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10251877 No.10251877 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody here have experience with a 'product development' company that can take idea's and turn them into real products?

i need someone to turn my idea into a prototype that i can then take to a manufacturer. if i can do this i might be able to escape this rat race.

>> No.10251902
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>he's an idea's guy
Unless you've done your homework on a customer and have a lot of money to pony up for development, find something else.

>> No.10251934

you immediately sound pretty bitter my man, not looking for advice from losers who give up instantly

>> No.10251942

>that anon who could never succeed and now tries to make sure no one else does either

>> No.10251980

Nope. I'd you're say inferring wrong, that is an unhealthy projection.
But I ask you - what research have you done? What is your price point? What are you doing different form your competitors?
Why are you unsure how to develop the product yourself? Haven't you investigated the logistics, the technical aspects already? If so why not?

How is telling him to have sufficient funds and arm himself with customer research not wanting him to 'make it' Tinkerbelle? It takes more than just 'believing' you need to to have resources.
Maybe if you'd actually worked hard to accomplish something you'd learn that.

>> No.10252021


i wouldnt bother wasting my time making a thread and pursuing it if it wasn't viable. i've done all my homework. i cant make it myself because im not a chemist or manufacturer and dont have the equipment.

im basically making an existing product much more user friendly and viable to a market audience that already exists, but isn't as big as it could be because the only competitor has a horrible product. trust me, its not some bullshit. obviously i cant tell you what it is exactly because im certain its a solid business plan. wont make millions, but it will do for me.

>> No.10252068
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Yes I have experience with them.
Back in the 90's (yes I'm old) my brother and I developed several products we thought were decent for development, one of which was a design for a lawn mower blade. We contacted several companies over the years and needless to say it was disappointing.
Bottom line is this...they give you three options:
1. Rejection of your idea ..usually fast and painless.
2. Acceptance of your idea, but you pay as you go. Yeah, this is the best way but they slowly bleed your money.
3. Acceptance of your idea, you pay nothing but risk them 'stealing' your idea by slightly modifying it and screwing you over; if they don't do that be prepared for the process to be long and you get way way less than what you thought.

The only success i had with them is a spring design for a trash can step-opener in which I submitted no cash up front and made maybe $5000 over the past 20 years. Last check I got for that was for $12 dollars in 2008.

Things may be different now with the advent of the internet and cheap Chinese manufacturing...i dont know...
Good luck!

>> No.10252205

sounds like you had a bad experience. i guess everyone is only out for themselves.

my approach is as simple as possible

1)get a prototype made
2)legal shit(copyrights , business etc)
3) find a manufacturer who will produce the product cheaply

how simple it will be in reality, who knows.

>> No.10252283


>> No.10252523

If you're not going to give up, just make the damn prototype yourself. If I sound bitter, it's because I too have a bunch of great ideas and nobody but myself to build and market them. I'm guessing >>10251902 is in the exact same boat, as are the majority of ideas guys. Welcome to the club.

~T. guy taking one day off from work a week to develop his own ideas. I look forward to it all week.


>> No.10252525

Are you the same guy who had the chemical idea yesterday ?

>> No.10253029


>> No.10253230

Are you able to give me a quick run down on the product here?
t Product designer with 6 years experience

>> No.10253305

i can barely give anything away without revealing it, but its a soft cohesive product.

>> No.10253683

bump again

>> No.10253767

TLDR: I've done this thing before.

TLDR End: People most of the time steal your idea and then modify it, because it is easy to run around even copyrights. Heck if you change one dimension, its a "New" product.

But okay i will not leave the thread like an 18 year old.

1. No point in copyrighting, there are multiple ways to avoid this. If you want i can explain.
2. Start by constructing the product. If its a physical one, learn AutoCAD and draw it. Make a 3d model of it.
3. Then use 3d printer to print it out as a draft.
4. Then start making the prototype yourself.
5. If its a chemical thing (dno someone said in this post) then make a prototype in a laboratory. Heck just apply to some university for lols and just use the laboratory or find a friend who has access to it and do it.

TLDR: You need to make the prototype yourself, easiest way to defend yourself.

How to get ze moneys?
Thats the hardest part and even in my lifetime i havnt found any other way by only yourself.

1. Be rich.
2. Find a rich friend who you trust.
3. Find a rich relative who you trust.

Dont get me wrong, i also have still a fucking great idea how to recycle some stuff and make new products from them, its in my brain (the recipe). Once tried to sell it to a company and later found out they almost tried to steal it. Its a long story but eventually they didnt get the exact recipe because i left out 2 components. TLDR i gave them the false recipe said okay lets do business and no call. They called me 3 months later and said its not working and when i asked where was our co-operation the hang up. Thank god i still have it in my brain.


>> No.10253820

My dad told me about someone he knows who owns a product development company, i gave him a call and says he'll sign an NDA and we'll get to business. are you telling me even after signing and NDA, he could slightly modify it and just basically steal it from me? because its a product development company im not sure they'd get away with it, or even risk it. its a good idea but its not a 10's of millions of dollars idea.

thanks for your input. its tough out there, and im not naive enough to underestimate how hard it will be but im not going to just give up.

>> No.10253868

Honestly, if I can give you an advice, try to find someone with the technical skills to do it and partner. However the partnership can't be "he does everything and I am the ideas guy" because he'll just take the idea and leave.

Also, a way to make sure nobody can patent your ideas (they may steal them but they can't prevent you to use them) is to have your research notes legally stamped with a date.

>> No.10253906

Hey dude!

You see company owners are literal fucks. They only care about profit (ironically like we do here on this board). Think of this as this, put yourself as a business owner.

1. A fucking random dude approaches.
2. Offers you a fucking nice product.
3. Hmm.
4. Would be great to just steal it and fuck him over. He is just a random poor guy, what can he do?

And thats how they fucking think. No respect. No trust.

Okay you wanted to ask how they can do. My best friend who i trust is a lawyer and we have had countless whiskey nights discussing matters like that. The easiest to avoid NDA.

1. Company is named PEPE COMPANY
2. They steal your idea.
3. They give you NDA or even shares.
4. They change company to PEPES COMPANY (if the product is revolutionary).
5. PEPE COMPANY transfers all stuff with shareholders to PEPES COMPANY.
6. Its LRFO. Legally right, fuck off.

NDA doesnt cover the fact that a company can easily and via electronically change their name and location and its done. Sure bring them to court but they will just say "Well anon we just decided to change our company and investors". You will be sitting in PEPE COMPANY with your dick while 90% of the wealth and resources was transferred to PEPES COMPANY and believe me, they do it.

Copyright as i explained above is very easy. Lets say you have a 4x4m product (random). They change it to 5x5m product. Doesnt cover copyright. You cant put stuff into copyright like unlimited dimensions and etc. In theory you can LRFO that but the copyright will cost shitloads, im talking 100k or even more if you want to make the most perfect copyright. Every requirement you put into copyright and the scope costs. Its not like the copyright costs 1k and you can put everything on it.

Now from copyright and NDA, they only apply to certain regions. Eg they can build a factory in China, steal your idea and just use it in China. Nobody gives a shit in China and those copyrights dont apply in China that apply in EU.

>> No.10253907

What you got bud? Do you have drawings or solid work model?

>> No.10253937

This guy watches movies too. Sounds like zero biz ownership or prodev exp tho

>> No.10253948

About copyright and patents :
>costs 10-50k$ depending on how strong your copyright will be
>is easily avoidable
>vanishes in 15 years
Chemical industries never patent or copyright their products, they just put the formulas in big ass vaults and do everything to cover the tracks of their chemicals.

>> No.10253952

Laugh at me as much as you want. Im talking real life experience here. Tbh what kind of movie explains this then?

>> No.10253962

I have done this. Not worth it. I’ll buy your product, send it to China to have it reverse engineered and slightly modified and then undercut you. Service business is what Im starting next because I’m not autistic.

>> No.10253978

You laugh at me, but at the same time bring 3 perspectives.

1. What you got bud?
2. This guy watches too much movies.
3. I have done this, dont do this.

You know you are posting from the same IP address right?

>> No.10253987

I run an injection molding company out of China.

I'd say 80% of the clients who come to us that want a product produced, only end up ordering 1 batch. Very few clients have any repeated success and require follow up orders.

Just an FYI

>> No.10253994

Oh nice, what type of plastic do you use or you do silicone? PP, HDPE, PE?

4 years of injection molding experience here as well.

>> No.10254005

Totally depends on what the client wants. Some know exactly what material they want, others don't. ABS, ABS+PC, etc. Varies greatly.

>> No.10254021

Aaah, i've produced ABS (well re-produced i would say) from recyclable materials.

I've done work with silicone, HDPE and PP mainly. Cool to see someone in the same industry in such a small board lol!

>> No.10254032

Pretty dismaying, although realistic answers in this thread. thanks anyway guys but i wont let this deter me.

>> No.10254038

Yeah no kidding hah. It's definitely a pretty niche industry.

>> No.10254049

Find some chemical engineer, talk to him without revealing too much and set up a gig together. Outsourcing the whole thing won't lead to anything good.

>> No.10254079

Nah dude, never give up on your hopes! Always pursue them. Im just giving experience from my past that you need to tread carefully.

The simples of all is to find someone you trust and work together. But finding trust the hardest thing on planet Earth. Heck my father once started a company as well with a random dude and they did it! But see the key factor? Trust! You need to search for that. Everything else will follow.

Long story short, in my fathers company there was an accountant who started embezzeling, my father left the company but years later the guy was discovered and he was actually shot to death infront of his home. The other owners were from the eastern parts of the world. Its a tough world out there.

>> No.10254135

from what i understand, the way this works these days is you have your prototypes made in china. find a manufacturer on aliwhatever who does something of similar complication with similar tech.

contact them. pay them to make a prototype. i haven't heard of anyone getting their idea stolen but who knows if people would share those experiences if it happened. anyway, back and forth the prototype until you're done. have them make 500pcs. all the while you've been building a targetted instagram following (or facebook if for older people) and you can start shilling this shit.

so yeah. it's a lot of money and a 6-12 month commitment but it's doable. /r/entrepreneur is all about this kind of shit right now, though few people go through the prototype process because it takes forever. most will just whitelabel a product already on aliwhatever.

>> No.10254163

i realize my response is assuming you're B2C but whatever that's just the sales part.

>> No.10254250

thanks anon. i dont have to worry about selling this and shilling, that comes natural to me and know exactly what to do. its not a huge market and it has very little, inferior competition so on that angle im fine.

getting my prototype and actual manufacturing are my biggest hurdles right now.

in regards to manufacturing in china dont i have to worry about them running away with my idea and making it in the factory next door?