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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10233032 No.10233032 [Reply] [Original]

Something stinks around here.

>> No.10233097
File: 933 KB, 712x1143, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>cover pic Kylie and she has $900million COMPANY

>> No.10233210

They are trolling so hard with this. I laughed out loud for a couple of minutes. Fucking money magnets that attract naive teenagersto look like them. They are not a healthy look and plastic surgery should be banned for the reasons they use it for. Their fucking dad is a woman now. Sorry, but not sorry. Transgenders are fucked up. No excuses.

>> No.10233224

Move aside peasant

>> No.10233228

haha, youngest billionaire at 21? maybe youngest female, but who gives a shit. so many billionaires out there much younger thanks to bitcoin

>> No.10233278

There definitely are not crypto billionaires under 21

>> No.10233310

you can't really believe that? crypto went from effectively zero to 1T in 5-6 years. there is definitely at least 1

>> No.10233346


>> No.10233356

>/biz/ chimps out that a woman successfully wholesaled/dropshipped her way into a successful company

>> No.10233407

>Net worth
When will this meme end? So your telling me that the Kardashians sucked dick and took selfies to the point that they now rival the Rothschilds and Saudis? Something just doesn't add up.

>> No.10233499

OK then, provide evidence or GTFO.

>> No.10233701

i'm not a hater, im genuinely curious how she did it

>> No.10233779


so buy cheap gook makeup, rebrand it and sell it for 10x price?

also i absolutely refuse to believe she all that by herself while just being 21, she is just the head figure, bet she doesn't even own the company anymore, just gets paid some royalities or something

>> No.10233785
File: 8 KB, 480x360, resitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self made

>> No.10233797

For starters, there's no way that she's worth anywhere near $1b. That being said, she does make a shitload of money off of branding (slap the Kylie Jenner name on any dumb cosmetic shit and dumb young thots will buy it), TV (I think she's on multiple shows), other forms of entertainment (she does music etc) and general shilling (she makes tens of millions per year just to promote shit on social media and make appearances.) Basically, if you're thinking about how can you do this yourself step one would be to get insanely famous.

>> No.10233819
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>> No.10233836
File: 289 KB, 440x458, 1512048949204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich parents and an endless amount of connections. But you're supposed to be quiet and just say that she worked hard. These are literally the only types of people getting good jobs
, buying a house, and getting married and having kids anymore.


>> No.10233841

>carries name of high-profile reality tv and social media whore family
>self made

>> No.10233962

Vladimir Putin is also insanely rich. It's not known exactly, but probably as much as Bill Gates and possibly twice as much.

>> No.10234172
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 8engLrUj_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is Forbes magazine editor in chief


>> No.10234260

>youngest ever self-made billionaire
Um...no, not in any way at all.

>> No.10234332

Forbes got her age wrong, shes actually 20, turning 21 this year

>> No.10234383

The youngest crypto millionaire is 18 years old. It's actually the 25s - 30s people today that benefited the most from the boom, as Silk Road became popular in around 2010, right around college age for the people 25 - 30 today.

Younger people don't stand a chance in this market anymore. The pyramid ponzi market already sailed without them.

I had friends that had hundreds of Bitcoins and I met people with thousands. Some people had more than 50,000. Today there's even fewer people that even have just 1000 (which back then you could basically get for free). No joke, a single BTC was less than a dollar back in the day and they were so plentiful.

It's very funny how it's worth even over $1k now as back then, that was a DREAM price.

>> No.10234812

That's a trilby, pleb

>> No.10234819

Just amerimutts

>> No.10234839

Markets favor early adopters, what else is new? Dreaming about being right at the start of the bullrun doesn't help much, I know people who sold thousands for what basically was pennies, and I'm betting their buyers sold for at most dollars. All of this doesn't mean the gold tree stopped growing though.

>> No.10234882
File: 234 KB, 1027x326, 1514437685645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't mean the gold tree stopped growing though
This. Bankers are buying our bags to shill on their greater fools, institutional investors. If this is anything like the tech industry, expect the bubble to pop a few times over a few decades (with mini bubbles in between like this one) before it becomes an everyday thing.

>> No.10234971
File: 11 KB, 384x384, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self made

God I fucking hate this propaganda ridden shithole of a civilization