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10222895 No.10222895 [Reply] [Original]

>What would you do if you had 5 million dollars in your bank account?
I unironically think I'd still not make it, simply because money doesn't buy happines. I'd probably spend it travelling,fucking whores,doing quality cocaine and then off myself within a year. There is no point to this life. THE RAT RACE MEANS NOTHING.

>> No.10222950

global warming is gonna fuck us all anyways even if it did mean something. literally 0 point of preserving muh genes when we're literally holocausting ourselves.

relevant quote
"When the Last Tree Is Cut Down,
the Last Fish Eaten,
and the Last Stream Poisoned,
You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money"

>> No.10222996

You can grow and artificially make all this shit in a lab brainlet.

Invest to make even more money, why are low T fags always stopping after the first couple millions?

>> No.10223019

retard lol there isn't gonna be a hospital earth for the 7 billion+ and growing population. what do you think will happen when poorfag niggers start crying at muh corporations for the shit they contributed towards?

>> No.10223033

Poorfag niggers are getting decimated by famine and armed drones.
Nobody cares if they have no access to ressources.

>> No.10223041
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Just fucking kill yourself. Seriously. I can experience much more pleasure and joy with $1000 than you can with $5 mil. How does it feel being such a failure at life? Give me your money, be poor, and try finding a fucking purpose you loser. Oh wait, you won't because you'd rather be comfortable than find happiness. Go fuck yourself

>> No.10223051


>global warming

>> No.10223079

I would fuck myself if I could. Trust me.

>> No.10223099

lol they will riot before they die off. even with how dumb niggers are, they will fall for sensationalist shit and all it takes is for one guy to point at muh corporations to rally the brainlets into revolution. also not that simple, global warming fucks the earth equally. there will hardly be any place safe from the death rays and ocean acidification. you'd literally have to become a hermit and live in a place with air filters and never go outside with the increased co2 levels outside as well, as higher co2 levels impair brain function because it's not what we're adapted to https://thinkprogress.org/exclusive-elevated-co2-levels-directly-affect-human-cognition-new-harvard-study-shows-2748e7378941/

>> No.10223126


if you actually deny global warming you're retarded and should stop falling for jewish corporation propaganda

>> No.10223151

Your shlling leftoids fake news thinking you could go unnoticed because you used the word "niggers" does not work.
Global warming does not exist, it's a sham to give money to the third world, letting in immigrants ("climate refugee") , regulations and a world government.

>> No.10223168

>nbc and latimes

>> No.10223180

i'd like for you to prove to me that co2 burned from fossil fuels diffusing into the air and elevating global co2 levels doesn't absorb heat and cause global warming. i'll wait. there are a total of 0 corporations that benefit from global warming being real, and i'd like for you to prove this wrong as well. i'm not a leftist, you're just retarded, and being "right wing" won't save you from this fact

>> No.10223189
File: 80 KB, 657x539, brainlett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha bro, lets not read what's happening around the world! power outage because it's too fucking hot isn't real my goyim! retard

>> No.10223299

Global warming can be ruled as a priori wrong. Only deductive truth and technological matters can be really proven. Believing or not in what does not belong to those two categories may only be based, always hypothetically , on trusting who is making that affirmation/negation. Given that global warming is being used as an excuse to strip us of every right we have left, we have to conclude that it is a sham.
Global warming = leftoid plot.

>> No.10223313

I'd buy a big ranch. Then I would farm until I ran out of money. But I'd likely have accumulated a lot of stuff with value. Also would build a rape dungeon

>> No.10223393

lol? it's funny how completely off base you are, but i can't expect much from the same people that make fun of niggers for being low IQ while crying about muh Jews(that are higher IQ than whites). jews will keep winning when you and the rest of your shit ideology(alt rightards) stay brainlets. your contrarian opinions have already been accounted for, in fact that's what they've been precisely aiming for.

they know you dumbasses are going to think there are only 2 sides(when there are more) and lump climate change scientists with them, so they purposefully spam global warming sensational articles to desensitize you brainlets to thinking it's just a jew plot so they live out the last 10 years they have before dying out in peace, when in reality if we actually held these people accountable for global warming right now, they'd be the most fucked. we'd tax and regulate them to shit and fucking jail them, and this time they can't escape because every country would be on board or risk extermination by everyone else. social engineering is a real fucking thing, and since you're on this board, you should very well know that there are shill bots fudding/pumping coins, half the threads aren't fucking real and it's very easy to manipulate public opinion regardless of ideology. but nope, you're probably gonna tl;dr this post because you're just a puppet for someone elses beliefs, being right wing again doesn't stop you from being brain dead

>> No.10223410

Buy a few properties and then spend the rest of my life traveling and raising children. What else is there to do in life?

>> No.10223426

From repeated interactions with normalfags and trying to shine a light on the topic, I've concluded their mind simply refuses to consider the things they take for granted might not be as rock-solid as the sun rising or the tide of the sea. This is people who agreed with me on kikes once I spoke up about it, but talk about unsustainability (which is hell of a lot easier to argue with numbers and data than "muh joos") and you get blank stares, or "heh, i'll be gone by then" from boomers
I think the great truth of normans is that they expect to be taken care of by some external force. This is why they sit dumbfounded when a crisis situation happens and you have to be the one calling an ambulance or doing CPR or what have you. They've been taken care their whole life, following the school - uni - workplace road where others made the decisions for them while their own responsibilities were ultimately inconsequential
you can see the effect of the normalfag mind in western europe countries where retirees are already getting shafted in favor of refugees: there's no movement to get on the street, no great protest, just grumbles here and there and mostly accepting a poorer life until they die
This is the norman reality: they don't have any internal mechanism. By creating big government you isolate them from the local leaders they would follow in natural tribes of dozens or hundreds; and once they're isolated, you can impose anything on them, like medieval peasants
Anyone who doesn't take control of their own life is utterly fucked. Normies will let the browning of their countries happen passively, which will lead to even dumber and more passive normies, and governments will have free reign to do absolutely everything they want. You can already see how far the average IQ dropped, with public debate circling around irrelevant issues like gender or race while environmental concerns or anti-war sentiment are all but gone

>> No.10223465

>stop falling for jewish corporation propaganda
>sources latimes and nbclosangeles

thinking emoji

>> No.10223490

1 mil in a trust of lower-risk investments to benefit my family, parents, wife's parents
2 mil buying some properties around town
1 mil for family home
500k each play money for myself and wife

>> No.10223502
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the purpose of me quoting them is to state real world events of the world. i don't give a shit about what narrative they're posting, all i care about is what actually happened, and the reality is is that temperatures are fucking scorching and caused the outage because of people needing ACs just to not die of a heat stroke and this is directly a result of global warming. but continue to provide non arguments instead of actually debating.

>> No.10223522

Either join the army or become an FSO for 20 years. I'd put all of that money into a savings account. It would be 5 mil principle, 10k annual additions, and 7% interest rate netting me about 20 mil plus a nice pension. Once I got out I would probably get into real-estate.

>> No.10223533

invest $4M into a 5% producing dividend stocks and generate 200,000 a year, reinvesting dividends, quit my job, move to hawaii, buy a beach front $2mil condo with 200K down from the $1M i had left over and earn equity in my home and live the god life

>> No.10223541

Do you realize that everything you said is >>10223426
perfect for going AGAINST the "global warming" idiocy except for the last line about "enviromental concerns" that it is absolutely not in harmony with the rest of the post? Lmao lamenting big government , regulations and refugee and in the same breath shilling for global warming, the very same idea that is/will bring all of that.

>> No.10223547

I'd love to move somewhere where prostitution is legal, and pay women to essentially be sex-slaves in my harem.

>> No.10223556

I tried to answer this question but I couldn’t. It’s basically asking what would you do if you had freedom? I’m been a wagecuck for so long I don’t know anything else outside of wage slavery, to dream of a life where I could have freedom to do what I want is just depressing

>> No.10223564

>retard lol there isn't gonna be a hospital earth for the 7 billion+ and growing population. what do you think will happen when poorfag niggers start crying at muh corporations for the shit they contributed towards?

nigga why you thinking like some conservationist? Don't you know that most of the "worldly issues" are just bullshit campaigns to create more jobs? Our world will continue to exist (even for animals and shit) far beyond humanity. We'd probably be extinct not because of nature but because of humanity's stupidity.

>> No.10223567

Throw it all in a hedge fund with 17% annual return and coast off that.

>> No.10223578
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lol, i don't know what ideology you exactly belong to, but i can't believe you'd actually support mudshits. forget about the jews, fucking mudshits bombing for allah are the ones controlling the world's oil. global warming being real precisely fucks them and puts them out of business, and not once have you actually tried to prove that global warming is a jew plot. you can't even prove it's wrong either, sounds an AWFUL lot like a certain fucking low testosterone beta cuck

>> No.10223599

>he reality is is that temperatures are fucking scorching

yeah, in LA which is a fucking desert. imagine how much ACs are in Vegas or Dubai. That doesn't necessarily relate to global warming, the natural temperatures of those areas are fucking absurd. Which is convenient for those who want to push the global warming narrative

>> No.10223611

at this point i don't really care because brainlets will be brainlets, but it's not gonna change my mind on global warming. if the world is fucked and we're the cause of it, and we KNOW it's happening, it would be extremely unethical to give birth to children that you know are going to be fucked inevitably in the future. also it's a huge waste of time to try to prove your contribution to muh society, just do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.10223618

The fact is CO2 causes all that heat increase by absorbing heat energy, that's true. But blaming humanity's activity is untrue. The reason why we're experiencing global warming is not only because of the increase burning of fossil fuels but mostly because of other natural factors (sun spots and shit) The earth was going to heat up anyway regardless of humans. The only reason why, schools are drilling all these morbid thoughts world ending because of our energy consumption is for preventative measure.

>> No.10223624

>have enough money to do whatever you want in life
>decide to die
lol wut
shut up op. stay off the drugs, you cant handle them

>> No.10223644

we have machines that can literally rip CO2 out of the air and their byproduct is Carbon and Oxygen. Global Warming is a bullshit scam today and anyone saying its a Human issue is a further bullshit artist. Is the globe warming? yes, but anthropomorphic global warming isnt real and we have the technology to decrease CO2 in the air if we want or need.

find another liberal fuckoff to be mad about like the 37 genders not being equal

>> No.10223661
File: 252 KB, 771x1024, 8AD98ED2-0A10-4E86-B231-F190F4D9E592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Jews have high IQ
>muh blackpills

Google IQ by country. Look at Israel. Realise they're not the top at all, and are actually below Asians and Whites. Repeat until it sinks in. And since that's a lie, I wonder what else is? Anthropogenic climate change maybe?

>> No.10223677

except LA isn't actually a desert. just because they're close to a desert doesn't make it actually a desert. they're close to the ocean which should realistically help cool down the temperatures if anything. this is pretty much the first time this shit has ever happened to LA as well, I have relatives that live there

>> No.10223695

>except LA isn't actually a desert
it's pretty close tho. the whole city is as artificial as it gets so it's not really surprising for it to have such temperatures. when the midwest begins to experience such conditions then I'll believe it. although by that time it will probably be too late kek

>> No.10223718


Of course it can. But global co2 output by humans is dwarfed by other sources, it's not rare. Honestly, there's other far worse impacts by pollution - fertility, estrogens, cancers etc. No easy answer though, and it certainly won't come from anti-science communists. Cleaner & more efficient technology, properly reaching space etc is the most important stuff to do. Not worry about Leftist political footballs.

>> No.10223735

even if that was true, global warming isn't the ONLY concern. ocean acidification fucking our crops and freshwater supplies? fossil fuel companies dumping shit into the ocean so the fish get poisoned and in turn you're effectively eating fossil fuel waste? btw no one who actually knows what they're talking about has ever questioned that global warming was naturally occuring, people are just concerned about the RATE it's happening. co2 levels rising every fucking year faster than previous years is more than just muh nature

easy to say that but who the fuck is gonna fund that, you? you're not holding them accountable because you're just mindlessly claiming it to be natural when co2 levels have increased faster than previous years, so corporations aren't going to do it.

btw i'm a monarchist you dumb little shit, science actually has nothing to do with politics and lmao if you think climate science, a hard science, is comparable to psychology memes, a soft science that is basically a scam

>> No.10223781

Move out with my gf in a <1 mil in a manageable house in a good suburb, the rest in a high interest bank account. Live off interest and do everthing else as normal but use confidence in financial stability to do as I like and get a job I actually like aka scuba photographer

>> No.10223799

what harm is there in making the planet cleaner just as a precaution? i can't for one second believe that people will actually want fossil fuel companies dumping shit into the ocean that poisons the fish they eat with a straight face and that it's a bad idea to have preventative measures in case this shit is actually real. like yeah, i really want mercury arsenic and fluoride in my fucking food kek

>> No.10223888


>i need to be rich to kill myself

holy fuck you are stupid

>> No.10223939

Making it isn't becoming a millionaire that won't bring true happiness. Making it is fixing a few things on my body so I can return to being a Chad like I once was. There is no feeling in the world like having girls naturally like and want you. Fucking whores is shallow and fake. But walking down the street and getting started at by dreamy eyed teen girls is a comfy feel some of you will sadly never have

>> No.10223989
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Buy a lot of land and a house in Montana.

>> No.10224005


Passive income and working on my projects to keep stacking until I become a billionaire. Then I will save the world.

But I will probably spend one year catching up on movies and video games whilst tipping camwhores.

Then go find a beautiful Eurasian or European girl online and go visit her.

>> No.10224161

I'd buy 2 million worth of Ethereum and 2 million worth of Bitcoin and 500,000 worth of LINK.

>> No.10224385

You sound like a really happy guy.

>> No.10224428
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>quality cocaine
>quality cocaine
I'm down. Have to wait to off myself until Mom croaks, I'm the only one left that isn't dead. Good times await us, OP.

>> No.10224432

climate change is literally inevitable. people walked to the americas from russia. literally there is nothing you can do aobut it in the long term