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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10225468 No.10225468 [Reply] [Original]

We are absolutely exiting denial into capitulation. I don't care how far it's already dropped. 6K and above was all in the range of bubble euphoria. You fucks don't realize just how much it was pumped. It was above 3k for what, 2 weeks total?

>> No.10225478
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>Smart money

>> No.10225481

Smart money left in January.

The dumb money is finally starting to give up

>> No.10225492

OP is retarded. We have passed the double top, the fear, the capitulation this time around it was a long bleed rather than a quick bottom followed by a v shape recovery. Anyone who don't believe is out, and anyone who does believe has been accumulating. The time of bear fags is coming to an end. The mixed signals on this board are a buy signal.

>> No.10225498

>It was above 3k for what, 2 weeks total?
Actually 11 months and still going.

>> No.10225499
File: 64 KB, 618x597, 1530719988997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme constant despair and fud cryptocurrency 24/7 around the clock on this board
>convince anons to panic sell
>wonder why your crypto portfolio isn't what it used to be

>> No.10225588

there was a massive, massive bull run last year. this is a necessary and unavoidable correction.

the overall trend for cryptocurrency is still up. nothing has changed since Satoshi mined the first block in 2009, right after the crash: our existing financial systems are still deeply corrupt, and without a revolution in capitalism that usurps central banking, Marx will ultimately be proven correct -- the system will collapse on itself.

cryptocurrency doesn't seem valuable to you, or many people at all right now, because everything seems like it's going fine in the traditional markets, so you naturally compare cryptocurrency to traditional investments and declare that it comes up short. this is a mistake. cryptocurrency is an anti-investment. it's a hail mary hedge against the rest of the market.

>> No.10225596
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How many time do i have post this until y started to understand thing.

>> No.10225617

Oh look it’s this fucking thread again where everyone posts their dumb opinion but nobody knows anything

>> No.10225625

meant to say we blew past 3k up to 20k, within a couple weeks. what goes up must come down.

>> No.10225639


or they short

>> No.10225673

u r 1 delusional dumbfuck

>> No.10225679

Cautious money left, not smart.They just got lucky because they got scared to hold such large sums.

>> No.10225688

great meme

>> No.10225738

did i miss the time institutional money entered? how did they do in such a illiquid market

>> No.10225763

This. I may not agree with leftniggers on much, but if you can't see the cracks in the current system you're delusional. The entire use case for cryptos is the ability to sidestep the usual (((totally not engineered))) boom and bust cycle. In the past, only Gold was an option (and you should still have that too!) but the ability to do electronic transfers outside the banking system is game changing. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out this time around.

>> No.10225783
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>criminally unchecked double dubs, with a Hitler approval too

>> No.10225800
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>falling for the bear trap

>> No.10225887

Let's face it. It's hard for me or any of you to gauge normie sentiment towards Crypto because we're stuck in our own bubble.

>> No.10225906

insider here

we're before the Stealth Phase

you're welcome

>> No.10225972


if institutional money had ever entered, the market cap would be in the trillions, there would have been very visible corporate adoption, and we'd all be mocking anyone who would even consider selling back for fiat. institutional investment didn't happen yet, because until recently, institutional money hasn't had a supported regulation framework, nor an exchange. they haven't had a legal, safe way to enter these markets

yes, some rich people bought in -- see Gemini. That was the source of the pump. the Dec 2017 pump only looks big from here -- $1000 Bitcoin looked like an incredible all time high that could never be repeated in 2014, too.
beyond that:

institutional investors is a specific term that means state-run pension funds, large mutuals and hedge funds, etc. it's not a vague term, and it doesn't mean rich normal people who can throw a few million at anything for leisure

>> No.10226367


Wait we didn't even see the despair phase, we gonna be probably under $1000 EOY.

98% of ICO gonna exit scam and the market will never recover until next financial crisis .in 2021-20122.

>> No.10226374

I just entered in 2018 and I’m smart money let me tell you

>> No.10226406



>> No.10226435

>98% of ICO gonna exit scam
most of them are going to 'exit' into bitcoin/eth

>> No.10226459

The biggest signal of all is that abject newfags have started appearing on /biz/ again asking how to buy crypto.

>> No.10226691

Surrender. Surrender to the borg. Resistence is futile.

>> No.10226695

>The entire use case for cryptos is the ability to sidestep the usual (((totally not engineered))) boom and bust cycle
what would you describe the boom to 20k and bust to 5,8k as ??
doing electronic transfers only matters because there's an accountable end point who will turn your screen numbers into usable currency that HAS to be accepted as a means of payment for goods and services. crypto is accounting systems for non-existent assets, where you only have non-redeemable numbers on the screen you have to convince someone to buy from you.

>> No.10226699
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Heh you can’t cash out tether yet 100 million tokens were taken out of the supply

Really make me think

>> No.10226707

Pump inc

>> No.10226719

I am basically 24/7 on /biz/ and have seen 1 person in the last 48 hours asking that. Really can't call this "starting to appear"

>> No.10226722

~70% drop from 19.5k is 5.8k. If we haven't seen the bottom yet, we are very close.

>> No.10226963

drop will be up to 90 %

>> No.10226974

You people are really getting on my nerves.

As soon as it goes up you want to buy. Now as soon as it goes down you say it is going to zero. Relax and buy a little.

>> No.10227032

I'd say anywhere from 70-85% but 90 percent would be at 2k. Don't think we go to 2k. 4k maybe. Anything is possible honestly but we will see what happens.

>> No.10227185

and you think they will ever invest ?
bitcoin wealth distribution is way to fucked for them to risk it.. i think like 1000 whales own 40% of all btc.

>> No.10227324

more like 10 own 80%

>> No.10227346
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>Smart money
>exiting at $6300
>not exiting at $15k-$19k

I get it, you think that your bags are smart money? Panic much?

>> No.10227357 [DELETED] 

Every coiner will be holding their bags to their graves.

>> No.10227368

Fucking reckt.

>> No.10227382
File: 192 KB, 901x798, novogratz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Novogratz warned about the top. People keep being irrational.


>> No.10227388


my buy orders are at 500 now and i'm reconsidering even that.

>> No.10227393


>> No.10227398


>> No.10227732

The really strangest thing is that it's supposed to be bad but it's actually neutral. Like the worse it looks to be in, the better it is to be out and the other way around, it's the same shit to why people were buying at the top and nobody wanted to sell. We're really complete retards lol.

>> No.10228254

20k was the ATH forever top. It was the tulip worth 1 million dollars. You missed your chance of a lifetime if only you were paying attention just a few years earlier! Bitcoin will never go above 20k again before 2025.

>> No.10228273

>ATH forever top.
>Will never go above before 2025.

So which is it, the ATH forever, or it's still coming back long term?

>> No.10228290

Replying to every post should be a ban, kill yourself you fucking faggot waste of air

>> No.10228817

Is this real? I'm curious because he is a long term bull

>> No.10228822

During the 2014 cycle, the ATH went up to around 2000 then slowly worked it's way down to 1000. About 50% drop over a year or so.

The current price instantly fell 66% from the ATH of 20k and it's only going to go lower. People lost money in the last cycle. But it's nothing compared to how fucked people got this time.

You're deluded if you think crypto doesn't need a lot of work to restore it's image. Nobody seriously will buy in to this mess for a few years.

>> No.10228829

Didn't see link. Thanks

>> No.10228843

this dumb cunt flip flopped more than a Filipino trampoline during the bull run. good for him if he's a good trader, but why anyone would take anything he says seriously is beyond me. it could easily change a day later to the exact opposite.

>> No.10228878

the graph is psychologically accurate for a standard bubble but doesn't scale exactly

where are we now?
truth is we could be at the bottom because the game is changing and the market is slowly becoming more like a traditional regulated market but that could mean that it stagnates around current prices.

otherwise, downwards we go until 2020 halvening

>> No.10228901
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>choosing to fight on the side of legal fictions enforced by violence vs voluntary exchanges
you deserve everything that's going to happen to you in the next 20 years

>> No.10228956

they won't invest in bitcoin, but they will invest in a mature crypto with sensible distribution within 10 years

>> No.10228985
File: 375 KB, 1274x830, 1523230044411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-redeemable numbers on the screen you have to convince someone to buy from you.
You literally just described the traditional banking system

>> No.10229002

>random assertions and figures from your ass
>market must do this

just kys you waste of space

>> No.10229076


No this is completely inaccurate as well dumbass.

>> No.10229372

Fuck I remember reading those tweets at the time but was too dumb to sell. Now 75% down on my initial investment.

>> No.10229977

99% of alts are overpriced shit coins. We are far from over. BTC will drop to 3k this year believe it or not.

>> No.10230017

>nothing fundamentally changed
that could mean it was always shit and people are just figuring it out

>> No.10230105


The usual crash correction for Bitcoin is 60-80%.

This one is number 6 or 7.

t. Oldfag.

>> No.10230148
File: 92 KB, 640x640, 1516707565203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, it's the shitcoins that REALLY have me worried.

I mean, most of them in the top 100 are absolute total trash, that in the real world of business, would be worth a few hundred thousand dollars each at the most, with no products, revenue or anything except promises.

Literal garbage worth tens and hundreds of millions of dollars, for barely functional websites and exchanges.

The Shitcoin bubble must burst.

>> No.10230206


Novogratz also said he's expecting a 20 trillion mcap in a couple of years. He basically unironically thinks we're at the First Sell off bear trap in that OP graph.

>> No.10230237

if you really believe cryptos have further downside why not short some cryptos on etoro? they give you a temporarily 100$ bonus when making your first deposit https:// etoro tw/2KLrUQB

>> No.10230288

>muh golden bullrun
Was the first clue of denial. You're right about that OP.

>> No.10230304

This is true. It will be messy but it must happen. They need to die.

>> No.10230408

This. I remember despair, was around the first Binance "hack", we were posting endless ITT songs about dying and losing all our money. Capitulation was when this board lost the pajeets. Now we're in "wow I'm glad I finally sold, this will never recover"

>> No.10230423
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>> No.10230490
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>too boomer for bitcoin
>not millennial enough for eth

>> No.10230494

lol their own tokens are worthless and they know it, it would go to 0 before they managed to dump 5% of their holdings, but they will start dumping their btc/eth for fiat once they secure their asses in tax heavens

>> No.10230630
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it's an anti-investment, all right

>> No.10230880

ChainLink will fail

>> No.10230891 [DELETED] 

Request will suceed

>> No.10231020

Now we can all laugh at the people saying it is going to zero.

More like stuck around $6300.

>> No.10231048
File: 28 KB, 384x383, ppp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still counts money in USD terms
>he still doesn't understand Bitcoin is a Rothchild creating to end nation states by having an Ideal Money that will create an unavoidable schelling point for worldwide billionaires
>he is this much of a summerfag

>> No.10231070

Why couldn't rothchild just tell all their banks to switch to a common currency? He's their boss right? Why would they disobey?

>> No.10231291

I agree.
Just look at the fucking TRON, VEN, WALTON, ICON and any other chink/gook shit. They are absolutely worthless.

>> No.10231322

Nah... its what the controllers want. Accumulation phase is in kids.

>> No.10231339

So what do you call the ones that keep on hodl?

>> No.10231369

>Babies firts btc bullrun and correction.

>> No.10231421
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smart money is accumulating quietly in the form of spread-out multiple buy orders, while retards exit the market only to never make it, as they are not meant to. Best of luck OP, if you still think it's denial, sell everything.

>> No.10231454
File: 1.75 MB, 1962x1088, ferris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mixed signals on this board are a buy signal.
yep; sentiment is slowly shifting back

>> No.10231470

that happen to keep tether at a dollar silly goose

>> No.10232067

Instituational money is loading up in the 4,000-6,000 area, they will not buy if it jumps higher than that, so they will wait once again for the dip. No matter how long it takes they will wait for that buy range. This is why bitcoin may take a few months to take off, even after etf is approved. Then dumb institutional money will FOMO in when 10k-20k range.

>> No.10232446

I legit want a modern art pink wojak painting.

>> No.10232474

What are you basing this off?5800 has been tested time and time again.This doesn’t seem to be based in reality or any fact.

>> No.10233321

The Rothchilds need a new gold, Bitcoin is the new gold. Neutral, calls for a one world government, which they can control.
World reserve currencies were never for the plebs. Get 1 BTC and be elite or cry later. There's nothing we can do to stop it.

>> No.10233429


Cashed out everything (A sweet 39k from 1k initial), will come back and laugh at you retards in a couple of months.

>> No.10233605

how new are you? lol 3k to 20k in a couple of weeks hahahahahahaha that would of been a hell of a run

>> No.10233647


>> No.10233660

The thing is that when you look at Bitcoin from a really long-term perspective, we most likely are in the first big sell-off of its life. I can guarantee you without a doubt that Bitcoin will never be worth less than 5 figures after 2018.

I’m not saying the bear market is over yet, but what I am saying is that when we get to see Bitcoin at its yearly low, smart money is gonna come back in and buy as much as they can because even they know Bitcoin won’t drop below $4800.

>> No.10233677

> from a really long-term perspective, we most likely are in the first big sell-off of its life
Quick, someone post a quality brainlet for this gentleman

>> No.10233737
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It's all or nothing for me

Always was

Either Bitcoin goes to the moon or I lose everything - there is no in between

>> No.10233750
File: 59 KB, 800x600, impatient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are patient probably increasing their exposure.

>> No.10233770

why the fuck you would do that?

>> No.10233781
File: 369 KB, 640x703, 1529608221679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your style. Good luck fren

>> No.10233802

Why not? Go all in, if you lose everything just pack up, move to asian, teach english for awhile and have asian qts lick your wounds.

>> No.10233811


Because if he loses his life will be mediocre, if he plays it safe, his life will be mediocre, but if he wins, he will win big.

So why not.

>> No.10233847

Boom, there it is

>> No.10234641

this guy gets it

>> No.10234648

My thought process as well

>> No.10234702

Smart money already exited. Dumb money like me is holding the bags

>> No.10234734

I was thinking the same thing. The one in the middle is legit.

>> No.10235390
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>> No.10235963
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>and I’m smart money let me tell you

>> No.10236023


tell yourself whatever it is you need to keep your last sliver of hope alive... in the end the result is the same... you neck yourself

>> No.10236833

me too, that would be glorious

>> No.10236867
File: 330 KB, 1200x476, qLbOXw0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will never be another bullrun.

>> No.10236928


>tfw if I had been in this shit since the beginning of 2017 I could've been set for life
>tfw every day I think about how I should kys myself
>tfw it's been almost a year soon since I realized this and the kys myself feel isn't going away, it's getting worse

>> No.10236939

found the uninformed faggots

>> No.10237209


The amount of replies to this post just shows that all that is left in crypto is denial and lot







get over it

>> No.10237384


>> No.10237444
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absolute retard

>> No.10238377

just put them to $100

>> No.10238903

Misery sure loves company.
So glad I'm not the only one haunted by this feeling every day and night.

>> No.10238920
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>quietly exiting
Everything is quiet now.