollars.

Cheap way to play games, watching Detroit: Become Human for free was easier and cheaper than buying it. Some games are too stressful to play yourself like CS:GO but you listed that.

Because he crystallized in a paragraph the entire problem of 21st century culture. That there are the Doers and the Thrall. Someone needs to be propped up so that the Thrall may have CONTENT. That all encompassing thing.

If you are not a doer you just make enough money to get by and live through your Doer.

Dude that is streamer culture when people get 300 dollar donations they literally cry sometimes, we put these people on pedestals and try to make them as happy as we can while we get richer, less fulfilled and sadder.

You're talking about people who only read historical non-fiction or textbooks, fiction has many interpretations.

>> No.10268309


...And that's a good thing!!

But seriously it is a good thing because we're removing cucks from the gene pool. It's also fine for them to become poorer and poorer.

>> No.10268344

Ask yourself who are they being replaced with

>> No.10268356

We are definitely in the snowball society. Kardashians being the ultimate snowball example but Disney being another good example too, if we let it Disney would own 90% of world movies, music, trends, IP etc.

Facebook, Twitter, snowballed, Twitch, Youtube, snowballed, once the ball gets rolling there is no stopping it forever.

At least Bing has sort of become a competitor to Google but Google couldn't beat Facebooks snowball.

>> No.10268364

Ironically, that picture fits you the best.

>> No.10268385


It's good to have weak genes die out. This is a new form of natural selection. A self natural selection. We're overpopulated and the free market working as intended.

>> No.10268391

>because to anyone who has something, more will be given, and he will have more than enough. But from the one who doesn't have anything, even what he has will be taken away from him.
Matthew 13:12. Sometimes credited as the cruelest verse in the Bible.

>> No.10268395

Let me rephrase that

Who are they being replaced with for the most part

>> No.10268430
File: 64 KB, 475x518, 1495099937246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak was mid 00s

>> No.10268445

>Who are they being replaced with for the most part
Chad and Tyrone's illegitimate kids.

>> No.10268498

read "The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable" by the essayist, scholar, philosopher, statistician and former options trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb
thank me later

>> No.10268516

If you're saying darkies and mudslime that's also working as intended.
A huge number of them go to jail and or kill themselves. Or even die off before the age of puberty.

And feminists can't and won't impregnate themselves due to patriarchy, they are also in the decline.

The free market working as intended. The dumb and weak are being weeded out. The strong are sheeps and the strong and smart are running the world.

Also you must be out of your mind if you think cuckoldry is the norm.

>> No.10268518

>You're talking about people who only read historical non-fiction or textbooks, fiction has many interpretations.

while that's true, not interested in serious discussion of fiction. while fictional works are a good pastime and can provide a little insight on philosophy and the culture of the people in the past, i rather focus on science, economics, and politics, as it's what's actually applicable to our daily lives and not just a "what if" scenario. i'll leave the fiction shit to anime

i've already made it. what have you done again? oh wait, be angry and throw stones in glass houses. t. brainlet

>> No.10268537

The norm is whatever the elite wants it to be through their media apparatus, beware tomorrow or before you know it you will be trapped in a new kind of hell of their doing

>> No.10268549

Don't forget Juan and Pablo.
This is the great climax of American Civilization.
And it's disgusting.

>> No.10268550

>muh elites
it is the jews, you have to name the jew and it is the first step in resistance. and no, you don't have to fall for their shit.

>> No.10268569

It is the jews

>> No.10268584

>And it's disgusting.
The Americans were asking for it and it is well deserved, they have been causing trouble all over the world for decades now. It is funny that they have been guarding themselves against all the imaginary "terrorists" and attacking innocent people in their homelands in the name of "self-defense" ignoring the real danger that is happening from within.

>> No.10268709

Implying I'm not American.
You see Americans railing against this trash every day on 4chan. What makes you think "they deserve what they're getting." Maybe the ones going along with it do, but many others are well aware.

Hell look into more american history and you'll see ones who REALLY we're against everything and openly stated as such and acted accordingly but we're destroyed because of it. We're under the devil's boot.

>> No.10268737

>You see Americans railing against this trash every day on 4chan
>We are pushing the revolution in the cantonese basketweaving imageboards!
Guess you guys truly deserve it

>> No.10268787

Literal retard.
You're on 4chan so you're going to criticize others for being on 4chan.

Why don't you come to America then and talk to people who see the problems in person. It's simmering and nearly boiling.over in public schools.

>they haven't launched their suicidal war yet lulz losers
Your larping aside it's scary to face the real threats because you'll end if they destroy you and you'll end if.theyre destroyed because others will move in to destroy you.
It's safer in the shadow of a king then out in the jungle alone.
Everything is more complicated than you're appreciating.


>> No.10268801

Besides it's not like you're anything but a slave in your ouwn country as well. All the problems you have in your in area yet here you are acting like an armchair revolutionary on 4chan.

>> No.10268804

you can reach the same decadence if you get balls deep into sky and sell in Q4.. bound to go up 4x at least.. a safe bet

>> No.10268810

Top kek

>> No.10268844

or grab a skyminer and set yourself with a montlhy fee, why not

>> No.10268847

He's right. What have you done to support your beliefs outside of 4chan? The liberal left and /pol/ are the same. They both had the fee fees hurt and spend all day whining about it on the internet in giant echo boxes while doing nothing about it in the real world except maybe go hold a sign in a street for a few hours a couple times a year. Both sides are full of cowards, hypocrites, and people overflowing with fear and self esteem issues. It's very sad and being a part of it will just destroy you as a person.



>> No.10268861

the peak hasn't even started. imagine the bullshit crypto millionaires are going to do.

>> No.10268883

scroll up and refer to the 2nd type of person i talked about. fuck off retard, you said it's "more complicated" but i highly doubt you've done anything to at least attempt to work around it like satoshi creating bitcoin to fuck the world financial system.

>> No.10268887

I identify the problems in my life I'm able to change and then spend time every day making steps of progress to solve my problems as best I can without relying on others.

Kys, loser.

>> No.10268895

this family acts like they re born stars when actually they used the females as a token for fame.. a very good coin i have to say, but not as good as skycoin lolz

>> No.10268907

You mean like being totally shunned from society if you don't tow the party line?
You don't even know what you're talking about you stupid loser. I live in Utah and people all around are judging and watching and you get pidgeonholed if the wrong person notices you and doesn't like your thinking outside of the approved box.
You sound like a child.

>> No.10268909


Please tell me this is fake

>> No.10268938

I mean look at this thread for an example. It was one of the best threads we have had on 4chan for a long time. Then a few people from /pol/ came in and the echobox started and it went into
right away. Then of course, you get the people who are offended by this responding and it turned into the exact. same. point. argument. that happens every time /pol/ comes into a thread with these old, worn out posts. What's the point? No one is going to learn anything from it. No one is going to be convinced. Both sides are far to stuck up their ideologue asses to have any sort of actual discussion. Its just a giant masturbatory ego dick stroking session. The whole thing is so repetitive, you could just program a bot the same couple dozen posts over and over again until the end of time and you would cover the bulk of conversations that come from these shitshow /pol/ posts. Fuck off, /pol/. Come back when you're able to think and post for yourself, without being triggered into a redundant echobox stream of shitposting every time you come on 4chan.

>> No.10268956

yeah you sound like a pussy soiboy. whining and complaining like a little baby and doing absolutely nothing about it. because here you are again trying to make excuses for your inaction like the cuck you are


>> No.10268975

The rich get richer. It really is true LITERALLY.

>> No.10268980

It's a joke, the goal is 100m dollars which will obviously fail. Everyone will get their money back.

>> No.10269007

Okay then. So lets get real for a moment. Here you say,

>it's scary to face the real threats because you'll end if they destroy you and you'll end if theyre destroyed because others will move in to destroy you.

>It's safer in the shadow of a king then out in the jungle alone.

So tell me, what have you done this week to attack these threats? How have you gone into the jungle in the past week to battle these dire issues? If you're so passionate, I would think you would be doing routine and regular work to tackle these issues, right? Or maybe not...Maybe you just wageslave, then whine about how you are being oppressed by Juan and Pablo on 4chan and social media.

So please, Anon, enlighten me. How are you saving America right now?

>> No.10269035

I'm not criticizing for using 4chan, i'm calling on you being a retard thinking you're pushing into some kind of deep political change by shitposting

>> No.10269066

he's angry because the reality is he hasn't done fucking anything. even though the people on this side number in the millions, he will still do nothing and pretend that it's "complicated" because it's easier to whine than it is to actually come up with a tangible plan to combat the problems he complains about

>> No.10269122
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Lol, you're just another temperamental pseudo-intellectual. If you're so smart, you should be hanging out with smart people, not trying feel superior by hanging out with those you deem inferior.

>i've already made it.
How much money is in your bank, lol.

>> No.10269133

IDK, I've found a lot of times people like this don't even really care about the political issues they say they care about. If they do care, why do they just shitpost about it on the net but do nothing else. It's not about creating change and making america great again. Its about them gaining a self of identity by joining an echobox cult, and aligning themselves to that cult's system of beliefs. Then, they don't have to question themselves. They don't have to feel like they are not worth enough. They can instead feel proud and righteous, for theirs is a holy mission, a mission of justice, and anyone who says otherwise is just a blind sheep and deserves to know it. It's the same type of emotions the tactics of social manipulation and comfort that come from mainstream media, advertisements, organized religion, etc. use. They pray and those who are afraid and alone and give them a place to feel safe in and fit in with. But in exchange, they lose their abilities to have rational and independent thought.

It's absolutely pathetic and frightening on how large of a scale this has become a trend in America and globally nowadays.

>> No.10269159

>smart people have to do what i label is smart

t. coping brainlet

>> No.10269166
File: 19 KB, 617x501, unknown(5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already doing. Only normies are decadent degenerates.

>> No.10269169

Keep on doing whatever you want then, genius. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.10269211
File: 89 KB, 1100x644, 1514575155871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope just you faggot.

>> No.10269231



>> No.10269250


>> No.10269310

/biz/ is pretty high iq board damn.

>> No.10269328
File: 362 KB, 800x445, All-Quiet-on-the-Western-Front-Gallery-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it up there in the trees, Anon? Can you see the forest from up there? But hey, good job. It's (((THEIR))) fault. The commies...Filthy commies. If only they would all just die all our problems would be fixed. America would be great again. That's why I shitpost all the time, after all. Can't you see we are making change here!?

>> No.10269762

Since we're discussing decadence...


"You'd better change for the better
Start using some common sense
Take it from me there's - got to be
An end to this decadence

For decadence - is fatal
It's the beginning of the end
In self-defense
I cannot recommend
This decadence"

>> No.10269894

spending some money on immortality seems like a good idea

>> No.10270221


>> No.10270236


>> No.10270302

Let’s plays are pretty neat when you don’t want to put the time into beating s video game and just want to see the neat parts. Games like Skyrim and Fallout etc... can take literally hundreds of hours to get through some content or to get certain gear/skill combos. I don’t mind watching some guy that’s fully decked out doing end game stuff for a little bit.

Streamers on the other hand I only usually watch for pro strats during online multiplayer games. Watching someone that’s literally a professional at the game is a good way to learn some tricks. Donating to streamers is ehh though, depends on the streamer and the effort

>> No.10270303


>> No.10270375


If you used your critical thinking you’d understand the very compelling differences between current society and previous ones. In the past you idolised the successful as the direct o next of your worship. Their success, talent, attractiveness and charisma etc where in themselves sources of pleasure. What’s actually happening if you talk to 20 year olds and younger isn’t even idolising, it’s literally living vicariously via things like streaming etc which simply DID not exist before. My sister is a huge normie who’s attractive and I caught her on Friday literally just watching a streamer eating ramen at some hipster bar in New York. My sister herself could go out and meet up with friends, maybe flirt with some guys or I don’t know DO SOMETHING, but I caught her watching some other chick eating for like thirty minutes.

If you can’t mentally plot a trajectory between tv “sitcoms” to “reality shows” to “streamers” and see how we’re progressing to a fundamentally less engaged society in every aspect I don’t know how to help you. You’re like one of those boomers who says “people have always complained about kids these days but they all turn out fine, even Socrates once said x” whilst missing the fact that society is at a crossroads and some really sinister human propensities are being exploited. The human brain has too many shortcuts and weaknesses that are too easy to exploit by corporations. I don’t have solutions but you need to be delusional to not see what’s happening all around you.

>> No.10270405

based. Now wait until augmented reality kicks in and artificial intelligence and machine learning spreads and progresses. Skynet is getting ready to launch, Anon.

>> No.10270428

That's the power of being a woman in today's world

>> No.10270447

Poor people are known to have more children especially homeless. Rich or well off people are known to have less kids. Sounds like crappy genes being removed from the gene pool. Explains why countries like africa has many kids meanwhile most white first world countries have less than 2 kids per family on average.

>> No.10270449

>I caught her watching some other chick eating for like thirty minutes.

What the fuck man.

>> No.10270454

You spund like you have shit genes as you can't tell the gofundme page is satire.

>> No.10270499

/sp/ memes were top tier in years past.

>> No.10270544
File: 17 KB, 378x378, ohnonowuvedoneit!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10270799

>watch others fuck
Wow shut up fag

>> No.10271893
File: 114 KB, 555x414, uncle ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aka. a "surrogate activity"

>> No.10272568

Serious question, how do we short humans? Feels like everyone’s getting dumber by the minute and I want to profit from this.

>> No.10272922

be a producer instead of consumer. this has allways been the case but more so now than ever before. we live in a debt based consumerist world.

>> No.10272955

I dont enjoy looking at people eating stuff/doing stuff I would enjoy. at all. porn works, yes, but thats just the basic voyeurism. everything else? no, not at all.
if you ask me thats some major broscience you got there. amygdala ebin iksdededede.
folks who watch others eat/do activities they would enjoy themselves just do that as compensatory satisfaction because they can't get it themselves right now, because they are poor/powerless or whatever.
stop generalizing small patterns onto everything just to verify your own shitty paradigm.

>> No.10273000

Humans are a mistake extinction can't come soon enough

>> No.10273692

sounds like something that's been said in LotGH and sounds like Simulacra.. it's true though, this is humanity endgame

>> No.10273728
File: 79 KB, 338x322, 1478672609825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it, why wouldn't you? Front row seats to the most ridiculous show in the whole wide world: modern society. Since we're on /biz/ consider a bubble chart, things start slow but once it kicks off that decadence skyrockets in the blink of an eye and you all know what happens after a bubble pops don't you? It'll be slower than what we see in crypto but the fireworks will still be the most incredible thing you'll ever witness in your lifetime.

It's gonna end horribly and you're gonna like it

>> No.10273833
File: 91 KB, 984x925, 56BgtTf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite trump and crypto, i still think my time on /fit/ was the most enjoyable like 5-10 years ago during prime scoob, the comics, and zyzz death. That era was fucking legendary.

Pic related

Pol is overrun by redditfags now and biz is dying just like it did in 2014 post crash

Lately i find myself on /his/ which is what pol shojld be more like

>> No.10273938
File: 274 KB, 456x419, 0F93800D-7211-49B8-9908-4AFB221A8AB3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak enlightenment

>> No.10274834

I think you mean "they're", not "their".

>> No.10274836

>not donating money to your future overlord.

>> No.10274842


>> No.10274873

>Absolutely deluded

"Retarded" is the word you're looking for, deluded is a word for hoodwinked bcash bagholders (aka the 3 people in this board who aren't paid btrash shills and actually enjoy upboating CSW's pics of contemplative japanese steak dinners)

>> No.10275131

EXCEPT your normie sister does not want to do that at that moment. But when she will be at that place for whatever reason with other people she will go: "OH I KNOW THAT DELICIOUS TREAT YOU ALL SHOULD TOTES' TRY!" and it's going to be dank for her and for her friends because she filtered that dank treat through the video.

I know it, you know it, that's how you most efficiently gather information today: videos. It takes longer than reading but you can '''feel''' things.

>> No.10275307


That 'dank restaurant' is halfway across the world from her. I even asked her in Jan if she wanted to go to NY with me using my crypto gains, and she was like 'nah'.

>> No.10275697

>Talking about oldfag /fit/
>Not mentioning Frank Yang


>> No.10275834

Please do the world a favor, and jump of a bridge.

>> No.10275865

>aka the 3 people in this board who aren't paid btrash shills and actually enjoy upboating CSW's pics of contemplative japanese steak dinners

>> No.10276830

Nice post. Do you have an explanation for these two girls with the lemon?

>> No.10276863


>> No.10276876
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>> No.10277909

YouTube has weaponized these videos to capture the attention of normies but we have been doing it to ourselves here for even longer.

4chan provides dopamine hits from every angle and it's far more extreme, for example wrecked threads and porn. Where a normie recreates the feeling of seeing someone crack open a coconut by watching some girl in NY eat noodles for 30 minutes, we do it by sharing knowledge in text posts.

Normies are finally on the road to becoming as degenerate as us, now that silicon valley has built the algorithms to deliver dopamine to them with minimal agency on their part. Probably the main reason we're immune to the stupid shit they watch is because we're already on stronger stuff.

Unrelated: I'm really sick of seeing Israeli flags at major televised sporting events.

>> No.10278017

Humans will become 40k and we will all gestalt into the space emperor. All the races including the eldar and tyrranids were just humans that had enough of that shit, moved into far outposts, and inbred into different races.

>> No.10278089

Idiocracy is a documentary.

>> No.10278139
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Screened. Greek tier wisdom.

>> No.10278300

>implying half the fun of sex is watching the girl squirm as you ram them with your dick
Fucking incels, goddamn.

>> No.10278387

>pol into the election =pure kino
>pol ever since the election =muddled shit

They never recovered from the normie influx. There are still bips of brevity and light but it's drowning in a sea of shit.