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10205031 No.10205031 [Reply] [Original]

Would you live abroad (not allowed to live or work in home country) for 4-5 years for $200k increase to your net worth?
>this would also probably mean losing your gf

>> No.10205047

>no guarantee you will find a job elsewhere

>> No.10205049

Depends on how the gf is looking. If she looks like the picture then hell no, i would rather stay poor and fuck her every day

>> No.10205072

not quite as hot but still pretty hot and thin
sex is 10/10 though, does whatever I say whenever I say and wants to fuck at least twice daily

I just don't know how far I should chase money anymore, feeling pretty fucking lost

>> No.10205182

I'd need a lot of specifics before I make that decision.
Why can't I work in my own country? How much in savings do I have? Do I have a girlfriend or just a girl I'm banging? Why can't she come with me? Which country - what language do they speak there? Will I get fucked in the exchange rate paying for my living expenses for a while? What are my backup options - other countries, going back home, family I can stay with, joining the military etc. etc. etc. Pros and Cons of each relative to one-another?

or you know, don't ask for direction in massive changes in your life on a 0xbuttcoin shilling chanlink board without explicating things clearly.

>> No.10205204

I am doing this for right now

Am a loner so this suits well, gf left lomg time ago

>> No.10205210

The money isn't worth it.
>sex is 10/10 though, does whatever I say whenever I say and wants to fuck at least twice daily
Above is much harder to find than a job that pays well.

>> No.10205223

>Why can't I work in my own country?
because the extra money would come from legal tax savings, meaning have to stay away for some time
>How much in savings do I have?
either 600k or 800k depending on if you choose this or not
>Do I have a girlfriend or just a girl I'm banging?
>Which country - what language do they speak there?
doesn't matter, any country in the world except home country

>or you know, don't ask for direction in massive changes in your life on a 0xbuttcoin shilling chanlink board without explicating things clearly.
yeah but desu I have no one else to ask

>> No.10205225

Dude I’m fucking dying to get out of my shitty hometown and see the world. I’d do it for free. Life is short

>> No.10205239

any regrets? are you just travelling around? any work?

you have a good point, my head got really fucked up from this crypto rollercoaster so I have made some seriously stupid decisions but now would be the time to make a choice on this one. Not sure if money is so important anymore

>> No.10205266

I'm 25 though so if I just fuck around for 4 years maybe I will be left without any real career or job opportunities, no gf and no friends if I go back home... I have a degree but 0 work experience

>> No.10205279

I am about six month to year in one place, then move to completely new place. Been to 4 countries in last 8 years

>any regrets?
Sometimes wonder if i could have had the normie life, but then again when i am long times at home i just play vidya and wait for next deployment, so this pretty much suits me. Shitloads of money in bank even thoug i come from relatively poor country

>> No.10205294

sex aside, are you happy with your gf, anon?

it seems like you already have quite the net worth. if your gf gives you emotional peace and general happiness, don't throw it away for something you'll just earn more of over the course of your lifetime

>> No.10205297

>his girlfriend is asian

>> No.10205301

Ooo, she's a cutie :-)

>> No.10205344

So you've inherited or made a killing in some sale and don't want to pay taxes on it, so need to leave the country. Okay, see that's different!!! Would seem to me the easiest solution is figure out what your median possible income is in your home country (which I assume is where you're living right now) compared to your tax saving. So 200k divide by 5 years = 40k a year. If you can live on that amount for 5 years, then you break even.
So, career prospects - what were you doing? Do you like it? How much further can you go? Is starting a business an option for you?
>doesn't matter, any country in the world except home country
Except it does. Living in London is very different from Budapest to Osaka, you've got to make a decision about what kind of lifestyle you want to live or at least keep your options open so even if you're committed to a country you can change direction and also make a decision about career advancement.

>yeah but desu I have no one else to ask
Sometimes I forget everyone here is an autismo like me.

I'll tell you what might help you, do the Warren Buffett 25 goals thing. Not sure if it'll fit here so I'll put it in a second post. Basically it helps you crystallize your priorities which will make this decision very easy.

>> No.10205350

I’m 22 and about to graduate with only 1 bullshit job on my resume. It’s up to you, dude. Do you want to travel? You have plenty of money to travel for a long time and still have enough to resettle yourself when you get back. If you want to do it, then just do it. Don’t look back. If you’re talking about backpacking, $15,000/year in SEA and $30,000/year in Europe and you’ll live like a king. You could return home to over $500k still sitting in your bank account even after 5 years. That’s also plenty to start a business if you wanted to

>> No.10205357

I did it for 0 increase in networth

>> No.10205383

Okay so what you do is you write out a list of the 25 things you want out of life. Take you time, but make sure to write everything. All your dreams and bucket list things. Yes, stuff like "become drummer for a metal band" "get a doctorate in classical studies" and "drive a NASCAR" goes on there, whatever YOU want, it has to be yours. The big ones.

Now what you do is you sort that, very deliberately and honestly in order from no. 1 - your most desired goal, the thing you most want in the world to do before you die, and all the way to 25 which is still important to you but after the 24 other things in priority.
Now you put a circle around the top 25 - those are your top 5 life goals right? From now on you need to some how get closer to those everyday. And the other 20? They are you
You are not allowed to attempt anything on that bottom 20 list.
So now, look at that top 5, look at your savings, look at which city you might want to migrate to and ask yourself
>What is the best fit?

>> No.10205392

lol if I already had 600-800k and just need to leave godforsaken Germany and get 200k more through tax savings alone, I would be at the airport this evening.

>> No.10205454

sounds like that is the best possible lifestyle for you then, and if you are travelling for work then I guess it is a bit different

>don't throw it away for something you'll just earn more of over the course of your lifetime
I'm afraid no matter which option I'll end up choosing I'll regret it somehow

>So, career prospects - what were you doing? Do you like it? How much further can you go? Is starting a business an option for you
that's the thing, I never had time to even start a career before crypto took off big time so I have just been trading since I graduated and pretty much a NEET for a year already. I think if I got a job now I could be expecting to make about 30-40k net, so saving maybe 10-20k a year.
>I'll tell you what might help you, do the Warren Buffett 25 goals thing. Not sure if it'll fit here so I'll put it in a second post. Basically it helps you crystallize your priorities which will make this decision very easy.
I will try this
thanks anon, and every other anon who has been replying ITT. Really helps hearing other people's perspectives on this, because I feel like I have tunnel vision and fucked up head after staring at charts for so long. So if most people on a board where everyone mostly cares about money say it ain't worth it, then maybe it really isn't

yeah, actually travelling used to be my nr 1 desire when I was younger, just trying everything to get away from my shitty little town and get a remote job. Then after I got a gf and my NW exploded 40x it kinda died down a bit. I guess I just need to take a long hard look at my priorities and figure out wtf I want to do with this life

she unironically is

>> No.10205478

no, not worth $200k. maybe $1m

>> No.10205492

I'll do this
For a long time my main and only goal has been to just get rich, but I have come to realize it is kinda pointless being rich if you have to sacrifice everything else in order to get there. My "bucket list" certainly needs to be updated

>> No.10205552

Why not marry your gf and make babby? You can make more money if you need it.

>> No.10205554

>I'm afraid no matter which option I'll end up choosing I'll regret it somehow
"Youth is wasted on the Youth", as wild (heh) Irish faggot use to say. You're gonna regret stuff anyway, so make the best decision you can with the information you can. It's like trading, you can obsess over the trades you could have made, but does retrospection put money in your pocket? Nope. You just learn and get better.

Cool, glad I could help.
Take your time working this out, this is the next 5 years of your life. Most people don't even go to college for that long, you don't need to determine the whole bucket list, that's just a starting point to guide you.
Two random pieces of boomer-tier advice
-Only take advice from people you trust and aren't full of shit.
-And ask yourself
>Why is this particularly important to me?
Don't ask yourself just what you want, ask yourself why it is desirable, think about what that represents to you.

>> No.10205587

Literally why are oriental women so superior?

>> No.10205632

Just remember that most old men say they'd give up every penny to go back and do exactly what OP is doing right now. Enjoy your youth and your youthful gf OP. Don't trade it in for a few bucks.

>> No.10205857

want to share any details? where did you go and what did you do? was it worth it?

I think I'll wait until I can manage my own life first before bringing a baby into it

boomer advice is the best advice

>> No.10206019

I hear this a lot btw but where is it from? Do you have any source?

>> No.10206047

I think it's mostly anecdotal. You hear old men talking about it. Not one or two, but all of them if you get them to open up enough to talk.

>> No.10206090

Depends on the country and city honestly

Hong Kong/Singapore/Taipei/Japan/Koreaor Western Europe? Hell yeah

Some shitty Middle Eastern/South American/African place? Hell no

Location is everything for this

>> No.10206762

OP, I heard Philippines takes like 6 months of living there and you can cash out tax free. Unless you are a slave of the US tax system in which case you're fucked.

>> No.10206822

God I'm glad I wasn't born an american. Your government literally owns you.

>> No.10207108

Take your gf with you OP?

>> No.10207145

You're literally being given a free $200k to travel the world on for 4 years, is another way of looking at it.

>> No.10207161

this is embarrassing reddit faggotry

>> No.10207203

Yeah I've heard so too. The problem is my home country in Europe, I need to stay away for like 5 years or thry will tax me on it, kinda like US but not for a lifetime.

Unfortunately she is still in school
And I guess this is true and would probably be a dream for many

>> No.10207666

I would do it for free

>> No.10208157

Why don't you?

>> No.10208296

Do you know how annoying it is to see the thumbnail, get excited, click on it, only to find out its one of these ass ugly gooks?

>> No.10209160

They are not ugly

>> No.10209284

Yes, I would love to

> Live in Asia
> Get a few more gfs

>> No.10209300

Two years is a long time. Considering you don't have kids or anything, the chances of her not being with another dude when you return are very slim. 6 months tops.

>> No.10209591


>> No.10209674

That's what I think too

That is your opinion then, I find them cute. Old biz every single girl posted was an asian

>> No.10209699

>she likes sex
>she wants it twice a day
>she will wait 2 years to ride cock
no anon, less than one week after you are gone she will be cumming on some new dumbasse' rock hard cock as he squirts his love juice deep inyo her quivering womb. then they'll rest and he'll slow fuck her for an hour or so as she comes on his cock and he'll smile knowing that she is now his perfect little insatiable fuck toy. then he'll turn her over and fuck the shit out of her doggy style and jizz in her trembling pussy before falling asleep. in the early morning hours he'll cum inside her again.
>day 4 after you leave

>> No.10209912

>this would also probably mean losing your gf
That is literally what I said

>> No.10210199

yeah, but you need to remove the probably. both of you will change, and finding a 10/10 in bed is a once in a life thing imo... is this a military thing?

>> No.10210403

OP don't do it if you won't be able to leverage this experience somehow. That 4-5 years of experience needs to be built upon

if you're literally just backpacking and working odd jobs here and there you will only be wasting time, unless you're already a decent investor/daytrader and will be able to leverage and grow your new found savings