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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10189435 No.10189435 [Reply] [Original]

After seeing the meme 1000x I finally decided to look at what CL actually is . Holy fuck, thank you /biz, thank you 4chan. Sincerely.

>> No.10189444

are you being sarcastic

>> No.10189489
File: 226 KB, 750x500, Sergey rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome in the millionaire club

>> No.10189679

Imagine feeling compelled to write fan fiction like this because you know in your gut you made a terrible mistake trusting a Russian philosophy major.

>max cope

>> No.10189916

No, I'm not being sarcastic

>> No.10189924

It's not fan fiction. I know this is a LARP board where 99.9% of all posting is memes and jokes, but I'm being sincere. This is the next ethereum

>> No.10190045

Welcome anon. Good move. Sincerely, Link whale

>> No.10190054

Thank you link whale. Linky bless thee

>> No.10190140

Once you "get" LINK, all you have to do is buy some and be patient. I'm unironically almost at 100k now. 2022 is going to be fucking awesome.

>> No.10190155

The best idea means nothing if execution is poor.

>> No.10190165

Sergey isn't doing anything. He hasn't for months >>10189712

He's probably back in Russia now with your faggots 32 million dollars

>> No.10190246

Mirin big time man. Gonna be significantly increasing my holdings while the market is down.

What's happening in 2022? Aware me plz

>> No.10190416

Bump phaggots.

Link is the truth

>> No.10190424

You have finally seen the light. I too thought it was a scam/meme until I took the time to research it and finally had that "ah ha!" moment.


>> No.10190452

what did you research consist of? Reading the whitepaper?

>> No.10191412


"This is the next ethereum" - every shitcoin holder ever

>> No.10191424

I hold a LOT of shitcoins and I genuinely only believe LINK has the potential to be the next ETH. I would have said REQ maybe but current situation is a bit dire and they need some more concrete direction.

>> No.10191440

>my ETH shitcoin token using the ethereum blockchain has the potential to be the next ETH

>> No.10191448

I think that any amount higher than 10-20k Link is useless.
If the project dies no amount of Link will matter.
If it succedes, the more Link you have the more you'll be selling low.
>Be poorfag
>Buy 100k Link
>Survive the Great Justening of 2018
>Have ptsd from not selling high
>Link hits $10
>Sell all stack b/c FOLE
Meanwhile anon has 10k Link
>$10 isn't that big deal after all
>Sell at $100-200
I have 15 k Link and even if I can, I won't increase my stack.
But instead I diversified in 3 more tokens.
Going all in is way too risky.

>> No.10191464

you wont make it if it hits 10 with 50k link

you will make it with 100k

>> No.10191476

What about it convinced you? You do realize there is not one company that has stepped forward claiming they will be using chainlink and there has been zero important news since late december.

>> No.10191484

$10 puts LINK at a measly $3B mcap when it will be a $50B mcap at least

>> No.10191494

If one token will reach $10 it means that it is only a matter of time untill it reaches $100 or hell, even $1k. Also means project is not dead.
Immagine holding 100k ETH when it reached $10.. You would have sold.
The pressure will be imense on big hodlers. Their hands will soften like hell.
They won't survive 30% drops from $10. Which will happen on the way to $1k. I will.

>> No.10191510
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Congrats on this, seriously

>> No.10191608

>You do realize there is not one company that has stepped forward claiming they will be using chainlink
I'm not saying this to defend linkies but this may be one of the most overrated things in crypto. Most of the time I see an announcement saying a company is interested in using crypto to solve something, my reaction is they shouldn't. Big companies with a lot of money can find ways to waste a lot of resources, the demand for these things rarely travel from the technical people to the decisionmakers. I've seen important suits brag about putting a paper compressor on the blockchain. Or things like


> “The registration for this application was very easy to maneuver. It included an ID verification process that matched me to my ID. That gave me confidence that this mobile voting process was secure,” Scott Warner said. “When the ballot was made available, I just clicked through the names of the candidates. I hit ‘vote’ for the candidates I wanted to support. Then I used the thumb print Touch ID on my phone to verify who I was. That was it. Pretty slick!

It's a pilot but what they've managed to do there is beyond pointless in my opinion.

>> No.10191623

Blockchain agnostic motherfucker, try again

>> No.10191652

Anyone buying LINK now is buying the top of a coordinated pnd.
Buy in a few days time if you must throw your money at dead scamcoins.

>> No.10191701

I have no idea what's going on there, but the whole discord shit is like another layer that this didn't need.

>> No.10191738

Yeah here you fuckers go with this shit again. Link follows btc. If there is a p&d then they are incompetent as fuck, the more likely scenario is that you've been eating out of the toilet again

>> No.10192000
File: 12 KB, 578x566, 1527991273512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep linking back to that post in this thread and like 5 other threads? It is terribly written and you are too stupid to even absorb basic information or checkout their github. Fuck off. Good FUD I can appreciate, but you're obviously some kind of subhuman and I would appreciate it if you kept it to yourself.

>> No.10192276

I did this but unironically.

>> No.10192477

Because you have to sell everyhting or nothing at all. Brainlet.

>> No.10192497

Tell that to the guy that holds 100k Link and one morning the price falls from $9.99 to $7.01
All the pink wojaks , '#hodl meme', $200k loss will come alive in his head and guess what ?
He'll crack and #sodlgangImoutofhereyall

>> No.10192959

What has your post got to do with anything in this thread?

>> No.10193096

Based. Currently around 9500 LINK.

50-100$ per LINK sets me up for life since USD is 3,5 x my currency and I don't have desire for lambos etc.

I could afford more, but I have 3 other alts with sell targets, which I will sell and move to next things.

Keeping in mind that most of the people will sell way below 10$ in reality. People with 100K etc.

90% of those people will start "enjoy my bags" and other threads on /biz/, while LINK could easily reach top3 if they suceed and land partnerships.

I will be patient, and won't sell 1000LINK even if it moons. You never know.

>> No.10193119

this is the new fud?

>"Guys u can buy link but not so much ok?"

>> No.10193410

Link is going to moon.

All it takes is for someone to spend an evening reading through the material provided legit here on 4chan or Link Marines for Good.