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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 308 KB, 1570x872, EndOfGlobalization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10232313 No.10232313 [Reply] [Original]

Anon predicts America coming up as absolute top dog for the foreseeable future. Is he correct?

>> No.10232471
File: 311 KB, 826x520, 1531161135744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hope so. I don't know how much of foot we have on the throat of the world but I think we can fuck everyone rather quickly. The current system isn't sustainable for Murica and the shit needs to stop. Fuck China and fuck any other parasite country that has fucked the middle class out of existence. The day of reckoning has come. You either fall in line or fuck right off. What a time to be alive and an American. Truly glorious.

>> No.10232481

tldr, idgaf

>> No.10232492

Watch the video he's summarizing

>> No.10232512

Yes he’s right. Shale will be cheaper than Saudi Oil by half in the next 18 months. We don’t need to give a fuck about the rest of the world and Trump will get re-elected, even if there’s a recession soon. We’ll bounce back so hard because the rest of the world needs us far more than we need them.


Skip to 3:00.

>> No.10232557

>Is he correct?
And I can tell this to you with a single example - the company I work for.

I work for a european company that is a market leader in producing automatic instruments for clinical diagnostics. Blood, tissue, body fluids - anything that your doctor takes and sends to a laboratory for testing has a very high possibility to be analyzed in one of our machines or in a machine, where we sell major parts for or where the software was written by our company.

It is impossible for any company located in the US to produce these machines on their own.
If these machines break down, they lack the know-how to fix them. This very specific know-how is currently located in Europe and would take about a decade to rebuild in the US (yes, we analyze this every now and then).
If these machines break down and are not fixed, samples cannot be analyzed.
Which in turn inevitable leads to people dying, asking why doctors dont know if their cancer is benign or malignant etc...

Autarky on a state level is not possible today, if the country is involved in a global network once.
The people of your country would turn on you, because they then start to see, how well the world was working around them with these widely invisible machines.

>> No.10232591

It's not only the US that has shale oil, it's basically everywhere

The US needs the world to buy the dollars it prints for free

And the reason the US has a better fertility rate than say, germany, is minorities, nothing to be exited about

>> No.10232592

This video really activated my almond.

>> No.10232605

America is almost autarkic already.

>> No.10232613

Texas could be an autarky. Ethnostate when?

>> No.10232634

lol what if i want people to die though? we have way too many brainlets fucking up this planet, about time the world population undergoes a correction

>> No.10232666

You're bullshit little anecdote means nothing. There are much larger trends at play like generational demographics and geography

>> No.10232668

I have been looking for this since I first saw it and didn't save it hank you!

>> No.10232682
File: 137 KB, 800x600, broly_1__meme_by_thelastmanonearthart-d6hnk9q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollar is like Broly right now
it power... is maximum

this literally the most scientific way of describing it

>> No.10232683

and your opinion somehow means anything? lol fuck off retard. your post provides as much credibility as he does

>> No.10232702

Automation will make generational demographics an irrelevant concept.

The fact that the US has a bunch of wetbacks procreating to enlarge the bottom of their demographic pyramid isn't a good thing for the US, contrary to what OP is implying.

These wetbacks are a burden, nothing more.

>> No.10232741

your story is as questionable as your use of punctuation

>> No.10232776
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>America is almost autarkic already.

If we alone stop supplying the american health system for six months with our products, 95% of the big laboratories you have in the US would have to close down, because they lack spare parts for the machines. Not counting the consumables to run them day by day.

To put this into perspective:
A normal routine FBE would then cost you a couple of thousand dollars and weeks (if not months) before you get the results, because people would need to do it the old way. Manually.
Today? About 10-100 bucks and you can have the results in a couple of hours.

Health costs for even the standard procedures would skyrocket for less than 5% of what the former services did provide. Just the consequences for this single sector would lead to protests in less than a year. Even Venezuela then would have better health care than the US.

>> No.10232793

There is a surplus of oil on the market because America maintains a global order in the middle East and Eastern Europe. America has no need to do this anymore. The entire world you're imagining needed America as a lynch pin.

>> No.10232806

>what if i want people to die though?

Did someone ask for your opinion or for a realistic estimation of what would happen?

>> No.10232853
File: 32 KB, 373x521, nHS6FNcjDOcO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy, we don't have as advanced machines to detect cancer as europe. whatever will we do? we are clearly checkmated.

>> No.10232930

>we don't have as advanced machines to detect cancer as europe.

And blood, tissue, mucus, urine, feces... technologically spoken, the US is basically too dumb to determine, if the assay is from a male or female patient.
Not even ironic here. Go to a lab and ask the people working there how these machines work. If you are very lucky, they know the theory behind it, but have not a clue how the machine produces the results.

>> No.10232965

Russia can police the world better than the US, not the seas but it doesn't really matter

The US need to remain the policeman though, US companies make billions producing oil abroad and without US protection nobody would buy your weapons and your dollars, countries would stop paying for intellectual property the US is the main beneficiary of, etc

>> No.10233015

>Russia can police the world better than the US

Yeah, a corrupt and ineffective state at the economic size of italy can police the world.

>> No.10233049

How did your company manage to isolate such a strangle hold on the US health care system? That's mindblowing, something I'd never consider otherwise.

>> No.10233059

They can intervene in syria but the US can't because they don't accept losing soldiers

I honestly think US leaders are a lot more corrupt than Russians

Also France has been fighting on 3 fronts simulteously recently so i think many countries can protect their interests without the US

>> No.10233060

This is retarded right from the start. Europe IMPORTED its way back to prosperity; we manufactured, Europe bought. We had a gold-backed currency which worked well at first, but once Europe was strong enough to become a net exporter, they started draining our gold reserves rapidly, leading to the end of Bretton-Woods.

Shale will never be processed cost-effectively relative to crude oil. That is a pipedream.

Calling us a "wealthy import economy" is a meme. There's no such thing as a stable wealthy import economy; if we don't produce and our currency is backed purely by fiat, there's no reason for the rest of the world to want to keep selling us stuff, when many other countries are growing economically far faster than we are. If Trump ends a lot of the regulations that make business so expensive in the USA, then sure maybe we'll have a shot again, but until that happens we will only be competitive in selling to Latin American shitholes (a tiny fraction of the world's economy) and in selling IP (which Asia doesn't give a shit about respecting).

>> No.10233081

>Russia can police the world better


>> No.10233099
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I won't say that Euro is totally right, but as a biotech guy myself, at least half of our equipment (especially expensive things like optical instruments and centrifuges) are bought from Germany, not America.

>> No.10233145

>How did your company manage to isolate such a strangle hold on the US health care system?

It grew this way. The FDA is tearing anyone a second one who tries to mess around with lower standards than the ones that are on the market and no lab would want to buy a machine that has lower accuracy or throughput than what the market provides.

This makes it basically one of the hardest market to enter I can think of. Regulatory, medical and technological knowledge all need to be on levels that would require an extreme amount of money, time and effort to build - so all companies in this sector are either extremely huge (like Siemens) or so heavily focussed on their niche (and basically impossible to substitute), that it does not make sense to compete with them.

>> No.10233147

Reminder that the US has the most offensive power but Russia always had the best defensive capacity and technology on earth

>> No.10233158

What instruments specifically are we talking about? It's not that hard to teach some BS-holder to run flow cytometry or an ELISA.

>> No.10233163

>Reminder that the US has the most offensive power but Russia always had the best defensive capacity and technology on earth

You can stop it, I am lauging already.

>> No.10233188
File: 21 KB, 424x408, 1491385661103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this all conspiracy or what is he saying is actually true or partially true? What does that mean for my shitcoins is what I really want to know.

>> No.10233198

Get real. We are surrounded by two oceans, mountains, and deserts. Russia...is cold, and needs a curtain for when its not cold. And it doesn't and won't ever get that curtain.
>Russia invading poland in 2018 the year of our lord.

>> No.10233251

You don't know what you're talking about, Russia has the best anti-ballistic systems, the s500 are 3 generations above US tech, they would clearly win a nuclear war

>> No.10233260
File: 69 KB, 800x553, stockpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What instruments specifically are we talking about?

Automatical laboratory machines located in big laboratories, which are used to analyze basically anything a human body is made of or able to produce, starting from blood and tissue to pus and saliva.

The big machines you put the essays in, wait a bit and get the results on a PC.
Pic related - the size is about the same, would not be suprised if it is actually one of our older models.

>> No.10233285

Damn it's nice to be a property-owning Murican. I feel like kind of an asshole but I kind of hope Russia gets fucked so my Russian e-gf will decide to move here.

>> No.10233287


You have delusions of grandeur if you think your company being excluded from the USA would cause it to collapse.

>> No.10233320

That's not specific. You're treating it like a black box which tells me you're probably in marketing or something.

>> No.10233364
File: 36 KB, 615x409, 1525304614514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. Watching now.

>> No.10233375

A bit of finance, a bit of purchasing & procurement, a bit of investor relations and market analysis.
I am not one of the developers or technicans, if it is that what you mean.

>> No.10233401

I really don't get where he's going with all of that naval protection shit. I understand that we have the world's most powerful navy but who exactly is posing such a massive threat to shipping lanes that the Chinese "economy, government and nation" will collapse?

>> No.10233452

Siemens ?

>> No.10233620

Somehow hope this is how things turn out. But fuck, I live in Europe, what do? How do I capitalize on this?

>> No.10233646

lol, overlooking the importance of a blue water fleet, protection of shipping, and power projection is a rookie mistake.

I know the navy isn't the sexiest thing in the world, but it remains important and always will.

>> No.10233665

Free trade is not a bad thing, because it's a sideeffect of capitalism.

For capitalism to work properly you need all the parts.

>> No.10233683

i think that's bullshit too. as long as its strong enough to protect from pirates it's good enough
basically trying to justify US's overexpenditures on military

>> No.10233706

Ok a navy is important, but I'm supposed to believe that the entire nation of China is going to collapse because they will be unable to protect their shipping? They can't adapt at all? A nation with 1.4b+ people and a $14 trillion+ GDP is never going to be able to protect some boats? It's not like they're planning a naval war with the US or some shit so they don't need the greatest navy in the universe, just a functional one.

>> No.10233736
File: 9 KB, 203x248, mob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes mostly right, the US is a net exporters from almost every relevant country on the planet they need us much more than we need them. We could achieve full autarky in less than a decade if we needed too and even that would be extreme, because all of the america's are unquestionably in our economic sphere of influence.

>> No.10233745

>le 56% superpower

>> No.10233751
File: 211 KB, 1142x1500, Peter-Zeihan-headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great to Zeihan get more notoriety

>> No.10233755

And I fly out to China, Singapore, France, and Germany at least twice a year to fix battery and IV production lines.

>> No.10233759

the us is going to back their dollar not with oil but with desalinated water from massive fusion plants. you heard it here first folks

>> No.10233772

some wrong stuff, some right stuff, and the correct conclusion
you will get many replies from people attempting to sound very clever
truth is only the demographic points are relevant. europe is bound to collapse due to replacing its population with retards, and non-whites don't have the genetic stock to drive innovation so that's china fucked as well
(if you're thinking japan led the world in the 80s, do some research on it. the japan bubble was essentially manufactured by the US. the japanese people themselves, while showing extreme competence at given skillsets, were unable to truly invent)

>> No.10233775

Why Russia Attacks it's neighbors:


Superb analysis

>> No.10233799

In due fairness the world had lots of trouble with just dumb Somalia pirates until the US got serious with them.

>> No.10233863

No, America is not the only protecting the sea's, the Dutch have a strong arm in the Indian Ocean.
Also what makes him think the world is lifting on the back of America? Most of the world condemns the actions of the US as it has all been in their own self-interest to wage war in opposition to what they say is bringing freedom, democracy, western values and other bullshit.

>> No.10233930

>be trump(supporter)
>on the one hand: haha shale is the shit fuck you ME fuck you OPEC we autarkin' now
>on the other hand: please KSA my fellow jew cock worshippers increase production for my economy plsss
>KSA: meh

>> No.10234619

I disagree entirely that just because the USA does not have access to bleeding edge medicine, the entire country fails.

The sad truth that the single biggest indicator of societal health (EXCLUDING INFANT MORTALITY AT CHILDBIRTH WHICH IS FUCKING CHEAP AND ALMOST A CENTURY OLD) is almost entirely related to civil engineering accomplishments and nothing to do with Medical science. I.e., clean water, sewage treatment, proper landfill design and usage, etc.

So if every medical device company went tits up as you predict, which I contend is bullshit, the net health effect on the USA would be negligible. Its why Albania has a higher life expectancy that USA where Albania is, and ever has been, a backwoods shithole in every conceivable metric against the USA. A 75 year old not getting his lipitor ahead of time will have zero effect on the productive sectors of the US economy.

>> No.10234710

>would take about a decade to rebuild in the US
why? they could just steal your designs and shit what are you even going to do about it? or they can straight up bomb the shit out of you if you dont sell them the machines, or slap on some heavy tariffs that the us can stomach better then you can. or maybe they already have this technology and just didnt bother telling you about it, no country in the world has more sercret tech then the us. so if you think america can be brought down by shit like that i think you are desperately mistaken.

you will be crying and begging for a return to the old days of america world police. the only thing keeping the old world from erupting into war yet again is that every nation has an american military base. if they close those bases, if america decides not to babysit you any more, then tens of millions will die in horribly bloody and expensive conflicts.

so maybe you should be getting on your knees and fucking begging your politicians to kiss trumps ass, its your last hope

>> No.10234750


our military isnt even properly funded, we dont have a strong arm in the indean ocean best we can do is hide subs in the north sea.

fuck off. USA rules. its true. Best we collapse now, we can kill off the weak and the jews and restore birthrates. The globalist future would give us slow errosion of genetics.

>> No.10234806

That's the stupidest reasoning ever. Literally every first world country has the power to "fuck everyone rather quickly" but doesn't mean they should. If you think the US doesn't rely on other countries just as much then you're absolutely delusional. I can bet my left nut you're highly uneducated irl so all you can do is to rant on /pol/ all day. We really need to get rid of ignorant rednecks like you in order to be great again.

>> No.10234836

you first
overpop is a myth in deveopled countries, developed countries without immiration ae already below replacement birth rate

>> No.10234849

then securing those machines becomes an issue of national security. you will sell america those machines or they will defend themselves

>> No.10234852

Most people here are just uneducated blue collar dumb dumbs looking for others to blame. Most of them don't have the exposure or capacity to grasp the big picture, so instead they choose to watch youtube videos that [mostly falsely] oversimplify things and reinforce what little albeit skewed views they have developed.

>> No.10234858

Dude is correct. Most based post I've read on /biz in a week. He also forgot to mention advancing solar and renewable energies, and increasing efficiency, making the middle east less important all the time

>> No.10234876

then the us will go all operation paperclip on your ass and steal your scientists. what the fuck are you even going to do about it. america will offer them more pay and a free ride in the us and they will take it.

>> No.10234891

I would say NO ONE in this thread is truly qualified to speak about global affairs but we are all giving it a shot cuz nothing better to do.

>> No.10234911

Name one country that the US depends more on than that country depends on the US.

>> No.10234918

This, so much. That medical diagnostics fag is off his rocker if he thinks medical labs needing to reinvent a few wheels would have any serious impact on the US economy. In fact it might just drive whatever company he's working for to finally set up a branch stateside.

>> No.10234920

No, because China thinks ten steps ahead while America has been in a deadlock for the past decade. Read up on Silk Road initiative.

>> No.10234924

the us could have built an unlimited range nuclear cruise missile decades ago. and for all you know, they didnt bother, because they were already working in secret on something better. the us black budget is more then russias entire military budget probably so... who the fuck even knows what weapons the us has, they dont even know.

>> No.10234931


easy there, Hulk Hogan

>> No.10234964

>gonna walk away form the largest marketplace in the world
>y-you'll be sorry

You obviously missed the point. The rest of the world needs USA more than we need you. We'll keep buying your devices if it truly is economical for us, as you say. Which is good, I'd rather not put you out of work. It's all the stuff that is NOT economical that has to be cut.

Don't worry we've still got your back, we're just running a little tighter cost/benefit analysis these days, or rather or benefit proposition is changing.

>> No.10234983

Food for thought for others: Will your military and citizenry both openly support their dominion over others, or will you civil unrest like you did with Vietnam?

>> No.10234994

yes anon. the navy of all powers on earth combined couldn't take care of a bunch of somalian pirates without the holy power of the US.
they are going to shoot down world trade and dominate the rest of the earth the moment the US decides to let them

rip world (outside of US and Somalia)

>> No.10235001

Extra point: America's 'geographical value' on the global economic level is military force, almonds, and hollywood/media.

Not any other natural resource does America have REQUIRED to build all the tech it needs for its citizens.

>> No.10235021

fucking normie brainlets will roll over and obey like they always do. all that matters is bread on the store shelves and a circus of sportsball on the tv.

however the media is owned by global special interests and they will try to brainwash americans into rebellion. which means for the sake of national security something would have to be done about the fake news outlets.

and when america says the words "national security issue" you had better take notice. there is nothing they will not do for national security

>> No.10235023

fucking based AmeriChad

>> No.10235072
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this piece must read differently to american eyes, the point is USA has diminishing incentive to continue projecting our global "dominion", but it's in everyone's best interest if we do continue, so the incentives have to be realigned from the post WWII incentive structure.

Importing anon's medical devices, and supplying pajeet's country with toilets, is part of that realignment of incentives.

It's all good, everyone is getting taken care of, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.10235073

>the other guy brought up a good point so let me mention something unfalsifiable to dramatically degrade the quality of the conversation

>> No.10235079

I'm still waiting for a plausible explanation why China would collapse entirely without the US protecting shipping lanes. That's a massive claim which seems completely irrational on its face and can't be glossed over. China's military isn't as strong as America's but I'm pretty sure they could rip Somalia to shreds if they actually took their gloves off and operated with a disregard for human rights. Unless the US or some other major, first world country decides to get into the piracy buisiness, who is going to shut down the entire Chinese economy via naval attacks? You can't just say some wild shit like that, not justify it and expect your opinion to be taken seriously.

>> No.10235099
File: 120 KB, 991x1092, 603A88EB-57AA-4B63-9CD8-C25B8091C40E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old were you when you realized you were gay?

The US set up the current trade system to thwart the Soviet Union. No more superpower to necessitate a losing strategy anymore. This is a reshuffling of the current system to 1. Put China on notice and back in their place and 2. Put pressure on the world to have actual FREE TRADE. You’re an idiot. We’re really proud of you for making past your freshman year at Arizona state. Please don’t post again until you’ve graduated and are supporting yourself.

>> No.10235119
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>> No.10235120

the us has a massive military black budget and classified projects you and i dont know about. if you dont see how that could possibly be a relevent factor then maybe you're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.10235145
File: 718 KB, 1242x1339, 3519E544-760F-4608-8F1A-4ECEC26F26A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe you're not as smart as you think you are.

Bingo. He’s a lib fag trying to tell everyone the Obama doctrine was something that we should go back to. The absolute fucking state of zoomers

>> No.10235160

It’s not America protecting Chinas shipping lanes per say, it’s the chain reaction that follows any U.S. withdrawal from the Middle East.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are fighting 11 proxy wars right now. The only thing preventing a war in the region is heavy U.S. involvement. China benefits from this, because they spend nothing and import 80% of their energy from the Middle East. Think about what happens when the U.S. leaves and oil production goes offline due to war and instability

>> No.10235162
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Would love to see world policing and nation building shift to building robocops in Detroit to fight crime and building utopian cyber mega cities before 2027

>> No.10235165

He also says the US doesn't have global interests, and doesn't depend economically on the rest of the world.

He thinks that the entire world, minus the US (6.8 billion people) argue about breadcrumbs and are of no consequence.

It's an absolutely moronic post from a person completely outside of reality

>> No.10235176

If shale is going to be as cheap as they predict, then Venezuela is going to be even worse off than they are seeing that they are oil rich. Could this be the tipping point where their citizens 100% turn to cryptocurrency as their main way to transact?

>> No.10235246

Oil production will still happen regardless of how bad these wars get (because above anything else people want to get paid, especially when they need money to fund a conflict) until eventually a victor emerges and takes control of the region. It might be an inconvience but I'm sure China would get by.

>> No.10235258

The actual issue at hand relates to the power vacuum that develops when the US becomes disinterested in Chinese matters and the trickle down effect that could have on the Chinese economy. It's not about literal pirates attacking Chinese merchant vessels.

Remember, when it comes to geopolitics, it always comes back to the navy.

Who said the US doesn't have global interests? I didn't read that in the OP. The US has global interests, Trump just wants to level the playing field again.

>> No.10235277
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lots of countries are against it,

come back in a few years with flying cars and we'll talk

>> No.10235281
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, south-park-s13e07c07-now-go-arrrrgh-16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somalian Pirates

>> No.10235315

That Pokémon card is so fucking bad, 3 energy for 20+10 damage? 4 ENERGY FOR 30 FUCKING DAMAGE? wtf

>> No.10235339

>the US prevents wars in the middle east

Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, the EU, Russia, and China all prevent Iran from attacking its neighbors and fucking up the global energy markets

Isn't it weird how the US has massive military bases all over the ME and despite all the "security and stability" you're told that brings, that wars and regional conflict and political revolutions happen regularly?

Do you think it's possible the US deliberately uses military force to destabilize the Middle East? Do you think it's possible that perhaps the US Navy doesn't primarily exist to fight Somali pirates, but maybe is used to to enforce a credible threat of trade blockades?

>> No.10235348

which fusion plants anon ? leak some info you teasing fag

>> No.10235364

Is dealing with Somalian pirates actually a tough job for countries like China? I just googled imaged them and sure these guys are carrying machine guns, but they're using really shitty, small, worn out boats not even comparable to actual ships.

>> No.10235412

That’s actually what makes them so hard to defend against. They are fast-moving and often can fool radar due to their small size.

Once they’re boarded, it’s all over for the crew if they want to live.

>> No.10235454

According to >>10232492 video China's blue water navy can only protect it's sphere of influence. I am no international shipping expert, but I've seen videos of shipping companies that have only a handful of hired guards onboard. We do not know the length of which these pirates will risk their lives to overtake an entire ship full of containers. Have you seen the size of these ships? You just need to rob 1 ship and you will be set for life.

>> No.10235482
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, set4life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine taking this back to your shithole country. You could live like a king.

>> No.10235489

Its over once Space Force comes online. The first country with the ability to project force from space will be able to lock down the entire planet without ever needing to engage with manpower. Americas issue is that the cultural marxist timebomb may explode and we will have a large scale civil war. After that comes Caesar.

>> No.10235495

yeah clearly you need carrier groups to stop small speedboats

those chinks are really stupid for not realizing that the entire reason we have all those nuclear submarines and stealth bombers in the south china sea is to protect them from the real danger (fast moving speedboats from africa)

lmfao how much propaganda gets pumped into americans, jesus fucking christ

>> No.10235509

It's a nice fantasy. Sadly real life isn't a hollywood movie.

>> No.10235520


hijacking cargo ships is like the crypto of somalia

>> No.10235569


man who has spent the formative years of his life reading headlines believes that Trump's Space Marines will orbitally dominate the Earth (unless the country is torn apart by left-wing college students who have been programmed to start a civil war)

>> No.10235597

I disagree. War will interrupt the oil supply because oil infrastructure is the main target. Saudi Arabia and Iran know that if they can’t crimp the oil production of the enemy they will win the war. And guess what? The Ghawar super field is the ultimate prize for Iran and it’s surrounded by millions of Shi’a living under Sunni domination.

East Asia is the most energy dependent region on the planet, and 80% of China’s energy is imported via a shipping lane that can be intercepted by the weapons systems of dozens of countries. Because that’s right, it’s not just China who will be desperate for oil. Korea, Taiwan, and Japan will all desperately need oil to keep the lights on in the event of any major interruption. That kind of thing scarcity starts wars and the Japanese are in an excellent position geographically to sail around trouble spots. China is completely imprisoned by archipelagos. You have to sail directly at Japan to reach the open ocean leaving them entirely dependent on the shitty route

>> No.10235626

>us pulling out of the middle east because of oil
no. its not gonna pull out because of israel

>> No.10235646

America is energy independent now thanks to fracking, we could easily be a major energy exporter. Europe is fucked and China is a third world indebted communist shithole. Literally no place better for than the USA

>> No.10235657
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Why is everyone so strongly opinionated on here? We're all just speculating.

I would agree with OP about USA needing to back out of funding NATO, this is a good thing. BUT does anyone really care? how much protection do you really need against a couple Somali Pirates? How much does a few Mercs and a mounted mini gun cost??? Ships can protect themselves no?

>> No.10235699

America has the ace card up its sleeve. Like Buffett said: Never bet against America.
A lot of people aren't zooming out and seeing the big picture.

>> No.10235822

>investor relations
You don't really say "essays" in front of investors do you?

>> No.10235826

all he did was basically summarize what everyone already knows. well maybe we didn't already know all the details but the jist is the entire world it just a big ponzi scheme and it's about to collapse. and while the US will come out on top of the collapse that doesn't mean everything is going to be great for us either. he talks as all americans are going to become insanely wealthy from all this but all that will happen is more of the same. a few will benefit and the majority will not.

>> No.10235841

This guy is great surprised I've never heard of him before

>> No.10235895

Go for low energy Jeb then

>> No.10236047

Almost like china making cheap plastic shit with 2 billion people can't keep up with intellectual property like internet, 3d printing, robotic manufacturing, Google, Amazon, Apple, etc

Totally in shock

>> No.10236102

I actually see America on the decline stage now. The full on degeneracy, giving sjws a platform, immigration are all akin on how the Roman Empire fell.

>> No.10236126
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>Eurofag cope

>> No.10236130

doesn't matter. everything looks good on paper so all the real problems just get swept under the rug. im sure right before the collapse the BLS will say unemployment is at 0% and the economy is booming for every because the boomer stock market is up and your boomer parents can buy themselves 2 new yachts a year instead of just one. meanwhile down in realityville the white birthrate will continue to decline and people will be starving in the streets. well maybe not because they will probably get locked up for being houseless in a private prison somewhere and forgotten about.

>> No.10236131


this. besides, we could reverse engineer the fuck out of the shit in a pinch anyways.

>> No.10236139

americans are actually deluded
it's like small-town-syndrome on a large scale.
the rest of the world is laughing at what you are becoming
meanwhile china has all the things you do for themselves, has 4 times the population and is willing to work harder for longer
>we're special cus we came up with google and facebook

>> No.10236142

And yet here we are with the most conservative president in our lifetime putting the entire world on notice. Really makes you think. America on the decline? Please.

>> No.10236152

>being THIS ignorant
We're hitting cope levels that shouldn't be possible.

>> No.10236158

i agree but you're a brainlet for thinking that apple and amazon are advancing anything major rather than just earning profit

>> No.10236185

you just demonstrated your bias >>10236142

your country is more divided now than at any time since the civil war lol the world is genuinely laughing at you at every global event, your government is still adamant on fossil fuels whilst china and india are transitioning at a higher relative rate and advancing faster in renewable energy sectors.

I'm willing to bet over half your country has never left the continent, including you.

>> No.10236206

Yup. All 6.8 billion of us are "on notice" and will be on our best behaviour.

It was really rude of us to send you physical goods in exchange for the money your government is allowed to print in unlimited amounts. Totally unfair of us.

Like, yesterday, I worked 14 hours picking avocados or harvesting cashews, and got three dollars for it. Sorry for doing that to your economy.

>> No.10236208

China is suffering from old age and doesn't have the labor force to support their elderly, hence they changed their 1 kid policy but no Chinese wants to have another kid. They're just as fucked

>> No.10236210

Lol, what kind of a faggot believes this right wing fan fic? Trump is literally a senile retard.

>> No.10236221

This desu. American exceptionalism is embarrassing to read.
Freedom index, education, healthcare, environment, social progress, poverty. You're not #1 in any of those (and unbelievable high on the poverty index).
I don't know where the USA #1 meme came from because it's untrue and a massive cope for a nation on the decline.

>> No.10236235

Wrong. Thousands of bombings and acts of domestic terrorism in the 70s. We’re not even CLOSE.

>> No.10236253

except their labor force becomes irrelevant when Silk Road is completed and it becomes a massive percentage source of their GDP

>> No.10236267

there were literally multiple studies published in like 2012 and things have only gotten worse.

your confirmation bias is on show again anon

>> No.10236271
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So Funny Valentine's plan worked

>> No.10236272

I would argue AWS is one of the most globally impactful services out there.

I agree Apple is mostly a hipster meme.

>> No.10236273

>lots of countries are against it
Well if they don't want our fracked oil then they can keep buying from the ME.
If it were Hillary in office, I'd agree. Dodged that bullet
>didn't actually read the image or watch the vid
>I'm willing to bet over half your country has never left the continent, including you
I'd be willing to bet that's true of the majority of countries.

>> No.10236285

The only real divisions in America are on the left wing. This is why the Democrats have been hell bent on importing millions of citizens that will vote for their candidate before they're completely irrelevant. Conservatives in America haven't been this united for decades and millennials will end up being much more conservative than their faggot hippie boomer parents. You don't need to be a world traveler to understand this.
Thanks for your hard work supporting our economy.

>> No.10236289

don't need to watch the video or read the image because the ROW already knows.
but you just keep sticking to your delusions as Google moves to China for its AI

>> No.10236299

what does this mean for crypto, in particular, chainlink?

>> No.10236304

you're living in a bubble anon
and the funny part is you've been manipulated in such a way that you believe yourself not to be
you fellas about to be blindsided by everything

>> No.10236330
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>don't need to watch the video or read the image
>but you just keep sticking to your delusions
>you're living in a bubble anon
Oh the ironing.

>> No.10236337

Cite them. Far-left terrorist groups were extremely prevalent in the 70s.

>> No.10236347

>anon predicts
that's all i needed to read

i'd rather read real-world facts and numbers with verifiable sources thank u

>> No.10236350

>Let me tell you about your country through the lens of the Al-Jazeera media I consume.
You freely admit you can't even watch a one hour presentation of a professor of geopolitics (filled with plenty of statistics) and you have the balls to tell me the I'm the one living in a bubble.

>> No.10236367

not digging back to 2012 but here's first page of google since you seem inept at that


>> No.10236372

>i'd rather read real-world facts and numbers with verifiable sources thank u
Then you probably should have watched the OP's source, tard.

>> No.10236383

i would've watched it maybe a few years back but it's so blatantly obvious to anyone outside of your little american bubble that china is taking over, has been and will continue to

>> No.10236400
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>> No.10236407

yeah, is that why all your major tech firms are moving over there?
they have no idea what they're doing i suppose, with all their billions that they could spend on research into the matter..

>> No.10236423

>political polarization means the entire country is divided
Nice meme. You obviously don't know how our system works. We have a two-party system where the parties agree on all the bad shit (war spending, welfare spending, etc) but disagree on meaningless identitarian shit (LGBT, affirmative action, etc) in order to win power and therefore money for their own parties.

That study also ignores the fact that geography was more important than party in the late 1800s. Northern Democrats of that time were classical liberals; Southern Republicans were KKK-loving anti-Reconstructionists. The country was still extremely divided, just not entirely along partisan lines.

>> No.10236435
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>> No.10236438


>> No.10236457

>yeah, is that why all your major tech firms are moving over there?
Yah moron, some companies are moving overseas because you wanted to shit up the thread without bothering to read or watch any of the source material. You nailed it.
You have to be 18+ to post here Muhammad.

>> No.10236472

are you really arguing this?
your country is run by people who don't care for anything other than the ability to make themselves richer
your country has an ever-increasing wage gap therein isolating and pressurizing middle and lower class households even further
falling income, rising poverty
population becoming more and more unhappy and mental health deteriorating as they are working longer for less
gun crime rising
civil unrest rising

i don't understand how you can't see that
tell me where i'm wrong

>> No.10236475

Not even a Eurofag but do you think the Romans at the start of the decline period ever saw their might empire crumbling or falling? We're all blind t what we see but all Empires rise and fall. It might take a hundred years, who knows but the signs are there

>> No.10236480

Name me one other country that even has the closest possibility to surpass America.

>> No.10236484

the fact that they are moving en masse speaks for itself

>> No.10236485

Glad I'm not the only one who caught that.

>> No.10236496

You know California isn't the whole country, right?

>> No.10236503

>your country is run by people who don't care for anything other than the ability to make themselves richer
True, similar to most countries, especially China
>your country has an ever-increasing wage gap therein isolating and pressurizing middle and lower class households even further
See above
>falling income, rising poverty
More like stagnating income and poverty. The rising poverty we do have is mostly from illegals.
>population becoming more and more unhappy and mental health deteriorating as they are working longer for less
Again, stagnating. Workers are less valuable than ever before, why should they expect more?
>gun crime rising
It's been falling for about 40 years.
>civil unrest rising
Oh no like two whole people died, so much better than France or Germany have riots every single year.

>> No.10236523

you threw the illegals line in there lmfao
it just shows

>> No.10236524

That is why cryptocurrency is a threat to the system. Unless the feds get into it first.

>> No.10236559

He already did. The problem over here is that people get pissed off and take sides over stupid bullshit instead of what really matters. Things that matter, like most of the stuff you listed, take a backburner to identity politics, for example.

Believe me we can see it. It's because we have a bunch of retards(mostly on the left) who are more worried about using the correct pronouns or a white person wearing dreadlocks than lifting people out of poverty. It's a disgusting time.

>> No.10236565

>people that are brought into the country to work sub-minimum wage aren't poor by definition

>> No.10236591

>this is what sharters believe

hahaha just because mutts figured out how to poison their own ground for cheap oil doesn't mean they will come out as the top dog.
The true top dog is gonna be china
>has no moral problems with Eugenics, DNA enhancement
>chink kids are getting smarter and smarter with each generation
>chinks moving away from cheap mass export economy
>chinks rapidly pushing blockchain technology (they already hold most blockchain related patents btw)
>chinks gaining resources in africa and in the south china sea securing their wealth

now look at the mutts
>white numbers are thinning out
>IQ is freefalling harder than BTC in January

its not even gonna take 50 years til the US falls apart. niggers and mutts won't be able to maintain and innovate the arsenal or keep it up and running.
they will break into smaller states and then wage war against each other.

>> No.10236628

that's the same problem as anywhere

the difference is, the majority are blue thus giving the impression it's all about identity politics when it's actually reality.

i come from a place where the political system is highly divided and every issue becomes a falsified non-resolving argument based on whataboutery. but the reality remains that one side isn't doing what they're supposed to be despite the majority and its having an extremely detrimental effect to the economy amongst many other things

>> No.10236663

>brought in
majority of poverty in US is black populations

>> No.10236671

but illegals just has a nicer ring to it doesn't it?

>> No.10236674

Ah yes we completely forgot about that one specific thing you guys have, guess that’s it, back to Cold War state policy

Pajeet, leave.

Yea when the low skill jobs dry up they’ll be the first to rebel

>> No.10236698

bizpol threads are the best.

>> No.10236716

The tech industry is famous for reverse engineering their competitions work. I am sure we could leap over "decades" of eu research if we just bought a few and RE them.

>> No.10236780

I hear that, and it does certainly go both ways. I do lean right, and I also find it offensive that we don't care about poor people, only trying to make the rich richer, we don't care about blacks/women/homosexuals, all the common memes. It's simply not true. I am happy to admit that I'm probably applying the same backward bias when it comes to the left and identity politics. I also believe in my own individual freedom, regardless of what form that may be. My perception is that they think they can just throw money toward something, without evidence of efficacy, and we should just accept it. Meanwhile we consistently borrow from accounts from one cause to support another. There's definitely a lack of "one-ship" and I'm sure both sides have to blame. Dramatic rhetoric and biased media doesn't help.

>> No.10236795

is this guy serious?

>> No.10236817

>The day of reckoning has come. You either fall in line or fuck right off. What a time to be alive and an American. Truly glorious.
spoken like a truly dissociated nutjob, nice i like it

>> No.10236841

America has become the "security layer" the world builds on.
There's many layers that become bedrocks in the world.

English is the fundamental language used worldwide today. This is for efficiency reasons more than anything. Try having millions of fonts in Chinese and you can't. Their hieroglyphic (picture) based language is too difficult to mold. That's why they don't have many computer fonts in the first place. English has a modular structure built into it. Italics, bold, underlines, etc all add depth to the language for efficiency.

x86 is the foundational layer programs are built on.
The qwerty keyboard is the foundational typing layout.
The apple ecosystem has become the somewhat foundational place to develop smartphone apps.

There's more foundational layers being built at this time.

>> No.10236862

>It is impossible for any company located in the US to produce these machines on their own

stopped reading right there

anybody can make your fucking machines, dipshit

anybody can also repair them - they aren't that fucking complex

they don't in the usa because its cheaper to buy them and cheaper to pay you to fix them

the sheer arrogance of assuming that the country with the most complex technological sector anywhere in the world producing the most advanced bullshit couldn't figure out how to build lab equipment, it's just really fucking astounding


Total nonsense. Your shit can, and probably already has been reverse engineered. Where the fuck did your autistic fantasy of having the USA by the balls with your fucking toys come from?

Holy shit eurofags.

>> No.10236903

>ENGLISH comes from america
i don't think you understand your country

founded on the promise of freedom by immigrants through a free market
yet it's all falling down

also many chinese dialects are the most spoken languages in the world and the rate of foreign speakers is increasing more than english

>> No.10236933

Holy shit, somebody please end this Chink shill's inane ramblings already. All you have to do is educate yourself about how fucked the entire world is when America loses interest in it. PROTIP: America is losing interest in the rest of the world rapidly.

>> No.10236951

Welcome back!

>> No.10236980

>entire world is fucked apart from us
>america loses interest
>america leads everything because i say so
there's that little bubble bias creeping through again

>> No.10236983

Why are we actively letting pol ruin our thing

>> No.10237032

The US never gave a gave a shit about the atrocities and human rights violations that happened throughout the world. The only reason the US intervened in other countries' politics is to protect its own interests. The world is fucked either. The US only fucks it up differently.

>> No.10237042

either way*

>> No.10237045

cringed hard

>> No.10237061

You're exactly right. What's your point?

>> No.10237102

That's why your nation is protecting every shipping lane on the planet right?

>> No.10237200
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>The only reason the US intervened in other countries' politics is to protect its own interests.

Thats what a foreign policy is for

besides the best interests of others nations is the best interest of the USA so its not black/white

>> No.10237218

thanks for contributing

>> No.10237311
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>entire world is fucked apart from us
Basically, yes.
>america leads everything because i say so
Not because I say so, but because geopolitical scholars say so. I'm just some anon on 4chan, not somebody dedicating their life to policy research.

I'm not even /pol/core, just not completely oblivious to what's going on in the world.

>The only reason the US intervened in other countries' politics is to protect its own interests.
This is kinda what countries do, bro.

>> No.10237335

protip time

textbook case of narcissistic delusions stemming from confirmation bias
the world's a big place anon.

>> No.10237341

Preach it my dude.

>> No.10237362

>oh man, that was so funny. Especially that part where you showed how big of a fucking idiot you are.

>> No.10237377
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Imagine not being American
Seriously, Id hate being born anywhere else

>> No.10237394
File: 313 KB, 1500x2230, son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not how you greentext anon
go to bed

>> No.10237411
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>the world's a big place anon.
It feels surprisingly small when it's irrelevant to your daily life and everything going on in your country.

>> No.10237414

No he's wrong drumpf will cause a civil war which will end in balkanization.

>> No.10237422

...and you're arguing that you're not being bias? lol

>> No.10237491

Soros is betting against China.

>> No.10237501

Short Chinese ETF's if you are able to maintain that position for awhile

>> No.10237503

Civil war? Really? At least this time some people knew to keep their guns. Holy shit. Bring it on! We're due!

>> No.10237505
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I don't care about being unbiased. I'm not a journalist here to present both sides of the story. I've formed an opinion based on facts because that's what humans do. You've done nothing but prove that you would prefer to remain willfully ignorant and insist that Americans should give a fuck about what foreigners think (we don't) rather than discuss Zeihan's points. 21 posts of horseshit. Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.10237516

The EU is going to enter a free trade agreement with China and forge stronger bonds with Russia over energy supplies like Nord Stream 2.
China is expanding the silk road and their ports all the way into Europe, Europe is getting more independent from the US and in the next 30 years ago a combined market between a newly uplifted China, a developing Russia with all it's resources and a strong scientific and innovative spirit is going to share knowledge through unilateral investment deals.
Eurasia is going to be the future super power. America and their protectionist policies, if continued, are going to destroy your country and you don't even see it yet.

>> No.10237526

>we don't
there's your problem lmao
nobody cares what you think of ROW
reality will be reality whether you think about it or not
and the reality is your country is bleeding out but you refuse to see it

and your board is clearly >>>/pol/
go back there summerfag

>> No.10237536
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>> No.10237574

Europe is a secondary market to them. Bottom line. You have zero influence.

>> No.10237577

This, automation is going to fuck anybody that isn't smart enough to adapt. 30 year old wetbacks won't be able to adapt and it's going to get bad. Either they start living in crime infested slums (republican plan) or they live on taxpayers dime (democrats), either way it's going to be fucking terrible.

>> No.10237587

No, China is stealing our intellectual property.

If Boeing wants to sell planes in China, they have to:

1. Set up a joint venture with a Chinese company, which is government owned, in which China has the controlling share in everything.

2. Transfer all of their decades worth of intellectual property and hard-won knowhow on how to build planes to the Chinese government, for free

3. Make some of the planes in China

If you don't do this, you run into huge legal and tariff and structural barriers that effectively stop you from selling your products in China.

Strangely, the press doesn't report about this?

Trump is trying to stop this but they call him 'anti-free-trade'. Also, the Koch brothers are heavily pushing the status quo for whatever reason.

>> No.10237592

Fuck. I'm a burger working in finance and I'd like to hijack one of those

>> No.10237599
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>> No.10237610




>> No.10237615

America should put a bunch of military bases in Kazakhstan because this little trade route needs to be protected from land pirates.

Europe is a seconday market that nobody cares about. China is going to leave trillions of dollars on the table, because only the US is important.

This website is so goddamn dumb.

>> No.10237622
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The universe is enormous. It stretches all the way from the FDR to 12th Avenue.

>> No.10237677

The US has China in chokehold already

>most of chinese shadow banking debt is dollar denominated
>China pegs Yuan to dollar
>US therefore has complete control of China's exchange rate

Now this is where shit gets fun
>Main mechanism for exchange rates is interest rates
>US raises interest rates, the dollar becomes more valuable
>US raises it enough, China gets into a quandry
>option 1: raise rates to try to defend the peg
>option 2: devalue the Yuan
>Option 1 results in higher borrowing/refinancing costs for China's highly non-productive debt load (each additional 1% of debt only adds 25 bps to GDP now), causing China's economy to spiral into a depression
>Option 2 causes the cost of paying back dollar denominated debt to increase drastically, meaning borrowers begin to default, sending China into a depression

tl;dr The Fed has the power to wreck China's shit right now

>> No.10237680

This is the dumbest larp I've ever seen on this board

Leave, and within 6 months we'll have figured out what we need too. Lmao'ing at your "proprietary europoor software hardware fuckware"

>> No.10237802
File: 7 KB, 254x198, 2460683E-6B45-41BE-B4F1-02D442E878A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn feels good as fuck to be American.

>> No.10237818

-Feels good to be American
-Uses All Might, Japanese manga hero

Goddamn fat burger neets at least try

>> No.10237831

USA Japan alliance will be the strongest global alliance.

>> No.10237832

So can I make a bunch of money getting a job related to the oil fields, or driving frac sand, etc?

>> No.10237843

Goddamn neckbeards

>> No.10237848
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>> No.10237852

Reminder that the Chinese haven't won a war in like 500 years. They can't into fights

>> No.10237872

>USA has terrible tax rates
>Decades of corporate inversion in pharmaceuticals with European holding companies buying American drug companies
>Most drugs are sold by European entities now
>Brainlet Eurocucks think they invented modem medicine when 90%+ of developments in the sector came from the USA

>> No.10237889

Will the US ever become a manufacturing power house again. Or are we left to service sector jobs? Either way the finance industry has fucked us all over, hence the US war machine is what’s keeping our economy going.

>> No.10237913

I’m not fucking around.

They have a highly specialized honor driven culture, processes used as top industry standards, and a highly intelligent, technically savvy, population.

Trump and Abe are total bros.

>> No.10238242

More reason for the world to invade the US.
too good to be true

>> No.10238382

Oil? Oil is so past millenium you fags don't even

Jesuschrist.. whatever, have your bump or something

>> No.10238431

if this is what Americans really believe, Better start learning chinese.

>> No.10238461

Yea well we also have pretty much all the breackthrus in alternate energy.

With the Chinese copying anything they can cheaply whole destroying the planet and giving all their people cancer.

And the Eurofags preaching at us like it's a religion.

So there's that too

>> No.10238468

I'll believe it when the satellite can knock down my door and verbally demand my surrender, because otherwise it's scorched earth. And nobody likes spending trillions of dollars to get a fistful of ash. n o b o d y

>> No.10238480

Within the past day every news site has started running articles about the US soon to become the world's biggest oil producer. Coincidence?

>> No.10238572
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>> No.10238971

y'all acting like america numba one just cuz this guy from /pol/ constructed some grand narrative starting from the world wars. BOOMERS. ALL OF YOU.
the fact is, the average american wants dumb bullshit like smartphones and foreign cars. plus i'm pretty sure we invented planned obsolescence, and that will definitely bite us in the ass if we shut off all imports.
it's called a trade war but it's just tariffs. yall some bloodthirsty racists. here's the real narrative:
>america won ww2
>got a taste of victory
>nukes get invented
>cold war no fun
>vent frustrations on the turbans
>not enough war
>start adding war to everything
>war on terrorism, war on drugs, captain avengers civil war
>now trade war cuz we got salty that the chinks have made in china on everything and got silicon valley popping
if we tariff cheap manufacturing so hard that it's just expensive as american-made shit, the average american will get even more poor and maxed out on twenty credit cards. either we end the consumerist lifestyle or we start using the tariff money to roll out more socialism and UBI, because it's not like american businesses will pay american people to do shit foreigners or robots can do.

>> No.10239671

>implying Bush's NWO plan was A) his idea B) a good thing and C) was stopped when he got out of office
Should've stopped reading right there. Low IQ.
>implying the current shift in American foreign policy would've happened under Hillary
Just lol
>Europeans forgot how to have babies
So did white Americans
>muh protection of sea trade routes
This isn't the 17th century anymore where Barbary pirates roam free. You put a couple of well armed PMCs on a ship and Somali pirates are no longer a threat.
>muh carrier fleet
Carriers are big fat target for hypersonic anti ship missiles. The Chinese were smart to build artificial islands in the South China Sea because you can't sink an island and they are way cheaper as well.
>Globalization is over
The old atlanticist order is dying. New forms of globalization will emerge like China's OBOR initiative.
>Europe is fucked
Agreed for the most part.
>China is fucked
Nope, at least not in the long term. The vast majority of the gigantic Chinese population is still poor or lower middle class. Combine that with their high IQ and Confucian work ethic and you'd be a fool not to see the huge growth potential.
>The US will come out on top
Maybe. White Americans (the high IQ part of America) aren't making babies just like Europeans. Also there has been a recent study that showed that 44% of millennials favor socialism which doesn't bode well for the future. America isn't the low tax, low regulation laissez-faire economy that it once was unfortunately.
>Not mentioning Russia
Russia will be one of the big winners of the global chess game in the coming decades. Global warming will turn large parts of the Siberian taiga into arable land. Also there's some speculation that there are still giant reserves of gas and other natural resources in the Northern ice sheets that will become accessible in a warmer climate.
Short Europe
Long China
Long Russia
Long US with tight stop losses

>> No.10239701

As a European, it's very comfy to see the biz braintrust all agree that Europe is doomed.
We must be approaching a golden age.

>> No.10239727

Shale is barely profitable at 50$ while saudi oil is already profitable at 10$.

I work for the largest microelectronics R&D centre in the world, in Europe too. All major US companies outsource their R&D to us or our Belgian counterpart. Caltech and the MIT also do, because they lack the know-how to do it. They lost it over the last 20 years.
My specialty is chemicals, we have phased out all our US-sourced chemicals because they were of shit quality, replacing them by French and German for better performances.

>> No.10239741

>Yea well we also have pretty much all the breackthrus in alternate energy.
>the only US company making EV can't even sell them and make profit
>also they catch fire randomly
Americans are deluded full stop.

>> No.10239755

>C O P E
In all seriousness though, Europe is not one monolithic entity and parts of Europe might survive.
Switzerland always was and always will be fine.
EE is doing the right the thing opposing the EU. Also if Schengen collapses, it would stop the brain drain.
There are some positive signals coming from Austria and Italy.
Germany's economic numbers look very good on paper, but the ramifications of the immigration wave, combined with the low birth rate will be severe in the next 10-20 years. Also Deutsche Bank is a ticking time bomb if you're paying attention.

>> No.10239764

>Also Deutsche Bank is a ticking time bomb if you're paying attention.
DB isn't even in the top 10 banks in the EU lel. It's a fucking dwarf with it's biggest activity being in the US.

>> No.10239788

Americans deluded again. This shit is why they get 9/11s

>> No.10239810

You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Their market cap doesn't matter. Their huge 46 Trillion exposure to derivatives does. Also DB's market share in the US is tiny now.

>> No.10239830

Their derivatives exposure is roughly comparable to Citybank and BAC lel. It tells a lot about the US banking system that their most healthy banks are as bad as the worst EU bank.

DB isn't a big bank in Europe by any metric. It's outclassed in assets and market cap by a dozen of other banks.

>> No.10239866

DB is a small bank in the rest of the EU

>> No.10239925

It's one of the largest in Europe in terms of assets if you count derivatives. If you think that doesn't matter, you're a brainlet.
Also my main point on why Germany is fucked wasn't hinging on DB. But that's what you fuckers always do. You find one small bit in my post, you can nitpick and then you shift the entire conversation to that. Fucking pathetic.
What about Germany's immigration policies? What about the low birth rate among the native population? Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

>> No.10239982

Interesting talk but the guy sounds like a fucking basedboy

>> No.10239992

>The US never gave a gave a shit about the atrocities and human rights violations that happened throughout the world.
If solutions were as simple as you think are solved, we would be at pluto by now.
Look into how solutions are made. Detecting problems is the easy part (every complaint detects a problem). Now finding the solution is where the rubber meets the road.

>> No.10240163

Even if the US becomes more and more focused on its own economy, it will never be to the degree that anon described it. Less or no trade with other nations will severely harm America's economy and might even kill some export-centered industries.

Furthermore, forces in the USA like the CIA for example seek to spread american ideas, values and influence around the world - they will not accept a limitation to this. Their end goal is to turn every single person on earth into a cultural american. Already much of the world, especially us europeans are basically just "weird" americans getting more and more similar to americans every day. Working against free trade will only harm this process and allow countries like china that are basically buying up Africa and Europe one by one a cultural contender.

"Free trade is over" is a stupid statement from this guy considering Trump is also a free trade advocate, only that he wants to make it fairer for the US which he has every right to do since you guys are getting screwed on trade. Policies to make worldwide trade fairer will not make it less free - I believe the opposite will happen since pushing for TRUE free trade will mean getting rid of many european or chinese restrictions on american imports.

>> No.10240180


>> No.10240206

Basedboy is good right? Like Based Mom?

>> No.10240219

Trump is literally pro Free trade. It just needs to be bilateral free trade. Not us importing other countries with no tariffs while they protect their own markets with mercantilism.

>> No.10240235

>these threads get replies
bear market hurts

>> No.10240264

>You just need to rob 1 ship and you will be set for life.

No, lol. Who are they gonna sell to? They live in fucking Somolia. Do you know what's on a typical boat? The shit they sell in Walmart and Target.

They board the boats to kidnap the crew, for ransom. IF they manage to get to the negotiations point, they can demand millions - and threaten to sink the ship.

But most of them get their heads blown off by special ops, a lot of whom helicopter in from US Navy ships.

The ransom potential is big enough that they keep doing it. They also attack smaller ships - you don't want to take your 2 million dollar luxury yacht in those waters, because you're prime target.

Most international ships carry weapons now - heavy duty shit. There's plenty of vids on YouTube. And, it's not just Somalis, there are pirates all over the world. Go hang around forums for people who sail around the globe - they know what waters to avoid.

>> No.10240293

I would say trump is just a pressure source. China is doing a lot of corrupt things that have to be accounted for. Trumpism won't last forever.

>> No.10240345

Which absolutely makes sense! Restricting all trade would eliminate a lot of competition for american companies which sounds nice at first but that would drive the prices higher... much to the dislike of the voter.

>> No.10240479

>Most international ships carry weapons now - heavy duty shit.
Not according to quick search, care for some links?

>> No.10240520

when you impose tariffs, you need to be very careful what you forbid. if an industry delivers products that are used for other industries, its harmful to tariff them. f.e. lets say one would tariff a manufracturer of auto parts. you would strengthen your one car part industry, however your car manufractorers would suffer, as they have less choice compared to foreign car amnufractors.
what wouldnt harm the economy f.e. are fast food restaurants, as there products arent helpful and they arent used in other products aswell.

>> No.10240547

That's why Mexico, Europe and China choose to retaliate purely on consumer products for their tariffs.

>> No.10240570

The very premise of his ramblig is wrong.
The USA is the most globally integrated economy in the world. It is the country that imports the most yet profits the most from globalization.

>> No.10240654

Which one? Panalytical, Yxlon, Bruker AXS?

>> No.10240679
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, 1517969964896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly underrated example. Unfortunately American brainlets will not get this. They are too busy summarizing military history which they know nothing about.

>inb4 trumposaurs
Answer this:
A. which currency is used to account for the majority of global trade regardless of borders?
B. Why is that the case?

>> No.10240713

>which currency is used to account for the majority of global trade regardless of borders?


>Why is that the case?

To make cashies mad

>> No.10240732

Are you dumb? The US military and anyone with any knowledge whatsoever about this concurs.

Russia and formerly the soviet union has been ahead in rocket technology for a long time, which is what current defense systems are built on.

>> No.10240743

russia is a toilet bowl.
no one cares about their puny rockets. elon musk already one-upped them, and he's private sector.

>> No.10240883


All these stupid deluded burgers pretending their consumer purchasing power (standard of living) + corporate profits isn't gorging copiously on that cheap labour in the third world.

You get to have comfy office jobs because juan makes avacados and xin worked at foxconn making apple components 14 hours a day.

Chinese cheap labour at least was ending anyway. Their wages keep rising and their white collar work and service sector is expanding rapidly.

>> No.10240931
File: 52 KB, 341x546, CEA98837-DC34-4B09-9167-50257D20A472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10241007

Think of it this way. If ever the US is in a position where we aren't the economic power house we want to be, we hold the force projection to literally take whatever we want. What stops America from switching to full on empire and just taking all of the resources we want instead of trading? It's easier to buy your shit from you but if the world stops playing nice, nobody can stand toe to toe with us. It's essentially a checkmate unless the world starts focusing on developing their military. The US Navy alone pretty much fucks the rest of the world economy if we so choose. Once the space force is a thing we'll control space mining and further secure our economy as a power house for centuries.

>> No.10241033

A multi-billions carrier can be sunk with one decently modern low-flying missile.

>> No.10241036

boy oh boy, doesnt that sound wonderful
if only there wasnt this nasty food shortage in the americas...

>> No.10241051

Musk's shit rockets are so bad he has to put cars in them to pretend he has customers.

>> No.10241070

Even Zihan admits that America essentially stumbled into becoming a superpower, because the North American continent is so big and rich in resources that even with the isolationist attitude it was founded with, the country grew so large and so powerful and influential that it took on the leading role on the world stage. America would be nowhere today had it not been a virgin and rich land ready to be exploited.

Finally somebody who has the integrity to admit that everything in life is luck, being at the right place and at the right time, you can basically do no wrong.

>> No.10241091

A single chinese diesel-electric submarine can sink several US ships before they even know what happened.

The capability for that has been demonstrated, on purpose, when Chinese diesel electric submarines suddenly emerged in the middle of a US carrier group off the coast of east asia.

The current state of long range anti ship missile technology is also sufficient to sink any large US ship. Maybe the US will have countermeasures in the future, but they don't know.

Big ships are basically zeppelins in the ocean right now considering the state of modern military technology. It has been, as they say in silicon valley, "disrupted".

>> No.10241113

US carriers are useful to bomb mudhuts in the middle east. To wage a war against anyone equiped with >1980s technology, not so much.

>> No.10241119

no, but rather absolute top hot dog, kek

>> No.10241127

>and trump will get relected
>even if there is a recession
yea thats not how things work my dude. once people start becoming impoverished do you really believe they will vote for another round of trump policies?

people only care about their own wellbeing and by 2020 all those poor rural suckers that got bamboozled by trump will be one step away from eating out of trash cans. the next candidate to step up to the podium in 2020 and offer gibs will win. and at that point even the most conservative hillbilly wont give a shit if its a one legged tranny in a dress.

>> No.10241174

meant to reply to >>10232512

>> No.10241209

The chinese (and euros) are playing it right. The US tariffs on steel and electronic components are hitting their own industry, and their countertariffs hit only consumer products and agriculture. All this is fucking with US rural areas that are fragile, republican and where the US government has to spend billions in subsidies already. The FED noted in its last report that industrial production in the US hasn't risen from the tariffs, and that industrial investment is down to 0.
Flyover states will become even more flyover, Trump's policies will only strenghten democrat states. Sad.

>> No.10241433


the human race bubble is about to burst. how do we short this?

>> No.10241610

>yea thats not how things work my dude. once people start becoming impoverished do you really believe they will vote for another round of trump policies?

>who was Margaret thatcher

>> No.10241629

thats UK politics my dude. in the US things work differently.

>> No.10241728

it all comes to putin and trump meeting. if they agree to flip china over, china is done