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10248516 No.10248516 [Reply] [Original]

Is it the future?

>> No.10248532


>> No.10248679

someone said it, finally
yes, communism is coming, in the form of full automation and cheap af stuff for everyone

>> No.10248735


>> No.10248744

yes but breeding won't be a "human right" anymore. that's the tradeoff. we can't keep multiplying like bacteria.

>> No.10248792

No, but "democratic" socialism is, full communism will never be achieved because the central power created by the socialist transition stage isn't something that rulers are going to give up voluntarily, and a populous being given all of their basic needs and some of their wants isn't going to bite the hand that feeds them.

>> No.10249542
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No. A kind of high tech "socialism" in the sense of a fair and equitable post scarcity economy perhaps. It requires a shared set of values to work, a common culture to work towards a unified goal. Witness the breakdown of the Nordic model in the light of mass immigration. Even potential gene editing to remove biological limitations on intelligence aren't enough without the more subtle unity created by shared national identity. And the demonstrably causal link between "alternative" sexualities, and mental illness, social breakdown etc (as the tradional family unit is by nature the build block of nations) means the gay space part needs to be discarded.

And idleness is seldom a good thing thing. Fully automated or not, the expectation that people without goal or direction will become anything other than incredibly depressed or criminal is ludicrous.

So the future is a kind of Socialism sure - but of a Nationalist variety. Kind of fully automated for essential but careful to provide meaningful roles for people, without decadent "luxuries" so much as an emphasis on quality in all activities, a promotion of healthy natural values and sexuality, and as a part. Partially automated, high quality, heterosexual, National Socialism.

>> No.10249573


That isn't communism though. Free stuff is about the opposite of what communism delivers. It's closer to the end goal of Ancaps really, you don't even need a UBI etc if effective costs drop to nearly 0 and you have to really, really try not to get rich from the sheer plenty surrounding you.

>> No.10249594

A new end my friend awaits us all we should hope for

>> No.10249618

there is no need for monetary exchanges in communism (not talking about soviet-style socialism, but quasi-anarchical communism), there is only exchange of goods and services. imagine having goods mass produced by robots. why would you even need to exchange anything?

anyway, filling the needs of everyone is, AFAIU, the purpose of all economic ideologies out there

>> No.10249640

Get a job.

>> No.10249641

All you need to know:
Capitalism: good for NEETs and lazy people you mooch off wagecuck labor
Communism: bad for NEETs you are now forced to work to get your needs taken care of, or you die due to being a lazy leech

Ironically capitalism is best if you want to work less, you just need to be in the right position. If you are a wagecuck communism is actually better in the long run.

>> No.10249642
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>He thinks the elite will have any use for him once automation makes him useless
Your best hope is to be treated as human cattle for organ harvesting, since sex slave is out of your league

>> No.10249787

>the expectation that people without goal or direction will become anything other than incredibly depressed or criminal is ludicrous
lol no. Real life isn't like Hollywood tropes of depressed rich people.