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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10260028 No.10260028 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on /biz/ who think credit cards are scams and pay for things with cash or a debit card

Hahaha holy fuck. Imagine having such little self control that you don’t trust yourself to have a credit card, pay it off every month, and recieve points/cashback/travel rewards and get other credit card benefits like travel insurance, rental car coverage, and airport lounge access.

There are actually people on here who think this way.

>> No.10260048
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There is no doubt that you are pic related.

>> No.10260060

Why don’t you trust yourself with a credit card? Are you an impulse buyer?

>> No.10260061

people on /biz/ are probably the stupidest people on earth

>> No.10260068
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Fuck OP. This is now a /biz/ merchant thread special.

>> No.10260078

6/10 bait

>> No.10260089

Thanks for doing your part OP in keeping big banks and tx processors in business.

>> No.10260092

Non-burger here, what do they get in return for all those rewards? Are you paying large interest on the money used or what?

>> No.10260099

>implying i would ever need credit
>implying i would need a loan or debt from banks

must suck to be a boomer. i'll legit buy my condo cash and car cash.

>> No.10260101
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Why do insist on raising the price of goods and services to consumers through the merchant fees you collect for basically doing nothing but being a greedy yid?

>> No.10260112
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>> No.10260116

depending on the size of your company, credit cards lower fees by reducing the labour intensive process of carrying, counting, and auditing cash transactions. it makes the system more efficient.

>> No.10260122

the credit card company gets a transaction fee paid by the merchant, something like 5 cents per transaction
if you pay your balance at the end of the month, you are not charged any money
if you go full goyim and buy more than you can pay for, you will get charged interest until you pay it back

>> No.10260126
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>he doesn't use cash for all transactions except for air travel (because they make you use a credit card)
>he doesn't post from a libreboot t400 running GNU/Linux
>he doesn't avoid amazon and support local businesses
>he is the product

>> No.10260127

They know that a certain amount of people will be tempted by the rewards and try to do what OP is describing but then have an emergency and have to pay some interest.

>> No.10260131


I regret waiting till my 30's to get legit credit cards. I always had store credit cards from when i was a teenager, but i never knew how easy it was to get 10,000 in credit to be able to start a business, it's actually quite insane how much credit you can get with a decent credit score these days.

>> No.10260134
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I've got other shit to do. Have your thread back, Chaim.

>> No.10260135


>> No.10260137

You don’t pay interest on a credit card if you pay the balance off.

Let’s say you spend $100 in June. Your statement in July comes and says you owe $100.

If you pay the entire $100, then your balance is 0 and you owe no interest.

If you pay only $50 like a fucking moron, then next statement you are charged interest.

This is why low IQ people go into debt, and low IQ people who think they’re smart avoid credit cards, since they are too retarded to pay off what they’ve bought.

>> No.10260142

credit is a scam....that includes credit cards


>> No.10260147

They are a scam. Its all part of the debt economy, along with fractional reserve banking. The whole thing is being propped up on weaker and weaker stilts and is bound to crash soon enough. Do you want to have a ton of credit card debt when that happens?

Also, that aside, why the fuck would you pay 12% interest on something instead of just saving and waiting to buy it? It's literally burning money. I have a credit card to keep my credit score above 750 by adding revolving credit to it and you know what I buy on it each month? A couple cups of coffee that get paid off via autopay each month. Anything more than this is just stupidity and short sighted thinking.

>> No.10260152

or i could just pay the $100 with CASH and avoid your jew scam

if i have no plans of buying a house, financing a car or loaning from a bank then what the fuck do i need it for? eat shit

>> No.10260160

How long does it take to raise your good goy score? I've had my credit card for over 4 months and still can't get approved for anything..

>> No.10260171
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This shit is getting so fucking obvious. I thought Jews were supposed to be smart chosen people. Ugh.

>> No.10260170

carrying cash is a nigger scam so they can rob you
only retards cary cash

>> No.10260173

Kek, not everyone is autistic and lives with mommy.

Or maybe you’re a nigger

>> No.10260181

Actually, you pay the entire $100, but then next time the bill comes for $100, you only pay $98 since you have cash back.

It's a redistribution of wealth from those with no self control to those with self control.

>> No.10260184

>>Also, that aside, why the fuck would you pay 12% interest on something instead of just saving and waiting to buy it? It's literally burning money

because people are getting rewards for using their credit card and paying off the balance at the end of the month, the net result is you getting a discount for using a card instead of cash. simply having a credit card does not cause you to overspend. some people have self control and some don't.

>> No.10260185

Nice. Top post. Lets all love Lain. Death to Google. Death to Amazon. All hail Stallman.

>> No.10260190


Well retards enjoy being wage slave cucks for the rest of your life, all businesses use credit to fund basic operations, only stupid cucks who never want to get ahead in life are against credit cards.

>> No.10260198

You're supposed to get a card the minute you turn 18 so that your credit has years to built up. Months won't cut it. A major factor in credit scores is average age of account.

>> No.10260207

your goy score only back 7 years. so if you declare bankruptcy, it wont affect your credit after 7 years. if you've fucked up your credit in the last few years, that'll be on your goyim score for a while. but if you're clean, you should start having a good goy score after a year or a year and a half of holding a credit card

>> No.10260213


You can either master the jew credit system and get ahead or be a bitter faggot like yourself and suffer, it's your choice.

>> No.10260232

OP, /biz/ doesn't travel outside their trailer parks. This is evident in their /pol/-tier responses. The benefit of travel points and even cash back is completely lost on them. Why on earth would they want to go experience the world they live in when they can simply watch Alex Jones and criticize it from the comfort of their potato chip stained couch.

>> No.10260235

cash as in, in my bank account

i don't live with mommy actually. how is your month to month paycheque and paying off credit debt?

thats weird all of my business just charge right to my visa debit. can't imagine wagecucking a day in my life or falling for jew traps cause i can't afford things outright.

>> No.10260242

i pay cash for everything... like literally paper cash. I get paid cash from my job, money from my rental properties goes straight into the bank, all my cash is what i spend, the only reason i use my card is to use it 10 times a month so i don't get charged a fee. I'm worth over 600k and alot of my poor friends that aren't worth shit use credit cards.. i'm a firm believer of doing the opposite of what the crowd is doing. If poor people use credit cards, i don't want to be doing anything the poor people do.. so i don't use credit cards.. if poor people smoke weed daily.. i don't want to smoke weed at all.. pretty simple.

>> No.10260246
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When did JIDF get run out of /pol/? Why did you come in here? For absolute fucks sake you heebs.

>> No.10260247

Yeah, but the net result is that you also willingly contribute heavily to the debt economy by supporting credit card companies. You also give the credit card agencies, as well as the NSA and any other police agency that requests information, tons and tons of free data on you. Hence you also sell your privacy. It also encourages people to buy useless shit, being baited along by carrot-on-a-string rewards, promoting rampant consumerism and needless spending. Fuck credit cards.

>> No.10260258
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That's some tasty irony

>> No.10260263
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I know it’s impossible to convince you. I used to think like you but I’ll throw my pitch anyway. You have to spend 10000 dollars just to earn 100 dollars. Your rewards won’t be making you rich. Next is the idea of swiping vs paying cash. When you pay cash, you give your money in exchange for goods. You’ll never get that cash back ever again. Your brain thinks "You just spent a bunch of money on lunch you fuckin retard." When you swipe the card, you get your goods and you put the card back in your wallet. You never made an exchange so your brain thinks "Yo you just got free shit." Having this mentality along with knowing that you get rewards points for swiping makes you spend a whole lot more. Even if you do pay your bills and got your minuscule cash back, you still spent more than your would have if you paid cash. I never realised what an impulsive nigger I was with credit cards until I stopped using them.
>But I have self control
Everybody says this but people still end up overspending. You can’t beat the credit card comapnies when you play on their court.

>> No.10260266
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That reasoning is one of the most retarded things I've seen here.

>> No.10260279

I have 0 credit card debt because I’m not a fucking retard. Just pay your bill at the end of the month, it’s not that hard lmao.

>> No.10260294

when you start having cash come out of your asshole you would know why... a couple years back is when i started doing it, i kept throwing cash in a drawer and just kept throwing it in there and kept using my card then one day my girlfriend was like why do you have all this cash in the drawer.. i told her i don't like wasting my time and energy going to the bank so we counted it out and there was over 5k in the drawer.. thats when i started just using my cash instead of any card.

>> No.10260297

so what? credit card companies are a efficient way to settle debts and convenient for auditing. it's far less labour intensive to audit and balance credit card transactions then cash transactions.

if you are worried about your personal information, then opt out. the NSA is already legally allowed to collect all your meta data anyways and you guys gave no fucks when snowden blew the lid on it.

hey dude if some other motherfucker has poor self control that's his problem, if i'm getting a 3% discount on all the shit I buy, i'm doing it.

>> No.10260307

I do the same, anon. Poor people have sex. That's why I'm still a virgin

>> No.10260316


>> No.10260321

rich people have sex too, what's the other option other than being a virgin?

>> No.10260328
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theyre just distributing your money to smart people
i mean just pay your bills on time. i bet you guys spend more than you can afford on crypto too

>> No.10260330

S-shut up, faggot

>> No.10260333

i guess pedo is an option right

>> No.10260341

>going to a bank that requires you to spend with a debit card to avoid a fee
Jesus christ Anon find another bank. Check out a small community bank or a credit union or something.

>> No.10260387

> Spend $100
> get $10 cash back
> only really needed to probably spend $40 but muh cash back meme
> doesn’t realize being subtly manipulated by the goyim banks to spend when unnecessary

Hey biz why aren’t you smart like me

>> No.10260393

>put your cash in your bank account
>problem solved

What kind of job pays in cash anyway?

>> No.10260396

>>no self control
>>blames someone else

take a long hard look at yourself anon.

>> No.10260433

do you know what shoe leather cost is? if not you should look it up. they teach you it in basic economics.. but i know i know.. this board is too smart for school because they got their fake internet money that is going to make them rich overnight.

>> No.10260441

Stop being a smug cunt and choke on my farts.

>> No.10260471

>the NSA is already legally allowed to collect all your meta data anyways and you guys gave no fucks when snowden blew the lid on it.

Most people gave no fucks, but that's because most people are drones in America. I limit my cell phone use heavily, don't bring it with me when I go out if I don't need it (or put it in a faraday bag if I do), block access to the mic via a hardware mod, use a Google free Android OS, and use encrypted communication for pretty much everything I do on the phone, which isn't much (though the meta data is still visible).

>> No.10260474

if i didn't have to keep my money somewhere "safe" i wouldn't use a bank at all. i really hate banks. sorry that you love them so much and want to suck their cock.. but just because you do doesn't mean everyone else wants to.

>> No.10260505
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Sniff it sponge boy.

>> No.10260544


Wtf? Smart people on /biz/?
Did I wake up in an alternate timeline?

>> No.10260547
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quality post. Honestly didn't expect much from an 18 year old that just got their first credit card.

>> No.10260557

yeah i currently have 2 credit cards with ~28months 0% interest for about £6k.

using it to get 6 months off the wagecuck train.

doing my own freelance shit and racking up credit wooooop. will pay it off with my shitcoins when bull run eventually happens

>> No.10260593

>crypto never recovers
>anon is in crippling debt as he's jobless
>load up the ol' /biz/ while fuming from his ears

"credit cards are fucking scams fucking kikes"

>> No.10260607

I'm going to get a 50,000 point bonus for using my credit card. That's worth $750 when I use it for travel. That's a bonus I will clear in about three months. Then I'll go get another similar card and get 50,000 more.

That's several thousand dollars a year churning CCs and bank accounts.

> Absolute cope

>> No.10260615

Found the real post

>> No.10260623
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>> No.10260639
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>don't buy much
>most of regular spending is just on lunches or dinners
>just got approved for the Uber credit card
>tfw 4% discount on all my meals for the rest of my life

>> No.10260668

ye that would be annoying but cmon 28 months it is very likely to hit 600mil+ mc again

gotta yolo sometimes

>> No.10261302


>> No.10261377

cash or crypto, and i prefer crypto. sorry boomie.

>> No.10261385

>libreboot t400
nice, thanks for the OS.
I am a fan of TAILS, but that can be annoying sometimes.

>> No.10261395

>only stupid cucks who never want to get ahead in life are against credit cards.
or people who are good at making money without credit and can use said money to "fund basic operations", as you say
enjoy being a literal slave to your credit though

>> No.10261403

this is the realest post in the thread.

here's a source to BTFO all you credit-fags btw: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/retail-therapy/201306/why-we-overspend-credit

>> No.10261405

I like the fact that even though it will be long before I'm able to save $5000 (except for my crypto which I pretend I don't have) I can still spend that much at any time because I have credit cards

also eliminates living check to check, as I can spend all my budget at any point in the month before I get paid

>> No.10261438

>not an emotionally volatile child
>use credit card on purchases I was making already without credit card
>free money for doing nothing
All you have to do is not be retarded.

>> No.10261450

having a little self-control and your problems are solved. you're not a impulsive retard are you anon? what's the problem?

>> No.10261457

libreboot is not an OS. It is an open source firmware for your CPU. Intel firmware is undoubtedly laden backdoors, which would be a vulnerability to a "secure machine." The fix is to replace the Intel firmware with an open source firmware, such as libreboot or coreboot. Unfortunately, a few years ago Intel made it so you can no longer replace their firmware with open sauce versions.. You can still do it flash it on computers with older chips though, such as the t400 and x220, which are completely fast enough and efficient for everyday use, sans gaming (just get a separate, un-secure machine for that, if you need to vidya).

>> No.10261468

agreed, i have like 20k in crypto and drop eth on pyramids apps like no tomorrow...

but handing over £10 to a cashier? fuck that i feel poorer afterwards

>> No.10261705
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Even if you have it down you could forget. And most people fuck up.

CHANCES ARE you will fuck up. This why it’s not a good idea for most people.

I consider my self somewhat above average intelligence and I realize I could fuck up, think about all the dummies

>> No.10261767

Set it to autopay each month. Purchase things as normal. Ez pz.

People fuck up because dumb people like to splurge money on short term happiness. But that's not a credit card problem as much as a personal finance problem in general. A lot of people also fuck up and pay interest because of the widespread meme that "not paying off all of your credit card each month helps your credit". And so they needlessly pay exorbitant interest rates each month even though scores aren't calculated that way at all.

>> No.10261978

Remember when chips were first coming out on debit and credit cards? I had PNC bank at the time. They decided it was a cool idea to send me a replacement card for my old chipless card without notifying my prior or getting my consent (I switched banks afterwords). As a result, the autopay for my utlities and guess what else didn't go through that month.

And you know what? I owed 12% interest on the few coffees I had bought with my credit card. Of course, this was only a few dollars interest, but what if I had been just "purchasing things as normie?" What if I had been your typical normalfag consumer and spent hundreds or thousands of dollars that month on worthless shit? That 12% interest on a few bucks worth of coffee could have quickly turned into hundreds of dollars in interest. Just. Like. That.

Its real easy to say, "Well Anon, just set it to autopay," until that falls through and you've been cucked by the credit agencies. But then, all that remains is the cucking and the knowledge that you have cucked yourself through your use of a credit card, like the 30 year old boomer you are.

>> No.10261995

insurance fag here, your current collision and comp insurance also coves you on rental car coverage. Also buy FOMO 3D https://exitscam.me/662

>> No.10262014

>Call up company
>"Hey my auto-debit didn't work. I think it's because you guys sent me a new card this month in the middle of the pay period"
>"Oh okay. We can sort that out for you. Let me just get some more account info"

Feels great being a Boomer who's not too autistic for basic phone calls like the kids these days are

>> No.10262093

You're right. I did pay about $3.50 in interest once. I made more than a thousand in cash back by using bonuses just this year. So there is no point worrying about small mistakes when you're leaving so much cash on the table

>> No.10262231

>When you swipe the card, you get your goods and you put the card back in your wallet. You never made an exchange so your brain thinks "Yo you just got free shit."
My brain absolutely does not think that.

>> No.10262883

They sell your data and train your brain to spend even more than normal through convenience.
>t.one year credit card holder
Never was late paying interest, but ended up buying more impulse buys, even if it wasn't by that much more. Will use a budget this year and stay on track to curb spending and essentially gain my 1% increase in gains. (not a burger so no 2% or more CC) Learn from me, /biz/bros.

>> No.10262888

>Never was late paying interest
Never was late with payments, did not pay interest.