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File: 62 KB, 1000x500, bat v eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10229563 No.10229563 [Reply] [Original]

Which one of these two is a better hold?

>> No.10229689

Bump, I bought some Ether but I can see BAT easily going past 50 cents in the next few months.

Meanwhile, will ETH hit $800? I have no idea.

>> No.10229779

Bat, sharting will boost eth price but that could be another year.

>> No.10229781

ETH is a great development platform but it's in need of actual developments to legitimize it. BAT is going to do just that this fall, Id hold BAT until it moons and divest a part of the gains into ETH.

>> No.10230154

BAT and ETH are both no brainers to buy during the bear market. This bear market will weed out a lot of shitcoins that shouldnt exist. BAT has Brendan Eich behind it. I feel good about that.

>> No.10230271
File: 9 KB, 301x167, 1516220293653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROI is higher with BAT

>> No.10230287

why would a utility token be worth more than a dollar? protip it won’t. and that goes for ETH too long overdue for a crash down to a dollar since it’s only purpose is transaction fuel and not an actual currency/store of value

>> No.10230331

>BAT ATH $1.40
>what is market cap
>what are bnb, zrx, knc, etc., hell even etc even tho fuck that shit

>> No.10230358

What is Request

>> No.10230363
File: 36 KB, 670x503, 1519189862796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH too long overdue for a crash down to a dollar
You'll be waiting a while boyo

>> No.10230459

>why would a utility token be worth more than a dollar?

I'm assuming that people will start buying BAT at higher prices once the media and general population catch on to how Brave/BAT actually works. BAT seems to have its own trajectory in terms of price because people value it according to the BAT/Brave project and not just pure speculation. Additionally, advertisers will buy BAT in order to run advertising campaigns. So if you run a $1,000 advertising campaign, you buy $1,000 worth of BAT at current prices (I believe this is how it works).

This is what I was thinking. BAT is pumping right now so I don't feel too good about trading 1 ETH for BAT at the moment, I might wait for a dip.

>> No.10230481

a piece of shit

>> No.10230573
File: 649 KB, 600x800, 1514864914354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh wait, BAT pretty much always retraces. Its not ripe for plucking profits yet, but itll pop in the future. x20 - 40 gain. Its so shillable its unreal.
>Anon try this new ad block browser its awesome, youtube loads miles quicker
>Oh yeh Harry this is ace, thanks
>You've not heard the best yet
>You can get paid to view ads
>go into settings and click this
>Boom your now getting paid to view
>how do i transfer my monies out
>just link your paypal to it
>heh anon your so intelligent...and good looking, can I suck your cock
>Yes Harry, yes you can.
Pic related

>> No.10230609
File: 1.24 MB, 950x795, 1516216680810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sshhh don't tell anyone I sent you these



>> No.10231249

BAT token economics are iffy. It's unclear if increased adoption will lead to increased token price; high velocity might just mean declining token value. And also unclear if people will even adopt; Brave browser is utter horseshit.

I'd stick to ETH or other store of values such as Nexus (NXS), NULS, 0xBTC, BTC, BCH? (I've kept out of the BCH debate do what you want). When new money begins to enter the ecosystem it will flood into these main chains FIRST. Then it will trickle into alts, but not nearly as fast as last time. Stay on the safe side, the choices I listed have strong fundamentals and aren't going anywhere.

>> No.10231527

What are all of the stores of value you listed backed by so they maintain their value? Crypto as a whole is currently held up by community speculation, drugs, and tether. BAT is among the first that will represent a commodity ( online advertising) and use it's Brave as a platform to actually use it for that purpose. Advertisers will buy and give the token value, and a big part of the economy is that the supply gets spread thinner with every user that watches an ad.

>> No.10231580

I am not disagreeing with you that BAT has potential to be a big success. But token economic models demonstrate that high velocity for a token leads to low token price. There is little incentive to hold BAT when you really only need to obtain the BAT fairly immediately before use, and get rid of it fairly immediately after obtaining it. I'm just concerned about this aspect of the coin since from what I've read there is constant movement and virtually no reason you would be incentivized to hold it for a long term if you're not using it.

Store of value maintain their value as long as the holder of the commodity can reasonably expect that others will demand that store of value in the future as well. Scarce commodities like gold, land, and Bitcoin will all reasonably be in demand for decades to come. Nexus and NULS will have their store of value status reinforced if their blockchains see increased use. 0xBTC will achieve store of value status when people realize they feel more comfortable holding a mineable, supply capped token than a PoS awarded utility/gas token like ETH.

>> No.10231587

>a trusted third party is what will make my decentralised application great


>> No.10231679
File: 29 KB, 752x549, 1516216633830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing the new web
>see tailored ads for crypto investment x100 your money
>idea implanted
>get monthly monies for doing nothing but browse
>Hey Mr Transfer BAT to advertised crypto

>> No.10231781

Can BAT hit $50?

>> No.10231819

Yes but i don't it will gonna happen any time in this year.

>> No.10231830

Common users with small handfuls of BAT wont have much ability to manipulate the market value. They also might not directly cash out. The user could put it into the Brave payments ledger and it passively gets paid to multiple publishers. In the future if lots of people have BAT, it could be used to get through paywalls; read exclusive news article or pay for a video stream subscription. I don't deny it's a long shot but 3.1 million Brave users and growing at 7%~ a month is nothing to sneeze at, and thats before the ads are rolled out.

>> No.10231833
File: 21 KB, 688x507, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*When will
Capture a 1% share of the total digital advertising industry
Every $1bn put into crypto equates to a $20bn MC increase
$50bn MC

>> No.10231849

Yeah, coin with 1 000 000 000 Circulating Supply will go to 50$...

>> No.10232277

Isn't EOS supply just shy of a billion? It got up to $20+ for a bit there.

I wouldn't say it's impossible for BAT to hit those levels. Certainly not this year, maybe not even the next, but not impossible.

>> No.10232451

Btfo fag