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10212797 No.10212797[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Clean your fucking room.

>> No.10212817

Y-you first.

>> No.10212825

Kendall Jenner is cleaning it.

>> No.10212836

I usually clean it when I start smelling a funky smell upon entry even then I just hunt down said smell and continue on

>> No.10212912
File: 22 KB, 400x300, ded23141561233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gu-guys i need help cleaning all these dead bears in my room.

>> No.10212983
File: 3 KB, 200x200, godem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on what you mean by fucking

>> No.10213243

Peterson is a depressive nut case. He is on a diet that consists of literally only beef and seltzer water. The guy is tapped.

>> No.10213426

No sense of humor here SON. This is SERIOUS SHIT.
Hyperventilate in the shower. Don't let shower thoughts get in your way of success.
Duress is the real motivator.
Obstacles are meant to be approached emotionally. Make them bigger than what they are.
You're not learning you're failing.
Quit fucking up.

>> No.10213452


Depends on whatcha mean by mean eh?

>> No.10213500

clean my fucking balls you numale

>> No.10214184

Jungian Lobster here, room is clean.

>> No.10214550
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>> No.10214590

Who the fuck is this faggot and why is he posted?

>> No.10214631



>> No.10214639


>> No.10214654

Stop eating carbs

>> No.10215097

I think he was the janitor back at my high school

>> No.10215278
File: 65 KB, 854x480, 5hjNXZ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first Juden Peterson.

>> No.10215299

Jesus fucking christ no wonder he is obsessed with telling others to clean their room, he's projecting his own failures hard.

>> No.10215387
File: 105 KB, 640x911, FirstNiggaPresident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuddup Clinton, it "is" over. He obviously means in it as an emphatic adjective in the imperative mode where the verb is 'clean' and the object is 'room', not inveighing upon the reader to intervene and cease the sexual congress between their room and some unnamed third participant.

>inb4 messy handwriting is a sign of creativity

>> No.10215394

Hey guys, I'm a fan of this man's work. I've been listening to him religiously for 2 years now (I'm still stuck on the clean your room part) but can anyone rec me more of Peterman's work? I think he is a genius

>> No.10215559


Clean your room

>> No.10216103

shit all over your room, then clean it with your mouth

>> No.10216118

It's too late, I'll wake my girlfriend up. Maybe at 6 or 7 am.

>> No.10216203
File: 84 KB, 657x600, 1525279173938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your girlfriend is an obstacle to your success, ditch her now faggot

>> No.10216266

he knows his shit

>> No.10216291

clean your room instead of reading the man. apply

>> No.10216306

relax, have some cider instead

>> No.10216359

My post was just a joke. You think I'm retarded and low IQ enough to waste my time reading this glorified horoscope faggot? The number of books you can read within your lifetime is limited.

Remember to buy his signed rugs on the way out, you plonkers.

>> No.10216384

>I was pretending to be retarded
Sorry to say, you are truly have a hobgoblin of a mind

>> No.10216391


>> No.10216392

I still recommend the shit'n'lick technique anon I think you'd benefit from it immensely! You'll get some meaning in your life

>> No.10216397

I wasn't being retarded. You're the one who reads daddy Peterson to soothe you. Hobgoblin is a nice beverage on occasion.

What meaning does Peterson bring to yours?

>> No.10216406

>These Anons sit on their computers waiting for their internet money to make them rich, yet they're constantly complaining about how miserable they are. It's like, duh, you're not taking any actual goddamn responsibility. If you want to stop feeling so helpless in your life you need to rely on yourself and not attach your future to other peoples' successes. It's like, it's just ludicrous to think you'll be in anything other than an existential nightmare in a situation like that. It's like, stop complaining and grow the hell up already.

>> No.10216431

Fuck off. How about you stop eating those anti-depressants, faggot. I can always hire someone else to clean my room.

>> No.10216470


Wow, people take this guy seriously?

>> No.10216498

>I wasn't being retarded
of course you weren't sweety

>> No.10216505

>I can always ...
so you don't and live in a shitpen literally and metaphorically. Shows by the way you phrase 'thoughts'

>> No.10216618

>my guide to manliness is a man who cries on skype and can barely cope with existence

The man teaches valuable psychology, but he isn’t breaking new ground. If you want a proper male role model then check out Rich Poenneke. Peterson has been coopted and is being used to perpetuate the Hegelian spiral. We’re moving away from radical left thinking and towards the other extreme. The next extreme will lead us closer towards total control by fomenting a global cultural and religious war.