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File: 497 KB, 2152x1336, bettings markets are better than polls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1022969 No.1022969 [Reply] [Original]

Any legal ways to bet on the upcoming general election? I want to hedge my bets and drop a few thousand on Hilldog but I can't find any non-UK betting sites.

>> No.1023145

you really think dog is gonna make it?

>> No.1023159

you know sanders is gonna win it right?

>> No.1023163

Put your life savings on Jeb Bush

>> No.1023167


I've got $5000 on Jeb and $5000 on Trump. Both of those are from a line of credit and I'm currently ~20k in student debt (Canada) but I'm feeling good about this.

>> No.1023183


Jesus Christ I'm so sorry for you. I really hope you can pull that money out.

Why would you even bet on an election you know nothing about?

>> No.1023204

Read about it yesterday, but it was as shad as u say it right now. The facts is Bernie is the third atm. What's gonna change that?

>> No.1023480
File: 18 KB, 499x519, donjon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bernie is 2nd in the dem nom right behind Hillary, and you'd have to be crazy to think that the Reps can win after the bombardment of anti-black, muslim, jewish, and mexican rhetoric that 2015 was. Recent data showed that every demo except old white people has shifted left. No amount of gerrymandering can help the Republicans. This isn't even mentioning how Trump's nomination/non-nomination will likely fragment the party. A Dem is winning for sure, so the question is Bernie or Hilldog?

So in polls, Bernie is 2nd. How is that gonna change? Well, it's not. The truth is Bernie is ahead of Hilldog, but you'll never know it because all major polls are conducted through landlines. Millennials (18-34) do not use landlines. A Harvard Review study reported that a majority of millennials will vote Sanders in the primary and will push him to victory.

Recall that the same EXACT thing happened with Obama in 2007/8, and now, Millennials are EVEN MORE eligible to vote and are EVEN MORE mobilized by social media.

Google poll data for Democrats from late 2007/08 and compare it with current Dem polls.

So yeah, you're out of $10,000 unless you wise up.

>> No.1023650

pls be trolling (for your sake)

>> No.1023669

>$5000 on Jeb


>> No.1023674

He'll release his tax plan in a couple of weeks. If he manages to live up to his promises without raising taxes too much, Hillary will be fucked.

>> No.1023678

Forgot source:

>> No.1023738

There are a few bitcoin-based betting applications available or soon-to-be available. Gnosis is one of them; Augur is another.

>> No.1023756

You'd be better off investing in guaca-bowls

>> No.1023757

quite obvious she is, betting markets tend to be much much better than polls when it comes to this sort of thing

Hillary is by far the favorite to win, easy money

>> No.1023770


I laugh every time someone says this as if 2008 never happened (along with the plethora of other times in recent history that a frontrunning nominee fails to grab the nomination in the final 2 months).