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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10198269 No.10198269 [Reply] [Original]

>day off tomorrow after a week of work
>wish I could skip the day and go to work again
Serious question here, I don't quite enjoy my work but days off I feel very clumsy and bored to death, What do you Neets of /biz do all day? After all, you are constantly talking about "neet improvement" , just sitting around and browsing the internet won't do it.

>> No.10198293

your brain has been cucked.
you're beyond saving if the first thing you think about on an off day is "geeze i want to go wageslave again."

get a fucking grip.

>> No.10198310

Yeah yeah yeah, have read this a thousand times, yet you didn't answer my question, neet.

>> No.10198364

u need help yourself anon, this kind of thinking of Yours is terryfying. What I do? Except of crypto shit I watch netflix series, learn for driving license and training some weights 3 x a week because I sit on ass too much, also making rap for fun

>> No.10198387

neets will never understand the feeling when you literally can't stop thinking about work and start having literal dreams about the work place

fucking kill me

>> No.10198394

your life has to be really pathetic if you cannot have pleasure lying in bed and just thinking of life and astrology while masturbating to the q3.14 girls passing by the window


>> No.10198405

get a fucking hobby

>> No.10198418

No. Fuck normies with zero work ethic. Work hard.

>> No.10198433

I struggle with the same thing though I usually line up odd jobs. Aside from that I'd suggest a productive hobby that isn't so involved you can't just set it down when you're tired of it or need to do something else. I acquire shit that's slightly broken or out of whack fix it and sell it through cuckBay (fucking hate those cocksuckers) and craigslist and during the summer I try working on a couple project rigs. working on the cars is easy to get frustrated and discouraged but fixing and selling junk gives me a sense of accomplishment and self determination even though technically at the end of the day I am basically working for someone else. It works for me.

>> No.10198444
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>the business owners and CEOs work so much harder than everyone else

>> No.10198453

Masturbating is only 10 minutes of my day, and I don't think about astrology at all. Why would I waste time or find joy in such nonsense?

>> No.10198477

true but only if you switch out "your life has to be really pathetic" with "you must not be 15 anymore"

>> No.10198497

They usually do? And once that business is taken care of, start a new one, or if burnt out relax. Nice trips though..

>> No.10198507

anyone that is a NEET on this board is one of the following:

>under 25 living at hotel mom
>not living in America
>trust fund baby
>got rich on crypto goldrush

>> No.10198517

>What do you Neets of /biz do all day?

I sleep a lot or play RPGs.
Also watching Movies and trading.

>> No.10198551

This is why I've given up on my NEET dreams. I need some kind of purpose, even if it's only an illusion. The social interaction is good too, even if my colleagues piss me off. I thought I didn't need it, because I'm an introvert and a complete social retard, but becoming a NEET actually fucked me up. You often hear about people who retired becoming depressed. You have to keep active, and having a job makes that easy to do, despite the downsides. I just don't have the discipline to fill my days with reading books, exercising, going to meetups, learning new skills, etc. I just spent all day browsing the internet and rotting my brain.

>> No.10198554
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I miss being a NEET but now that I am actually making money it's like, shid. I can pick up a 4th or 5th day and be making $45/hr thanks to overtime. Currently I'm looking for seasonal positions. I keep my regular 3 shifts/wk job, then work another job with no benefits for 12 weeks at a time. I wish regular fulltime jobs had the option to skip all benefits and just take it as cash. If I work 6 days instead of 3 I will triple my income, not double it. Kind of mindblowing. You'll never get rich through wagecucking but it will give a nice injection of capital for me to hustle with or at least waste on crypto of mutual funds. Early retirement is kind of my dream so need that compounding interest meem to kick in. As a neet I mostly read, engaged in my hobbies, and focused on conscientiousness. Lift, play with my plants,run, bullshit about crypto, shitpost, writing, etc.. Kind of lost all interest in vidya but I'd love to pick it back up some day.

>> No.10198569

that's when you just get an easy job like bartending or barback on the weekends - then you have 5 days off and only work 2 days a week to socialize

nobody needs to work 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year, it's retarded

>> No.10198578
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>> No.10198585
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Living in america and I'm none of those. You're bad at this

>> No.10198621
File: 47 KB, 640x421, suing-live-at-home-adult-son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then what are you? disabled?

there was one anon on here who convinced his family he was literally retarded (he was only pretending to be retarded)

unless you're a worthless 30yo faggot like pic related

>> No.10198713

You sound a bit full of yourself and you need to lower your standards and relax, or you will never redeem yourself by becoming a NEET.

>> No.10198740

Kinda like disability but more like a settlement. It's about 3x more than what I see some people say they get for disability. I'm actually about to start working again though because Im bored of sitting at home all day.

>> No.10198742

I wouldn't want 5 days off every week because I'd do nothing. And I have a PhD in engineering, so I can actually get a decent job, I wouldn't do bartending.

>> No.10198799
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>only masturbating 10 minutes a day
what are you, a female? edge for an hour and you won't be such a miserable loser