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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10253572 No.10253572 [Reply] [Original]

Prove otherwise.
>protip: you can't

>> No.10253587

if /biz/ doesn't want it to happen then it won't

>> No.10253614

Prove you first
>can’t do that either

>> No.10254111

would be awesome. i still have some tether left for that, didn't go all in at 5,8k

>> No.10254229

If this doesn’t happen crypto gonna fuckin suck for a while

>> No.10254291

It can't happen. Did you see how fast it spiked when it hit 5.8k? The moment it hits sub 6k it'll get bought out again because there's huge demand.

>> No.10254306

it will test 5.6k one last time and then we mooning.
I originally thought we'd make our way to 3.5k, but things are changing and suddenly there are some indicators (not TA) that its ending prematurely.

>> No.10254309

Fear? We're still solidly at denial. People still waiting for the "next bullrun"(lol) that's NEVER gonna come. NEVER. Let that sink in. That was it. If you missed 2017 you missed it. The biggest bull run in history. ACCEPT IT AND MOVE THE FUCK ON ALREADY! I MEAN FUCK!

People are talking about 5k, 4k, 3k? Fuck man. My buy orders are set at $80 and even that might be trying to catch a falling knife. You people honestly think bitcoin is worth 6k? Really? YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT?

>> No.10254320

>there are some indicators
What are you talking about?

>> No.10254338


>> No.10254354

I'm ready to buy the fucking deep dip

>> No.10254377

>The biggest bull run in history
We haven't seen anything yet. Bitcoin is the digital glue that will hold society together as everything falls apart and stops making sense.

>> No.10254391


nice pasta. but in all seriousness were all going to make it. From Ancapistan with love <3 <3 <3

>> No.10254395
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This pasta is way beyond expired

>> No.10254442

We are all gonna make it !!

>> No.10254612

August 10

>> No.10254703

6k held for so long I honestly can't see it breaking down with the exception of flash crashes

>> No.10255121

6k is complacency. When it breaks (and it will) you are going to see some serious shit.

>> No.10255254

This but unironically

>> No.10255406

>it will do this then it'll do that
It doesn't have to do shit

>> No.10255417

I can prove that you're a retard.

>protip: you already did it for me.

>> No.10255589

Number of green IDs> Pajeets in this thread, It's bull time baby. 8k eow.

>> No.10255658
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>mfw there are actually people who truly are this delusional

>> No.10255769
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I hope so, I'm only 50 percent in, I want to go balls deep on this bitch before it moons.

>> No.10255817
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Prove to me it's going to go to $5500.
>protip: you can't

hurrrr durrrrr I think meme lines can predict the future of an extremely volatile speculative asset that is too new to fall into any one box of meme lines. Fuck you OP.

>> No.10255819
File: 3.53 MB, 4477x2474, Roman Empire after WW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i got "Rome" in my id

>> No.10255822
File: 285 KB, 854x570, btc_rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it was going to happen I think we would have already gone there. Support at this level is just too strong and alts have reached a bottom out point. Bouncing at 60 was also a good sign. We've got the SEC ruling scheduled for August 10th in regards to approving ETFs for BTC on the CBOE. It's no coincidence that just days ago Trump created a crypto taskforce for fraud an abuse, which will legitimize these markets as they get ready to add the ETF. BTC is going to moon so hard. So, if we do crack, then whatever. I'm playing the long game and I'm totally fine with getting even cheaper alts and even cheaper BTC. Strap in boys, one month to go.

>> No.10256029


Dis nigga dumb

>> No.10256038

Lmao it’s going to 3.5–4K you delusional goobers

>> No.10256086

It has broken literally 3 times already, why would we see “serious shit”? FWIW I know we are going to 3k but stop talking like you know what you’re on about you fucking newfag.

>> No.10256140
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Calls me delusional when he aint got no proof, look at the buy orders below 6K.

Bottom is 6-5K.

Can't wait for this retard to hold my bags.

>> No.10256188


>> No.10256212

Can you explain how I’d end up holding your bags if my short-term my projection is bearish?
>inb4 your fiat bags

>> No.10256383

It will never fall that low in our lifetimes

>> No.10256491
File: 482 KB, 738x525, bog 1521428283332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> initiate Crab-17 Stage 3 ...

>> No.10256963

h-how low desu

>> No.10257267

hahaha 4k incoming as soon as this ETF declined which it will

>> No.10257292
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>> No.10257310
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Oh no no no no no

>> No.10257631
File: 8 KB, 250x221, alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega dump just around the corner!