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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10194860 No.10194860 [Reply] [Original]

>got a raise last month
>Co worker just quit
>Just asked for another raise

Who mad do you think my boomer boss is right now

>> No.10194893

>He says no to both raises
>Keep in being a wagecuck

>> No.10194908

>2 weeks later a pajeet appears
>hey anon you need to train our new employee on your roles, you're being let go

>> No.10194928

This is a heavy equipment operator job, very high IQ stuff no pajeet or Jose can learn

>> No.10195429

>High IQ
>Operating machinery

Lol redneck

>> No.10195467

Bahaha yeah sure

>> No.10195490
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>> No.10195499

This will be automated in the next five years or so - if there’s a recession, less. Companies will have an excellent excuse to automate many supply chain and infrastructural jobs. You’ll be okay with manual labour and construction for the next ten years, though. I’d suggest learning to drive a digger. You’ll ignore this, but that’s okay - you’ll just be another of the burgeoning underclass from 2020 onwards.

>> No.10195501

>also called the point of highest wages

>> No.10195513

Just don't teach him shit and avoid him. I don't get why more do not just do this. Actually cucking about when they are about to get fired.

>> No.10195515


>> No.10195585

I run a concrete pump truck but can do it all

>> No.10195610

Yeah, you’ll be alright. Many of your colleagues might have a hard time (especially things like forklift drivers) over the next 5 years.

>> No.10195643
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This is a heavy equipment operator job, very high IQ stuff no pajeet or Jose can learn

>> No.10195688
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>> No.10195709

>Push sand out of river
>Make river bigger

>> No.10196842


>> No.10196866

Emphasis still on 'wages'. Unless you're skilled or experienced enough to add value on a high level, you'll always be a wagecuck.

>> No.10196925

If you think being a machine operator implies you have 'very high IQ', what does it make the people who designed and engineered those machines? Geniuses? Oh wait no, those are just average industrial engineers. Oh then what about people who are smarter than those engineers? One-in-a-million prodigies? Oh wait no that doesn't make any sense either. Welp guys seems like we're looking at another case of Dunning Kruger effect at work here. OP is just another low IQ dumb cunt who significantly overestimated his value to society.

>> No.10196958

Shut up ya kike

>> No.10196998

Quality reply right there, must be a product of your high IQ. Hey instead of being content and defending your shit life how about you go see the world a little bit huh? Perhaps you'll learn to recognize true merit and maybe you can pull your own weight in our society too.

>> No.10197010

Why u mad tho?

>what does it make the people who designed and engineered those machines? Geniuses? Oh wait no, those are just average industrial engineers.
Thinking industrial engineers design machines.
Just get out son, you don't know anything about the industry, lmao.

>> No.10197032
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Top KEK.

>> No.10197056
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>> No.10197057

I have been all around the world and it's all exactly the same everywhere, Colorado has been the most comfy of all though.

>> No.10197072

I'm not mad, just wanted to be an asshole to this dumb cunt because im bored. Also you're right, i meant to say mechanical engineers. Doesn't invalidate my point though.

>> No.10197113

Wew lad, I'm sure it's exactly the same everywhere. There are people, cars, and high IQ machine operators in every country in the world amirite?

>> No.10197125

You clearly havn't had to operate "state of the art" machinery made by a slav. Loads of terrible basic interfaces that make no sense and buttons that have to be pressed for no explained reason.

>> No.10197138
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I'm the best in world

>> No.10197170

There are a lot of machines that take a lot of experience/knowledge to operate.
Extrusion, molding, casting machines are all examples. In a lot of parts of the world you actually need certifications to operate them.
There was an operator in a Japanese factory that had a cert for handling radioactive materials into an special bin, he was unfireable and got paid much better than some managers.

>> No.10197188
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>if the government makes you get a certificate then you’re high IQ

>> No.10197189

They've been saying this shit for so long, and it still isn't happening. Manufacturing companies all around me still hiring c&c machinists, techs, etc CONSTANTLY because there's a shortage of labor and no ones gonna pay hundreds of thousands plus maintenance for a robot to do one highly specialized section of production.

>> No.10197212

When did I mention they were government certifications?

>> No.10197263

So sad that this board has been invaded by retards like this.