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File: 79 KB, 1200x799, 6945EFA7-82D6-430F-B129-78633A46EEE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10222131 No.10222131 [Reply] [Original]

Ok biz. I'm holding an X node since last year (6,500) and I'm finally ready to damp eet. I got China hustled. If you had $15k to all in one coin right now, what would it be? Dead serious I am market buying the best shill in this thread. Will post screenshot.

>> No.10222149

>He got China hustled
Buy JNT and get sand niggered.

>> No.10222156

sell your x node before you dump
i have seen people offer 10k for just the node no coins with legal agreements and all, airfare included

>> No.10222157

Listen, you buy x,xxx of our coins and you gonna get a master super node, you double that, you get the DOUBLE master node which gets a higher rate of return. So you know you gotta buy our coins, and do it quick before they SKYROCKET in price! Dont miss this!!

>> No.10222162


>> No.10222165

Where would an anon broker such a deal

>> No.10222170
File: 138 KB, 640x353, wtcwinz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go WTC, not even kidding mayne.

Waltonchain is VEChain pretended to be all the time.

Walton has given a fuck about marketing all the time which is bullish legit sign,
yeah they fucked up their Twitter game, but it was only one intern, and there was no scam at all, in fact 200 people won free wtc, and the intern never got the wtc...

>> No.10222176

i saw it on reddit

>> No.10222201

I love visiting the vechain subreddit and watch the losers play mental gymnastics to avoid facing the facts that theyve been hustled

>> No.10222202

>sell your China hustle coin for China hustle^2
Absolutely not. The only scammier project in crypto than vechain is Walton. I've been following it from day one and would not touch that bullshit with a 10 foot pole

>> No.10222208


yup kek. true cult brainwashing. mirin sunnys con game

>> No.10222209

Sounds bullish to me.

>> No.10222212

Literally just 5 minutes ago heard something unironically huge with MAN by end of next month. Will show vechain what quality ICOs should be

>> No.10222214


>> No.10222224


lmfao, its impossible to be scammier than vechain. they only existed because of price pumping, simiar to TRX.

Walton has always been extremely conservative in this regard.
And they actually deliver irl adoption

>> No.10222225

LINK $1K EOY $20K 2021

>> No.10222230

Are you the crazy WTC guy? Please tell me you are. I thought he offed himself.

>> No.10222233

It will be on coinbase next month( like for real no larp)> Winklevoss twins invested in it so it will be same store as with zcash. They invesdted in it and gies what? coinbase listed it

>> No.10222239

Bitcoin (BCH)

>> No.10222258
File: 34 KB, 675x694, 1407666198845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol muh thunder x thor ultra marvel vs dc remastered node

>> No.10222266

Watch for my daily KMD appreciation thread. Find the latest few in the archive. Next one in approx 9 hours

>> No.10222272

I'm not a newfag. I know about Walton. You're wasting your time shilling it here.

>> No.10222278

Tezos Wanchain

>> No.10222280

Nauticus or NKN

>> No.10222283


vencucks dreamed about getting fucked up the ass by thor's mighty hammer I bet. now they get it

>> No.10222284

Best shill so far. Already holding some MAN but may triple down at this price. Then again I am understandably hesitant to buy anything chink at this point

>> No.10222313

Man, get in dex and buy HVN

You will not be disappointed. Seeing you held a node your in it for the long run. HVN is seriously under the radar, under valued and tied to a company that trades on NYSE.
If you did enough research about nodes, then look into what hive is doing.

I know for a fact the coin will be minimum 6$ by end of q3 and the whales are holding till beyond that.

>> No.10222314

Personally I say Walton but as you are pretty clear you aren't interested I would suggest a mix of RPX, BAT and Factom.

>> No.10222315



>> No.10222316


hydro, announcing a partnership with a top 20 bank this week
while also being a 20 million cap coin
no ico, no threat of being labeled a security
won fintech award over 200 solid comapnies
real working blockchain product that is actually better than other existing 2fa verification systems

team has a lot planned for july and lots of reasons to hold. Read up the report by KPMG Luxenburg to really get an understanding of how big this is going to be

>> No.10222329

buy NKN and get AMERIMUTTED instead

>> No.10222348
File: 12 KB, 443x332, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you pacient?

The FOMO 3D contract is designed to pay dividends over time based on the idea that every person that buys a key will get the chance of draining the contract if they are the last one who bought it.

If you want to know more about it

It's not an investment, nor a token. It's just an extremely insane smart contract idea beautifully executed.

>> No.10222389

I'm holding a lot of nkn already. I might buy a little more after the next dilution but I don't expect it to go anywhere for at least 6 months

>> No.10222405

Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, Jiang Zhouer, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.

>In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption)
>Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding)
>Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. >Brian Armstrong (Coinbase founder) will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets
>bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC
>propaganda/censorship effects are fading
>Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon
>Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags >miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble,
>LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day and the devs admit this readily
>Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH
>tipping on github is now possible with bch
>smart contracts are coming in November
>stress tests are a massive success >charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises) >Free Society project is progressing well
>Circle is adding BCH next few weeks,
>Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos
>memo.cash has been growing every day
>SatoshiDice switched over long ago.

People are going to use BCH and they won't even know it.

>> No.10222408

it is not a larp tho

>> No.10222417
File: 92 KB, 2504x306, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at 5.18.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got chinked too op. i guess not really, because I bought in november, so I'm still up, but still. i actually thought there might be such a thing as an honest chinaman. boy was i wrong

>> No.10222435


>> No.10222445

I love when people buy stuff that they don't know anything about.

Anyone that knows about DHT or distributed computing would not touch that shit. It's like TRON, just a old ass open source DHT with a fucking token attached. This tech has been open source for 20 years.

Holochain uses that as a way for consensus but has an actually useful network that can do distributed computing over it. A torrent network that charges for bandwidth is not going to win or impress and devs to come work on it.

>> No.10222471

Move that money to FSN anon. Low cap low hype and founded by DJ Qian, the actual founder Vechain before sunny the scammer took over the project and chinked it all up.

>> No.10222472


I kek'd

>> No.10222478


>> No.10222501
File: 561 KB, 895x856, 1531239443128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go heavy into Peng for massive gains unironically

>> No.10222527

Peng for sure still trading under 1 sat in crypotopia with high volume and coin revamp

>> No.10222534

Most coins are just ads whitepapers and shills with no real use case at all
The only coins that matters are btc ethereum and bat

>> No.10222596


Lmao, i remember when Vechian tried to FUD that project through official anouncements and denied DJ Qian created Vechain, even though its easily verified on google. wtf was up with that?

I suppose there was a fall out between them.

>> No.10222605
File: 198 KB, 1890x749, 100x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearpoll would be a good bet in my honest opinion, it's a 4 million market project which will launch their Poll platform on 30 August. Their tokenomics is excellent I would advise you to read it carefully, literally just read the thing, join the telegram and you will notice this is a gem no one knows about.
Also, they will announce celebrities (confirmed by both parties, not like VeChain) each week. They already announced 5 of them.

This will be used mainstream pretty soon, the network effect it has is ridiculous. From what they have told, they have a cumulative of 30 million followers from celebrities to be exposed to this.

>> No.10222617

holding some heavy bat bags huh
nobody will ever use that piece of shit kek

>> No.10222639
File: 1.02 MB, 801x559, bitporn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In 2013 BTC reached $1100, LTC $50 and XRP $0.05. Eventually BTC went as low as $200s , LTC went to $1.50, XRP to $0.00414. It wasn't until BTC started making a run in early 2017 that XRP became worth a penny and LTC started gaining value. You can see that BTC beat LTC in returns and is very close to XRP since 2013 even with XRP's parabolic rise. Everything else from 2013 was pretty much dead or irrelevant.

There are some pretty interesting ideas right now that will probably beat BTC in returns but I doubt you'll be able to pick it. If BTC is doing well, then you've made the right pick instead of likely picking one of the thousands of dead coins. If BTC is not doing well, whatever else you pick will still be in the shitter anyway.

>> No.10222650


VeChain CEO openly FUDded and disrespected many projects, which is a very bearish sign, because it's the least professional behaviour possible for a Service Project.

>> No.10222654

>Semi automated VEN FUD has tripled with the advent of the token swap
Really makes me think

>> No.10222665

the chink fudbots are going crazy right now

>> No.10222667
File: 71 KB, 2540x189, ventards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"the so called competition"

also posting my psot from january telling people to sell when i did after i started getting suspicious. most ven haters here are previosu holders who feel angry they were duped. a lot of us just got out earlier even if in big profit and have been warning since

>> No.10222687


>> No.10222711

Anon unironically buy NANO. That's all I will say though. Good luck.

>> No.10222719
File: 30 KB, 496x180, B83C4008-2171-4859-A5BC-F35692E3FB95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be buying more. See pic

>> No.10222745

UTN and that’s all I’ll say

>> No.10222787

real life adoption like those crypto powered insoles right? OP do not under any circumstances invest into yet another chink shitcoin

>> No.10222800

All alts are dead rn :(
Buy FunFair