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10240482 No.10240482 [Reply] [Original]

Society obligates you to feed yourself.
At the same time, society refuses to grant you the employment by which to feed yourself.

Therefore, society wants you to starve.

>> No.10240501

>you don't deserve to starve

>> No.10240550

Society doesn't care about you. There's no intention directed from it for you to starve because you are insignificant.

>> No.10240565

They just want you to stave just enough so that you aren't completely comfortable and maintain obedience. If the Goyim become too comfortable then they will refuse to work and that's not good if you're apart of the parasitic elite who lives of their back.

>> No.10240828

basically correct. so treat society accordingly

>> No.10240848

you're just not willing to take the jobs that are available you fucking loser

>> No.10240864

stop using concepts like "society" "the government" "the elites" "the globalists" "the state" "the patriarchy"

they< are all interchangeable and all point to the fact that you define your situation through the other, the above, a godlike thing that you cant point your finger at but assume everybody understands

i read "i must feed myself but i cant and its everybody elses fault but mine"

if youre really so fet up with stuff, go to a poor country like italy or portugal, squat a house in the middle of nowhere, and grow potatoes in the wild, forage, hunt, be self reliant

>> No.10240878
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>> No.10241242
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>> No.10241314

You are supposed to go and pick berries if you are hungry

>> No.10241321

>society obligates you to feed yourself
This is stated in a very retarded manner, what the fuck did you mean by this OP?

>> No.10241330

Good goy deflect the idea that you yourself are the only one to blame for your situation buy into the idea that its everyone else's fault

>> No.10241334

Reality, not other people, obligates you to feed yourself. Food and other goods and services necessary to sustain human life need to be produced. Living in society doesn't change that fundamental fact; cooperating through others makes your labor more efficient though, which is why the division of labor and capitalism so drastically improved the standards of living. That said, nobody is at fault for your needs, and nobody owes you a job. These things are so simple yet commie moochers fail to comprehend them.

>> No.10241336


You fucking retard thats not how the world works.

>> No.10241345

Commie IRL

>> No.10241347

*cooperating with others

such as through employment contracts and trade

>> No.10241369

accept adapt overcome
you are in a situation right now where you still have a platform to plead your woes to the world
you will learn the moment you can no longer do this either adapt or die