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1020649 No.1020649 [Reply] [Original]

What's the hottest STEM degree right now? What's it gonna be in 2020?

I hear a lot of people splerg over CS, but isn't an EE degree just an applied and superior CS degree?

Is a math degree worth anything more than concrete proof of your autism? Is there 'bad' engineering degrees, or is it just memes upon memes?

Is STEM overhyped garbage in general, or is it worth pursuing beyond academia lustfest reasons?

>enlighten me

I'm probs going into MechE, but something like CompSci could be cool because I think AI / machine learning is dank af.

>> No.1020691

You can't go wrong with EE. It seems the least saturated and plenty of work out there. EE and CS are pretty much completely different unless you take a path of EE with logic programming or a lot of computer courses.IMO, math is garbage compared to EE or ME. ME is definitely alot more saturated than EE.

>> No.1020704

lol that's not a lambo.

>> No.1020706

ME, EE, and CivilE are still the trifecta of engineering; everything else is just a derivative

Math can be useful if you have a plan and do internships and extracurriculars accordingly. You won't do engineering with it though.

STEM is overhyped, companies are actively promoting it to bring up supply and drive down cost (salary). Still worth it if you love it, of course.

>> No.1020711

The Uni I'm going to only offers it as a "Electronic and Computer Engineering" major. It's hard for me to disagree with you when you say it's probably the best right now. Do you think the same will hold true in 4 years?

jesus you're right. fuck i'm PLEB.
>McLaren P1 :^)

>> No.1020712

I don't know that I "love" it. But it makes my mom happy to think she has a good grades STEM student, so it's what I'm doing. I think I'll love the work when I get out there, though.

I have been considering joining the Air Force as an officer after I get my degree too, which I think I'd really love.

>> No.1020713

Both good options

And yeah, 'love' probably isn't the right word, or else it wouldn't pay so much. I don't love sitting in a cubicle looking at spreadsheets and FEM plots all day, but having money and knowing that people can fly safely and cheaply because of me feels pretty good

>> No.1020732

I think if anything it will be even more in demand in the next decade or so. I'm an EE and I work in an electric utility. At least in the utility industry, I've read one or two research articles about how 50-60% of the utility industry is going to be retiring in the next decade or so.
EE is pretty darn broad though. depending on what sub discipline you pursue some may be easier to get a good gig in than others. Google and read up on electrical or computer engineering sub disciplines (power engineering, control systems, nanotechnology, communication systems robotics,...) and see if any of them interest you. After you get a degree in EE you will most likely start working in one of these more specific career paths and build all of your experience there.

>> No.1020746

>You can't go wrong with EE
this is right, but is OP able to get the degree? This is a question that many who get into STEM don't ask themselves and those drop out shortly after

>> No.1020853

Nursing is still hot and will continue to be for probably 5-10 more yrs

>> No.1020877


Literary theory is going to be the most valuable and fastest growing scientific field in the next 15 years. Screencap this post.

>> No.1020898

/sci/ keeps up the memery to declare all modern computer scientists to be incompetent. If it's even half true, then I suppose it's because the quality of education is going down. The departments cannot handle the flood of new students and there aren't enough good teachers to go around. As such, it will become extremely important to get into a top-ranking university for CS.

Or maybe it won't matter too much. I hear 50% of CS students get curb-stomped in their second year, as soon as the calculus 2 and data structures courses come rolling around. This means only the first year is overcrowded.

>> No.1020900

Could some rich person buy mushrooms for me in sfgsme plz xD

>> No.1020924

Sorry to butt in with my own problem, but is economics still considered STEM? I was thinking of pairing it with physics or engineering because the introductory math work is similar at my uni

>> No.1020927

Its going to boom in a few years because of the boomers and early xers retiring. Nursing is a good gig, but stressful. In the US they get hurt a lot because the average Amerilard is obese.
ME/EE/Civil Eng are the best route. Civil Engineering is the only field in engineering that's going to boom. Everyone else is downsizing. Check the BLS website. Obama injected hundreds of billions of dollars into the infrastructure rebuilding program. So Civil engineers are going to be needed. Honestly, if oyu have EE/ME/Civil it doesn't matter because you can sit in whatever FE exams you want. That's what get you the job. Passing the FE. ITs the same for your P.Eng exams as well. With ME/EE/Civil you can work in the same jobs. I've seen Civil engineers working as EE, and vice versa.

>> No.1020936

Physics + Economics is an interesting choice. A lot of the math is the same, and several of my grad school physics friends went to work at prop trading firms (despite having no prior finance background.)

>> No.1020946

I remember doing an equivalent to both of those in HS, calc 2 was easy imo, but I couldnt wrap my head around data structures. Guess thats why im a math major

>> No.1020949

Electrical engineering / electronics, constant progress in this field, always something new, useful too

>> No.1021811

Robotics is dank. That's one huge aspect that pulls me towards CS/ EE.

What do you mean? As far ad intelligence / drive is concerned?

Capped for dubs of truth.

Supply mailing address

Civil Eng seems ok. I used to really find architecture interesting, and took up learning the skill of carpentry with the intent to build my own home one day.. But idk, I like the "hard science" appeal of ME, I suppose. And yes, I'm tipping my fedora as I type this.

How do I get interested in it?

>> No.1021814

Also, what might be the most appealing for becoming an Air Force pilot? I've always wanted to fly, and serve (plus getting the benefits of learning how to operate in a war setting). Another thing pushing me towards ME.

>> No.1023119

You can't knock actuarial science.

>> No.1023226

>ME/EE/Civil Eng are the best route
Civil gets paid half the other two on average
then again it's the only discipline with a male/female ratio thats .5 and not 1/0

>That's what get you the job. Passing the FE.
yeah if you work in fucking energy/construction, no one else cares about your FE
the most boring, shitty, soul sucking work an engineer could possibly do
you get paid more but you work 60 hour weeks so per hour you get paid LESS

>> No.1023867

Is aerospace engineering a meme

What are the current bleeding edge sub disciplines in EE

What's an FE

>> No.1023875



>> No.1023939

You're Not a math major until you've passed a proof intensive class. Otherwise, you're just a shitty math Ed major that gets laughed at by the biggest losers on campus.

>> No.1024011

>Want to do EE
>Barely passed precalculus, didn't take calc. this year and took Stats instead

>> No.1024037


Im an engineer working in energy nobody takes the FE. Its pretty much only for construction I guess.

>> No.1024068

>I hear a lot of people splerg over CS, but isn't an EE degree just an applied and superior CS degree?

I was just talking to a recent EE graduate and looking for local jobs listings with him. Virtually all of them want C/C++ programming ability for embedded crap.

So EE people need CS skills, but CS people don't need a lot of EE skills.

People with a Phd in math go work as quants and such for hedge funds and investment banks. I met one guy who made hundreds of millions of dollars doing that. That's definitely atypical though.

I know a guy who dropped out of his undergrad CS program because his business was taking off and made hundreds of millions too. So different things work.

>> No.1024435
File: 24 KB, 349x349, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Electrical Engineering
>least saturated


rank and amount per 10,000 bachelors degrees awarded each year

Here is the top ten just to give you an idea what we're looking at here

>#1 with 814 - Business Management
>#2 with 539 - General business
>#3 with 463 - Accounting
>#4 with 448 - Nursing
>#5 with 404 - Psychology
>#6 with 352 - Communications
>#7 with 315 - Marketing
>#8 with 287 - General education
>#9 with 279 - Elementary education
>#10 with 251 - English

basically bullshit degrees that everyone knows is saturated without a doubt and didn't even need to look at this list, but now take a look at what we apparently need so badly...

>#11 with 243 - Computer science
>#14 with 206 - Biology
>#17 with 168 - Electrical engineering
>#23 with 132 - General engineering
>#24 with 132 - Mechanical engineering
>#30 with 91 - Mathematics
>#31 with 83 - Civil engineering
>#33 with 83 - CIS
>#37 with 64 - Chemistry
>#46 with 49 - Computer engineering
>#51 with 43 - Chemical engineering
>#62 with 34 - Industrial engineering
>#73 with 25 - Physics
>#75 with 24 - IS
>#89 with 18 - Biochemical sciences
>#92 with 17 - Microbiology
>#100 with 15 - Aerospace engineering

>> No.1024436
File: 66 KB, 399x382, 1450993162147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now, there are about 2,000,000 bachelors degrees awarded each year

2,000,000/10,000 = 200

200 x the number that graduate in whatever major you're looking at to get the real number

now if we look back at how many people are actually graduating EACH YEAR with BACHELORS degrees in these fields...

>CS = 48,600
>Biology = 41,200
>EE = 33,600
>ME = 26,400
>Math = 18,200
>CivE = 16,600
>Chemistry = 12,800
>CompE = 9,800
>ChemE = 8,600
>IE = 6,800
>Physics = 5,000
>AeroE = 3,000

I happen to think that you have no idea what you're talking about.


>> No.1024665

>tfw you went wrong with EE

>> No.1024684

do stats, it's easy and useful

>> No.1024845

Yep. Physics guys normally get hired as "quants" which basically make financial models and input any change in them such as interest rates to determine the outcome on a commodity and then write an algorithm to automatically trade to make a profit.

The reason physics guys gets hired is because of intense math.

>> No.1024847
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I want to be a trader

I'm doing double degree of engineering/commerce next year

What major should I pick for engineering, should I pick software, computer, mechanical??

>> No.1024856

Computer or electrical. Signal-and-system stuff like feedback control (also heavily covered in mech) and signal processing - the advanced stuff, not just the 101 subjects - should give you an ok grounding for quant stuff (model inference etc).

Not that you'll get credit for any of that stuff without a doctorate.

>> No.1024874

>is stem overhyped garbage


A STEM degree only means something when it is paired with relevant work experience.

It's the great tragedy of our time that most people think that by getting a STEM degree that it implies that you will get relevant work experience. When reality is anything but the case.

Without connections, dumb luck or a laundry list of academic achievements, you will not get the experience that leads to a job in this field.

>machine learning

Data Science is the Quantitative Finance of the 2010s. If you aren't in it now, you won't be in it in the future.

Look for the next wave to ride and save yourself the misery of spending years studying something to be told that there are too many graduates, having your applications ignored because everyone has more shit than you do and being forced to take some dead end job anywhere to just survive.

>> No.1024922

im going to university in september to do a bachelors in maths and I'm very interested in data science/careers in this area, do you think im in a good position to keep my options open? any suggestions of things I should be doing? (im learning to program right now, specifically python)

>> No.1024929

>Studying biology because I legitimately enjoy it
>Father always berates me telling me I won't make any money doing it
>Says I need to go into STEM

Am I doing it wrong guys

>> No.1024937

depends, what are you going to do with it? If you're just studying pure biology like plants and shit then yeah you fucked up but if you branch off into biotech, biomed, genetics, bioinformatics, bionanotech etc. you might have either hit the god damn jackpot or fucked yourself over, biotech/medical tech etc. could go both ways in the coming years/decades.

>> No.1024942

The plan is medical school. I have a decent GPA, and I'm URM so I guess I have that affirmative action bonus as well. If that falls through, it's becoming an officer in the military. Which isn't easy by any means, but it's a hell of a lot easier. \

If ALL of that fails, medical lab tech is something I'd like to do.

>> No.1024964

what do you guys think of a petroleum engineering degree? I know getting into oil is shit right now but I'll graduate in 2020 and since no one is getting into oil, It will be totally less saturated and getting a starting salary of 100k+ will be easy. although oil could still be shit and be unemployed and pretty much fucked. So biz, do you guys think it's worth the risk?

>> No.1024966

>medical school
I would never in a million fucking years choose med school for a multitude of reasons but don't let that stop you

>> No.1024969

Why? The cost?

>> No.1024974

Not sure why I just asked like that, you just said a multitude of reasons.

>> No.1024975

>options open

It depends how well you do in your studies. There aren't any unemployed Maths graduates who topped their courses but there are plenty who didn't.

Try to broaden your horizons beyond Data Science to the wider Analytics when your job search starts.

>things i should be doing

Find out what subjects you'll be doing and start working through the textbooks. Forget about self study.

Best of luck with your studies.

>> No.1024981

like 10 years of total studying + training etc
shit pay (at least here in Norway)
the job sounds hard as fuck when you factor in the long hours, mental and physical strains, night shifts etc

But we need doctors so go for it, I just personally wouldn't do it.

>> No.1024986

Whats the pay like in norway?

After residency, average starting salary is about $190k in the US.

>> No.1025006

Around 800,000 NOK which amounts to about $90k today, although I'm not sure if that's starting salary or median salary. But yeah, considering the massive debt from 10 years of studying and residency, it seems like a shit deal to me, in addition to all the other stuff I mentioned.

>> No.1025018

Well, it definitely isn't for everyone.

>> No.1025019

I'm doing this and I can tell you that economics is a joke mathwise compared to physics
Both use calculus, linear algebra and statistics but that's where it ends

>> No.1025022

Very true. If your up for it, go ahead, and I thank you for doing it, just know what you're getting yourself into.

>> No.1025721

Not looking to be a quant, I've done a bit of trading in my mid teens just for lols and I really enjoyed it. It would be my dream career if I could make money from HFT.

Thanks for the input, my uni doesn't ogfer electrical as a major however. I would do that, looks like imma do computer as apparently it's a mixture of electrical and computer science

Thanks friend

>> No.1025786

Majoring in biotech/biochem to get into biofuel.

Why? I wanna just chill and work for major industries.

>> No.1025808

Don't do petro. My school has one of if not the best petroleum program in the US yet none of the graduating petros have jobs. Companies aren't hiring and even if the market rebounds the pay won't be as good because the field is saturated. Stick to MechE or geophysics if you really want to work in the industry because they can do anything petros do but you can keep your options open.

>> No.1025892

SO I can be a slave, and no menial manual labor, and make less than I would if I went to college? Getting dirty as fuck all day, dealing with a bunch of shitty people, and getting electrocuted? Getting cancer from breathing the carcinogens from peoples homes?

Na ill take my 100k working in doors, and 250k min if I go to medical school, while you mean yourself to death, and electrical apprentices don't make 80/hr lmao

>> No.1025914
File: 70 KB, 500x750, shuitsang3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biofuel is week go into bioprocessing or immunology (antibodies), or personalized medicine if you want to make the big bucks

biofuel is essentially meme tier, ad I wouldn't consider it something you " go into". Just a few companies unsuccessfully circle jerking each other, while the price of gas is plummeting and they circle jerk each other about "the future" of clean energy.

The problems associated with biofuel as things that ultimately won't be patent able when the discoveries are made, and they pretty much won't be that valuable.

>> No.1025923

What about Systems Engineering?

>> No.1026038

Can somebody explain to me double degrees

So, i'm doing bachelor of engineering with bachelor of commerce

is it more an engineering degree, also, do i only graduate with one major from the engineering side of the double?

>> No.1026284

I would agree that bioprocessing and immunology are great choices but if they don't sort out battery tech for electrical cars soon I seriously think biofuel has good potential.

>> No.1027215

CS and Math/Statistics is probably the best, with things like Data Science and Machine Learning becoming hot areas within the market. Lots of opportunity to dive into Financial Engineering with a background like that. It is also good to look a automation systems seeing as lots of jobs will be automated in the near future.

Physics and Econ is also a good mix for getting into Prop/Quant trading or Analytical positions. Anything that is quantitative heavy displays skill and rigor that these firms are looking for.

>> No.1027222



Way to volatile a commodity, if your jobs prospects are heavily tied into the economics of a commodity like that I would stay far away. Chemical Engineering is a way safer route and you could still get Petrol jobs.

>> No.1027908

>tfw suck at math
Should I just kill myself /biz/?

>> No.1028125

Get accepted to med school, go to recruiters and join military.. They will pay for it and provide you with a stipend.. after you graduate DEBT FREE you serve in the military as a doctor for the number of years you took the education benefit.. 4 years... You are an officer, you retire with a pension.... But going to med school and having that huge debt load..No Way Jose.

>> No.1028126

You can still be a nurse and be lower middle class

>> No.1028138

>What's it gonna be in 2020?
Quantum computing
Mark my words fgts

>> No.1028179


This guy is wrong on just about every point and clearly doesn't study EE nor is he currently trying to get employed in the field.

EE is a stagnating workforce with 0% growth predicted in the next 10 years. Lots of people who hold EE undergraduate degrees are not currently doing EE work. Lots of them transition over to programming full time.

Comp sci, comp eng, applied math, or a less strenuous field of engineering is a much better choice IMO. You don't get so burdened with work that you actually have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the workforce and opportunities out there. You also get to develop a specific skillset instead of hopping around between these subjects that are very rigorous and border on useless for people not interested in pursuing a degree higher than a BS.

The problem with the EE curriculum is it is so fucking widespread that you end up doing everything and nothing at the same time. It blows. Save yourself the stress and disappointment.

>> No.1028185

muh nigga

>> No.1028196

How is infosec and computer and network security? It's something that I'm thinking about studying. Almost 24 y/o here btw

>> No.1028201

Are you done?

>> No.1028205

>middle class

>> No.1028230


He's right though. As an apprentice trade worker you can enter the workforce at a much younger age. If you go to college you go into debt and lose wages for 4+ years of your life, where you could have instead have been working and increasing your wealth.

>> No.1028234

I was the one who made that thread because I wasn't sure about if I should go to college or learn a trade. I told him how much apprentices make in my area and he's been trolling me ever since. Either way, if I learn a trade or go to college, I don't have to pay for it.

>> No.1028236


Learn a trade dude. College nowadays is oversaturated and a degree doesn't mean shit next to experience and skills. You can always go to college later when you've established an economic foundation for yourself.

>> No.1028274

Well I graduated from a vocational technical school district. Do you think I should go through them to do an apprenticeship or head to the union?

>> No.1028290

So I figure i'm going to go with a physics degree, it's too early to say what specific aspect of physics but nuclear / energy physics has my interest the most at the moment. It's not too late for me to switch into Engineering since i'm doing a foundation year currently, but the only subject that really interests me there is Aerospace.

I figure i'll try and get into the tech industry after, failing that I'll take whatever pays well or go down the infamous research route (which is what I would love to do but have heard the horror stories). If all else fails there's always the teaching sector which is absolutely desperate for anyone with a STEM background, but that's a last resort.

How retarded is my plan? UK by the way.
Also, have some stats from the IOP


>> No.1028297

kek. Yeah I know in your dreams you're designing new rockets and frames. In reality you'll be doing landing gears for 5 years till you even touch something more complex. Got a friend working in Aerospace, its crap.

>> No.1028315

>muh 4 years

Dumb people always end up poor exactly because of how they can't think long term.

>> No.1028321

>thinking everyone that works in a trade is dumb.

>> No.1028324

I'd settle for landing gears, maybe i'm easily pleased but that sounds pretty damn interesting to me

>> No.1028549


>> No.1028740

(I'm a Mech major with a minor in Elec)
Overhyped? Maybe... but understanding technology might also be the only thing that prevents you from getting replaced by an algorithm. I'd say it was worth it for the actual education, assuming you like the field.

I went to a school with a strong (and in Canada, rare) Aerospace engineering faculty. A lot of the guys in engineering were also earning their wings.

Harsh, but fair. Nobody tells you about the length of time you'll be un- or underemployed after graduating until it's happening. Then everyone's all "oh, I looked for my first job for two years and look at me now, so HANG IN THERE!!". Fucking tell me that when I'm taking the course dammit, it's a really rude awakening otherwise.

I worked two winters as a roughneck. Spend some time around the industry before you decide, nobody likes it a little.

Batteries, like transistors, have been improving at a predictable exponential rate for a while now (I believe it's 4 years to double in quality for batteries). So it depends on what you consider 'soon'.

>> No.1028846

I have an Engineering degree and switched to a trade. I left Raytheon to work overseas making way more money..

There's something to be said for skilled trades. I loved Engineering but the market will continue to get more competitive and pajeets will start taking over. People don't want to do manual labor that's why it's beginning to pay ridiculously well.

>> No.1028876

the heavy math is valued by banks for data analysis, i know a civil engineer that works as a data analyst or something like that for his investmentbank

idk if that was coupled with a business/commerce though

>> No.1028902

Dumbass that went full retard and got a liberal arts degree (linguistcs) here.

Can unfuck myself if I get a Master's in Information Systems?

>> No.1028973

Honestly college in general is a bit of a meme I think.

>inb4 college grads earn more on average
Sure, people smart enough to be able to get a bachelors earn more, but high IQ people generally earn more so that doesn't establish that a college degree actually increased their earnings.

I'd be very interested in comparing the average earnings of high-IQ people who didn't go to college and those who did. Lumping all the mcjob shitkickers with the former group makes no sense since anyone considering college isn't going to be in that group to begin with.

>> No.1029500

I've been bearing that in mind too, in fact if you look at the stats on the paper I linked you can see a large percentage of physics grads go into the financial sector. The money would be solid (or at least so i've heard), however I would still try and avoid it - that kind of work simply doesn't interest me

Additionally you pick up a lot of IT skills doing a physics degree, it's just the nature of the beast, something which software companies value. Indeed plenty of physics grads go into the IT sector; I know someone who did nuclear physics but ended up with an excellent job at a software company instead.

Physics seems to be a pretty well rounded degree in my opinion, never understood how people can say it's useless

>> No.1030159

>take CS courses
>/g/ tells me college is a joke and I'll never find a job
>network in college and graduate straight into a job although making a little less than I would have wanted
>2 years in now and they're trying to give me a supervisor position on top of the 20k raise I've gotten since starting
Yeah I enjoy programming and there are no shortage of developer jobs. Especially not when I'm going on 3 years of web dev experience and soon enough mobile dev as well.

>> No.1031587

Can someone actually give me some advice

Im in mech engg '16
i dont know if i should specialize in interdisciplinary design or manufacturing

i already have a ton of courses in manufacturing but for my last semester id like to make it easier and i also still want to have a chance to design in my professional career after grad

>> No.1031614


If some major shit hits the fan that changes landscape massively geobros will have more work to do.

that and its fun to get drunk on worksite & dance with everyone else already.

>> No.1031684


So essentially the moral of this post is that if 'major shit hits the fan' we're fucked because all the geology majors will be drunk on their asses.