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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10231731 No.10231731 [Reply] [Original]

Have you really not bought into FOMO3D yet? We're #3 on both DappRadar and DappVolume, and soon to be #1. Time is of the essence poorfags, you can finally make some money. Either try to win that 230eth pot, or sit back and collect the dividends!


>> No.10232172


>> No.10232194

so this is the power of etherium

>> No.10232368

I put 0.1 ETH into it and Ill probably make that back in dividends in a week, not to mention all I will get once someone exit scams. Can withdraw at any time too. Im unironically happy about this. 210 keys

>> No.10232677

yes! I'm already at 50% ROI and I bought after the initial pump! Considering this round is going for months..i'm very excited for all the divs. Plus, key value goes up more than your key ratio, so you make more and more divs!!!

>> No.10232709
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>> No.10233945

we at 235 niBBa

>> No.10234292

It will be fuel for my margin trading endeavors really.

>> No.10234614
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almost 237eth already, if you're not getting on this train now, there's something wrong with you.

>> No.10234628

Can someone give me the quick rundown on this?

>> No.10234652

Here's a link to the quick start guide https://fomo3d.hostedwiki.co/

>> No.10234711

it's a game
you buy a key (or 100 at one swoop, whatever)
and the 24h timer resets
key gradually become more expensive (it's like 0.0005eth a key for now)
last person to buy a key and wait 24 hours takes the pot (the 200+ eth reward now)
other than that, every time someone buys you get some dividends, p3d holders get dividends, and even if you don't get the pot in the end, a part of the pot is refunded to all participants.
And then the game begins anew.

>> No.10234871

great job whoever created this, well done. Its going to go on for a long time I imagine.

>> No.10234901

pretty good reverse hot potato dapp.

>> No.10234921

To add to that, your key value will keep going up, so your dividends will keep increasing (as long as the round continue). Every key purchase adds 30 seconds to the clock up to 24 hours. It's stuck around 24 hrs since launch and will continue to do so for a while. So, free dividends pretty much if you get in now.

>> No.10234938

how did you guys come up with the design for this? you've got some pretty talented artists

>> No.10234948

If we actually had devs on this thread it would be great for them to know that.

>> No.10234955

Does the timer reset to 24 hours or does each key increase the time by 30 seconds with a 24 hour cap?

>> No.10234969

It only adds 30 seconds. The thing is people aren't letting the timer go down.

>> No.10234990

I hope dividends aren't discontinued for legal reasons like with what happened with etheremon at the beginning

>> No.10235012

That's the nice thing about complete decentralization. Dividends cannot and will not be stopped. They are built into the smart contract :)

>> No.10235022

There is no chance for that to happen since all of it's features are managed by an already deployed smart contract. So there is no human meddling and the contract will exist and work for as long as the Ethereum Network exists.

>> No.10235060

I don't understand this game so I'm not getting involved.

>> No.10235067
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Thank the UI guys, maybe one will stop by here, or they're on the discord

>> No.10235131

This is a lottery game in which the last person to buy a key at the end of a round wins the pot!
During a round, people can purchase 1 or more keys which adds time to the timer by 30 seconds (up to 24 hours) and marks them as the current leader. With each key purchase during the round, the key price increases slightly.
Players receive a stream of passive income from the game as keys are bought during the round (dividends). FOMO3D has pretty much been at 24 hours remaining since launch, so you get constant dividends right back into your wallet.

>> No.10235149

You keep using this word. Where the fuck are dividends coming from? What is the dividend rate? Who is paying me off? When do I receive distributions? What's the point if I just get 5% dividends back and lose my principal in all likelihood anyway?

>> No.10235216

Dividends come from a portion of key buys that come after yours. So people after you trying to win the pot. I'm currently at 70% ROI in 2 days (bought after the initial pump). You receive dividends automatically whenever anyone purchases keys, you can withdraw these at any time with a click of a button and a gas fee.

>> No.10235227

What's the rate though

>> No.10235231

The bigger the pot gets, the more people that will try to win it, keeping the timer high. If the timer ever gets close to 0, i'd imagine there would be a rapid influx of key purchases trying to win the pot, raising the timer back up.

>> No.10235249

Watch the contract balance, rate depends on how many people buy in and how many keys they buy. Its not fixed.

Here's a contract balance graph:

>> No.10235279
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And since key price appreciates faster than your % of total keys goes down, your dividends will speed up. Today and yesterday I received a bit over 10% back in dividends (on original investment)

>> No.10235294

i got 5% divs back just today
the mathematical lower bound of ETH that will flow in the contract is 0.00052 (key price) * (60/30) = 0.00104 day per minute, or 0.00104 * 60 * 24 = 1.496 ETH per day
this is inevitable, because people won't let a 230 ETH pot go to someone else without trying to grab it themselves. human nature makes this lower bound an ineluctability
some portion of the ETH spent on buying keys is distributed as divs, proportionally to your holdings. so that's where you get it from
now 1.5 ETH doesn't seem much, but the genius of the scheme is that anyone who understands it will run forever can plainly see those minimum +50 ETH are worth it when the pot is only 232 ETH
so they buy in dozens, hundreds, thousands of keys themselves for the divs
which raises key prices, gives previous holders more divs, inflating returns and encouraging further investment
in pure ponzi fashion it is obviously unsustainable, but getting in now is nigh guaranteed to get you your principal back in a month or two
people who get in 2 weeks from now won't be so lucky
unless it goes parabolic, which it very well can

>> No.10235312

* ETH per minute, and not "day per minute" (obv)

>> No.10235341

> t. brainlet
> 2016 "I don't understand Ethereum so I won't get involved"

>> No.10235349

meant +50 ETH a month, too

>> No.10235352

The real play is getting one of those p3d tokens which pay you out of all the rounds ever played on the game. I got mine and already getting dividends daily. Smarter than just getting the normal game ref.


>> No.10235369

I got 4.5% ROI in the past 24 hours from divs

>> No.10235396

I estimate making principal back in 22 days if the current rate continues and the game doesn't go to shit.

>> No.10236145

its lit

>> No.10236174

Almost 243eth in the pot now! It's accelerating!

>> No.10236189
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Get in now before you fomo in later..


>> No.10236946

why would i want to buy the key at any time before ~5min remaining? wtf? this is pajeet city

>> No.10237015

the sooner you buy in the cheaper the keys are

right now they're fairly cheap but i can imagine they will get quite expensive before people stop buying them

>> No.10237092

Yeah I wouldn't buy a single key..gas may cost more than that lol. I'd buy at least 100 desu

>> No.10237245

i must be missing something... why buy more than one key? are there rewards for buying a key other than hoping nobody buys them after you do ??

>> No.10237278

Yes, a portion of the eth used to buy keys after you is paid out as dividends to key holders. So if you buy a bunch of keys and sit on them, that's a good strategy as opposed to trying to be the last key in. Amazing roi from dividends as of now. I got about 14% today.

>> No.10237360

The amount of eth that is distributed to the pot, or to key holders is determined by the team that the key purchaser selects. The percentage distributions are in the fomo3d wiki.

>> No.10237456

what happens when the keys are going for 15ETH per and the counter is 00:01:59?

>> No.10237525

Don't think it will get that high, but if it does..the pot would be so large that anyone with 15eth would drop it for a chance to win.

>> No.10237756

no, even if every eth in existience was in the contract, highest it can go is .15 eth.

Can't see this game going down for years...if ever

>> No.10237791

I see what you mean. Yeah..I don't see this game ending for months at least with this key price appreciation rate

>> No.10238023

I have almost recovered my initial 1.6 eth I put in in the first hour. Got in at around 60 eth . Have 5200 keys will I make it ?

>> No.10238085
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You'll make it..and continue getting divs for years

>> No.10238145
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Really, let me talk a little about Ethereum and F3D.

Ethereum will be the adopted network for managing the cryptospace and therefore wealth. There is a pretty certain possibility that every existant monetizable article in the world will be tokenized in some way and Ether will be key for it.

Smartcontracts, which are the invention of the century for turning blockchain tech into something usable, are and will continue being monopolized by Ethereum.

Now, if a smartcontract based on it, which is already deployed hence inmutable, completely auditable by anyone since the code is open, would organize an ecosystem based on generating income for its users based on the very 'greed' of themselves. Creating a form of trustless passive income that accepts anyone. That would be a revolution in a revolution.

And that's exactly what the F3D and P3D ecosystems are.

By playing with the greed of it's participants. Every time someone buys a key this person has the chance to drain the contract if and only if they are the last one to contribute, an exit scam if you will. The thing is, 47-48% of the total invested actually goes to this player, because the rest is divided among the other players, in real time, in the form of dividends.

By thinking a little one can conclude that, to guarantee continuous income you just have to trust that other people will fight for this gigantic pot that was built little by little by thousands of users, and that after a certain value is achieved, they will be forced to it, by their own greed and Fear of Missing Out.

Read a little, educate yourself on this masterfully designed contract, and you will see.


>> No.10238285


>> No.10238306

any guesses as to where this will cap? I'm thinking 2,000 eth.

>> No.10238322
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lets not forget powh

>> No.10238430
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hey man i used your referral lol. I guess il post mine up


>I Support Single Mothers

>> No.10238577
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its all memes bruv

t. justo

>> No.10238605
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Yeah PowH was a failed contract. The concept got picked up and re-made by team JUST which is an entirely new development team.

P3D Has been running the first successful bonded token model in crypto history for months now, and team JUST directly connected it to this game so that anyone invested in P3D gets dividends off the volume of F3D.

P3D Has gone +1000 eth or so since yesterday and the token price has doubled, pretty crazy.