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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10245816 No.10245816 [Reply] [Original]

Please realize this coin is dead.... kek
I know some of you are slow and deluded
But if you haven't sold your bags weeks ago.....you are clearly delusional. Ever since the Code mistake all buyer confidence is gone from gook coin. This is NOT normal bear bleeding, this is a coin dying.

Broke it's lowest support and is not bouncing, it's riding that spot. This is a red flag.....

>> No.10245849

I sold immediately after the amateur code mistake and haven't looked back

>> No.10245864

God I wish I fucking sold this gook piece of shit ages ago. Fucking stuck with it now.

>> No.10245868
File: 119 KB, 396x385, 1531120611173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>water is wet
no shit op

>> No.10245874

Same, well i actually kept like 100 for shits and gigs... cuz you know crypto... anything can happen.

Well a week of studying the chart and sentiment confirmed this coin is done for. And ever since it's been dumping / bleeding. I know icx chart behavior, bull market aint saving this garbage.It'll get REQ performance at best.....

>> No.10245947
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sry fren, we warned you then
How much damage we looking at? I suppose you may as well hold it at this point..

>> No.10246242

what's a good coin to get in replace off this along the same lines project wise

>> No.10246930

Am I reading this correctly? You want to move from this gook scam to a slightly altered chink scam?

Look up Lamden
Look up Constellation

American companies and guess what you can actually contact the team through Telegram! You're welcome.

>> No.10246973

Oh and do some fucking research this time. Don't be a retard and FOMO in because some random /biz/ faggot told you to.

>> No.10246976

Holy shit. Don't touch lamden.
Atomic swaps are old, slow dead tech. And the team is a bunch of kids with no experience.

>> No.10247033

wtf is this dump. whales dumping?

>> No.10247040

>they thought Koreans would invest in Korean cryptos

>> No.10247051

yes, check the volume

>> No.10247055

Everyone who filled their ico cap got something like 2k (2%) icx on mainnet. With binance having opened withdrawals, ico buyers can dump their airdrop. Plus advisors have their tokens unlocked.

>> No.10247057
File: 9 KB, 401x367, 1511216037499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ethereum of korea

>> No.10247187

Haven't even swapped my tokens yet but your saying it's dead? Dam alright, just sold everything. Thanks anon.

>> No.10247203

Inclined to agree with you on this.
Far from my top pick and will never get any enterprise adoption, but it's far better than ICX, VEN or any other "platform" in the top 50.

Team are silly kids but this coin could moon again when Normans get in on it.

I'm not going to throw this Anon everything I have lurked the net for months to find. Kid needs to do his own research.

>> No.10247207

Honestly at this point it's just a meme.

Ive lost so much fucking money on this coin it's unreal.

This shit could go down to 50 cents or even 10 fucking cents and I wouldn't feel any fucking different

>> No.10247250
File: 58 KB, 500x375, caca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just bought around 5k of this coin, thanks for the buy signal you filthy 3rd worlders

>> No.10247328

presalers had their tokens unlocked, wait a few weeks for these dimwits to dump before it starts recovering

>> No.10247365

not even BTC plummeting can make it crash it really all these fucking ico fags selling their stacks

>> No.10247366
File: 300 KB, 492x494, 1524175031684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would much rather selling rather than buying during your pump rakeesh, don't keep my bot waiting please

>> No.10247468

Buy AION instead

>> No.10247705
File: 15 KB, 340x421, K1s3aWU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit needs to drop more.
I want most of the ICO'ers to sell off their stacks.
Once all the whales sell and fomo back in later at higher prices, maybe a year or two down the line, it'll grow much more much quicker.
Just like what happened to ANS.

I personally bought 7500 via ICO and another 1000 now.
Hopefully if it drops below $1, i can top up to an even 10K, then hold/stake for 2 - 3years.

>> No.10248644

emotionally I want it to stop dropping but at the same time now I can accumulate even more