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10223264 No.10223264 [Reply] [Original]

Get the fuck out of crypto! We're heading to 5K within the coming days. Tether up, cash out, don't be caught dead holding to any coins. There will be better buying opportunity.

>> No.10223270

Yeah I waited this long to cash out....

>> No.10223277


>> No.10223304

record high longs over the past two weeks. lower lows coming as they all liquidate below 6300.

>> No.10223322
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we're all gonna make it

>> No.10223336

if it drops to 5k wont it just bounce back anyways so whats the panic?

>> No.10223349

at this point im more worried about missing the bullrun then trying to buy the absolute bottom of the dip. but im new so what do i know.

this is 2018 not 2013 were not gonna fall fucking 94% again. there are more people in the market now, more money so...

>> No.10223350


bubbles never pop down below 5k anon is right.

>> No.10223359

>missing the bullrun

You've got a good year before there's even a chance of that happening

>> No.10223422
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I'm so ready for the pump that will follow.

>> No.10223456

Like you know...
Like ANYONE knows, jesus fucking christ you guys are so narcissistic, you think how a market will behave

>> No.10223521

People on this board are some of the least intelligent desperate and stupid people around.
I'm actually not racist, I have more subtle interpretation, people who are raised in extreme poverty and taught that morals are for the stupid, greed is great and weakness is to be taken advantage of develop a certain very evident form of stupidity, that and poor education and perhaps poor nutrition spawn vast vast numbers of people who think everything is a scam, all knowledge is just a pretence that can be faked etc. Of course they are poor an therefore (due to their 'values') flock to this board. Here they think, I can overcome generations of the above and within a few years via any means necessary elevate myself to the same status as people from good backgrounds in good nations. This means everything is short term, scamming, washtrading, faking, schilling, pumping and dumping, posting fake articles etc etc is the way to go. Of course it's not, largely because there is a vast (billions, most of Asia, India and Africa and a large portion of Latin America) of similar scum doing the same thing. Rather than actually make any concrete step to elevate their lineage of failure they just waste a year, lower their morals even further and try again. An asset when it has reached a valuation will inevitably return to it or cease to exist. This is unlikely in the case of btc and crypto for many obvious reasons, so at some point perhaps in many years BTC or an alternative that it can be swapped into will return to its high. . Of course this requires long term thinking understanding that sideways flat patterns follow booms and that due to the historical restraints placed on return on investment by human lifespan, do not last forever. IN the same way as a rush of poor brown people descended on crypto and tech in the last quarter of the internet boom and the crypto boom buying high, here we see their gang rush to sell at market lows.

>> No.10223568

Its fascinating that while they view themselves as sharp Their 'short termness' lack of confidence, education or true individuality make them flow back and forth like water in a moving tray. They matter little to markets (they never have enough money to make much of a difference) but as with all their ancestors they loose what they have, making their superiors marginally wealthier. Their mantra is buy high, sell low. They are brown and they post on biz

>> No.10223589
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>we're all gonna make it

checked, but you are not prajeet, you are not

>> No.10223606


>Tether up

The lower we go, the higher risk tether becomes.

>> No.10223610

Exactly. Fucking bears and market manipulators need to understand the only people who will sell right now are the morons who are desperate for money and overspent. The rest of us know the drill and will wait to see a recovering market before making any moves. The sooner these bearfags realize this, the faster we can all get back to making money from a bull run instead of shorting.

>> No.10223627

The year is 2028. Very few people own 1 Bitcoin, they cost over 100 million dollars each. When I think back to that moment ten years ago I wonder why I never made it. Then I remember.. I was all set to go all in on the Great Bitcoin Dip of 2018, the last chance for normal joes like me to make it... but I saw that one fateful post

> There will be better buying opportunity.

wherever you are mr pajeet, I WILL find you

>> No.10223630

This is true, but I'm afraid this is one big waste of effort. I know some indians at work, they sometimes do shady shit, they are warned several times, they are like: "yes sir, I comprehend sir, rest assured sir", and they continue anyway. It's on their education to be individualistic to a point where they don't fucking care about the community around them, on a simple but objective example of it, is litter on the streets, most of them don't understand how is that a problem.

Yes I'm generalizing, and yes there are good/educated fellows from India, Pakistan, etc, but holy shit the majority of them don't care about what's around them, all they see is profit and how can they be rich fast and without proper effort and work

>> No.10223715

fomo and panic sell are not viable strategies, gotta think longer term and make your bets on that or make short term bets and get justed every time

>> No.10224044

That you don't know doesn't mean smart people don't know.

>> No.10224079

This is not about being smart ffs, this shit could go up tomorrow if money is waiting on the sidelines, you do realize that the amount of money compared to crypto is ridiculously higher, so any spark of interest of some whales could push this into another bullrun. But you guys are idiotic to the point of believing you are in control of the price fluctuations while what you are actually doing is controlled gambling.

>> No.10224105
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its over kids

>> No.10224391

>this shit could go up tomorrow if money is waiting on the sidelines, you do realize that the amount of money compared to crypto is ridiculously higher, so any spark of interest of some whales could push this into another bullrun
2018 buyer detected, oldfags know the drill.

>> No.10224467

You heard it here first,pedobear exclusive

>> No.10224488

shut your poor nigger ass up talking about 5k. sorry your pussy ass missed the last 4 chances to hit that level. As soon as the Bancor hack blows over we will see 10. You know everything though fucktard.