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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 328 KB, 561x561, 1530240481311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10196382 No.10196382 [Reply] [Original]

You fucking wagebitch. Don't forget that your two days of freedom are almost over. Almost time to get back to slaving for my enjoyment (:
I've always wondered what life as a corprate slave is. I bet you feel happy that you get dental insurance, and your jew boss only make you work 55 hours a week instead of 60. All while only being paid for 40. What a sad sad life.

>> No.10196393

you sound comfy fren. want to sleep til 4pm with me tomorrow. then we can watch the market and play vidya

>> No.10196398

I don't have dental or health i can care for myself if the need arises

>> No.10196408
File: 113 KB, 920x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
>all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
>all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
>all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
>all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

>> No.10196432
File: 303 KB, 560x560, 20180629_012205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing fren! What comfy cryptos are you holding? All in omg. Can't wait.

>> No.10196520

working sucks but its still better than going through life as a poor worthless loser who is a burden and embarrassment to your family and will commit suicide at 40 after experiencing absolutely nothing in life

>> No.10196595

have some go. obvi link. eos as long as they keep airdropping. neo as long as gas is a thing and the price is pennies. stellar as long as they keep giving me free stellar for holding in their wallet. sky because it sounds badass to have a million of anything, even if it is skycoin hours

>> No.10196600

Can't wait for them to go to work so I can shop for groceries and pickup juul pods in peace

>> No.10196611

Lol basement dweller havent u noticed, its summer! 5 weeks paid vacation. I enjoy my Euroneet Job.

>> No.10196696

I lost my job and lived as a NEET for about 6 months. It was awful. You're depressed but are in denial about it.

>> No.10196713

depressed as fuck but not in denial about it.

>> No.10196879
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>> No.10196893
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>> No.10196931

this is worse than
when you are depressed and smart enough to know when you are being used

id rather be alive at home doing nothing than working myself to my actual death

>> No.10196938


One of my biggest regrets in life is having this as a lifestyle from like 13-20. How anyone can find enjoyment in this is beyond me.

>> No.10196939

i was a neet for 7 months in 2013/2014. it was the best time of my life. constant self improvement and not feeling tired all day is a godsent, having the energy and time to actually do interesting stuff is awesome.

>> No.10196968

worked hard from 13-20. bought into the "just get a degree" scheme. not socially capable of participating in a society that glorifies noise instead of thought

>> No.10196974

I despise working. I have to sit in rush hour traffic after work only to get to the gym at the same time as the rush hour crowd. Don’t get home until maybe 8, eat, shower and then have only an hour or two of actual freedom before it’s time to go to bed and wake up at 6am to repeat. I can’t wait to either off myself or make it with crypto. Working blows dick.

>> No.10196986

I started wagecucking at a real 9-5 a few years ago and I've aged dramatically

>> No.10197004

doesnt have to blow dick. buy low sell high. i'll get a job when the market crashes and companies realize they have to spread their profits around. why would i go work for free and on terrible terms. i'll keep my hairline instead thank you very much

>> No.10197013

this being said i understand that not everyone has the option of waiting

>> No.10197066 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 595x335, Curious Consultants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think 30 year old Boomers look the way they do, after 8 only 8 years of wagecucking?

And that's with another 35 years to go.


>> No.10197082

It's not enjoyment as much as NEETs rationalizing their poor lifestyle choices. In the end, it won't pay off because they're just postponing their discomfort. Unless they have a large inheritance or some poor sibling to take their parents' burden, these NEETs will eventually end up homeless or commit suicide.

>> No.10197086
File: 50 KB, 383x453, 1531080565431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think 30 year old Boomers look the way they do, after only 8 years of wagecucking? And that's with another 35 to go.


>> No.10197108

If you were smart enough you'd do something about it. I'm doing the corporate thing again after taking a year break. During that year I launched a business and can barely put up with the 40 hr/week again, but it's positive cashflow for now.

>> No.10197109


>> No.10197134

Try 8-5
Jesus Christ.. I’m not even paid well

>> No.10197150

Nothing is worse than that. I'd much rather work.

>> No.10197162

Sexual enslavement?

>> No.10197223

Another day in paradise huh brother?

If I dont work for a period of time I go crazy. Right now I have no probs working 3 days a week at a up scale apartment. I get to sit and trade crypto or shitpost and once in a while help a guest or visitor which I dont mind.

Then once I'm done....
>after work buzz
Where everything is more enjoyable for an hr

Being full NEET is torture, I've tried it many times. And I want at home all day, I was out doing things with frens or alone. It gets boring fast, very fast. The years I was NEET were the most depressing , miserable, useless years of my life and I try to forget them. I made close to no progress, everything was just distract my self as best as i can to get thru another day.

OP I know you're coping but you will kill your self one day leading this life style. I suggest you do something before it's too late. Pro tip, your brain finds everything boring when you repeatedly do it day in and day out which is what you 4chan neets do.

>> No.10197319

>he lets his family and friends dictate how he lives
>doesn't believe neets can be productive
>talks about experiencing stuff in life when all he does is wageslave

>> No.10197347

I'm a NEET too but have browsed /biz/ 12 hours a day for like 2 weeks.

>> No.10197373

Did you enjoy it?

>> No.10197409

Of course. But I was supposed to learn another skill that is not shitposting 24/7 and making memes.

>> No.10197450

Meme makers like yourself enrich this board for the hundreds who visit it. What skill were you going to learn that was better than that? Is it any less transient? Is it capable of reaching a wider audience?

>> No.10197461
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Will have a 50-hour workweek starting from tomorrow while being paid 5eur/h.


>> No.10197463

>Sits at home all day shit posting, fapping, and staring at charts
>thinks he has personality and a life worth living

I have no doubt if you are a true NEET you live a shit pajeet life with no purpose. Just find whatever you can to pleasure you for the time being not realizing everything sucks when you do it over and over days on end. Who are you fooling besides your self anon? I bet your parents are a so proud when they have guest over and they talk about their doctor and lawyer kids then ask what you do :^)

Listen kid, the quicker you pull your head out your ass the more likely you'll make it and not kys. Unless your parents left you millions and a house, there a ain't nothing comfy about being a long term NEET

>> No.10197466

Drawing to create better memes my dude.

>> No.10197497
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Tfw 40 hour workweek done in 4 days and I just got a raise to 18 an hour
35k a year

>> No.10197512

Take a break annon. Go for a walk outside or meet some family or friends. Just take a break or something.

>> No.10197543
File: 120 KB, 1024x724, Crying Wojak Wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you draw a meme that's a circle from NEET to wageslave and back? Something like Smug Pepe on the top, turning to a depressed foreveralone one, turning into a proud Wojak when he starts working, then a stressed wagie Wojak who quits to become NEET.

>> No.10197580
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>> No.10197597

I work less than the 40 hours a week I'm paid for
All this money has supercharged my net worth and my investments
Greed is good

>> No.10197600

It's all relative though man, your food and housing is probably cheaper in your yuropoor country
Oporbably only diff is I can buy way more crypto

>> No.10197621

>havent u noticed, its summer!
And there you have it, wagies outing themselves as summerposters. Truly we must extirpate them before they extend.

>> No.10197712

I'm gonna sleep good knowing you're not gonna make it with shitcoins.

>> No.10197917
File: 1.38 MB, 2366x1660, tfw no wageslaver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10198032

This is honestly one of the qorst parts of it.
If you hate your job at 30, if it's draining and making you always feel tired and killing what little motivation you have... realize that you're gonna keep doing it for 35 more years.

Yeah, i would rather enjoy my years then off myself when its time to pay for the neetdom.

>> No.10198103

Wageslaving ic the worst. Turned 26, will wait till 30 to see where it goes. Either filthy rich through crypto or I'm gonna put a bullet through my head. Doesn't make sense to live poor.

>> No.10198200


Try going to the library to learn a new skill instead. Being around people will make you more self conscious of what you are doing and make you want to focus more on learning something. I know I wouldn't browse 4chan at a library.