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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10239110 No.10239110 [Reply] [Original]

How does bullshit like this get so many upvotes? I'm fucking dumbfounded.

>> No.10239117

hes right you know

>> No.10239128

Yeah actually I was thinking about making a thread about it. If reddit is still in Denial... then kek, we have quite a ride ahead

>> No.10239132

People upvote what they want to hear and vice versa, that's all

>> No.10239138

>chump change
>biggest bubble
its a boomer larp stop overthinking it

>> No.10239143

But he's saying a bubble is a good thing. He clearly knows nothing

>> No.10239157


>Coins are down 90-95%
>We are in denial

Please, just leave this space.

>> No.10239161

Perhaps if you could stay there a lot longer you’d find out? Come back to us with your report in 6 or 7 years time

>> No.10239162

>People upvote what they want to hear and vice versa, that's all

Makes sense. I just think it's fucking stupid. "Echo chamber"

>> No.10239169

Reddit is a circle jerk of fake news.

>> No.10239185

they've been memed anon, and it isn't a whole lot much fucking better on here with the new goys literally buying bags based on fucking robolarps

>> No.10239220

You're right. Reddit, 4chan, Twitter, telegram, discord - all filled with new idiots.

>> No.10239225

I-it's gonna g-go up r-right guys?????

>> No.10239252
File: 1.25 MB, 1600x900, 1521240549118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he right in sense BTC's market cap not even get 1/10 of any histories greatests bubbles

>> No.10239417

he is right faggots, nice to see coordinated paid banker fud back on biz though. you dumb fucks are too obvious though

>> No.10239459

thanks op just bought 100k

>> No.10239478

Kill yourself

>> No.10239515

>coordinated paid banker fud back on biz though. you dumb fucks are too obvious though

What lol? I'm just a normal guy. Stop thinking you're so smart. Plus, wtf did i say that can be considered "banker FUD" (whatever the fuck that is)?

>> No.10239580


These are the same people buying retarded arse do nothing shitcoins like chainlink/eos/sia with humungus market caps and expecting them to rise even higher than the absurd heights they're already at.

Try posting about anything actually meaningful like Bitcoin Cash and you'll get downvoted to oblivion. The dumb money in /r/cryptocurrency will eventually get wiped out as the cryptocurrency market matures.

>> No.10239615

>browsing reddit
go back

>> No.10239619

>yfw we are still in the denial stage of the meme cycle

>> No.10239631

4chan: a place to talk about Reddit

>> No.10239633

Bcash is hilarious. This may shock you, but for something to be used as "cash" it has to have instant transaction times. No one is going to stand there waiting for their large blocks to confirm

>> No.10239654


Nobody wants to pump your bags, Roger

>> No.10239665
File: 107 KB, 650x794, 1513354407559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As Bitcoin (BCH) has removed replace-by-fee zero-conf transactions are quite suitable for low risk, instant transactions you silly goy.

If you're buying a house/car/boat etc, sure wait 10 minutes for a confirmation.

Having said all this, I will remind you that Purse.io's node implementation is not Bitcoin Cash, you can refer to Bitcoin Cash as either Bitcoin, Bitcoin (BCH) or BCH.

>> No.10239772

Stop acting like you don't browse Reddit. I know at least 95% of 4chan does. Where else would you get your news? Here lol?

>> No.10239833

Confirmation bias.

>> No.10239857

I'll refer to it as BITCH, then.

>> No.10240652


People wkno we are like -90
They see "bubble"
Start banging their head
Agrees because now and forever they have been certain it's a bubble

They are just stupid, nothing more

>> No.10240688

My thread:
- look at the date
- look at the comments
- look at the current chart

I tried to save them.

>> No.10240749

So is that it? Were done and never going back up? I refuse to believe that

>> No.10240811

Reddit is nothing but an echo chamber for brainlet normies to circlejerk each other on.

At this point I am completely open to the possibility of even more downside to this market. I thought that the bear market wouldve been over by now but I was wrong and so was everyone else just about.

People keep parrotting the whole multi trillion dollar market cap figure like its an absolute certainty, but its not.

>> No.10240852

I see waaay more pessimists like you though

>> No.10240894
File: 40 KB, 800x635, 1518302709794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC is a bubble because it has no utility

>> No.10240941

Norman’s don’t even use Reddit. It’s like all the 30+ boomers who are too autistic to make friends in real life and not autistic enough for 4chan. Normies don’t use Internet forums, they have their discussions on Facebook and irl. You guys who think Reddit is full of norms are deluded and frankly show exactly why you’re on 4chan because you’re that out of touch with reality and people around you

>> No.10241121

Bubbles are good when they lead to higher ICO/IPO investments in an emerging sector. While a lot of money gets thrown at shit, a lot of money also gets thrown at gold and innovation happens at a faster pace because of it.

>> No.10241142

>facebook is reality
>4chan is delusion

>> No.10241143

>T. didn't sell the top

Lmao bubbles are great ride the waves man

>> No.10241195

btc still up 3x YoY

>> No.10241234

>Norman’s don’t even use Reddit.
It's the 16th most popular site in the world.

>> No.10241356

That reddit guy is 100% right though, we have seen nothing yet.

Just wont happen to be BTC that blows up the next bubble.

>> No.10241404

when ETH and all the other platform scams go down, that's the last bubble before the actual money coins explode in value