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10226212 No.10226212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> tfw invite this super hot girl over to my beach house and fuck her
> take her out to a super nice breakfast spot next morning
> ask her if she want to go to NYC for the weekend
> she ghosts me
> message her on Facebook and ask her why
> she says it’s cause she’s super poor and it makes her feel uncomfortable I’m way richer than her

I’m not sure if that was just her being nice and not hurting my feelings but she was legit super poor

jfc girls are insufferable I just wanted to have a good time and she’s being a bitch

>> No.10226234

She must've bought in December lmao

>> No.10226252

>wow stacey, you met a guy and he uh wants you to go out of state with him?
>that sounds a bit creepy, is he going to try and rape you?? does he think you are a prostitute or something??

>> No.10226267

The real reason was an unsatisfactory penis.

>> No.10226276

probably dick too small

>> No.10226282

You have such an insufferable personality and are so bad at sex that she chose against the opportunity to use you for your money. You are pathetic anon. Take this as a sign to fix yourself.

>> No.10226286

What's your net worth anon?

>> No.10226302

Well yes that is what I thought and what “redpill” people would tell me

But she was pretty proud and also traditional so I’ll just accept what she told me to protect my ego

>> No.10226308

I had this happen to me once. I think it's cuz I came across as a little possessive too early on. You can't come on too strong to women, they get the sense they're being manipulated or something and their genetic programming makes them want to get the fuck out. Probably cuz evolutionarily, males that do this don't have being good providers in mind. Long story short, it's over but play it a little more cool next time.

>> No.10226324

At least she isn't a gold digger. Try again, don't be needy and don't be a showoff. Good luck if you choose to pursue her again

>> No.10226330

>Thinking you can buy your way into real relationships

What a retard

>> No.10226338

Too Beta. You gotta be cool and chill

>> No.10226359

Imagine you were poor and you were seeing a girl who was much richer than you, she invites you out to some incredible thing you could never otherwise do.

Imagine how awful she’d have to be (or how uncomfortable she made you feel) for you to make the decision to ghost her.

>> No.10226364
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Ask her how she is doing tonight then just block her.

>> No.10226366

I actually not *super* rich but I have a really nice house and some savings and it gives me confidence when I can afford to splurge on a $70 breakfast for a girl

Fucking hell I really liked her though but thinking back I realize how weird I was being

>> No.10226368

damn she sounds like a keeper

>> No.10226399


>At least she isn't a gold digger
Oh anon, you're so naive.

She fucked him and then didn't want to see him again even though he's wealthy. OP has a tiny tiny cock that she finds utterly unacceptable.

>> No.10226409

Have sex

Your autism is showing

>> No.10226416


>> No.10226437


I've fucked numerous girls, weak defense champ. One laughed as he told me she about one experience with a guy with micropenis, she laughed at him but let him try to fuck her anyway.

You remind me of him.

>> No.10226438

Imagine for one second being so bitter and jaded that you think it’s not possible for a woman to have any pride or honor, or in fact no emotions besides basic please seeking

Imagine how damaged you must be to feel that way

Tell me who hurt you, it’s part of the healing process

>> No.10226445

> numerous girls

Oh damn, watch out guys we’ve got a certified slayer over here

>> No.10226452

>And fuck her
You got her drunk, didn't you anon? Sounds like you have all the social skills to need a little lowered inhibition helpin ya out. Right now Rebecca is convincing Stacey that she was raped #metoo and I'm guessing Stacey knows it won't look good in court if she continues seeing you. Watch your back, she got a taste of your money and wants it all without having to open shirt and show bobs

>> No.10226484


? Are you jealous or something?

>> No.10226517

nice bait

>> No.10226603

If you wanna play a Hail Mary (last ditch effort) do this...

Wait 2 days (let the dust settle). Text her saying “hey hope you’re doing well. You know I’ve been thinking a lot. I really wanted to apologize for beings bit weird over the weekend. I honesty don’t know what got to me, I just really had a blast hanging out with you and I kinda overreacted. It’s not usual of me. I would really hope we could give it one more try in just hanging out, possibly {insert a common interest} or {common interest} I promise you, if you give me one more shot, you won’t regret it. But if it’s too late, no worries I completely understand. Peace.”

Obviously fix it to your tone and how you talk. I’ve pulled this Hail Mary 3-4 times when things have fucked up, and I always got a second try. I even texted something similar for a friend who fucked up his date and he got a try #2. Good luck. Keep me posted if you try it out clickyclick45@mail.com

>> No.10226633

how did u get in contact w/ her

>> No.10226654
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>> No.10226660

This post brought to you from the eternal friend zone

>> No.10226671

probably hygiene or unsatisfactory sex

>> No.10226732

>saying super three times

Maybes it’s because you’re effeminate

>> No.10226747

>talking about another man’s penis with a girl you fucked

Never happened or you’re a fucking cuck

>> No.10226810

I bet you told all your friends to go all in on bitconnect too..
The worst perma virgin advice I have EVER read on a Himalayan underwater basket weaving forum.

>> No.10226844

Too many words and the plural on beings makes it look pajeet.

Here's what you do

>Aye girl, I don't got time for games but I need you to meet Tyrone and Jamal with me.

>> No.10227371

OP had dirty finger nails and shit shoes.

Probably fingered her and gave her a UTI.

>> No.10227937

Girls dont trust guys with clean fingernails

>> No.10228206

Are you fucking kidding me. You couldn't recover from her being embarrassed??

What did you say?
Girl; I'm poor and embarrassed cause you got money
OP: durrr hurrr sing long bing bing
OP brain: your the man!

If you don't mind paying for her shit say don't fucking worry about it Jesus Christ. If you really like her find her a Fucking job. Man your retarted. Use some of your money to fly to me so I can SLAP you across your dumb neet face.

>> No.10228211

/biz/ is not your fucking soapbox. sage.

>> No.10228230

if i was super poor, and an ultra rich girl invited me over to the house and fucked me. I would think its a one night stand, and that she would much rather start a relationship with a rich fag.

bottom line. you probably did not make her feel special enough. how many other girls have you fucked at a beach house and left them day after?
^thats what she wants to avoid.

>> No.10228237

This can work unironically

>> No.10228275
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if you want a pity fuck, its good chance.

But for a relationship, not god. OP already opened up to girl when he asked why she ghosted him. He even went to another platform (phone to facebook) to do this.
Doing this will look really pathetic. and will established youre the door mat of the relationship

Its up to the poor girl to decide if she wants to stop being a cunt, and show interest back in OP

>> No.10228289

how small is your dick? what are your prospects for becoming a twink power bottom?

>> No.10228313

That wouldn't make her a gold-digger, just someone with standards.

>> No.10228318

she wasnt traditional, otherwise she wouldnt have fucked you.

>> No.10228337


>> No.10228366

Not true, I had a chick tell me all about her bf's tiny dick when I was 18 and she was at dinner with me. I fucked her that night

>mfw she told me she hated her bf tiny penis
>mfw I also have a tiny dick but got to nut inside anyway
>she called me again but I never responded because I got back with my ex for some reason
lol women. Moral of the story is that it doesn't matter how big your Weiner is if you're fucking random roasties. Only matters if you catch feelings and have to actually pleasure the women you bang

>> No.10228386

imagine bragging about having sex with girls that aren't virgins lmao lol

>> No.10228450

Why are threads about women always so funny on /biz/?


>> No.10228552

Niggers wtf, this is unironically good advice, honesty is the biggest redpill there is, she's gonna think you're beta at the start then later she'll discover you are redpilled but chose to be honest all the same, showing strengths and weaknesses equally and not apologizing for either.
This is ubermench dating advice, take it or leave it faggots