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10224779 No.10224779 [Reply] [Original]

I’m an inside sales pet pharma rep that calls Veterinarians. My sales numbers are good, I’m an objectively attractive man, and I’m likable in the office.

The whole gist of the program is that you make phone calls only (inside sales) then eventually you get promoted to an outside rep and get your own company car, clinics to walk into etc.

Managers told me I’m awkward and don’t make good first impressions. They also said they’ll never give me an opportunity to try and make it in the field.

Although all the girls in the office like me and try to sleep with me, they speculate on how big my dick is. What the fuck, I know I’m autistic enough posting on these boards but fuck my managers am I right. Should I continue doing sales or find another field?

>> No.10224796

go to /fit/ get swole nobody will say your awkwark once your a chad

>> No.10224807

looking to break into pharma sales. been in sales for like 5 years now. whatever personal issues you have aside, how do you like it?

>> No.10225454

>Managers told me I’m awkward and don’t make good first impressions.

>all the girls in the office like me and try to sleep with me, they speculate on how big my dick is

holy fuck

do you have any self-awareness? you are the definition of oblivious sperg

>> No.10225497

I’m not making that up

>> No.10225545

I personally find it to be overrated, the average rep in my company barely just makes just over 6 figures. Depending on your territory it’s a lot of driving, and 50-60 hour work weeks for your first year. Many people say after your first year it becomes 30-40 hour work weeks due to you having relationships built up.

A lot of really good reps find that once they make quota and kill it on a good year, management bloats their quota for the next year to unattainable levels.

Glad to answer more of your questions, shoot away with any

>> No.10225563

start eating cbd edibles for breakfast you sperg turd.

>> No.10225574

>I'm a telemarketer

>> No.10225666

it doesn't matter if it's true or not

the point is that your managers say you're awkward

your defense against this is that you believe women at work try to sleep with you and speculate about your dick

you don't seem to realize how fucking awkward this actually makes you sound, which is hilarious... mentally, you clearly equate 'normal, socially well adjusted person' as somehow tied to women talking about your penis size

you're a very confused young man, anon, and desu i don't think you truly understand social interaction yet

>> No.10225951

Sorry you have a small dick anon

>> No.10226057

Flop your great big donkey schlong on your bosses desk and show him who runs the show.

>> No.10226105

I think I just might, backup plan is to run away to a Spanish speaking country for a year to learn the language and leverage my American upbringing to pull pussy. If I cut ties from the US might as well go out with a bang

>> No.10226114

How do you know they talk about uir dick big dumb animal?

>> No.10226130
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when dealing with normies they (literally) only care if you can shoot the shit about sports and properly mirror there body language, but it takes many years of practice to do it well enough to be actually passable (protip, you haven't reached that point yet)

Anyways, social skills =/= being sociable, you only need the former to be successful in your career. I'd recommend you leave the job where you work for a bunch of normies and instead pursue being the management yourself, I guarantee you'll be infinitely better at it than them if you can translate your "awkwardness" (aka the vibe people that aren't generic give off) into an intimidating presence/confidence

also don't ever talk about being a stud, whether its actually true or not, you can imply it with sly smiles or whatever but saying it out load will make people dislike you

>> No.10226139

My 2 best girl friends in the office told me they check out my dick print every now and then. They straight up asked me if it was big last weekend. I’d try to pursue either with them but I have a strict no fuck policy for women I work with in an office setting.

If I get a job with another company or leave to another country I might consider trying to pull the infamous exit bang

>> No.10226148

they don't, except in OP's head.

OP is delusional, obviously has deep sexual issues and trouble with socialization, is clearly creepy... his managers won't let him meet potential customers face to face.

This is just sad, OP

>> No.10226169

based advice anon

>> No.10226199 [DELETED] 

All I’m reading is that sad anon is sad because he’s not proud of his dick size.

Look man, there’s a lot of other things in life, personally I suck at getting excited/talking about sports. That probably makes me an awkward person in most circumstances.

Having 2 attractive coworkers asking me about the size of your penis on a dock out in a coastal Florida town was truly gratifying in a spiritual and primal sense. I didn’t reveal my size, because a gentlemen never tells but just know anon you are the delusional one

>> No.10226238 [DELETED] 


All I’m reading is that sad anon is sad because he’s not proud of his dick size.

Having 2 attractive coworkers asking me about the size of my penis on a dock out in a coastal Florida town was truly gratifying in a spiritual and primal sense. Don’t take that away from me.

I like your advice about management, I believe I can be a very intimidating person and under the right circumstances relatable as well. Thanks for based advice anon

>> No.10226268

Thank you anon that was very helpful, yes I agree I probably haven’t reached that point yet and maybe it’s for the best.

>> No.10226442


Ok, this is obviously a LARP. Women don't obsess over dick size. They are more interested in other things like EMOTIONS.

>> No.10226471

Women don’t obsess over dick size but they definitely wonder about it.

Anon I work in an office with 90% women, trust me that this isn’t a larp and they definitely wonder about dicks.

>> No.10227051
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Doesn't matter these are just tricks managers play on you OP they continuously fuck with you, make you feel worthless, you're not perfect whatever.

This is just because the turnover rate at your company is very high just like mine probably. They have to instill fear in people or mess with them mentally to keep them from moving onto something better. I'm done with banking though

>> No.10227061

This sounds like that play.
Death of a salesman.


>> No.10227082

he is right desu

>> No.10227085

Quit. I was once passed over for a promotion that i was by far the most qualified applicant for. Manager picked the other guy because he had "better communication skills," which, i believe was her way of saying she wants someone she can make small talk with in the office. I stayed on for a while before realizing the whole thing was a dead end so long as she was manager. It's shit management and will never improve.

>> No.10227288

They don't. Women aren't motivated by dicks you idiot. It's money, rings, wedding, and babies.

You act like women are men.

>> No.10227319

Women are motivated by money if they can't get high quality males. A rich beta is nowhere near as attractive as a poor abusive Chad.

>> No.10227342

Id say theyre on the same level. A chad however is never abusive

>> No.10227928

>a 27 y/o zoomer courting all the office puss wonders why his male managers treat him poorly
>a virgin college-aged bugboy in denial exclaims that all women care about is X and not Y
>a middle class white collar worker chastises another middle class white collar worker on not standing straight enough in line
>a post-suicide-attempt neurotic shares his recipe for autism-be-gone
>a father-figureless minimum wagie opines on his idea of the perfect man

>> No.10229035
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Based post

>> No.10229250
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>> No.10229270

same prob as me, anon. they're intimidated by you and will most likely never promote you.

>> No.10229294
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>> No.10229371

Insecurity kills the middle manager