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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10216784 No.10216784 [Reply] [Original]

Just watched The China Hustle yesterday, and realised thats exactly whats happening with chink coins and their investors are gonna lose all their money.

What are the chink coins so I know to avoid them like the black plague? Tron, Venchain, Neo, what else? Does ADA count if it's japanese?

>> No.10216844

Bump, no one here saw this?

>> No.10216874

No. Can you give a brief rundown?

>> No.10216879

Literally all of them, theres not one good chink coin in this market.

>> No.10216886

also literally everyone here has seen this

>> No.10216891


>> No.10216893

fuck off

>> No.10216900

well at least we all know where this dumb faggot comes from

>> No.10216905

The same old FUD, again and again.

>> No.10216908


>tfw fell for NEO and NKN
>tfw CHINKED af

>> No.10216956

Well, excuse me.

Anyway, I knew that communist country couldnt have a booming economy, it was all bullshit.

>> No.10216963


>> No.10217001

>random chinese companies enter US stock market (by buying dead US companies that are still listed on the excahnge, its a way of getting on the stock)
>shill their company with random shit they do
>get superinflated and over-valued by everyone thinking they have something big going on, in reality their small shit companies doing little if anything
>eventually go to zero and people lose their investments

Crypto is another way to over-inflate their value, none of the coins do anything but yet have superhigh mcaps.

WTC, ONT, NEO. Pretty much all of them imo

>> No.10217042

don't forget about litecoin, the original chink coin

>> No.10217106
File: 115 KB, 781x877, NEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone who saw The China Hustle still holds chink coins, he's a full blown retard that begs to have his ass fucked. The chinks managed to bamboozle the SEC with JUST the american investors with 0 consequences. This unregulated crypto market is a joke for them and they will milk the last penny from neets that apply the same logic as the boomers from the documentary.
>muh China's Ethereum
>muh supply chain logistics
>muh ass getting fucked by the chinks

also pic related

>> No.10217130

Yeah, its quite clear that people who bought Tron, Neo and everything else are gonna get exitscammed, with no consequences.

The problem is that money will not flow into crypto again.

>> No.10217143

Pls don’t be banyan

>> No.10217150
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It wasn't enough that Chinks were getting all the Bitcoin through cheap mining, you dumb fuckers have given them most of the crypto money.

They keep on creating these scams with useless tech where they control 90% of the supply and air drop you some and sell the rest at premium. The only chink coin that is not a scam is maybe Zilliqa where the CEO is actually honest saying they don't have any partnerships, they think the coin is a very long term investment and overpriced and the reality is that coin is going to be very centralized because that's the reality of crypto. That said, I sure the fuck wouldn't invest in Zilliqa right now but maybe look at it down the line.

>> No.10217176
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Daily reminder that in chinkland it's not illegal to scam foreigners abroad if it's not happening physically in mainland China. This crypto venture makes chinkcoins the most ludicrous way of scamming westeners with zero consequences. I unironically lost only money on chink coins and after watching the documentary I finally realized why and vowed to never touch any Chinese crypto ever.

>> No.10217205
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I have no doubt they will be scammed, but I don't think it will be a full blown Bitconnect exit-scam situation. The more likely scenario is that they will try to milk it for as long as possible, taking advantage of future bullruns, while slowly dumping. Some red flags will start to appear (if they haven't already) and the less retarded investors will sell and move into more legitimate projects. The delusional retards will hold, cope, rationalize, until their "investments" won't be worth shit.

I'll never forget the level of retardation from the WTC telegram. Back when they faked a 50$ giveaway, /biz/ raided their telegram to make fun of them. For some reason everyone got banned but they missed me. I spent the next 2 hours reading the most deluded and inane shit ever. The bagholders were in full blown rationalization/cope mode while the team was trying to pin the raid on Vechain while doing some olympic level mental gymnastics for why they faked a 50$ giveway.

>> No.10217226

Pls not banyan

My lambo... all my friends money...

>> No.10217251

Watched it last week and you are goddamn right OP

>> No.10217254

Lol yeah man smart money knew this from the start. Never trust anything Chinese.

>> No.10217292

Why do I need to watch this shit documentary when I am already a race realist? I know everything Chinese make is total shit. I will never buy anything from them except cheap plastic shit that I don't care about anyway.

>> No.10217335

Well, its interesting to see how they scammed the US economy (and continue to do so). Also, it sheds light on why their economy boomed for so many years (it was all bullshit).

Most importantly, its scary as shit, because you realise three things: a) there will be a global depression, when China cant keep this shit up anymore and every single stock market plunders; b) China is the economy with the biggest foreign credit, when it defaults, it will seek the countries that owes them money, which will fuel even more the depression, on a global scale (because it will be like a pyramid, it will charge trillions from the US, which will subsequently charge its money from europe, south america, and so on) ; c) capitalism and free markets will be blamed, feeding the interventionism speech for more more State intervention, even though this just happened because of govenrment intervention.

>> No.10217336

ADA is not japenese nor is it chink

More chink coins
HPB, Qtum, Rchain, Omisego, Icon, BNB, ONT, ZIL, WAN

Don’t get chinked /biz/

>> No.10217349


BNB is not chink, its from Hong Kong isnt it? That country has the most economic freedom in the world. Thats why CZ is the most based.

>> No.10217510
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>> No.10217529

There will probably be a documentary in the upcoming years about crypto fraud.

>> No.10217646
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>BNB is not chink, its from Hong Kong isnt it? That country has the most economic freedom in the world