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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1024925 No.1024925 [Reply] [Original]

Today I decided to wait things out and lost about 20k €

Will I regret this? What do you guys think

Amazon, Tesla, Commerzbank, Facebook, Porsche, China Ming Yang, Vale, Grammer & Kandi in my portfolio

>> No.1024932
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Also, timestamp for good measure

>> No.1024934

I was about to go 100% cash and clear all positions in order to enter the market later on but sometimes I am a lazy fuck

>> No.1024938

Tech companies will be absolutely fine. Anything else, eh.

>> No.1025007

gosh /biz/ can be so slow sometimes

>> No.1025008

sell sell sell

the ship is sinking

>> No.1025009

Are you retiring next year? Chill out and wait.

>> No.1025025

Hang in there buddy.

You only take a loss when you sell it.

>> No.1025075


what makes you think that?

>> No.1025083


its oviously not the end of the world but in case the markest do turn down now

what would hurt less:

A: holding on to my stocks and beeing not liquid in a buyers market
B: selling at a loss, waiting untill the whole market plummets and getting back in

I frankly favour B in case of the markest going down even further I could easily make up for the losses if thats the case. However I risk getting out to early and missing a "rebound"

But thats the dilemma that comes with trading stocks I guess. lol

>> No.1025193

This is so fucking fun to watch : a fucking fag with 130k portfolio posting on a specialised chan asking the most BASIC FUCKING QUESTIONS EVER, "what should I do during crisis, keep or sell, help me pls I'm lost and scared"... Let me enunciate this:


YOU PLAYED THEIR GAME, AND YOU'RE FUCKING LOSING. Good cause you're part of the reason why this whole fucking system of wealth creation through debt is unsustainable SHIT.

>> No.1025203


>> No.1025227

So much this. The financial cancer needs to end.

Hopefully this market crash can burn the disease away.

>> No.1025231
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>> No.1025292

That dilemma is why I rigidly stick to buy and hold and reinvest dividends. I've missed some opportunities but also dodged a lot of bullets that way. Of course in theory buy low sell high is best but the markets are hard to predict as we all know. So for my own peace of mind I just stick with my investments and sooner or later I get my reward.

>> No.1025295

The problem is a lack of balls and shortsightedness.

>> No.1025300

>portfolio consisting entirely of overvalued stocks
>doesn't expect to lose money
Wew lad

>> No.1025304


No, the problem is the fundamental unpredictability of complex systems

Let me let you in on a little secret: no one understands the economy. It's in fact well established that experts hardly know more than your average McDonalds employee, and they certainly can't predict large blow ups like these, and unfortunately, large blow ups is where most of the money is lost

>> No.1025305


my friends, I am well aware of my my strategy and by no means I am a gambler.

I just like to exchange opinions with like minded people here in this chan.
Easy and basic questions are best because almost everybody here who owns stocks can relate. Please stop crying about me trying to talk about trading. I´m just doing it for the sake of it and not because I need anybodies help.

Thanks and goodspeed with whatever business you are doing

>> No.1025310

have you ever read Nassim Taleb ?

>> No.1025315

No one understands it but history shows that in most cases the markets recuperate.

My personal view is that long term you make a profit(from reinvested dividends if nothing else) unless the entire system collapses in which case your money isn't worth shit anyway.

>> No.1025367

but wouldn´t be (if the economic system collapses) the most valuable thing be knowledge patents and machinery? Therefore I would call owning stock in such a company to some degree more safe than owning gold.

>> No.1025375
File: 51 KB, 700x464, pol-tards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are talking with /pol/ spill retards. the cancer of /chan

if you respond you only get yourself dirty

>> No.1025391

As a /pol/lack myself, I can confirm this to be true. We're pretty much the lowest of the low of humanity.

>> No.1025824


I...Is this true? Am I a scum for thinking the free market economy/wealth creation through debts sucks fat cocks? I mean... I can think of many who would qualify for "scum of the earth" title, and I don't count /pol/hacks in the equation. Pol is love. Pol is life.

>> No.1026512


I loved /pol the second I discovered it and I loved it ever since. So ...
I can however confirm that 9/10 times you start arguing with a /pol/lack you´ll need to take a shower afterwards