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File: 119 KB, 800x1000, warren-buffett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10199256 No.10199256 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/poors BTFO by based Buffet.
>"If you buy something like bitcoin or some cryptocurrency, you don't have anything that is producing anything," Buffett says in an interview with Yahoo Finance. "You're just hoping the next guy pays more. And you only feel you'll find the next guy to pay more if he thinks he's going to find someone that's going to pay more.
>"You aren't investing when you do that, you're speculating."
>"If you buy something [like] a farm, an apartment house or an interest in a business and look to the asset itself to determine whether you've done something — what the farm produces, what the business earns ... it's a perfectly satisfactory investment," Buffett explains to Yahoo Finance. "You look at the investment itself to deliver the return to you.
>"If you ban trading in farms, you could still buy farms, and have a perfectly decent investment," Buffett says.
>Bitcoin, however, only increases in value by being bought and sold, he argues. Its value comes from what people are willing to pay.
>"[I]f you ban trading in ... bitcoin, which nobody knows exactly what it is, people would say, 'Well why in the world would I buy it?'"
Inb4 no arguments and just the word boomer as a slur.

>> No.10199270

the same can be said for the US dollar, or stocks, or any sort of meme investment account

purchasing power, kiddo

>> No.10199274

When white men will have heard too much from the filthy kikes, it will be worst than in 1939, i swear it

>> No.10199275

uh hes right, we aren't investing we are speculating

i thought this was covered in freshman business classes?

>> No.10199279

>stocks =/= currencies

>> No.10199285

Based buffet BTFO 3rd worldpoors an commie faggots

>> No.10199291
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go back to pol you low iq inbred

pic related, you

nobody is scared of you you fat mouthbreathing virgin

>> No.10199299


>> No.10199300

Dollar is backed by the us governments nuclear arsenal.

>> No.10199304

What is the safest way to protect my funds?

dollars or bitcoin?

First can be printed, second has a limited supply


>> No.10199306
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Love this picute so much

>> No.10199312

"I don't know anything about Bitcoin." - Also Buffett.

>> No.10199313

What he doesn't understand is that most of the world doesn't live in the US or EU and our currency is shit. Buying crypto is a hedge against our shit currency and our shit governments.

Stock markets have a insane barrier of entry for third worlders. So what the fuck am I suppose to do Mr. Buffet? My $200 a month DCA might not be a lot but when you take billions of turd worlders you get quite a lot of money.

Can't believe this guy is white and not a Jew with that shortsightedness.

>> No.10199315

And stocks represent companies, dumb dumb. Actual things that produce.
Buffet isn't jewish.

>> No.10199318

Dollar is backed by human blood and souls

>> No.10199322

>I am old and afraid of things I don't understand
>That's why I missed out on Amazon and Google, and most recently, Bitcoin

This old geezer FUD is hilarious, stick to what you know, Warren, you're good at that I'll give you that. I wouldn't expect a dentist to be able to understand plasma soldering either.

>> No.10199330

go back to your country
where we raped your ancestors
you have no dignity to serve the ones who raped your elders

>> No.10199340

unless you are majority shareholder you have absolutely zero say in what your shares do or represent

it's a meme

>> No.10199342

based boomer buffet

>> No.10199349

>"[I]f you ban trading in ... bitcoin, which nobody knows exactly what it is, people would say, 'Well why in the world would I buy it?'"

No shit? It's supposed to be a currency. If you can't trade it wtf do you do with it lol?

>> No.10199355

Warren BUFFET is a frankist
a jew who hide it saying he is christian
why does he give so much money to israel then?
servile goy

>> No.10199368

You don't need say in what they represent. You know what they represent. If you out money into farming, you know what farming is. Research the company dickwad.

>> No.10199383

same can be said for crypto, go have yourself a cry

>> No.10199387

Except it can't.

>> No.10199390

you don't invest in the dollar you dumbfuck.

>> No.10199408

>hey what should we invest in to hedge against our currency?
>how about internet money that dropped 70% in 6 months?

>> No.10199411

>This diabetes pettling stinky old man is about to get wrekt by autists

>> No.10199418

I just said it is, so it is

lol get a load of this shill

>> No.10199422

Buffet is literally the best investor of all times.

>> No.10199435

easy when you have 210,000$ at 14y/o

>> No.10199472
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This is why I hate his fucking ass.
>"You aren't investing when you do that, you're speculating."
And I'm also not king of England I don't give a fuck about the title but I had already figured that one, thank you.
"[I]f you ban trading in ... bitcoin, which nobody knows exactly what it is, people would say, 'Well why in the world would I buy it?'"
And if my grandmother had wheels she would be a truck. I can't even burn it in a cold winter,.there's no point,

Like seriously, give me Soros, Soros sometimes says something that's interesting.

>> No.10199480

Are you aware that people who have very few options will choose a bad option if that all that is available with hopes that the bad option plays out well?

Why do you think poor people spend thousands on lottery tickets? Hope is a ugly thing anon.

I really think you are a extremely smart person who thought your post through.

>> No.10199503

>I just said it is, so it is
That's okay, but you're wrong. Meme coins produce nothing.

>> No.10199513

It's being pedantic but owning shares is said to be "ownership in a company", but it barely is. You own a title to a share of the company's profit, supposing the company executives/board decide to pay it. It is moreso ownership in the company when you are a major shareholder.

Buffet is right though. The two major functions that float bitcoin is that it can be used for illicit payments, and it can be used to move capital abroad in countries with capital controls, like China.

>> No.10199518

they are new technology

money doesn't produce anything either, but it allows you to purchase things which do. same for crypto (e-money, in essence)

>> No.10199524

>Says he raped ancestors
>Mexicans and blanks are destroying his race at an exponential level and there's nothing he can do because his race is afraid of being called racist
Wheew boiiii

>> No.10199526

Plenty of people get more money than that given to them. Most 14 year olds would waste it. Most adults would waste it. I got given 7 figures as a 21 year old and I'm nowhere near being a billionaire.

>> No.10199529

Russia has thousands of nukes. In the 90s it had 600%+ inflation

How does that work?

>> No.10199557

What are bonds if not investments in the dollar? If inflation is higher than the yield, you're getting cucked.

>> No.10199569
File: 15 KB, 550x366, C8B3943C-0860-418B-A404-C393B229D28D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chad Buffett and virgin biz

>> No.10199587

Why do you need memecoins when money already does the same thing, but better, while being protected by the strongest military force in human history? Why would normies ever need memecoins? A "currency" that changes value by double digit percentages over night and needs to exchanged to money to be useful is worthless as a medium of exchange.

>> No.10199612

>heh but that won't happen to the US, our military is backing... oh shit

>> No.10199632

Even people much more intelligent than Warren Buffet were wrong about scientific revelations and new emerging technologies before they were officially accepted throughout the history. He says absolutely nothing about cryptocurrency as a whole.

>> No.10199672

>Why would you need memecoins when the banks can just freeze your account with no reason
>Why would you need memecoins when eminent domain is a real threat to your wealth
>Why would you need memecoins when a central bank is stealing the worth of your currency by inflation
>Why would you need memecoins when you're retarded
>Hehe memecoinz , wooden buffet say no buy. Me good boy no buy. Meme coiinzzz

>> No.10199687


>> No.10199691

I would gladly hold and buy more BTC OTC if exchange trading was banned.

>> No.10199710

Yeah he's right, short the ponzi

>> No.10199714

RIP old man. You fed the beast well

>> No.10199822

what, u personally? Stocks that don't pay dividends can theoretically pay dividends in the future still. The fair price can be derived from looking at how much room for earnings growth the company has and how many shares there are. Bitcoin's fair price is nebulous. It literally does act like a currency in some sense. If more trade or currency conversion occurs through bitcoin as a medium, it will rise in price due to the demand. But real currencies are typically associated with a national economy. Bitcoin is even more speculative because it is rootless.

>> No.10199884
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Because forks are the dividends.

>> No.10200044
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Fuck this old fag, buying futures is the same fucking deal and all funds are doing it.
I bet he already has some crypto holdings in one way or another.

>> No.10200082

he doesnt understand we are trading our fake money for real money does he?

>> No.10200090

>currency by consensus makes less sense than currency by force
Thanks grandpa, but we're building a new world here.

>> No.10200467

so he didnt speculate when he bought coca cola stock?

>> No.10200537

>"[I]f you ban trading in ... bitcoin, which nobody knows exactly what it is, people would say, 'Well why in the world would I buy it?'"
because the price took a massive nosedive after the coin was banned and now you can buy the dip duh. and then when people figure out that the ban has no teeth and people are still trading crypto then it goes up. he is playing dumb.

>> No.10200548

and the ban has no teeth because fucking come on. they can hinder crypto but there really is no shutting it down completely at this point. as in no technical means to physically do it without turning off the internet basically

>> No.10200559

>"If you buy something like bitcoin or some cryptocurrency, you don't have anything that is producing anything," Buffett says in an interview with Yahoo Finance. "You're just hoping the next guy pays more. And you only feel you'll find the next guy to pay more if he thinks he's going to find someone that's going to pay more.

u guess what. and so does fiat currency. yet everyone wants to ahve fiat currency. because its used for exchange fuckign boomer.

>> No.10200561

we are all going to get wealthy trading our fucking meme coins and rich boomerfaggots are just gonna have to sit and spin on that

>> No.10200614

What i don't get is why these old billionaires like buffett and soros even give a shit about crypto or anything when they could die any day now?

why would they care at all? have these fuckers got some way to reincarnate or be brought back with technology? that is the only reason any of these elites would care about whats going to happen in 10-20 years

>> No.10200642

>its speculation
ok, fine. do you speculate poor people arent going to throw money at this market you think is stupid?
>betting against hope
thats like assuming nobody is going to be dumb enough to buy lottery tickets

even if you think crypto is retarded and for stupid poorfags, you would still be shortsighted not to consider speculating here.

of fucking course people are going to keep buying and selling coins as the speculation/hope cycle continues indefinatly through many a rise and fall until the price stabilizes with volume and it becomes a useful currency. its fucking inevitable

>> No.10200672

thats very plausible
or perhaps they are just dedicated to fucking people over, like a religious dedication to evil

>> No.10200704

This is what I find fascinating about the regulations angle. OK, you ban them. The exchanges just move, some developers have to stop doing what they did, some move. Then what, try to punsih countries that still trade it? Maybe that's how it goes but at that point the measures seem too serious for joke money.

>> No.10200793

>bragging about his ancestors raping innocent women
really makes you think about white culture

>> No.10200803

>Boy I sure love Coca Cola products, don't you Charlie? Why just the other day I was in my nice clean friendly neighborhood McDonald's getting a nice cold refreshing Coca Cola with my lunch. Charlie and I took a, whatdya call it, a selfie with our iPhone. I think McDonald's and iPhones are wonderful. Did I mention Coke products?
People actually listen to this old babbling fuck like it's some kind of sage advice.

>> No.10200895
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Except stocks provide real passive income in the form of dividends ;)

>> No.10200925

Because Buffet gets asked about it. Other than that he just thinks it's a bad investment, and he is the investment guru.

>> No.10200934

Imagine being so rich you can do almost anything in the world yet you don't fund trans humanism technologies.

>> No.10200942


>> No.10200947

nuclear weapons are not real tho

>> No.10200958
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I mean if he's right in regards to cryptos that do nothing but serve as a ledger.
t. Linkie

>> No.10200959

>Bitcoin, however, only increases in value by being bought and sold, he argues. Its value comes from what people are willing to pay.

That is exactly what the share market is.

>> No.10200973

kek its the incel genes

>> No.10200996

when you buy a bitcoin, you are buying it for more than what the person you bought it off paid for it and therefore increasing the hash rate of the coin and making it more secure. it then becomes a viable alternative to centralized banks due to this security. you are doing humanity a favor. a favor much greater than a carrot or something like that would provide for a person.

>> No.10201012


You'd have to be an idiot to have the means to extend your life or be resurrected and not do it.

And these people are elites because they are the opposite of an idiot.

The elites must have a plan.

>> No.10201017

Wow, so Bitcoin is now a pity fund?

>> No.10201019

Stock shares are fundamentally backed by the fact the fact that in the future the company will pay dividends, this is the reason shareholders want a company to do well, as it allows the shareholders to get something back from the stock itself. You just don't see dividends in fast growing new companies like netflix and facebook, because they invest their dividend money back into the company.

>> No.10201032

no, because you benefit from an increased hash rate just as much as other people would

>> No.10201037

you dont invest in currency you dumbfuck, that's the problem. everyone is treating crypto like it's an investment, and he's right. nobody besides banks are buying fucking dollars, and hoping the next guy buys their dollars for more dollars.

>> No.10201055

I understand the argument and I understand why he's making it, but he's missing the point. Crypto does offer something unique, trustless peer to peer transactions.

Is bitcoin actually worth $6.7k? Probably not, it's speculative. IF it goes mainstream, IF they solve the scaling problem, IF they solve the technical complexity to use problem (yes, most people are too dumb to use it right now), then it will be worth millions.

Lots of ifs.

>> No.10201297

>transaction fee costs more than the transaction
Why the fuck would anyone use this

>> No.10201343


Then why is he quietly accumulating?

Also this motherfucker is widely known in the real estate game as being a trailerhome peddling predatory fuckface

>> No.10201538
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>He doesn't know what a dividend is
>He doesn't know what EPS is
>He doesn't know what book value is

>> No.10201553

Problem is they're not doing anything. They have no roadmap.

>> No.10201555

>tfw internet money that dropped 70% in 6 months is still worth more than your currency

>> No.10201562
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>listening to boomers who can only use their iPhones one finger click at a time

>> No.10201844

we have the hardware up and running, the scaling and technical complexity is a matter of software ie manhours spent coding. the financial incentive is there to ensure value in funding these men to write this code. its just a matter of time.

>> No.10201899

You buy all crypto for the only reason the current printing money system is rigged, that's why people are willing to pay robots working for us mining

>> No.10201929


He's gone senile

>> No.10202052

Both traditional and crypto money require consensus to establish the policies regarding property of man. Buffet is trying to avoid the talking about the proof of blood consensus algorithm. Careful examination will reveal that even the shitty Bitcoin POW consensus algo is more efficient than ooga booga unga bunga POB. With more advanced cryptos will come better consensus algos and a new standard of civilization.

>> No.10202113

Right.... 600 return on BTC and 400000% return on ETH year on year as of todays date. Fuck that dumb boomer

>> No.10202248
File: 158 KB, 500x522, oldmanyellsatbitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reality is that Warren Buffet is just afraid that in 10 years he will go from being the richest man to being the man who collected the more worthless green sheets of paper.

He knows the crypto revolution is happening but is too pussy to invest in bitcoin.

>> No.10202610

I'm not in Bitcoin, old man. I invested in a technology platform, Ethereum. It's not a "crypto currency".

Boomer Buffet: "What's Etherium?"

>take this boomer to the clouds
>leaves Boomer buffet in the dark about ethereum in spite

He will miss out as he should. The new economy doesn't need another billionaire boomerang

>> No.10203572

>turd worlders
25 years and this is the first time I've heard this one. You migrants may not have developed without heavy metal poisoning, but you sure are crafty

>> No.10203595

Dollars are printed, but US is holding the rest of the world and gun point to keep the same exchange rates. They are literal parasites of the world.

>> No.10203614

>"If you buy something like gold or some silver, you don't have anything that is producing anything," Buffett says in an interview with Yahoo Finance. "You're just hoping the next guy pays more. And you only feel you'll find the next guy to pay more if he thinks he's going to find someone that's going to pay more.
>"You aren't investing when you do that, you're speculating."
>"If you buy something [like] a COCA COLA™©, or WELLS FARGO© or an interest in a business and look to the asset itself to determine whether you've done something — what the COCA COLA™© produces, what the business earns ... it's a perfectly satisfactory investment," Buffett explains to Yahoo Finance. "You look at the investment itself to deliver the return to you.
>"If you ban drinking of COCA COLA™©, you could still buy farms, and have a perfectly decent investment," Buffett says.
>Gold, however, only increases in value by being bought and sold, he argues. Its value comes from what people are willing to pay.
>"[I]f you ban trading in ... Gold, which nobody knows exactly what it is, people would say, 'Well why in the world would I buy it?'"

>> No.10203627

he's a dinosaur who gives a literal fuck about his opinion
he thought online retail wouldn't amount to anything

>> No.10203643

Listen dumbshit, The next ICO comes along. Your limited supply has just doubled or been diluted miserably - How dumb are you? Limited supply of air, LOL.

>> No.10203647

So the whole world should use USD?
That is the point of crypto, a currencies value should be determined by public acceptance and not by force. Also its inflation should be transparent, and who benefits from it. Fiat currencies are like literal centralized shit coins that have gathered so much power that you will be thrown to jail just for questioning them.

>> No.10203663

>>"If you buy something [like] a farm, an apartment house or an interest in a business and look to the asset itself to determine whether you've done something — what the farm produces, what the business earns ... it's a perfectly satisfactory investment," Buffett explains to Yahoo Finance. "You look at the investment itself to deliver the return to you.

Hes bullish on EOS then!
And dapps cryptocurrencies in general!

>> No.10203684


>> No.10204314

>internet money that dropped 70%
>after rising 2000%
You retards always conveniently forget this part.