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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 1164x988, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10212171 No.10212171 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10212196


>> No.10212204


>> No.10212208


>> No.10212223


>> No.10212227

when chainlink launches eth will go up aye gain and wreck that snooty mishegas shorts. he will be poor soon.

>> No.10212461

>Gets le downvoted on reddit
>Comes to 4chins for validation
OP I'm sorry to tell you but you are a humongous faggot

>> No.10212476

Why don't faggots like you just stick to Reddit

>> No.10212482
File: 484 KB, 716x537, 1530234104248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subtle boomerposting, congrats

>> No.10212492

Idiot redditors are all permabulls. What else did you expect?

>> No.10212493

what coin tho? also, stop posting shit form reddit

>> No.10212507


So he thinks an entity worth $46 billion doesn't have enough money to fund a solution to the scaling problem?

>> No.10212528

>4chan the mean redditors downvoted me!

>> No.10212535

Kys op

>> No.10212557
File: 45 KB, 778x512, reaching out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit would be alright if it wasn't for upvoting/downvoting. everything becomes such an echo chamber.

people joke around that 4chan is a hivemind but honestly it's one of the few places where you can actually be exposed to people with some different ideas and where nothing will get downvoted into oblivion so that your brain automatically discards it. and since you don't have to worry about anyone reading your post history you're always allowed to be 100% honest and more importantly you're allowed to change your mind

>> No.10212558

He's completely wrong anyway. Zilliqa is using sharding right now and works. Also DAGs can do a gorillion tps today.

He's right about Ethereum though. Smart contract platforms will consolidate and only Tezos will remain at the end.

>> No.10212591

He also thinks scaling needs to be solved ASAP. People have no idea how engineering works as soon as they have money invested for the first time they think their entitled. Same guy probably expects his condo built to be the same day he purchased it. It’s a WIP, and while scaling is an issue, it’s being worked on. Ethereum is maintaining a reliable and secure network. You want a fast instant network then go enjoy your shit like Nano and other chains that constantly have problems. Reddit guy is delusional. Also applying logic to Blockchain doesn’t work, the amount of variables are much more than a typical stock market which is solely related to hype on a company’s performance.

>> No.10212604

Ever gone to /pol/? The hivemind is enforced not by downvoting, but by drowning out different opinions with party line shitposting

>> No.10212608

OP beta cuck confirmed.

>> No.10212625

Upvoting is good for doing research, filters the garbage out. It’s like a forum 2.0. Discussions are absolutely retarded on it though. Excuse my “ableist” speech . Give me a break, retarded ass mods have nothing better than to moderate peoples comments. There’s a downvoting for a reason , and that’s what their self moderation should be.

>> No.10212703
File: 72 KB, 700x764, plump6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the downvotes were removed and the upvotes were hidden so that nobody could see them it would be an ok system. then stuff that are worth seeing are still sorted at the top. can make it so that a thread loses upvotes more and more for every hour it exists so that popular threads eventually stop being sorted at the top after everybody have seen it.

besides right now up/downvoting manipulation is a big problem. i didn't think it could be done easily but after seeing /r/btc being flooded by bot downvotes i realize its a very real thing

>> No.10212742

people who think that reddit is more of a echo chamber are delusional. The chainlink cult on /biz/ is the biggest circlejerk I have ever seen.

I think it is due the the fact that there are no accounts so people spam the shit out of it without being able to held liable for all the shit you wrote. No consequences whatsoever.

>> No.10212749

eth you fucking retard

>> No.10212768

You're a fucking idiot if you are being serious

>> No.10212850
File: 102 KB, 1300x1000, plump7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that just strengthen your ability to dismiss it as either trolling/people joking around or spam. meanwhile on reddit it would look a lot more creditable if these link ads had what appears to be legit accounts promoting them and a bunch of upvotes.

legit bot accounts on reddit do exist, they use AI to take other people's posts and swap the text around to make it unique and then post it in appropriate places. these bot account have years of posts that looks completely legit at a glance. link spammers just cant afford to buy them

>> No.10212881
File: 45 KB, 810x580, plump5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an example reddit bot that was recently discovered and finally banned:

>> No.10212915
File: 205 KB, 1024x680, IS6a7mv0jswsdv1000000000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck does crypto not become a 10T market at least? you got to be a fucking brainlet if you aren't in crypto now for easy 100x gains at least.

>> No.10212928

He's right, you know.

>> No.10212957

Buying BCH is the only way to make it in life

BCH is literally the new paradigm in crypto

I’m going to spread this on twitter, facebook, youtube everything everywhere

Everywhere and everyone will be buying and using BCH

BCH will go over 9000! Everyone will be using it and transactions will be so fast and cheap.

Did you not hear that everyone is buying and using BCH now?

Omg like BCH is brilliant!

Lets buy BCH and HODL forever

You didn’t think BCH could be stopped did (((you)))?

Didn’t you hear?

We will have 10 trillion market cap within the next year!

Buying BCH is the best way to success!!

I’m writing a book on BCH

BCH long foreverrrrrr and everrrre!!!!!
<3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Hey do you like BCH and making money?

Because I like LOVE bch!

Omg I love BCH so much!

I like talking about BCH and how fast and cheap transactions are. It is the real bitcoin. Roger Ver is brilliant and Craig Wright is Satoshi.

I love how BCH is backed by Satoshi too as it is his true vision as per the white paper!

BCH is the new paradigm!!

I’ll buy BCH and go long forever and everrr ;)

I’ve been buying BCH this whole time

I’ve been teaching others and I’ve gotten my neighbors and coworkers into buying BCH and we are all making a lot of money together.

I’m really popular now among my friends because I’m making so much money with BCH since the airdrop. A lot of my friends are making tons of money off of BCH and we’re going to make a lot more!

I can’t wait to get my own miner from vitamin so I can help mine BCH but until then I’ll just invite people to my house to buy BCH and I’ll also buy BCH in my car.

Buying BCH is the best guaranteed way to make money!

>> No.10212972

I cant even read one line of that, total mental illness

>> No.10213014

>ETH is only used for niche gambling shit and autistic pet games

He's not wrong. The Ethereum platform isn't doing anything, probably won't either. It plateaued last year and will slowly wind down as people lose interest in it and it's weird autismo-alien founder.

>> No.10213020

>coin abbreviation is literally 'bitch'

Not going to make it.

>> No.10213033

I think the biggest problem facing mass adoption is that crypto is just too difficult for the masses, too technical.

Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realise that 50% of the population is less intelligent than that

>> No.10213050

he's actually right, they are all shitcoins until proven otherwise.
I would rather be in btc right now than eth, because btc doesn't try to be some super world computer do it all type of thing, the digital gold meme narrative can push it way harder than any disruptive tech will within the next 5 years, not even a btc maximalist here, I'm strictly for the money in crypto, couldn't give less of a fuck what I make money on

>> No.10213162

Wouldn't be a problem if we removed browns

>> No.10213196

in the end it's more likely to end up as a western union 2.0/digital gold rather than a cash replacement.

>> No.10213208


>> No.10213247

If there's one thing I have grown tired of in the crypto community it's fucking retards down talking good projects, they just like to spew aboslute garbage out of their mouths 24/7. They really do a good job to feign like they have even the slightest credibility. Looking back in the archives there were so many cocksuckers like OP saying how ethereum was a scam, a mess of a project, and would never be successful. Same with BTC too. Don't listen to these guys, if you do your own research you will find the way,

>> No.10213265


He's not wrong.

What the fuck does ETH even do to warrant a 46 billion dollar valuation?

We're late to the game.

>> No.10213279

eth is nothing but a platform for useless pump and dump shit tokens mate. you need to come to terms with that fact and dump your bags while you still have the chance.

>> No.10213288

Shills mass upvote shit and your system just makes it worse

>> No.10213547

Is that you Pajeet? Only Petersons are smart enough to buy up worthless funny money?

>> No.10213561

>Implying out of the 100,000 crypto projects any of them could be considered "good"

>> No.10213576

He's correct. Reddit is full of faggots who downvote anything truthful or not hive minded circlejerk material.

>> No.10213609
File: 565 KB, 598x792, C24jXVUXcAEP0LH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the people downvoting him, I hope they realize that more people dis/agree =/= right

>> No.10213629

this. kys OP

>> No.10213638

>that bitter anon that missed the biggest bull market of this century

>> No.10213641

If this fagget considers ETH overvalued then BTC is overvalued as well.

>> No.10213650
File: 360 KB, 645x4889, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10213666


>> No.10213743

>OP I'm sorry to tell you but you are a humongous faggot

Yes he is quite a large one isn't he, rarely have I encountered an OP of such size and proportion of homosexuality.

>> No.10214032

Leave, and never come back
Also kys

>> No.10214825

100% based

>> No.10215038

OP, you are just as much of a Reddit faggot as they are. Stay there and never come back here.

>> No.10215068
File: 231 KB, 500x376, 1524846937642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is not wrong but pic is related

>> No.10215073

Somebody's been hurt.

>> No.10215083


Not your personal blog faggot

>> No.10215329

as cancerous as /pol/ is (speaking as a rightwinger) thought diversity in /pol/ is still 1000x that of reddit.

>> No.10215799

>wowowow plebbit is so retarded
>majority of biz holds a heavy link bag, unironically thinks it will still moon and makes serious threads about it every day

Really makes me think

>> No.10215869

but its true, $46 billion for nothing. even 100million sounds absurd

>> No.10215893

Have you seen how much FUD link gets too?

It’s 50/50

>> No.10215907

Eth value encompasses thousands of startups. A successful startup can be worth billions.
We will have to see what happens next but there is a very real chance that eth is way undervalued. It would have to find killer apps, but there are many trying to do so.
The reward is immense

>> No.10215919

You could have said the same thing about the internet

Do you think normies who use Facebook and Instagram and Amazon give a shit about HTTP?

Smart contracts and all the other use cases of block chain are the kinds of things normies will all be using in future regardless of whether or not they understand it

>> No.10215931
File: 34 KB, 300x300, p-the-usual-suspects-kevin-spacey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there is some 4d chess attempt here. OP left the other username visible so that we could easily track it down and supposedly react to the blacked out username as if it was OP.
But OP is actually the visible username that is so buttblasted about the blacked out usernames opinion.

>> No.10215955


>> No.10215989

ahh yes pic related is my house after wall street has finished pumping my btc to 100000m (i will sell here)

>> No.10216003
File: 116 KB, 952x720, simpsons milhouse6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're through the looking glass here, people.

>> No.10216071
File: 90 KB, 1200x630, sam-worthington-manhunt-promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP did not say much, but he did say enough. The use of the word asinine got under some peoples skin, it gives the sentence a very condescending tone.

>> No.10216111

Fuck me you're right.

>> No.10216134
File: 6 KB, 480x360, McNulty gets Analyzed - The Wire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Not_Selling_Eth" seems to have a similar sense of superiority over others with a clever play on the name Lamborghini in a comparative straw man argument, then ending with "hopelessly uneducated".
Having a superiority complex while your flair is a tricycle, OP feels that his views are not given the respect he thinks they deserve.

>> No.10216154

>Computers and internet are too complicated and technical
until it wasn't
>PDA phones are too complicated
enter the iPhone

blockchain and crypto can work, it needs a killer app. we definitely haven't seen it yet.

>> No.10216286

Why would anyone who has nothing to lose capitulate?

>> No.10216297


>> No.10216330

There's at least 5 good ones I think

>> No.10216334

>how the fuck does crypto not become a 10T market at least?

Because while yes overall the market is small compared to stocks, a lot of the money in crypto is in chink scam coins that do nothing or their uses are so vague that they are fixing a problem that doesnt exist. For crypto to truly hit a 10T market cap there would have to be a huge crash that wipes out all the scams and shit projects. Crypto will always just be a bubble until this problem is fixed

>> No.10216347

>Redditor with the typical "Who hurt you?" retort

Man it really figures with you people. Don't you get tired of being just mediocore nobodies who only care about social reinforcement and can't stand on your own two feet on fucking anything?