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File: 260 KB, 730x500, deroscamlantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10189332 No.10189332 [Reply] [Original]

>2 million coin premine, over 40% of the entire supply, devs posted a public key to view it but there's no way to tell if the premine has been dumped since we can't see outgoing transactions
>premine has not been locked this entire time due to the change of blocktimes (understandable) but now there is no ETA on when it will be locked
>all three of the exchanges it's on are extremely low volume that nobody wants to use them; Dero won't even be on any new exchanges until at least August
>there are supposedly three developers working on Dero, but, in the 8 months it has been public, we've only seen one dev and two support members
>community manager Serena keeps putting her foot in her mouth by making promises the devs can't keep
>Serena keeps banning people from the Discord instead of muting them or moving them into a "time out" room, and although all of these bans are fair, those who get banned feel resentment to the point that they'd never support Dero and would instead further degrade the coin every time they see it whether it's warranted or not
>say they respect the Monero devs then proceed to call them "stupid" saying they can't code and making badly put together MSPaint charts of how Dero is superior to Monero
>what they don't realize is that no matter how superior Dero actually is to Monero technology-wise it means absolutely nothing without any new exchanges or marketing/advertising
>by not telling about the late switch to keep the ASIC-friendly algorithm and delayed the full source code release (the part with DERO-DAG, bulletproofs, etc.), they alienated a large part of their userbase
>userbase is sitting around doing NOTHING and waiting for the Foundation to be set up and the source code to be released all the while the price is plummeting
>this wouldn't be an issue if Dero was on more exchanges since the Dero could be spread out but instead a large amount of Dero is clogged up
>website is outdated and takes up a large amount of resources so it's very laggy

>> No.10189333

Oh, I'm sorry, were you expected another one of those hilariously over-the-top FUD threads where everything was blown out of proportion? Nah, none of that this time. Everything I have presented is 100% grade A truth.

At this point, there is no questioning that Dero holds a huge technological edge over nearly every other blockchain out in the market today. However, with its lack of marketing, advertising, new exchange listings, price decreases, efficient communication, delayed promises, lack of community support, overwhelming FUD support, and, most important to some, evidence of an actual technological advantage to prove their claims, they are DEAD. IN. THE. WATER.

The Dero team could literally announce Wei Dai as its developer, release a unique Virtual Machine, and implement private smart contracts, and the price wouldn't increase a cent. Without addressing all of the issues above, Dero is not going to do anything but remain at a sub-$5M marketcap.

I dare any Dero supporter to challenge anything I have said today.

>> No.10189439

Finally some legit statements.

>> No.10189504

Notice how nobody has come to this thread and challenged any of them?

They literally can't.

Every single thing I said is completely legitimate criticism that they cannot respond to.

>> No.10189563

Don't be surprised if this thread gets archived before anyone posts a counter reply.

Those two posts have officials destroyed every single Dero poster ever. Expect to see these posts on /biz/ basically round the clock to remind Dero posters how big of a scam their terrible blockchain actually is.

>> No.10189612

>At this point, there is no questioning that Dero holds a huge technological edge over nearly every other blockchain out in the market today.
based on what? there is no source to review so how can you say they have any tech thats more advanced then a generic cryptonight clone?

>> No.10189639

It may be a very interesting and promising project killed by a succession of mistakes from a amateurish team.

>> No.10189839

- First thing is: They where doing good until April, when they started Atlantis development. The big mistake there was the release of binaries only, with a closed development. We never saw what was being done in the code.
- After this, they reached the deadline for the promised release date, and then, apparently, tried to quickly clear out all the mess, and lots of bugs were found in the testnet.
- Instead of releasing the code and then run a testnet of it, they tried to fix all the bugs after the deadline in just three weeks, and then run the mainnet and fix all the bugs by themselves only with the still closed source code. Maybe they should have kept the testnet for more time, with the code released, and after some months with the community helping and analysing this code, update the mainnet.
- In the last two months, the members started to mocking the other privacy projects, and even calling other devs names, and banning members after asking legit questions and making true statements. A very amateurish and shady behavior.
- We had the ASIC shitstorm. After promising during two months that ASICs would be bricked after Atlantis release, just some few days before the mainnet update and some members helping with CPU mining all the testnet time, they shocked everybody telling they'll remain with old CN algo (in my opinion, that was the idea from the start, and they lied during all the time before).
- They lied about the premine lock. All the premined coins are in just one wallet, and could be spent at ANY time without anyone else knowing it. The view key, as OP said, is enough only to check the incoming transactions and do not show the balance.

I'm just wondering what will be the next "surprise".
PS: I'm a hodler of this.

>> No.10189840

The fud used to be a joke but the sad thing is that this is all true now.

>> No.10189886

>It may be a very interesting and promising project killed by a succession of mistakes from a amateurish team.
^ this

>> No.10189946

Waiting for the next nasty surprise... Not. I sold most of my bags and feel much safer now. May reload at $0.50 in a few weeks when another shitstorm arrives on the back of some screw up or delay or another lie uncovered. It's a gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.10189987

I have studied cryptography on my own for a few years now, and I can say with what they've released with just the Golang rewrite that they are ahead of most other blockchains out there today. However, those code upgrades are small in comparison to what they are claiming with Atlantis. The bulletproofs, DERO-DAG, and other features seem downright impossible from a technological standpoint.

As expected, not a single one has been able to put up a single counter point to all the criticisms against Dero.

>> No.10190015

Someone posted this thread on their discord. Say hi to all the DERO bag holders.

>> No.10190052

Does it really matter? Their Discord is DEAD. There's more people on 4chan reading this thread than in their Discord and Slack channels COMBINED. Every criticism point posted is 100% valid and had yet to be given a single counter.

>> No.10190070

wtf are you even saying?
i have a degree in comp sci and worked now 8 years in crypto and security related projects.
you are not able to verify any progress unless you audit the code. if the code is based on cn algo which it is per the projects statement they are in violation of the GPL unless they release the source code so they are fucked if they dont release or relicense it.
know what your trying to talk about at least a bit before you make yourself look like a retard on the internet.

>> No.10190186

This desu, they look like they're doing some cool stuff but their """"""community managers""""" are such fucking dicks it turns everyone off, plus the code is closed source so no-one really believes anything they say nor can they verify it

>> No.10190224

Hi bagholders, feeling heavy? Sometimes it's a nice feeling, sometimes not and it one of those "not" times. Just admit you got scamned, this is the first step to recovery - admitting your own foolishness.

>> No.10190259

I already audited the Golang code before Atlantis retard. It wasn't anything too impressive, just that the tweaks they made to their copy and paste of Monero's code increased the productivity by a small amount. The code that everyone is waiting for right now is the Atlantis code, but you can't get that unless you are a '''''qualified''''' cryptographer.

As far as the Foundation goes, are people stupid? Do you guys not realize the second anyone applies for a Foundation anywhere in the world, your information (name, source of funding, etc.) all become public knowledge? Do you guys honestly think a team that has stayed anonymous for 8+ months is just going to quietly reveal their identities just like that?

>> No.10190287

We can be sure Serena's "ask me anything" campaign will have some soft ball bullshit questions and none of the really important ones. The discord admins publicly admitted they could not care less about public opinion. You reap what you sow.

>> No.10190340

There will be no foundation, will just keep dumping the premine on the exchanges while they are stalling for as long as they can. $2-3 M is not too shabby for a few months of work. I wonder if the mods are in and are covering up knowingly.

>> No.10190354

Pretty much this. Public opinion is the #1 thing that drives the price of a coin. It's the reason Dogecoin has a ridiculously high marketcap despite being absolutely useless. It's the reason VHS beat Betamax or why the Dreamcast lost to the N64 and Playstation. Hell, you could release a food replicator to cure world hunger, but if all it can do is make a bowl of oatmeal once every 3 hours and everyone in the world hates oatmeal, people will continue to wagecuck 80 hours a week so they can spend it all on tasty McDonald's.

The community support for Dero is DEAD.


And they literally DO. NOT. CARE.

They think, "Once we incorporate, exchanges will be BEGGING us to let them list Dero, and everyone will be sucking our dicks and clits once they see that Dero is 200x more scalable than Monero!"


Everyone HATES the Dero team for all the lies and deceit they've portrayed. They could turn public perception completely around with just a few questions answered and a few days of hard work reaching out to the community. The question is whether or not they'll do that.

>> No.10190399

>The question is whether or not they'll do that.
They most certainly will not. Too little experience and too much false pride, probably some teenagers in their parents' basements, sure feels like it.
Exchanges want a large loyal user base, not tech, and it sucks for Dero now big time.

>> No.10190812


>> No.10190890

It seems like Dero is developed in China by Chinese Developer. And I am not surprised if it is somehow involved with ASIC manufacturing companies.
The idea of Dero is "CENTRALIZED Private Smart Contract Blockchain Technology under the Decentralized Platform".
Users has "NO SAY" on any of the decision made.

>> No.10190916

No offense, but how many crypto blockchains in the world today do users actually have a say in? Developers usually do whatever the hell they want. Also, there is no evidence to suggest the developers are Chinese or live in China because they are anonymous, so we have no idea of their nationality or country of origin. The only thing we have a solid fact on is the identity of the community manager Serena and her country of origin, Canada.

>> No.10191080

Bumping this again.

It has been 5 hours, and there has not been a single counter-argument to a single thing posted in the opening post. The Dero team is completely ignoring any of these criticisms as well. Dero's price is going to continue to fall with no end in sight. Nobody is buying while ASIC miners are dumping in droves.

The challenge has been laid for even one Dero hodler to counter these points, and not one Dero hodler has countered even one point.


>> No.10191115

Looking at the Discord and Slack channels, Dero hodlers are completely delusional at this point:

>Just trust them. The Dero team has delivered before!
>I hope Dero goes back to 10 cents so I can buy some more :^)
>You don't win at everything. Just be patient. Dero will go back to $5 by EoY 2019, I guarantee it!

These people are more delusional than Chainlink hodlers, and the Dero team is laughing it up while everyone loses everything. We haven't even heard anything of significance for the past WEEK.

How is the Foundation going? Have they applied yet? Have they even chose a location yet?

When is Dero getting on more exchanges? And if the answer is "after the Foundation" then the opening reply of "no sooner than August" is 100% accurate.

>> No.10191138

Mojo is from beirut.

>> No.10191192

Evidence? I'm not questioning you, but I expect proof from anyone making a claim.

>> No.10191193

He has previously used Aboljamajem as his nick (on GitHub and others), so his name is probably something like that..

>> No.10191203


The thing with scam projects is that they die in months. They won't be able to hype their projects forever. Look at dero, with no new code to justify. people won't buy their scam. The shill groups can make lot more if they get behind a legit project as the constant work done on the project will ensure people will come to it.

>> No.10191221


Exactly. No one is buying their foundation excuse. You have to a retarded autistic shit to believe this.

>> No.10191271

What bugs me the most is: What happens if Dero ISN'T a scam? Imagine this scenario:

It's July 29th, 2018. Dero reveals that it has now fully established its foundation called, appropriately, Dero Foundation. This foundation is a fully-fledged, non-profit organization created in Switzerland in order to help spread the word about its technology Dero Atlantis and to develop relationships with future partners that want to use the Dero blockchain for their own purposes. With the announcement of this foundation, all three devs of the project announce their full names. They release a brand new GUI wallet. They release a fully-audited source code alongside technical papers that explain how the code works in relation to bulletproofs and the DERO-DAG. With this source code reveal, they say they currently have 7 new exchanges they applied for that should be approved within 1-2 weeks. A full marketing campaign begins full of ad buying (IRL and online), media and conference appearances, etc.

If all of this came out, would this cause the price to move up even a little bit? Has the alienation of Dero's fanbase caused the chain to completely die, or are the majority of Dero's "investors" atm, 4chan users and are completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things?

I'd be SO PISSED OFF if all of this happened. I'm just glad that the odds of this happening are literally a million to one since it's very clearly evidence that Dero is a scam.

>> No.10191291


If is a two letter word for futility. Dero is a scam, you shits just don't want to see it. Keep holding those bags.

>> No.10191326

Read my post faggot, I already said it's a scam.

You over the top cunts make actual criticizers of Dero look like a joke.

>> No.10191367


Do you think I am autistic. Anyone with a brain can see that your post is a shill for people to buy or not sell their dero

>> No.10191470

Biz calling it a scam and FUDDING this coin hard recently. Fuck it, I'm buying.

>> No.10191472 [DELETED] 


>> No.10191479

Excuse me? Since when do "valid criticisms" = FUD? Nothing stated in the OP post is a lie. Everything is 100% true, and not a single line has been refuted.

You'd be an absolute brainlet to commit financial suicide buying this piece of crap.

>> No.10191565

I'm still waiting for any Dero turds to come up with a SINGLE counter point to ANYTHING in the opening post.

I'll probably give it up in an hour or two as there is no way any of them can think up anything.

>> No.10191674

Ok, let's take a look. I'll try to answer with what I know about, from the point of view from a hodler:

>2 million coin premine, over 40% of the entire supply, devs posted a public key to view it but there's no way to tell if the premine has been dumped since we can't see outgoing transactions
The premine is true, but don't forget it's 40% of total supply according to the amount mined so far. It's "just" 10% of max supply (before tail emission).
About the premine, they just posted this:

If anyone is interested in checking premine spent status:

Outputs of a transaction can be known if spent or not. That's how the blockchains knows if you own what you are spending or not in a private blockchain

If you really want to see:

That's the premine Tx

If you check the stealth address: 453b94edfae9b0ed7c09b0e08115afe58c24e671cdc917a81446c9e74af288cf

You can run this command against daemon RPC:

curl -X POST -d '{"key_images":["453b94edfae9b0ed7c09b0e08115afe58c24e671cdc917a81446c9e74af288cf"]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

And get this result:
"spent_status":[0] means it's NOT spent


>> No.10191688

>premine has not been locked this entire time due to the change of blocktimes (understandable) but now there is no ETA on when it will be locked
Agreed. They never warned anyone about this before.

>all three of the exchanges it's on are extremely low volume that nobody wants to use them; Dero won't even be on any new exchanges until at least August
Dero had no ICO or any kind of funding. So, be in more exchanges will take time (and really expensive fees). Premine must be enough to cover this in the future.

>there are supposedly three developers working on Dero, but, in the 8 months it has been public, we've only seen one dev and two support members
As far as I know, only one of them address to the public. Really not a concern, since they deliver the code.

>community manager Serena keeps putting her foot in her mouth by making promises the devs can't keep
Totally agreed. The managers, mods, wathever more else are promising things since three months ago, and some of these things were not delivered. They should have been more cautelous at this point.

>Serena keeps banning people from the Discord instead of muting them or moving them into a "time out" room, and although all of these bans are fair, those who get banned feel resentment to the point that they'd never support Dero and would instead further degrade the coin every time they see it...
Totally agreed. Many old supporters and visitors got banned simply for asking legit questions, or for being upset for the anti ASIC priomise. It appears that if they don't like your question, they'll just get rid of you. Many also lost their confidence after seeing this and goods questions don't being answered.

>say they respect the Monero devs then proceed to call them "stupid" saying they can't code and making badly put together MSPaint charts of how Dero is superior to Monero
Totally agreed. Their behavior around the other developers (including XMR lead dev) is completely ridiculous and childish.

>> No.10191695

>what they don't realize is that no matter how superior Dero actually is to Monero technology-wise it means absolutely nothing without any new exchanges or marketing/advertising
Patially. These things take time, and apparently, the project development is just in early stage. There are some other things to be done yet before they foccus on marketing and new exchanges. If they manage to deliver a good project, these things will come.

>by not telling about the late switch to keep the ASIC-friendly algorithm and delayed the full source code release (the part with DERO-DAG, bulletproofs, etc.), they alienated a large part of their userbase
Completely agreed. They totally alienated the community for two months. Probably they even knew since the start of this period, and lied to the community purposely trying to preserve the trust.

>userbase is sitting around doing NOTHING and waiting for the Foundation to be set up and the source code to be released all the while the price is plummeting
Agreed. There's no other option but to wait. Also, they promised the code with Atlantis update, and then postponed it until the fundation. Again, more unfilfilled promises.

>this wouldn't be an issue if Dero was on more exchanges since the Dero could be spread out but instead a large amount of Dero is clogged up
New exchanges will not change this. The problem is CN emission rewards early miners with most of the rewards of the max supply, and then they are exponentialy reduced after some months, and right now, few ASIC miners are getting all the blocks.

>website is outdated and takes up a large amount of resources so it's very laggy
The page is ridiculously laggy, and it's a shame taking all this time to reformulate it.


>> No.10191837

He's a community manager though, not a developer.

>> No.10191853

They seriously need to address all of the issues and speak to the community instead of sitting on their high horse and acting like they're untouchable. Community support is huge in crypto, if you don't have that, you have nothing.

>> No.10191876

LMAO you entitled fags think """crypto investors""" will form the userbase of a project as ambitious as DERO? You think it'll matter one iota that DERO has shitty PR and has alienated all the loser neets hanging out on /biz/, Discord, and Telegram, if it delivers the world's best private smart contract VM, written in a language optimized for ChainLINK?

Just LMAO at you short sighted faggots.

As the /biz/ aphorism goes, do whatever the opposite this board tells you, and as you can see, a majority of brainlets have turned against this coin while it's still in its infancy. Just watch, this will pull another AntShares, Monero, Ethereum level bullrun. Faggots.

>> No.10191878


>> No.10191917

>Dero had no ICO or any kind of funding. So, be in more exchanges will take time (and really expensive fees). Premine must be enough to cover this in the future.

Don't you see the paradox this poses? In order for Dero's value to go up, it needs to get on more exchanges, but in order for it to get on more exchanges, it has to pay to get on more exchanges, and to do that, the devs have to dump their premine, effectively stripping away its value just to get on more exchanges.

>As far as I know, only one of them address to the public. Really not a concern, since they deliver the code.

They have delivered no Atlantis code yet at all. None of the '''''qualified''''' cryptographers have stepped forward to post a review. Hell, nobody has even stepped forward saying they've even seen the code.

>New exchanges will not change this.

It actually will drastically. Nobody wants to use stocks because it sucks, and tradeogre is basically a repository of every garbage altcoin. Nobody is going to take Dero seriously until it gets on a reputable exchange with decent volume.


They haven't alienated just the people on 4chan, but all their early investors as well by lying to them. Who do you think is dumping the coin right now, loser NEETs? No, the early miners are dumping the coin, getting the hell out, and moving on.

>Just watch, this will pull another AntShares, Monero, Ethereum level bullrun.

How? You do realize AntShares, Monero, and Ethereum all had advertising and connections, right? Dero has NONE of that whatsoever.

>> No.10192150


>> No.10192456


>> No.10192590

bump again

>> No.10192617

Truth is this is one of the best coins you can currently hodl.

>> No.10192894

Too bad it's just a fantasy.
The big ego will not let the mods heal the relationship with the public --> the community will not recover. This is a terminal phase of cancer and short of surgery and chemo the prognosis is negative for the future of the coin.

>> No.10192922
File: 55 KB, 695x496, DERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dedication of the Dero Marine.

>> No.10193060

Maybe if you Dero posters could come up with original memes instead of copying them from everyone else, you'd have more people on board.

>> No.10193365

>written in a language optimized for ChainLINK?
kill yourself fucking retard linkie
go choke on sergei's cock, you have no claim to talk about anything if you're invested in this shitcoin

>> No.10193401

Starting the countdown to dump what's left of my bags if any bid shows up, prepare to catch.

>> No.10193519

kys, pajeet

>> No.10193537

Then make something original brainlet instead of "lol I put a Dero logo in the forehead of a guy's forehead mask"

How did you even get the Dero logo's resolution to turn into such choppy garbage anyway? Did you right-click resize it in MSPaint or something holy crap

>> No.10193581

i am not a Dero Marine!
This is the first thread with real questions and as expected no Dero hodler can give real answers.
This coin is dead and that is the way it should be!

>> No.10193613

>This is the first thread with real questions and as expected no Dero hodler can give real answers.

Literally no answers. There was one guy who tried to argue, but he was shot down quickly.

>> No.10193792
File: 27 KB, 510x347, You-cant-handle-the-truth-meme-generator-you-want-the-truth-you-can-t-handle-the-truth-9789dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To Dero marines

>> No.10193911

On what exchange can I buy this Truth coin?

>> No.10194027

The price keeps crashing. Seems like 5k is the best escape option you have. It will soon be 1k. Better sell now and be safe

>> No.10194126

That's if stocks and tradeogre don't try to pull an exit scam

>> No.10194293

None of the opening points have been refuted.

If that doesn't prove Dero is a scam, I don't know what does.

>> No.10194411

Lots of bullshit and hatred here

>> No.10194432

Then refute the points in the OP.

Oh, wait, you can't.

>> No.10194500

Are you two fucking brainlets? Look at my answers.


But I'm afraid most of them are true statements.

>> No.10194576

Tradeogre is already in the process of exiting, kek.
Stocks.exchange has over 300K for sale. Poor desperate bagholders all trying to exit...

>> No.10194616

Brainlet here!
Your answers are great, but would be considered FUD by a true Dero hodler.
Did you already get banned in the discord?

>> No.10194761

Only if the true Dero hodler is a alienated dumb.
No, I remain quiet just lurking.

>> No.10194870
File: 983 KB, 1153x578, gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a small amount of this and I am thinking of this like money wasted on smoking crack. They haven't provided anything to show this isn't a scam but the reward side is great. I've easily blown a lot more on countless hookers who I can't even remember where there wasn't even the reward of a memory to get my dick to twitch in my rocking chair when I am decrepit old fag.

As far as price going to the shitter, this happens with new cryptonite coin issuance anyway since most the coins are minted through the early years and only ~2 Million are minted. So I expect the price to tank more.

>> No.10194917

>muh community alienated
>muh hurt feelings
Since when is this teddit? I dont care a fuck about feelings. Do you retards think this will be at 2million once the devs are revealed and whitepaper hits the news? Fuckin crybabies

>> No.10194932


>> No.10195105

Correct, it will not remain at this level, it will be worthless.

>> No.10195161
File: 355 KB, 810x1957, Screenshot_20180708-174823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.10195227


Stop shouting faggot.
Bring good arguments instead.

>> No.10195290

Who so the premine that we can see hasn't been spent. That doesn't mean they have a shit ton of premine in a wallet somewhere and their would be no way of knowing it.

>> No.10195360 [DELETED] 

Try using fact instead of suggestion . I proved your did about the premine was BS !
Now your saying there "couod" be this and "could" be that .
In other words another sad attempt at more fud .

You know what when the actual truth comes out I will be sitting pretty along with anyone else who didn't listen to this suggestive bullshit .
O facts just suggestions

>> No.10195384

Try using fact instead of suggestion . I proved your fud about the premine was BS !
Now your saying there "could" be this and "could" be that .
In other words another sad attempt at more fud .

You know what when the actual truth comes out I will be sitting pretty along with anyone else who didn't listen to this suggestive bullshit .
O facts just suggestions

>> No.10195614
File: 1.91 MB, 331x197, oooh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


White Paper about PHANTOM protocol was released publicly in Feb 2018. : https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/104.pdf

> Read the Summary.

>> No.10195646

>kill yourself fucking retard linkie
That's right, the same people who think LINK is a scam FUD Dero. That's about all you need to know, folks.

>> No.10195673

>Tradeogre is already in the process of exiting, kek.
Nope, TO just maintains its shit.

>> No.10195777

This and this.
If you ever felt excited about this project before the price started tanking, DO NOT let OP's FUD get to you. Yes, all his points are based on facts, but none of the evidence points conclusively toward scam, not even closely so. OP and his fellow pajeets are blowing up legitimate concerns with how the Dero team, led on the PR front by a smart but inexperienced community member, has communicated changes to its roadmaps.
Fundamentally, nothing has changed with this project. Foundation will soon be incorporated, dev's identities revealed and WP released. Yes, anyone holding DERO is gambling that they've actually produced the tech they've said they would--but really, how is that any different from any of the other projects you're speculating who are in testnet or even mainnet phases? DERO is built from the ground-up, by anonymous devs, not too dissimilarly from Bitcoin's origins. So fuck off if you can't hold through a couple shitty weeks price-wise. Nothing great comes easy.

>> No.10195887

Correct ^^^^ goodbye weak hands

>> No.10196072

deluded linkie, get the fuck out of my thread

>> No.10196089

That's right, the same people who think LINK is not a scam shills Dero. That's about all you need to know, folks.

>> No.10196344

Only faggots believe known liars. A fool and his money are soon parted. Kek.

>> No.10196446


Only brainlet couldn't see how Dero will gonna rape all blockchain based coins.

>> No.10196490

I believe this all right. Dero is one scam to rule them all. It raped all other coins in this regard.

>> No.10196493

>July 8th 2018 and Dero is STILL closed source.
Nothing to see here. Move along.

>> No.10196734

Wrong only BlockDAG and Bulletproof aren't publicly Open Source, yet.

> muh closed source.

I wish they released it ASAP so they could fuck other CryptoNote blockchain, in no time.

>> No.10196884

Everyone knows that Dero is actually legit, or at least I think that's the case. If you unironically consider it a scam you're beyond saving anyway.

>> No.10196897

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

>> No.10196906

Wow dero is dumping at exponential speeds. Congrats on this seriously.

>> No.10197007
File: 157 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180708-210349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price recovered back to pre idiot minidump price . Nice try to wreck dero with fud . Volume of dump was tiny OP accomplices probably dumped as post went out to try to start stampeed but here we are back up to a dollar hahaha

>> No.10197036
File: 299 KB, 810x1957, Screenshot_20180708-174823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10197075

I would also like to point out that i was on Dero discord when the 4chan Dero haters attacked with racist , sexist aggressive offensive foul language .
Yes many were banned for this fact but nobody has ever been banned for giving an opinion or asking a question .

STOP the fud !!!!!

>> No.10197154
File: 16 KB, 400x225, bucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also thanks to everyone who allowed me to fill my bags a little further with some cheap dero .

>> No.10197265

Why do you think you know everything and others may not be familiar with the devs and their plan?
Enjoy your bags. We have more to trickle throughout he next week to get a semi decent price. As a bonus and entertainment we will have a few dumps. Catch!

>> No.10197452

Dero July update . I hope you dont mind me usung your thread to spread the good word

/data/user/0/com.microsoft.office.word/app_EmailAttachmentsdfe971e9-dccb-4572-a85d-a7052fe5ad6d/Dero update - July.9:2018.pdf

>> No.10197467

They literally could spend it at any given moment you retard

>> No.10197528

Damn, you're desperate.

>> No.10197538

you are literally a fucking dero cunt
enjoy being poor forever

>> No.10197549

if it's a privacy coin why are you able to track the movements of coins and follow transactions?

>> No.10197639

The wallet tx was shared voluntarily by the team to dispel fud . They shared of thier own accord to prove the OP is taking shit

>> No.10197700

Fren, it's so sad some fuckers put life savings into it, just like linkies. Hope we won't be hearing about them taking their lives when the scam gets uncovered.

>> No.10197749 [DELETED] 

It seems you have thoroughly exhausted all your bullshit and possibly helped remove a few eeek hands . Real holders are stronger now and price ready to ATH on incoming news and updates . Thanks for your help

>> No.10197788

It seems you have thoroughly exhausted all your bullshit and possibly helped remove a few weak hands . Real holders are stronger now and price ready to ATH on incoming news and updates . Thanks for your help

>> No.10197806

There comes the brainlet...

>> No.10198483
File: 76 KB, 1766x252, Screen Shot 2018-07-08 at 23.24.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of Dero holders.

Seriously though, they've released an update today which details a lot of upcoming positives, now's the time to buy if you want to make money.

>> No.10198635
File: 45 KB, 320x256, 1524730391217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Sauce code plz!!

It's always funny to see paranoids asking for source code, when they are 99% using a Mac / Windows OS shit and even the last 1% they don't give a look to the kernel code.

>> No.10198767

>so sad some fuckers put life savings into it, just like linkies
Holy shit please post your suicide note to /biz/ when both LINK and DERO take off to mars sometime in the next 12 months.

>> No.10198789

There's a reason the devs have kept the source code closed: unveiling will not only point out all the hidden vulnerabilities in CN blockchains, but it would give Monero supercucks the ability to steal others' code to patch their own, that is unless DERO forms a foundation to copyright it. This team is not fucking around and, to be perfectly clear, THEY DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE """COMMUNITY""" AND LESS OF A FUCK ABOUT GODDAMN 4CHAN.

>> No.10199052

i'm not investing in my operational system you fucking brainlet

>> No.10199618 [DELETED] 


>> No.10199791

That is one of the stupidest comments I have ever read. You do realize the recipe for KFC is already know...right?

Also, every blockchain has a right to keep their code closed source. However, when you tout for 8+ months that your code is open source and even release a giant portion of your code openly then say "mmm nah we aren't releasing the last part :^)", THAT is what everyone is mad about.

Dero hasn't done that yet, though. Let's hope they follow through with their promise to release the full source code once the Foundation has been fully formed...that is, if there's even going to be a Foundation in the first place.

>> No.10200021


>> No.10200280

I really hope this Mojo guy is not in any technical position on the Dero team, because he doesn't understand how CryptoNote transactions or keyimages work at all.

>> No.10200396

Because I see this has been spammed in this thread as proof, and no one has refuted it yet, I will elaborate: If you could check from public TX data if an output is spent or not, RING SIGNATURES WOULD BE USELESS. The only way to know if an output is spent would be to compute the keyimage of it (and you need the private spendkey for that), and check if that keyimage has ever been used. My quoted posts used the stealth address, which is an entirely different thing. If the Dero team wanted to prove that their premine is unspent, they need to compute the keyimage of the output with their private spendkey, and then release that, so everyone can verify it independently.

>> No.10200699

you are a shithead please fuck off back to turtlecoin retard

>> No.10200739

>valid criticisms
>get buttmad

Dero bags getting heavy 'eh?

>> No.10200767
File: 269 KB, 684x469, DERO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said, Anon. Why shouldn't the devs make profit for their work?

>> No.10200784


This is what happened with sumo. The dev hid premine in another wallet and fooled the community.

>> No.10200802


Lol. The spent pre mine is in another wallet. Sumo devs pulled the same shit

>> No.10200816 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 500x288, DERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long did they pulled that scam and where's Sumo now?

>> No.10200829 [DELETED] 


>> No.10200859
File: 188 KB, 500x288, DERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long did they pull that scam and where's Sumo now?

>> No.10200875

Explain to me in brainlet terms why someone would be stupid enough to create a keyimage output of their PRIVATE spendkey? Wouldn't that make it possible for hackers to find a way to break the algorithm and get into the premine?

>> No.10200890


They hired someone to code using the pre mine. He found the hidden pre mine when he looked at the blockchain. He burnt their pre mine and created his own coin by USAF. Sumo is down 97.2% from ATH. If you don't want to be holding bags sell now.

>> No.10200930

lmao no
Like a year and in the dumpster where it belongs.

>> No.10200952

Then why don't you go to Dero's Slack/Discord server and tell them this straight to their faces instead of sitting here whining about it?

>> No.10200994


Ask the guy who found sumokoin hidden pre mine to look at dero. He will find the other wallets which are hidden. Their is a reason why he is known as one man block stream of Monero. Look at this vulnerability which he fixed in Monero few days back.


>> No.10201089

Dero went from $5 to under $1 and was $0.50 yesterday, a clean 90%. Give it another month and it will catch up (o rather down) with Sumo.

>> No.10201373

What are you talking about? Dero is already lower than Sumo's marketcap.

>> No.10201441

About matching 97% price drop in Sumo.

>> No.10201781


People think they can stomach a 97% drop. It isn't untill they see the charts they realize that they can't do it. There is no coming back from that kind of low. There won't be another 2017 bull run where you can get your money back. Let me be clear, if you have significant amount of dero. You have until AMA to sell it. There might be a little surprise for those who are still holding that shit ;)

>> No.10201957

>There is no coming back from that kind of low.
You do realize that if there is 400,000 Dero selling for 10 cents, a single whale can come in, buy every single Dero for $40,000, then completely manipulate the price, right? That's actually what happened when it originally went from 50 cents to $5, some bored whale kept wash trading it back and forth.

If this was a coin that was already doing millions of dollars of trading on 20+ exchanges and then suddenly had a cliff drop, you'd have a point, but nobody outside of really 4chan and Reddit have even heard of Dero, and news flash: 4chan and Reddit have pretty much no influence on the markets AT ALL.

Don't underestimate a determined whale looking to make money.

>> No.10202104


Never underestimate people who want to break even. No whale will fuck with a coin which has suffered such a drop cause they know people will be looking to get out. The whale you are talking about has already dumped his bag on you.

>> No.10202553 [DELETED] 


>> No.10202601
File: 67 KB, 753x364, AMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dero has announced the time and date for its AMA. If you guys want some serious answer, get off your lazy butts and start submitting your questions.

>> No.10203170


>> No.10203420

Due to overwhelming demand, the AMA has moved from Slack to Reddit:


>> No.10203713 [DELETED] 

my only answer to this thread is it seems like there is a shit load of but hurt wasters who bought at 40k sats and now they are crying because they cant handle the dip.

>> No.10203729
File: 103 KB, 680x350, 1526848046054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you cant handle the dip, you dont deserve the pump

>> No.10203748
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, DERO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10203756

So many bagholders in one thread.

Pro DERO, anti DERO, ironically it doesn't matter to DERO holders because at least somebody is talking about their shitcoin

This entire thread reeks of failure and sad attempts at reverse psychology

Get off my /biz/ all of you

>> No.10203778

why are you so mad

>> No.10203938
File: 716 KB, 1220x479, 1524808172314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is literally the biggest thing in crypto 2018. It will go from 2million to 20billion marketcap. Even the mainstram media will pickup this FOMO. The normies will come back and the Golden Bullrun will start.

>> No.10203966

You're delusional.

>> No.10204077

Someone is accumulating this shitcoin, why are there so many fucking FUD threads about it everyday?

>> No.10204107

fudders gonna fud

>> No.10204279

Legitimate criticism =/= FUD

>> No.10204330

They will get banned for asking any real questions, kek.

>> No.10204344

Pretty much this. All they'll answer are garbage questions we have answers to already.

>> No.10204361

The shit is strong with this one. I want some of what you are smoking.

>> No.10204660

Nah, there won't be a cleansing à la Mao Zhedong.

>> No.10204711

There was the same pattern with Signatum a year ago. Guru devs, mods banning left and right. There was smoke long before there was fire too.

>> No.10204797

dero is a scam

>> No.10205028

The asspain from the pajeets in Dero's ANN when they announced they weren't changing the algo is absoultely top tier.

>> No.10205079

That's what you get when you lie to your community and dump your entire premine wallet onto one exchange.

Dero is a pathetic scam.

>> No.10205135
File: 36 KB, 698x290, miscommunication.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit or lame excuse?

>> No.10205150

>want to make a Foundation
>team scattered around the world

100% automatic proof of scam, no further questions necessary.

>> No.10205166

Who are these "cryptographers"? lmao
You're either open source or not and in crypto there is no reason to be closed source unless you're running a scam of smoke and mirrors.

>> No.10205167
File: 136 KB, 1200x825, google diversity hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please include that it was coded in (((Golang))) from (((Google))) for no good reason in this copypasta. Either they were incompetent and couldn't use C or any other of the 100 non-backdoored languages, or they retardedly chose a language made by one of the biggest anti-privacy companies for a "privacy" coin. Nobody will use this shit over monero for privacy when it's linked to google. Wouldn't be a big deal if Dero wasn't trying to brand itself as a privacy coin, but this decision, and how people shill it as a good thing blows my mind.

>> No.10205184

Feel free to share a list of those "backdoors" in Golang.

>> No.10205214

Here's a few we've found out about so far: https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-14185/Golang.html

>> No.10206203

No, it's perfectly safe to publish the keyimage. To spend the output, you need to sign a transaction which needs the private spendkey again.

>> No.10206790

If they really did develop brand new tech, they would be shooting themselves in the foot by making it open source before establishing their foundation. People who hold will be rewarded, those who unironically fall for the FUD will meet the same fate as those who didn't buy AntShares and RaiBlocks because of the names.

>> No.10206865
File: 465 KB, 1422x978, smiDERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10207043
File: 71 KB, 600x750, cb726ce04f5c0e551cc4fae976e8c16f--musicians-funny-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10207599
File: 75 KB, 1007x530, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DERO is the Bitcoin-NG

deal with it.

>> No.10207645

So, you also like "OOMPH!"?


>> No.10207788

No, just searched for relevant Dero images on google

>> No.10208239
File: 66 KB, 704x478, dero-AMA-date-time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's going to check out the AMA and asking some questions?

pic related

>> No.10208887


>> No.10208936

This thread has been running for three fucking days, can't remember the last time I saw that happen.

For the amount of controversy that this supposedly non-existent, scammy blockchain with a marketcap of less than $3m has garnered, you know it's at least more interesting than the dozens of other shitcoins spammed to /biz/ daily. Nothing gets this much attention unless it's deeply rattling the doubters and rousing the supporters. We're either winning big or losing hard, but at least it's not a boring ride. Fuck all the butthurt "community members", retarded GPU miners, and gay ass, weak-handed 4chan faggots. You will be BTFO'd in due time.

>> No.10208994

You are in the process of losing any money you have invested in this. You can either accept this fact and act rationally and cut your losses or you can double down like a butthurt idiot. Sounds like you're opting for the latter.

>> No.10209082

Why does it need to be traded on exchanges while still being closed source? None of you deluded fags can ever answer this.

>> No.10209091

>You're either open source or not and in crypto
Ok. And you can't switch from closed source to open after you've legally protected your code from competitors who might steal it? What is Hashgraph?
>The asspain from the pajeets in Dero's ANN when they announced they weren't changing the algo is absoultely top tier.
You have to be an absolute brainlet to not understand why they decided to stick with the original algo. Good riddance.

>> No.10209150

What? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.10209185

DERO is super high-risk. But I've lurked in the slack and read through all their announcements carefully enough to decide, for myself, the devs are legit, and that I'd rather buy a coin potentially developed by people involved in the creation of Bitcoin, than sit on the sidelines because some faggots on 4chan are concerned about a closed source code and have probably been raped by a few scams themselves.

>> No.10209256

Thedevs may be legit, yes, but forget this idea of they being involved with BTC creation, this is illusory and utopian.

>> No.10209259

>This entire thread reeks of failure and sad attempts at reverse psychology
>Get off my /biz/ all of you
Top kek!
>feeling emotionally attached to /biz/
>believing you have some kind of control over this board
>taking pains to FUD a coin you don't own

Get a life, buddy.

>> No.10209325

Dec. 5, 2017
>There are three developers working on the Dero Project who have been working the field of cryptography and blockchain development as a team for more than a decade.
DERO white paper throw a gratuitous reference to Nick Szabo:
Smart contracts were first proposed by Nick Szabo in 1994.
DERO is a military acronym meaning date of expected return from overseas.

>> No.10209928
File: 137 KB, 774x866, Darpa_MEMEA0854585-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of people will suicide here in one month..

>> No.10209934

>And you can't switch from closed source to open after you've legally protected your code from competitors who might steal it? What is Hashgraph?
Do you even understand what open source means? If the Dero developers have unlocked some super secret new technology then why can't they just go about their business and release it when it is finished? What's with the cloak and dagger nonsense? The nature of cryptocurrency demands that the software be open source so that people can at least verify that they should trust what the devs are saying because code can't lie. If they aren't confident in releasing the code that backs up their claims, then why let people buy it and trade it on exchanges? I mean, you'd have to be pretty desperate for funding to do this. Either that or you're running a scam. Choose one.
See above, mostly. There is no reason to have a closed source cryptocurrency project that's partially released to the public and being traded on exchanges unless the developers are hiding something or are worried that their code is horseshit.

>> No.10210240

I see now. Agreed, without the code, this will fail. For a privacy coin, it's really mandatory that the code be availible for anyone to see what is being done.

And do you believe this? Certainly they are overvaluating their skills. Maybe they just work in the area of software security for some years, and nothing more. You're a fool if you believe they are in the area of blockchain since the start of it, and a complete brainlet if you have a small hope that one of them is Szabo, or any other "big name".

>> No.10210711

>And do you believe this? Certainly they are overvaluating their skills.
I would only be overvaluing their skills if Dero is a scam, which I've emphatically said I'm willing to bet is not true.
If so, Dero will have introduced many novel features to PoW blockchains which would put them in the top-tier of blockchain devs (and jibe with the theory that at least some of them helped develop Bitcoin).
>You're a fool if you believe they are in the area of blockchain since the start of it
Again, you're suggestion only makes sense under the assumption that Dero team has systematically lied, and is not who they state they are in the Bitcointalk ANN.

>> No.10210741

>For a privacy coin, it's really mandatory that the code be availible for anyone
Nobody is debating this. They will publish the source code to general public (don't forget, they have offered it to people who actually know how to read it) AFTER incorporating a foundation, presumably to legally protect their technology.
As to >>10209934's question: >why let people buy it and trade it on exchanges?
Because they want a decentralized mining network.

>> No.10210803

>a complete brainlet if you have a small hope that one of them is Szabo
You're mostly right about this, however, if Szabo were to start working on another blockchain project fulfilling what is perhaps a lifelong wish to see a P2P private smart contract platform, would he not do so in utter secrecy, at least until the team was forced to reveal themselves (now) under constant FUD of being a scam. Not saying this is so, but it's in the realm of possibility. put differently, do you think Szabo has retired for life, or could he be driven to build another blockchain for a different use case?

>> No.10211115

You do realize that Szabo could be revealed as working on Dero, and the price would STILL fall, right? Community Manager Serena said that marketing and exchanges are "ongoing" now for the past 3 months, yet I haven't seen ANY evidence of marketing at all. Also, as long as Dero remains on the same two terrible exchanges it's on right now, I don't care how good the technology is or who's working on it, because it will GO. NOWHERE. It's not that hard to pay the fees and get on new exchanges, so what the hell is taking them so long?

>> No.10211203

Go buy some Tron then.

>> No.10211224

You sound like a little kid.

A famous guy didn't cause NKN's price to soar, and neither would the same happen for Dero. You can't argue against me about the fact that Dero needs to be on more exchanges. It's going to go nowhere with all that Dero clogged up on two low volume exchanges.

>> No.10211227

>Serena said that marketing and exchanges are "ongoing" now
Pretty sure she said this only in regards to exchanges, a process that *does* usually take months.
As for marketing, they said this in the last update:
>With the advent of Dero’s minimum viable product (Atlantis) we feel that it’s an appropriate time to start pursuing marketing
>can’t provide any further details until we finalize everything, but we can say with certainty that it will be a formidable effort

I'm going to hit the gym.

>> No.10212199

The code release and the foundation process be complete. That's why SouthXchange didn't enabled the wallet for so long.

>> No.10212237

Satoshi never referenced Szabo’s work in the whitepaper

>> No.10212296

So? Implying that Szabo is working on Dero has got to be the most delusional thing I have seen on /biz/, and I've seen a lot of delusional psychopaths on this board.

>> No.10212338
File: 74 KB, 959x885, VlrH3jR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's really mandatory that the code be availible for anyone to see what is being done.
Yes. I don't give a fuck if the devs are anonymous. In fact that's a sign of a good privacy coin. What I do care about is that the code is available for all to see. "Oh okay, this is how this blockchain works and I can trust my money with it because the code is clean."
>Because they want a decentralized mining network.
That's great but why not finish the project first and then let people start mining later. All they've managed to do is alienate their early adopting miners anyway. Nothing this team does makes logical sense which is a massive red fucking flag.

>> No.10212361

That's because it's a premined closed source scam.

>> No.10212930

Seriously Nick can be the third developer whose identity will not be revealed in the process of establishing the foundation.

>> No.10212931

I would not say the are intentional scammers, but amateurs. Code release is their last hope for now if they want to prove the opposite.

>> No.10213013

what a shitmeme

>> No.10213096

Why are they only revealing 2 of the devs instead of all 3?

MAJOR red flag right there.

>> No.10213172

Get the hell out of there.

>> No.10213193

Doesn't mean that it's an invalid point.

>> No.10213255

More like a major hype flag

>> No.10213334

They don't want to reveal the third dev to be the main dev of Signatum, shady scammers that they are.

>> No.10213357

Sure pal, sure

>> No.10213401

It means that the third guy is either a criminal or a big shot who already has fame and money and cares about neither but wants to lead a quiet and private life. Draw your own conclusions.

>> No.10213482

All the devs are already criminals because they're scamming people out of their money with this black hole of a con artist scam.

>> No.10213574
File: 33 KB, 380x349, DERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10213482 >>10213401 >>10213357 >>10213334 >>10213255 >>10213172 >>10213096 >>10212931 >>10212930 >>10212361

>> No.10213627

It figures you'd associate Dero with one of the most unhealthy drinks on the market today.

>> No.10213728

OP's opening salvo had some quality FUD seeded with facts and being entertaining, but this is just pathetic and not even funny.

>> No.10213826

Yes, it is. Monero has some unidentified devs contributing too.

>> No.10213866

This. If you literal-minded autists could read through the lines a little better, maybe you'd realize the upside of an actually unique project like Dero.

>> No.10213952

I see you've been ironically FUDDING Dero this entire thread.

>> No.10214006

It's entertaining. Don't say you did not get a good laugh.

>> No.10214084

>call it FUD
>not one of the opening post's points has been refuted

Stay delusional Dero brainlets

>> No.10214181

There is a lot more one can read between the lines if they actually have a brain. Being swayed one way or another by public opinion is a sure way to lose money.

>> No.10214297

I tried to refute some things, but most of the statements are true, unfortunately.

>> No.10214343

Use the brain, Luke...

>> No.10214484


The thing one side has facts while the other opinions on how they will get rich.

>> No.10214521

Pretty much this. This is what Derolusionals don't get. Do people have any idea what a Foundation is on this board? Do people know how much time, effort, and money it actually takes to set one of those up? Off the top of your head, how many cryptos can you name that actually have a Foundation? And don't say Iota.

Dero isn't setting up a Foundation. It's exit scamming, plain and simple.

>> No.10214754

The only reason Dero gets attacked is because they communicate so much with the community and everything they say is scrutinized and analysed. If they would just do press releases you all would be happy

>> No.10215236


>> No.10215272

The exit scam idea doesn't make any sense for Dero. If the project dies, it will be for team incompetence and amateurism. If they wanted to purposely scam the others, they would have ran an ICO to grab money for a useless ERC20 token. As a PoW early project listed in only 2 echanges (the third one is in maintenance since April), all the existing buy orders could give them around 2.5 BTC (definitely not worth all the work they done so far).

>> No.10215334

Work? What work? All they've done is provide a rewrite of a Monero fork, something any half-decent cryptographer could accomplish. Everything else means NOTHING. Let's look at all the promises they have to complete:

- Full source code (not fulfilled yet)
- New website layout (not fulfilled yet)
- GUI Wallet (not fulfilled yet)
- Foundation creation (not fulfilled yet)
- Dev reveal (not fulfilled yet)
- New exchanges (not fulfilled yet)
- Lock the premine (not fulfilled yet)
- AMA (delayed, moved to Reddit)

What an absolute mess this piece of trash has created for itself. Do you honestly think that they'll keep even ONE of those promises? Hell, even the DERO Community Advisory Board they're forming right now is going to be filled with Yes-Men that don't even represent the community's best interests. It'll just be a bunch of people telling the Dero team exactly what they want to hear while their blockchain crashes to the ground.

Let's face it.

Dero is a scam.

Just get out and never look back.

>> No.10215359

Not yet, my friend.

>> No.10215403
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20180709_111658_695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders will cry

>> No.10215410 [DELETED] 

The community manager just posted a live pic of a restaurant near where she lives. This pic can trace her back to a location, so she literally just doxxed herself.

What the hell is the Dero team doing?!

>> No.10215414 [DELETED] 

>community manager Serena keeps putting her foot in her mouth

She literally just proved one of OP's points.

>> No.10215417


Looks like you are on the deep end of the autistic spectrum

>> No.10215600

>can't even set a hard date on anything less vague than "month" or "quarter"
>y-y-you will all be s-s-sorry

So easy to lead on these retards, these scammers are pros at promising anything then walking shit back when it's convenient for them.
Face it, if you didn't sell at the top, you missed out. This scam will continue to bleed to death and all the frenzied attempts at damage control going on in the past few days will not reel in enough retard buyers to save your bags.
Don't fall for the h-hodl meme next time and actually take profits.

>> No.10215669


> muh website
> muh opens source
> muh dev reveal
> muh exchange

Dero implented 3rd gen of BlockDAG, when Zencash have only planed to implement the first gen for Q1 2019 (doesn't work with SC)

>> No.10215683

This gets way more FUD than it deserves, honestly. I like the project but it's fucking tiny, I see no reason why people FUD this so persistently.

>> No.10216023

>Dero implented 3rd gen of BlockDAG


Oh, that's right, you HAVE NONE.

>> No.10216048

For fucks sake, the whole point of open source is to fucking prove they created anything remotely like a 3rd gen blockDAG

>> No.10216073

This. Since Dero is a closed source scam, they'll never release any of the source code to the public. Thinking some no-name scam artists created a 3rd gen BlockDAG means you have some SERIOUS brain issues, just saying...

>> No.10216376


>> No.10216404

>I see no reason why people FUD this so persistently.
There's actually been a long-running astroturfing campaign on biz run by gpu miners with enormous premined bags. So you see these random cryptic shills every few days for a do nothing coin, which causes backlash. Same thing happend with AMB

>> No.10216808

Delusional Derolet

>> No.10216813


These shits took on monero. The only reason why I give a shit about them.

>> No.10217233


>> No.10217438

Notice how they never reply to posts like this. Reallly makes you think.

>> No.10217457

They didn't take on anything. They forked an open source project, made it closed source, and then just made up a fancy story and sold it to brainlets and ESL pajeets trying to make it with an RX 560 and a bitcointalk account.

>> No.10217493

This. Dero reminds me of SIGT so much. At least that pumped twice if I'm remembering right. That was 2017 for you.

>> No.10217589

That's probably why the Dero team is anonymous. They don't want to reveal that they were the original SIGT team.

>> No.10217688

kek, maybe. I don't have a problem with an anonymous dev team if the code is legit. Monero is essentially anonymous aside from fluffy who really isn't even a dev.

>> No.10217733
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, buymoneroinstead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rekt Dero nerds!

>> No.10217783

>This level of FUD
Are you an Enigma bagholder?

>> No.10217997
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>> No.10218068


>> No.10218077


Can someone please fork Bytecoin with a 90% premine and call it TherealDERO
But don't forget to keep it closed source until the exit is done.

>> No.10218091

FUDing coin with 3m market cap this hard KEK

>> No.10218394
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>> No.10218433
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>> No.10218705

Dishonesty and failures are not FUD. They are dishonesty and failures and are relevant to talk about.

There is no and has never been a paid FUD campaign. Just about every scam uses that line. It by itself - is almost proof of a scam.

I've seen lots of people get scammed with ponzis, MLM, ICOs and shitcoins. One moment they are spamming forums and the next moment they are broke. Even though I hate the spamming - it is actually really sad to see. I've been long enough in crypto to have seen it far too many times. A lot of the people cannot afford to loose the money - they ain't rich.

If you have a good coin there is no need for dishonesty - if something fucks up - admit it and fix it. If you believe in it - put your real name to it so people can decide whether you are trustworthy (or sue you if you are not) . If you do marketing don't mislead and don't use sockpuppets to promote it.

Fakery isn't HYPE. Fakery is SCAMMING

Crypto has so much potential and the scams are giving the good honest projects a bad name.

>> No.10219006

Pretty much proves that Dero is a scam

>> No.10219575
File: 64 KB, 657x527, apugun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It proves nothing - GO BACK TO VERGE REDDIT

>> No.10219650

Another day, and this thread still alive. Congrats, OP.

>> No.10219703

Yeah, a 3 days old FUD thread about a 3M market cap low volume coin. Not weird at all.

Let me talk you folks: clever people are accunulating the shit out of this.

>> No.10219847
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Which one of you has a doctorate in cryptography? By all means, go present your credentials to the DERO team and post snippets of the code to /biz/ with your review. Please do.

The only reason you're FUDing a $3m MC coin is because they haven't released a code you couldn't even understand? If you're so concerned about calling out scams, why aren't you attacking billion-dollar dumpster fires like Iota? Even if Dero was a scam, you're acting like $2.5 million is meaningful when projects worth many times that amount are actively swindling ""crypto investors"" like yourselves. You're literally too dumb and too much of a pussy to understand what Dero is.

>> No.10219863
File: 15 KB, 125x239, DERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason this thread is alive is that /biz/ has become slow as fuck. *sip*

>> No.10219977

I literally went all in at 18k sats and i'm still holding because I don't want to disgrace my parents by selling low. I will hold on to my fucking £400 for as long as my heart is fucking pumping blood.

I trust the team even though they have not revealed themselves or the code yet, I really do. If they turn out to have been scammers all along, I will lose everything and have to start from scratch, but I am OK with that.

I would rather lose every penny of my measly life savings than live with the regret of not 10x'ing my money. I was alive during the crypto revolution, and it will make for a great story for my future nephews, nieces and children.

>> No.10220010

>If they turn out to have been scammers all along, I will lose everything and have to start from scratch
Besides the emotional impact of volatility, that's the reason why you never go all in. But it's fine if you're ok with that.

>> No.10220583

Just hodl. Imagine selling BTC at $200 after MtGox...

>> No.10221070


>> No.10221081

It is because they are afraid that Dero is legit, which would mean missing the chance of their life while they are bagholding Tron and Verge.

>> No.10221095


>> No.10221278


I love how this

>>10205184 stupid bitch shut his fucking mouth up. Just came here to check why this thread is hanging here for three days but reddit is strong in this one. Great to see that anons became conscious and this shit is doomed to fail. Sage.

>> No.10221541

Your lame FUD thread has managed to remain on / biz/ for three days. People must be really convinced by your variations on 'shit is doomed to fail'. Wat a zinger m8.

>> No.10221630

I don't even remember when this thread started. It must been here since biz was launched. We should measure the time in "days since Dero FUD thread" now

>> No.10221641

How do you kill a thread that has no life

>> No.10221690
File: 87 KB, 714x810, 1451260240321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not boomer, but founding fathers tier now

>> No.10222691


>> No.10222831

what summary? the four lines of whatever at the bottom? gee, good one, sherlock

>> No.10222903

LMAO that's a brilliant idea

>> No.10222941

Has everybody loaded up yet in this bull trap?

>> No.10222967

How the fuck is this thread still going

>> No.10222985

What a scam