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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10209034 No.10209034 [Reply] [Original]

Best ways to do pic related with a shitcoin.

>> No.10209075

You are asking this question on /biz/ where 90%+ is pump and dump scam.
You will never make it.

>> No.10209431

I know what this community is all about. That's why I'm asking this question here.

>> No.10209442

This “community” is made up of the retards getting dumped on

>> No.10209454

He's an idiot because he completely missed the point, and you're an idiot because you completely missed the part where /biz/raelis are the ones getting dumped on, not the ones doing the dumping.

>> No.10209464

Yeah, but if someone knows biz is a dumping ground, then someone out there is reading biz, may read this, and be generous enough to share some knowledge.

>> No.10209550
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a) they're not reading questions, only answers
b) they're web crawler bots, not people

We are getting dumped on by bot and algo whales that use keywords from here and other places, cross reference that data with how much traction a thread gets and then dump on everyone involved.

The only way to go around that, is to pick some of the best projects, watch githubs and news, and swing trade them accordingly, and then only when something's really low (buy) or high (sell). There are no magic shitcoins that will help you "dump" on anyone.

Buy, hodl a lot and swing trade a bit until you have the knowledge to ask better questions and the liquidity to pursue higher risk shitcoins that you can dump on niggaz

this post has been my good deed for the day, gnite

>> No.10210019

better than half the drivel onhere. thanks. anyone out there with anygood pnd tips?

>> No.10210788

only way to guarantee profit is to launch the coin yourself