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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10221409 No.10221409 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10221421


You need to be useful and more someone else more money than they are willing to spend with you

>> No.10221427


>> No.10221428

i’m 25 and never worked a day in my life but have a degree how fucked am i REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10221430

Step 1: Buy kneepads
Step 2: Start sucking

You are now a contributing member of society.

>> No.10221432

You have to have some value. Reason people go to school, learn decent manners and work ethics, try to be resourcefull and beneficial to society.

I guess you failed in all of that.

>> No.10221440
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Firm handshake. Straight in the eyes. Smile, and say I'm your boy.

>> No.10221449

You walk straight up to the boss and you give him a firm handshake.

>> No.10221493
File: 46 KB, 579x604, 1470213366492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ultra mega fucked.

>> No.10221546


>> No.10221554

I hear you can make shitloads of money in the oilfields. Maybe we should try to go work there and make a lot of money to accumulate bigly and bring the bull market back?

>> No.10222056


>> No.10222080

Read extreme ownership by jocko Willink. You’ll format yourself to any environment and work situation. Thank me later

>> No.10222086

I feel you, anon. Just break into someone's house, steal some money, invest it into crypto, and hope it moons. Rinse and repeat until you make it

>> No.10222107

Stop dripping autism like you are with this post

>> No.10222517

back to soiddit faggots, I'm not in the mood for you normies

>> No.10222533


>> No.10222606

>Tfw 23 high school dropout no degree

How fucked am I
I am going to watch the answer tomorrow because I get extreme anxiety and stomach ache when I think about it and I need sleep

>> No.10222672

I think the only thing I can do is become a programmer or be doomed to minimum wage physical terrible jobs

>> No.10222709

No lose to the world

>> No.10222714

>no lose
kys brainlet

>> No.10222720
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>I'm not in the mood
Literally no one would care if you dropped dead, anon

>> No.10222729


Join the army for a non ''I want to die'' rank. They train and pay you. Trust me on this one.

>> No.10222994

In SF Bay Area, job are hiring at ATH while simultaneously homelessness are also at ATH along with rent

>> No.10223039


with all these free time u could of started ur own bizness, instead here u is. some peoples is just destined to fail

>> No.10223059

I found I had a really hard time getting employed and didn't have the motivation to keep filling out job applications. I ended up just starting a company, calling myself CEO, doing business stuff, and eventually got a VC to give me hundreds of thousands of dollars. Seems easier than getting a job.

>> No.10223394

Thanks bro I'll look into it, I need every bit of hope I can get of a better future in this dire situation I put myself in. Really appreciate it.

>> No.10223405


>> No.10223492


>> No.10223560

just be yourself bro, and you'll probably find the right job for you

>> No.10223591

Insufficient data exist for meaningful answer.

>> No.10223594

You employ your self. Stop wage slaving and start doing whats necessary to create your own income.

>> No.10223619

Put on a tie, walk in, ask to see the manager, shake his hand and they will hire you. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps you entitled millenial.

>> No.10223814
File: 424 KB, 1440x863, Screenshot_20180710-194135_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /subway/ here?

>> No.10223838

jobs are a meme just kick back until the singularity

>> No.10223861

Get off your phone, someone just ordered 5 sandwiches!

>> No.10223871

Don't know, in my home town it seemed abyssal, but I moved to a bigger town at 27 and was working at an arby's within a week. They needed people badly, and I sorta exaggerated my work history.

I got two other interviews, with just 10 applications I'd had as many interviews in a new town than I had had in my life.

Where you live might just suck.

>> No.10223880

vice chairman

>> No.10223972

Just apply. Hope you have a degree and a few jobs of just work experience in general. And if you can empathize with people and be the right person for each person then you can get a job anywhere.

Easy as shit no lie. Like go to a huge financial investment company or an insurance firm. So pick an overall personality and have small caveats to appeal to each of the top level people in your department, and every other person going down the ladder but not everyone.

Do it for 2.3 years then leave for a better paying job by doing the same thing. Idk why everyone doesnt do this.

Or you can apply to the macdonals and dairy freeze.

>> No.10223975

A temp work agency will get you into a shop, or you can go look for one, if you will do shift work in a loud environment they will set you up at a station for better than gig pay, programming will get you on a cnc machine.

Alternatively, welcome the end of the world and study the word.

>> No.10224001

Do you happen to be above average height along with your willingness to lie?

Why doesn't everybody 'be the right man for the job'?

>> No.10224606


>> No.10224625
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Why do you want a job? Take out a bank loan and build a giant mining rig with 100 GPU's. Pays for itself in 6 months.

>> No.10225148

Just network. Talk to everybody in your family and find out if they have any connections to any place that's hiring. 90% of getting a job is just having an in.

>> No.10225184


>> No.10225197
File: 253 KB, 800x1076, tumblr_parj24YrvG1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you make money without having a soul crushing boring ass 9-5 piece of shit job where you have to get up in the morning and go do tedious gay shit with normies and despise your life

fuck this crap

how can people handle this just waking up and being forced to go to work every day would be devastating and soul defeating that you have to spend your life doing things you dont want

>> No.10225262

Gotta pay the bills somehow. You just get used to it

>> No.10225323
File: 83 KB, 700x466, tumblr_p8iupwONsD1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem pretty content though

how do you not have extreme anxiety of having to go to work every day

you never get any peace you just have to keep going and going to work

>> No.10225388
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1529373601462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well desu I don't have the sort of job you described. I work in the kitchen of a Tim Hortons and just work 12-5 each day. I get to sleep in a good amount, the shifts are only 5 hours and go by fast, I make enough money to get by and have a modest little amount of spending money, I make pretty decent tips and the job can be pretty enjoyable, or at least decent. Can't really complain too much, desu. If I had a 9-5 office job like my room mate has and like you described, I really don't know how I would get by emotionally. It would be awful.

>> No.10225403

I always forget t b h turns to desu and now I sound like a massive fag in this post

>> No.10225429

you can't. the next recession has already started. it's not officially here but the BLS numbers already show it's beginning.

>> No.10225436
File: 131 KB, 550x825, tumblr_paznwzGShW1s2yc47o4_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well ya thats what i had to do when i had a job work part time hours and do food service

thats the only way its ALMOST tolerable

but i dont think i could have survived off it , it was minimum wage i was a teenager

>> No.10225439

Except you need a diploma to join

>> No.10225451

I highly doubt OP would be strong enough for that shit.

>> No.10225453

Venture capitalist.

>> No.10225474

Unlesd you were hired as manager, a job at Arby's is literally nothing.

>> No.10225490

22 rn and I guess the only real way I'm surviving is because I have a room mate. I might be getting a new job soon that will pay real money and will give me full time hours. It's a medical marijuana growing plant and a friend of mine who works there is gonna put in a good word for me. I'm nervous to work full time hours but he says it's the best job he's ever had. Plus, I can't just work fast food forever and the money will be nice. $13.50 an hour starting out, and after bills that'll give me around $1,000 in spending money every pay which is huge for me compared to my $100-$200 in spending money I get now. I'll feel like a millionaire

>> No.10225521
File: 87 KB, 1200x800, tumblr_p79am7eyzz1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting thanks for sharing bro

>> No.10225522

This, it’s my supplemental income rn and hopefully my main income once I get some more feedback.

>> No.10225535

sorry for the blog post, lol. What's your situation? Are you working or going to school or anything?

>> No.10225542

How’d that withdrawing your BTC thing go anon?

Did you lose much on the 500k rolls or whatever?

>> No.10225558

I found myself finding a difficult time becoming employed so I lied about my experience and set up a stacy receptionist with routing call transfers and become the CEO to become the CTO of a small local buisness, $156k a year, it's my first job, lol

>> No.10225561
File: 404 KB, 1200x1920, tumblr_p8itlfY3Ra1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no im fucked i cant even stand up for 5 minutes anymore my legs got fucked up because i got diabetes a few years ago

i cant work any regular job anymore im just fucked

i dont have the patience to go to school and if i did any type of degree i could get would likely lead me to a 9-5 desk job like we talked about that i cant handle


shit worked yo

i did the 100k coin flips or some shit and i got my money out lol

i got 24k chainlink now

>> No.10225598


>> No.10225615
File: 136 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_p72wlyUGCB1s2yc47o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only needed to do like 1000 though

i lost 1%

which i dont give a single fuck about

its good to know how quickly coin flips balance out its interesting i didnt know if it would be wildly variable end result

but it does balance out


>> No.10225633

Shit man that sucks. So I'm guessing you get disability pay or something? I have no idea how that shit works. Is it decent pay, if you do? Sorry to hear about your situation but at least you can sit around and do whatever

>> No.10225634

All about that Law of Large Numbers.

It’s literally engraved on the back of my Ledger, Vires In Numeris

>> No.10225692
File: 103 KB, 1200x800, tumblr_p79akfNwxP1s2yc47o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no im a neet at my parents house
and i was already going for disability for social anxiety before i got diabetes so the disability application is basically for that and not this

its a weird situation

and now my parents think i cant handle the money so they took my guardianship rights away from me in court

and now basically my mom gets to have control over the money if i do get it

so now i dont even want disability ive been waiting years for

ill be like a dog asking for my money from my mom to do what i want with it

thats not how i want to live

i dont give 2 fucks about the disablitity anymore as sad as that is

>> No.10225855
File: 383 KB, 1200x1920, tumblr_parikzp2qm1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know what the fuck im gonna do

im pretty bored out of my mind as well

>> No.10225874


>> No.10225917

long road of bad decisions left you at your moms house with diabetus, admit it

>> No.10225948
File: 859 KB, 600x899, tumblr_paqf5wetiY1s2yc47o1_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was always at my moms house i never broke free
24 y/o right now

eventually i was homeless from not wanting to wage cuck

i could have survived if they didnt put pressure on me to change and i was allowed to just neet it up

but the pressure killed me

and iw as homeless and it all went downhill

my avoidance of wage cuckery got me but they could have been more easy on me

>> No.10225962
File: 512 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_p8351jC4ve1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but heres the thing i actually unironically do have social anxiety getting a job didnt seem like something i wanted to put myself through

i feel awkward talking to anyone so instead of looking for a job i just avoided it

>> No.10225978

yes reality can be crushing or lifting depending on many factors but the reality of it is that we're responsible for ourselves and our own improvements.

>> No.10225993
File: 281 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_p834tjqJaQ1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont believe in that
if it was 200 years ago you would just work on a farm you wouldnt have to justify your existence to anyone

and go fill out a job application and have social skills

i feel like

the capitalism priced me out

i got no problem with working if theres no strings attatched

>> No.10226000

Ya I`d like a meatball marinara on flat bread with double meat

>> No.10226002

weirdly similar

>> No.10226030

seems like you just allowed yourself to become broken and now you're medically unfit and will probably die earlier than you otherwise would have, kinda retarded desu.

I have severe social anxiety, actually diagnosed with Avoidant Personalty Disorder, OCD, depression, and have suffered with it for ~10-15 years now (I'm 30)

Despite that I still find a way to push forward. I come to the same crossroads as you: homelessness or suck it up and get a fucking job despite being terrified of the entire process, terrified of normies, terrified of interviews, terrified of wagecucking 8 hours a day around people I despise. I do it anyway, never been on disability, never been on welfare, always worked pretty much full time.

My only flaw in all of this is that when I do find myself without a job, usually due to a layoff after working somewhere 3-5 years, I tend to procrastinate finding a new one and instead just burn through all my savings until I'm down to almost nothing, and then I go get another job again and repeat.

On the bright side I've started taking fitness really serious over the last couple years, reached a healthy weight, regularly lift, started going for annual dentist and doctor appointments, trying to force myself to be a better human.

>> No.10226051
File: 128 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_p72wlyUGCB1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then my problems were more severe then yours then because i preferred dying on the streets to finding a job

>> No.10226178

had no family connections, got a 3.0 business degree and am now making 80k my first year out of undergrad.

had some shitty back office job for 2 weeks before i quit, lied on my resume and said i did private equity for 2 months (same company)

applied to a bunch of internship programs with this "private equity" internship on the resume, ended up getting a VC internship where i did essentially NOTHING for 2 months.

bullshitted my way thru 3 rounds of interviews and am now making more than all the 4.0 real internship kids

learn how to hustle biz.

>> No.10226294

Then get the military to pay for college.
Then find a way to specialize yourself into a niche job