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File: 99 KB, 746x666, red-pill-blue-pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10250798 No.10250798 [Reply] [Original]

Which one, /bzz/?

>> No.10250820


>> No.10250826

the red easily
sounds a lot more interesting and fun than money

>> No.10250832


>> No.10250833

Duh. The red pill of course. The dot-com boom, the housing market crash, buying up and mining tens of thousands of bitcoin, no-brainer.

>> No.10250834


>> No.10250837

So many fucked up things that have happened to me I could have avoided

>> No.10250838

I feel like I already took the red pill and I just fucking forgot everything because who remembers when they were 3?

>> No.10250850


What a stupid question. Going back to when you were 3 years old knowing everything you know now means you'd go back knowing every coin/stock that's going to moon and when, plus probably even fucking lotto numbers, sports games results, etc.

This knowledge is easily worth BILLIONS of dollars, not a measly $10,000,000

The only thing this question is good for is to filter out room-temperature IQ fuckwits

>> No.10250874

>all those chosing red pill on impulse

You do realise the mental shock you would probably expirience as an adult in a 3-year old body? After 8-10 years your previous life might start seeming like a dream or you may go insane. You would probably have to endure kindergarden and school again. For those in their early 20s right now, how would convince your parents as a middle-schooler to give you money to invest? I personaly wouldn't want to live through hell of living with my shitty emotionaly-sadistic family again.

>> No.10250875

Red. Money can't buy how insanely wonderful, terrifying and amazing that would be.

>> No.10250878


If I could take the red one right fucking now, I would do it in a heartbeat. Not even joking.

I don't mean "if I was forced to pick one of those two options, I would pick the red one". I mean that I would jump for joy at the opportunity to do such a thing.

>> No.10250882

The information would actually make you the first trillionaire. You would have a controlling stake in Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix and pretty much everything.

>> No.10250886

Just call the cops and say they molested you. Maybe you are better off with the blue pill because you clearly don't Know anything

>> No.10250889


Think before you type, retardo >>10250874

>> No.10250893
File: 53 KB, 403x448, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After 8-10 years your previous life might start seeming like a dream or you may go insane

Well I don't think so, because if my consciousness is transferred I'm assuming that means I remembered taking the pill, and I'd be like, "Oh yeah I'm a 3 year old baby now because I took that pill, clearly everything I remember is accurate because there's no way I could be 3 years old and know all the shit that I know."

>> No.10250898

Were you molested or smth? Or dropped on a head a lot? How would you know what I know, random bitter faggot from the internet? We're discussion purely hypothetical thing that could never happend.

>> No.10250908

Obviously red. Crypto and certain tech stocks alone would put me far ahead of $10 million.

>> No.10250909

Red because I have undergone a couple of medical procedures that have fucked up my life.
Fuck money, health is all that matters.

>> No.10250925

Dude, my stepdad was loud and violently broke shit but I grew up safe enough with my own computer.

Instead of jacking off to hentai twelve hours per day and playing videogames for two, then sleeping ten hours, I would use my present-day coding skills to build Amazon, Facebook, Google, Bitcoin, AND ethereum AND chainlink.

Hell, maybe that's why Satoshi is anonymous. Satoshi was a 3 year old who took the red pill.

I've got degrees in math and computer science and have recently realized that my face is semi-cute and it was attitude that prevented me from losing my virginity till I was almost 25.

Now I'm 28 and decent at talking to women. Imagine if I was 18 again and knew how to dress well and talk well instead of avoiding eye contact and wearing shitty t shirts, baggy jeans, and running shoes all the time like I used to.

>> No.10250932

Nah mate. What's upsetting you mr dumdum?

>> No.10250944

Actually, I don't think I'd fuck with Bitcoin. I'd let it be invented and then buy and hold thousands.

Don't want to be the one to make it and then introduce a stupid bug that destroys the whole thing one day. Let the ideologically motivated autist develop it and make sure it's secure.

>> No.10250946

After taking the red one you have 2 options: conceal that you are smarter than usual and be forced to interact with children for a very long time or live a life of a child genius which is even worse.

>> No.10250948
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>AND chainlink.
Now I know this is a LARP

>> No.10250952

The biggest problem isn't that you think it is a dream. It is that what do you currently remember from being three years old? How much can you remember from being five? This sounds more like a monkeys paw where you get to be 3 again but you forget everything by the time you are ten.

>> No.10250956

>going back through school again
I really don't think you guys remember how boring it is sitting in a class 7 hours a day and doing the same shit for months.

>> No.10250960

Do you have experience in the kind of mental shock that people encounter when having their memories transported to their 3 year old bodies? Pretty sure that's far from established. My family was and is good, and if I had the knowledge I have now back then, people would treat me as some kind of prodigy. I was homeschooled starting in 6th grade anyways, so they could just homeschool me even younger.

For me to take the blue pill over the red, you'd have to increase the blue pill to at least $100 million and then add a curse to the red pill where I unavoidably die at 60 or something.

>> No.10250963

I'll take the blue pill thank you very much. Money or no money I have no desire to exist any longer.

>> No.10250965

Red. $10 isn't shit. With red I get an extra 40 years.

>> No.10250966

You only need 10$ and bet on random shut. Money will exponentially increase. 10mm is nothing.

>> No.10250968


I have great friends
I have a good job
I have a wife who loves me
Im gonna have kids
Im buying a house in the country in a week
I have a bunch of hobbys i enjoy
I have a bunch of guns
2 cars
im only 28.

Yeah just give me 10 million and im good bros

>> No.10250979

Redpill adds amount x years to your life and by mining / buying bitcoin the 10.000.000 are a fucking joke.
(You can also bet on any sports event you remember, buy apple stocks .... )

>> No.10250981

If the age was 15 it would be so much more fun. A couple pull ups and I'd be the most fit kid in my school rolling in vagooze

>> No.10250984

That's a good point. And my motor skills wouldn't be good enough to write anything down until I'm like 5 or 6, so it'd just be 2 years of fucking around and being carefree and hoping I can hold onto my memories.

It'd be weird but I'd take the red pill for the experience alone, not necessarily the money I could potentially make. That experience would be literally priceless.

>> No.10250985

Obviously red. Id relive my lufe and get to buy 20000 bitcoins in 2011. Before it took off.

>> No.10250986

Fuck it. Take me back to 9 years old, then.

>> No.10250987

Yeah I would honestly go with Blue as well. I like my life and my family and shit could have gone a bit better but it could have gone MUCH worse.

>> No.10250993

post wifey

>> No.10250994

>(You can also bet on any sports event you remember, buy apple stocks .... )
And every election, including 300-to-1 odds for Trump winning 2016. You could also short the hell out of the various bear markets.

>> No.10250999

My ID shall decide.
I have a terrible health condition, so reliving going through it might not be worth the gains made by raping the stock market or publishing a book on 9/11 before it happens

>> No.10251006

School would be easy. As a toddler who knows the future, maybe you can alter all the shitty things in life; make them not shitty. I'd stock up on 1978 Star Wars figures and not open them.

>> No.10251008

>publishing a book on 9/11 before it happens
Why would you want to end up v& when you have knowledge that could make you the richest man on Earth?

>> No.10251010


I have a son, couldn't leave him behind.

>> No.10251012


Oh and red is also a trap pill.
Your memory is still developing at three and it WILL erase really important shit you would wana rememeber.

Also... its the butterfly effect, whatevre you change the worlds changes instantly, so if you make one huge change everything beyond that chain cannot happen or will not happen as you know it.

Unless the moment you become 3, you sitdown and plot out a entire plan pen and paper noted to do exactly what you need to do when you need to do it its useless

Whos to say you have not taken the red pill multiple times already and still are where you are..

Ill take the blue LINK pill thank you.

>> No.10251013
File: 94 KB, 429x286, ari juels link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take the money
>go all in chainlink

>> No.10251015

Guess I get the green pill...
There was a guy on Betmoose with the ID "TrumpWillWin" who bagged 300+ BTC betting on the elections kek he probably got the red pill and is wrecking all of us right now

>> No.10251026

Just to get famous and launch lines of cosmetics and social media shit, kicking the ass of Zucc and KennerJiley in the process

>> No.10251029

Why not prevent 9/11?

>> No.10251033

You would get to recreate him though...

>> No.10251035

*bro fist*

Can't, You might recognize her. We do those "game with me" shit to make sidecash, She talks to a nerd for a hour and I play videogames.. makes like 30$ a hour.

and we run a few FINdom accounts, easy fucking money its stupid. Its easymode level shit using both our combined skills.

>> No.10251038

Chainlink didn't exist 3 years ago you fucking sperg.

>> No.10251039

I was in 8the grade, nobody would listen to my shit. But if I published everything in an unknown book a month in advance... I'm bound to make book sales

>> No.10251040

Why the fuck does my post format like that, im not fucking entering spaces.

>> No.10251043

>There was a guy on Betmoose with the ID "TrumpWillWin" who bagged 300+ BTC betting on the elections kek he probably got the red pill and is wrecking all of us right now
A person that put just $500 on Trump at the start of the election cycle, and then put it all into BTC would be a literal multimillionaire. Just $500 and getting in on two memes that 4chan caught onto early. I bet there are dozens of people here that made it.
Because it would change the world so much that you wouldn't be able to predict anything

>> No.10251044

Interesting points. I'd still pick red. Fuck, I'd pay $10 right this moment for a real red pill that OP describes.

>> No.10251058

>I'd pay $10 to have a completely new life
Not much for haggling, are you?

>> No.10251068

Want more of a mindfuck ?
you have already taken the red pill, mutipletimes and lived hundred of lives... in fact your going tot take it again.

You gonna do exactly as i posted appear at the age of 3, try to crawl over and write all your knoweldge down. But you cant write.. Fine, you think Ill tell mom and dad what to write for me, But you cant speak.. you try and try and try and try again, and eventually you spout out "MOM"

your mother turns over and smiles and says "baby learned his first word today!!!"

>What do you think dejavu is.

>> No.10251113

It would be frustrating and difficult to relive childhood with the mind and memories of an adult. You'd have to play dumb or risk some seriously weird shit from jealous everybody. I'd still take the redpill but it wouldn't be easy until you're independently wealthy from dotcom investments and highly leveraged short positions.

>> No.10251115

Easy, if I took the redpill, 10 mil would come easy. And I'd have a great time earning it. I'd know what to avoid and which opportunities are worth pursuing. I'd know which girls were DTF and which ones were more trouble than they were worth.

>> No.10251126

I'm happily married. Give me 10 mil, I don't wanna risk not having her if I restart.

>> No.10251130
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>> No.10251135

Fine, I'll give you $8 for the magic pill. You drive a hard bargain.

>> No.10251139

Red is physically impossible and would cause an inevitable psychotic break.

>> No.10251147

Yet I still pick red. Don't you get it?

>> No.10251148

If i put the $10 million in a mutual fund I would make $600,000 a year. I would only need like 200k to build a giant mining rig operation and live off it the rest of my life. I'm not greedy.

>> No.10251160

I lol'd

>> No.10251167

What do you wear now?

>> No.10251177

Actually the typical 3-4 year old can say about 1000 words in complete sentences. You would definitely be able to tell your parents about apple and the internet at the very least. Moreover, you would be able to tell a detailed story by four if you're a normal kid. If you're only saying "Mom" by the time you're three, you're developmentally disabled red pill or not. So whether or not you would be successful is dependent largely on what your parents think of you. In my circumstances, my parents thought I was gifted from a very early age so they wouldn't be opposed to writing "notes" for me.

>> No.10251178

I'd actually choose the blue-pill. There's not much in particular that I can think of which would moon. I don't follow sports. The best I can probably do is Trump getting elected, Bitcoin's golden bull rush, and Croatia making it to (and winning?) the finals. I also wouldn't be in a position to invest for a lot of other things I might be able to monetize. The blue-pill on the other hand allows me to screw around virtually as much as I want. I'm good with my money, so I'll probably die with a higher networth than that.

To be honest I've had a shitty life, but I really can't imagine anything being different. I love it, despite hating it.

>> No.10251183
File: 101 KB, 1081x1155, pill 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now, onto the superior pill image (made by yours truly)

>> No.10251188

It's different for those who have kids.
If you've seen the movie About Time, the kids came out differently each time he went back because of the perfect timing you'd have to have for the same exact sperm to reach the egg.

>> No.10251209

This. Anyone choosing red will go insane.

>> No.10251215

Bullied fag cope

>> No.10251223

You are missing the point, you will gain (Current Age -3) years to have new experiences, learn different skills and try things differently - knowing a lot about what the future will require of you.
Unless you spent your childhood as a sextoy to uncle Larry, that is worth more than $10000000.

>> No.10251239


I’d rob banks blind, eat people’s food from expensive restaurants, steal high performance cars for nighttime joyrides, manipulate important events, etc.

>> No.10251250

Its actually 10 dollars. Those are decimal points, not commas.

Enjoy your 10 bucks, faggot.

>> No.10251255

Probably lavender or ocean. I'd lean more towards lavender since the added longevity would be nice.

>> No.10251256

Red Pill
Great post man

>> No.10251261

Banana pill, big pill and blaze pill are probably the best ones. Banana pill says everything you do so that includes literally every bodily function you have so you age 50 times slower and heal 50 times faster. Additionally you would have the lifespan of the longest human modified by that amount. Not to mention since this world apparently includes things like magic and super powers you also have those as that is included in the second statement. This would also naturally include things like Math and Quantum Physics.

Banana pill is the best choice. You get or can otherwise emulate every other power on that list.

>> No.10251278

Human health doesn't improve with time though. At best you can slow the rate of degeneration, but only at the rate by which the best human ever has slowed it. If the best person ever improved their life span by 30 years (probably an extremely generous assumption) then you're looking at 1500 years, hundreds of which will still be spent in a Soros/Rothschild-like zombie state.

>> No.10251281

easy as fuck

>> No.10251285

Take the red pill only when I'm on my death bed, not even for money, just so I can keep living.

>> No.10251289

>cant get diseases
>can remember everything
>all that you have to do is survive for 2000 years and you become fully immortal with the blaze pill
It is like you are not even trying.

>> No.10251297
File: 24 KB, 60x95, 1472099982196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you all monkies? The whole point of this was to take Big Pill and then sequence the pills from best to worst.

>> No.10251298

Not really. You are peak intelligence with that too and are 50 times better at learning. You could solve aging within a few weeks. If you have 100 hours of experience with everything that includes things like successfully altering the human genome to cause DNA to perfectly replicate.

>> No.10251301

>banana pill
>improve skills at 50x normal rate
>start every new skill with 100 hours of practice
>it takes 10,000 hours for normal person to master something
>it takes me 200 hours at 50x rate
>I'm already halfway there
holy fuck, the banana pill

>> No.10251303

We did and the banana pill is the best. You just didn't think it through and made it bullshit powerful with generalized statements.

>> No.10251314

blue...what kind of a stupid dilemma this is...

>> No.10251321

Was actually my roommate who posted the original.
Forgot we had the same IP so we have same ID.

Banana pill isn't best though, personally I go from Big to ocean and some other random after. Banana pill just leads to a boring life, why would you want to be the best at everything. Life becomes boring without any real competition.

>> No.10251327
File: 30 KB, 375x375, Best Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY WHY WHY would you take the red pill? You would alternate history and everything with the knowledge that you have. Who is to say that you buying a shit ton of stock will turn out the way you think? That would influence other peoples decisions and they would change and so on. Lol take the blue pill and use the know that you have know. You people think the time stream would stay the same, lol you people are fucking retarded. No wonder you guys are virgins.

>> No.10251328

Red pill
> Enjoy childhood
> avoid life mistakes
> Buy the shit out of BTC in 2009/2010
> Buy a fucking Islan
> ?????
> Profit

>> No.10251345

>not taking red to find out if there are other time travelers making things different in this new timeframe than you remember them
>not hunting them all down
There can be only one.

>> No.10251349

red pill obviously because i could make $10,000,000 and also have an extra 3 years

>> No.10251352

>take the red pill
>realize youre in an alternate universe where computers wont exist for another 50 years

>> No.10251359

That is even better, way to put my engineering masters to a good use.

>> No.10251361
File: 19 KB, 299x168, C201E513-3688-4D37-AA44-226BE31BD392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”use the know that you have know”
>”you people are fucking retarded”

Let it out man, let it out.

>> No.10251391

I'll take the risk of going insane because my current life is already breaking me mentally and $10m will only temporarily soothe the pain.

>> No.10251407

fucking boomer

>> No.10251414
File: 7 KB, 236x236, Rage_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a traumatic childhood you never want to return to

>> No.10251421

red, you cant buy more life, nd with my knowledge id easily make that ten mil
not even a real choice to anyone not retarded

>> No.10251437

>Not wanting to be young and get another chance at the teen years

>> No.10251448

>not making it a good childhood since you can change things any way you want having vast knowledge on everything

>> No.10251469 [DELETED] 



>> No.10251500

>hurrr think before you type retardo

>links some fucktard’s psychobabble spiel about “muh mental shock”

This is real life not some fucking melodramatic anime cartoon you window licking faggot. There is no “mental shock”. If you’re not a down syndrome retard you’d just act like the other 3 year olds around you until you could pass for a precocious prodigy kid then just capitalize on your knowledge

Lol @ quoting a post by some basement dwelling armchair wannabe psychologist and calling ME a retard. Kys now

>> No.10251514
File: 8 KB, 244x206, 1515989741142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue pill. I don't want my 3 year old self to be as sad as I am now.

>> No.10251527

>manipulate my family into believing that I am a fucking prodigy
>get some media atention
>I am now a mensan with a body that not only can learn anything but already knows a lot
>use the fame to get in college with a scholarship
>solve a few maths problems that would only get solved at least a decade later
>use the money awarded to invest
>keep contributing to a bunch of random fields, get that PhD
>world famous and millions before my balls drop
It is not hard.

>> No.10251618

Not that, i think its becuase i swapped from "stylish" and wrote up my own color scheme for the website, post box is diffrent and i think its fucking with me.

I think we all do in the end anon.

Thats the joke, we are all here, and we are all retarded.

>> No.10251643

banana bros know

>> No.10251654

I constantly think about having the ability to do red pill. I could make so many better life decisions and avoid all bullshit.
Plus think of the money you could make on sports events you remember? I wonder what odds you could get on Germany beating Brazil 7-1 in that world cup

>> No.10251690

I have a wife and child which makes me very hesitant to take the red pill. I'd be afraid that I would never meet my wife, or that she won't like me because of how drastically different I would be and my life would be.

>> No.10251720


You would single handely crash those markets if you went all in like that

Imagine if a whale held over 70% of all coins now?

>> No.10251723


>> No.10251936

>or much much more from "inside information"

>> No.10251939

>choosing whether to prevent 9-11 or not

Big weight.

>> No.10251944

Red. Even if with my knowledge I couldn't make 10mil (I'm sure I could) I could do so much more

>> No.10251956

That is retarded. You will be the most popular kid in school.
You’re literally an adult in a childs body. Do you know how easily kids are manipulated e.g. other students?

>> No.10251964

you are right that it is very valuable and i wish not to correct you but to add that its worth the world, not billions

a man could literally conquer the world with that information

>> No.10251993

ITT People crying about wanting to be 3 years old again

too bad boomers, your age did a 10x since then

>> No.10251997

easy decision, blue

My life is comfy enough, I don't need that bullshit. And 10 mil would be a nice bonus.

>> No.10252012

the cash thanks think I can be fucked having to remember shit for another 25 years? no fucking way

>> No.10252089

Government finds out you haven't aged when you are 130 and puts you in some lab so they can take your blood for the world's elites.

>> No.10252224


>> No.10252295

Red damnit, would be worth every penny I didn’t take

>> No.10252445

Red. Would stay with my first gf, and it would be worth it, believe me, even if I didn't get to remember anything else. Not only because my "reasoning" to split with her was so shitty, but it would have kept me from shacking up with two total disasters in a row.

>> No.10252462

Probably blue.

>> No.10252480

When somebody offers you those two options they're a charlatan, but at the very least the blue option is feasible. If you believe in magic you're on the wrong board and will never make money.

>> No.10252579

Red ez

>> No.10252601

Red. I can literally bang so many sluts in highschool while investing and getting some funding from my teachers.
It'd be lit.

>> No.10252615

I do.
It would be interesting and fun to experience things again. I mean I'd dick around as a kid, be less socially awkward and more assertive as a teenager. Knowing now how easy it is to beat that pussy up I could have gotten away with a lot more, but was your average socially awkward kid. I'd definitely start weight lifting/fit once I hit puberty, would have saved myself years of trouble.
Also investments and knowledge of what bad things were gonna happen and ways to avoid them. Basically just live life like an alpha, invest in apple before it went viral, google, ebay, and bitcoin when it was 0.5 to buy and I'd be sitting pretty.
Also wouldn't have wasted 4 years of my life in college chasing the stupid bint I did. Hell if I already have the knowledge I had, I wouldn't have done my degree again, (easier to just go out there and get it.) I'd have done something different and then just did the same Masters that I wanted.
Also I'd have spent more time with my grandparents. Once they're gone, they're gone and I still miss them.

>> No.10252628

I'd take the red pill in a heart beat.

>> No.10252650

Be real with someone for once anon, where you molested? because you seem like you are repressing a large part of your past and getting extremely angry at the thought of returning.

It's okay man, let it out. be free from the shackles of your past.

>> No.10252661

I was homeschooled and started working part time at the age of 14. You can make your own money, think about kindergarten and school you'd be an A grade student throughout, which would open up so many more opportunities. You'd be able to fuck Stacey without the emotional attachment, and Becky and whoever else lined up around the block because you wouldn't have to deal with stupid inexperience.
Also depending on your parents, you make a deal with them. If I get A grades, keep out of trouble, etc, give me 5000 as an initial investment. Everybody backs a sure bet, your parents with the idea in their head that their little Timmy is a gifted savant would jump over themselves to fund you. You'd probably get scholarship grants and bursary's for being a gifted student, and above all you can always fucking mow lawns and work, because once you'd made your first 10 million you'd be able to sit at home and vidya all you fucking wanted.

>> No.10252702

Still can play stocks though, you know like people did at exchanges before the invention of computers??
Invest in Coke, Kodak, Pepsi-co, etc. You'd be good.
If I could go back to the 1840's I'd be able to make myself a millionaire in a short span of a couple of years through my history knowledge.
And if such were the case, Tesla would have his funding, no questions asked. Sure I'd lose a fair bit of dime, but just think how more advanced we'd be if Tesla had built his wireless tower.

>> No.10252714

Or completely charmed that this rich mysterious stranger actually has taken a liking to her, when he could have literally anybody.

>> No.10252722

>Being this underaged
I still remember being a shitty 7 years old. that's 20 years ago.

>> No.10252733
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would rather kill self then relive childhood

>> No.10252734

Blue because even though red would make me more money its a journey i dont care to make again.

>> No.10252758


>> No.10252865

>For those in their early 20s right now, how would convince your parents as a middle-schooler to give you money to invest?
Just wait it out until you're 18 anon

I missed so many boats when I was in my early 20's is not even funny (didn't invest in Google IPO, didn't buy a bunch of BTC when I first used it and found it amazing circa 2012, to name a few)

And about he emotion abuse, you now KNOW it for what it is, if you're a grown up now and HAVE learned how to deal with it, just deal with it.
If you haven't learned how to deal with it, you should
>protip: Start with the Greeks is not a meme, Meditations gave me a new perspective in life, just make sure to read the preface so you can appreciate the context (ie. Roman emperor taking notes for himself, and dealing with the same bullshit people deal with 19 centuries late)

>> No.10252881

Blue. I'd be a nolinker if I went back in time and just isn't happening.

>> No.10252932

Either get cursed or get $10
I'll take the ten dollars

>> No.10252969

The (((government))) would detect and detain a time traveler, and 10 million dollars is enough to make it.

>> No.10253176

I'd take Red just for the chance to see my parents and grandad again. Miss them so much

>> No.10253436

Fucking SLAM DOWN the red pill

>> No.10253460
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this is more important than making it

>> No.10253503

Seriously, undoing some of my mistakes is worth 100 times more than 10 million, some of you have no idea how much guilt it's possible for one to feel. Not to mention how much fun you would have as someone who would end up being 2x intelligent those around you in high school and being able to socialize correctly. I would kill for that.

>> No.10253516

Let alone obviously being able to make FAR MORE than 10 million. It's a no-brainer unless there's some catch, like your 3 year old body can't handle the knowledge or whatever but still

>> No.10253560

I would be a three year old who has the ability to do masters level mathematics, predict world events with 100% accuracy and advance science with shit I shamelessly copied from today's era. Nigger the EU would classify me as a national asset, convincing my parents to invest would be a breeze.

>> No.10253567
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>Whos to say you have not taken the red pill multiple times already and still are where you are..

>> No.10253584

i'm fucking lazy

>> No.10253593

This is a pretty easy choice. If you hate your life regardless of how much money you get then red pill. If not having money is the only bad thing in your life, then blue pill.

I'd take blue.

>> No.10253613


Red of course. I'd focus more on making money this time around. I basically focused on developing myself in other ways so far and the result is I'm poor af atm lol. But you'd have to be careful not to change things too much if you started over so you don't end up dead or something.

>> No.10253635

green pill since I love traveling and have always wanted to be a telepath or lavender pill since I could probably use it to become invisible and it the aging sounds like it might be as good as the big pill. The skin pill is also pretty good.
probably would end up choosing big pill, but the retain death states caveat scares me

>> No.10253651

You’re a retard for being so easily baited. Get a hold on your emotions brainlet

>> No.10253671

Red. I spent most of 2009 walking around everywhere looking for a job in the recession. I could have just mined Bitcoin on my P4 Dell workstation.

>> No.10253807


>> No.10253860

Betting on Leicester City during 2015 would alone make you a multi-millionaire.

>> No.10253873

Are you me?

>> No.10253880

Obviously red

>> No.10253941



>> No.10253968

Definitely RED.

>Buy Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Netflix stocks
>Sell right before the .Com bubble - buy it back right after that event
>Short USA housing market 100x Leverage
>Mine BTC
>Sell it all before the 2014 crash
>Put all of it on Leicester City 2015 season (5000x return)
>Buy back BTC, sell at 19k
>Wait until this current day, buy every single Link Token I can get my hands on

>By 2021 I will thus rule the entire world...

>> No.10253993

You don't have to be a boomer to have been relatively old enough to use a computer during the recession. Even the dot com boom if you missed it a bit you just put your money on apple and amazon and google or whatever.

>> No.10254316
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but then again you would have to redo all the shitty things over the years as a child, as well as being bored as hell having to play with child things and other children (might be a boon to you if you're a pedophile tho)

Red would me much more OP and better if it was like 10 or 11 that you went back to
Since I have already had my childhood and friends I would spend this new one just doing whatever I wanted and fukking pucci

>> No.10254373

That leaves the question, is it the same child you once had.

>> No.10254447

Your uncle molested you as a child and you dont want to go through that again, we got your message, but normal people would pay a lot to go back to the past

>> No.10254472

if you don't choose red you're retarded

at 3 you'd be a genius, you'd know to invest in BTC in 2012, AAPL, AMZN, NFLX. You'd become one of the richest people in the world with that knowledge. You could throw $10M bets on the Kentucky Derby, Mayweather, Superb owl and World Serious. And fuck any bitch you want.

Basically it would be like being justin beiber but better

>> No.10254528

Red and it's not even close. The information about market movemenents alone would unironically be worth hundreds of millions if you're not a brainlet and use it correctly. On top of that you get 15-30 years extra life span, youll be extremely knowledgeable once youre an adult and you can earn a ton of $$ as a child prodigy.

>> No.10254573

Skin pill any day

>> No.10254582

I’d take the red pill and unironically become a child prostitute. I never knew what my true aspirations were until it was too late. :(

>> No.10254663

Also I’d publicize my successes and then once everyone saw me as the genius golden messiah of investment insight I’d start redpilling the fuck out of people with Jared Taylor style talking points

>> No.10254726

Too many reddit fucktards ITT making the $10 joke
Kill yourselves

>> No.10254755

>tfw bitcoin is just a time traveller pump and dump scheme

>> No.10254836

>knowing every single wold cup winner in advance
>knowing about cryptos in advance
>knowing about geopolitics in advance
>knowing about innovation in advance
>knowing about stocks movement in advance
>knowing about trends in advance

Just by developing Minecraft one year before Notch I would be a multi-billionaire anon + I would gain 23 years of life.

>> No.10255257

I'd take the redpill and not become fat, finally get teen pussy, figure out how to make my brother turn out better, try to mitigate his autism if at all possible. Last thing would be to stop my dad from fucking up his neck, that's been shitty for him for the past 10 years.

>> No.10255752

Well I'm only 18. My biggest problem is lack of credentials, not skills. 10 mil upfront is probably going to serve me better than sitting through all the boredom of childhood.

>> No.10255792

Blue. Would much rather take $10m now and invest it than re-live my entire shitty childhood over again

>> No.10256017

Big pill followed by blaze, gren, and skin.
Then take either banana or lavender and finally ocean and maroon.
Maybe could take banana pill after blaze but you've already lived over 4,000 years at that point and presumably you've gained lots of experience in that time. You'd be better off taking more defensive pills to ensure your survival.

>> No.10256052

This, and by the time you get 28 you take the red pill again and enter an endless loop

>> No.10256110

Just fucking go live in the forest.

>> No.10256157

>Big pill followed by blaze
The only good anwser

>> No.10256240

Assuming Ocean pill years count towards the big pill then the ocean pill would be better, albeit much more boring, but yeah. Big+Blaze>Everything else

>> No.10256263


Sell my house, buy nothing but XRP at 2 cents with the 200k, live in apt for a few months. Sell at 3.15,

Have 30 million

>> No.10256290
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>> No.10256294

There's an awful lot of ways to die in a forest, anon.

>> No.10256297

It has to be the exact sperm at the exact some time in the exact same situation. If he changes a single thing he ends up with a different kid. Not worth the risk. Anyone with kids is more likely to take the blue pill, unless of course they don't like their kids.

>> No.10256318

There's problem with the big pill. The longer you live, the more chance of getting into some shit that kills you. So this will be very boring 2k years as you'd need to avoid any risky actions.

>> No.10256344
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probably red but I don't know...

however being that you know all major events in the future, you now bear a unique responsibility because you now know things you shouldn't

like for example what major catastrophes are going to happen in the world, would it mean that you were complicit with them because you knew but didn't do anything to stop it? but if you do stop them, you might become a target yourself for having future knowledge and maybe change the entire course of the worlds history for the worse

could you sacrifice the world for your personal gain?

I want to take the red one, more than anything, but I fear the consequences

>> No.10256439

Fuck, I have 2 sons under 3. I didn't think about this. They are both healthy and free of any major problems, I cant' roll that dice again

>> No.10256487

A 3 year old's brain can't house an adult consciousness.
Or any consciousness, since children aren't even sentient for the first couple of years.

>> No.10256498

Thanks, captain obvious.