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10251976 No.10251976 [Reply] [Original]

If you could become a Bogdanoff, which Bog would you be and why?

>> No.10251990


For some reason I imagine left as the calm, collective mastermind (although they both have genus intellect) who makes the decisions, right as the vicous, ruthless enforcer hothead

>> No.10252115


>> No.10252119

tricky question, two are one

>> No.10252125

I wish i could have Grichka's name with Igor's looks.

>> No.10252197
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They are the same entity

The human form isn't enough to contain Bogdanoff, so he has to split into twins

>> No.10252349

Chad Bogdanoff, and I would be the first man to give an extraterrestrial multiple orgasms

>> No.10252365
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Bogs are Separate but United, they represent different aspects of Progress and Ascension.
I would choose Grishka, the Merciful Brother, the Harbinger of a New Dawn, the Arbitrator, the Seeker of the Way over Igor, the Eternal Decay, the Thirsty, the Grim Blacksmith, the One who Undoes

>> No.10252400

the third twin

>> No.10252406


>> No.10252510
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This is partly true, although they are both facets of the same entity, similar to how Vishnu the protector and Shiva the destroyer are both facets of the same one god in Hinduism. It is clear that Igor is analagous to Vishnu and Grichka is analagous to Shiva

>> No.10252940
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The third one

>> No.10253010
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The Bog's grandpappy

>> No.10253033

They both share the same conscience. They are kinda one entity, really.

>> No.10253051

I'd be the right one. The left one seems more human and is probably more normie.

>> No.10254034


The bogs are a Duality

>> No.10254068
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But if I had to pick Igor becuase he slays pussy like a chad

>> No.10254091

Neither. They’re both getting indicted and they both are grossly disfigured from plastic surgery.
Roger Ver has more money than both of them combined, & is more influential. Roger could beat them in any aspect of life: mental challenges or physical fight (Roger is a juijuitsu blackbelt).
> Roger Ver is the Real Jesus
> Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the real Bitcoin

>> No.10254213


Igor is a minor bog. If you study them closely you will realize Grichka is the dominant bog.

Igor is more a normie bog. He's still too human, too emotional, has retained too much humanity.

Grichka is fully bog, fully transcended, zero 0% humancuck

>> No.10254332

Bogdanoff lives in all of us, anon. We need not to fantasize about the eternal.

>> No.10254350
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>> No.10254352

the most bluepilled post in /biz/ history