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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10188901 No.10188901 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10188907

Reminder that ancaps are even worse than communists because they actually exist

>> No.10188911

if you aren't an ancap why are you even here?

>> No.10188927

>On /biz/ the board of NEETs who subsist on government autismbux and mommy & daddy's money

>> No.10188943

if you genuinely believe that the world would be a better place with no government then you're beyond retarded. You'd have real anarchy for a month max until gangs take over everything.

>> No.10188961

I'm not an anarchist, I just hate government and dedicated my life to fighting it

>> No.10188967

>implying government is not a gang already

>> No.10189100
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An ancap society could exist. There's just no way America ever becomes one.

>> No.10189111

you are like a child with a tantrum to anyone who ever studied history and economics seriously

>> No.10189119

>Being an extreme position on anything.

There is a good reason over thousands of years of trial and error the most successful societies are somewhere around the center position.

>> No.10189168

Yes the goverment is a gang. That's the point. Instead of one goverment too big to minutely fuck everyone over you have hundreds of thousands of small gangs fucking the shit out of everyone locally as hard as they can. Anarchy is a fucking joke for the same reason pacifism is. A hierarchy with a similar goal will always be stronger and more focused then a gay collective of loose ideology.

>> No.10189198

low iq Brainlets who value emotions they struggle to understand always learn towards radicalism
kinda strange... certain people acknowledge the link between retards and radical ism but refuse to see the link between themselves and whatever ideology they believe in

>> No.10189246


>> No.10189259

i can speak 4 languages, how about you faggot?

>> No.10189280

"who ever" and "whoever" mean two different things and he used it correctly you dumb faggot

>> No.10189281
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>not a Monarchist, the TRUE end goal of ancap

>> No.10189295
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It's not the end goal of ancap, just some ancaps like Hoppe realizing that liberalism is a complete dead-end.

>> No.10189319

True, but any ancap worth their salt should believe in hierarchy, and Monarchy reigns supreme in both economics and freedom (as in FREE software kek) and even accounts for the inequality of man. Truly a besto

>> No.10189326
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Also, great pic, saved.

>> No.10189441

Monarchy, key word Archon.

Anarchony means without rulers.

Exchange begins between GROUPS of people, individuals practice mixed gift economies, that is the nation. The groups of people which make need for Capital (comparitive advantage) defines the State.

Constitutional Monarchism preserves the republic, from unbalanced borromean rings of Nation, State, and Capital.

Capital, a commodity-fetish is a strange master. Anarchonist-Mammonist is an oxymoron. Capital does not exist without communion of the Nation and the State.

>> No.10189569

What happens to the man that then wins the game of capitalism and comes to, in essence, own everything. I never said they existed simultaneously, I said that one would lead to another. And even if one man owned, let's say, 5% of global wealth, would he not create a state with the benefits being that you, as a citizen, are under the protection of that king? R/k selection theory points to the fact that most of the population will submit some freedoms in exchange for safety. Also
>reddit spacing

>> No.10189645
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A society properly constituted is like a healthy family. The children do not rule over their parents and the parents do not abuse their children. Anarchy/democracy and tyranny/despotism are the result of the big family becoming unbalanced. Liberalism and socialism exhibit characteristics of both these unbalanced positions. Modernity has been a swinging between these polarities.

A properly constituted family is ruled by the father (the king) but the father is responsible for those under his care and while he may chastise his children and direct their activities, his ultimate goal is their autonomy, to spin them off, as they develop becoming increasingly free.

The idea of the state of nature and the war of all against all is ruining us. It gets everything backwards. It imagines a family formed by fatherless children who choose a father to rule over them or who are kidnapped by an unchosen one. Society becomes a contraption of peace treaties and chains rather than a continual outpouring and development of kinship. It's false anthropology.

>> No.10189669

>Monarchy reigns supreme in both economics and freedom
imagine being this ignorant of history. only an amerimutt could believe this garbage

ancap ideology is for children

>> No.10189709

Very well put anon, the quality I've been missing.

can you say
p r o j e c t i o n ?

>> No.10189725


you fucknig ancaps are all legitimately clinically autistic

>> No.10189756

Holy shit can you even read? I'm a monarchist, not an ancap. I was just explaining why ancaps should understand the benefits of monarchy. Learn to read before talking shit you fucking porch monkey.

>> No.10190038

Cartels and Piracy are similar to the Byzantine General's problem, which is what this board exists to solve with a free market of scarce code.

The Jewish question is an old one, the Khazars came from the first group of pre-indo-europeans to figure out that, you could ride on horse back and club anyone you and take everything, and humanity scarcely risists such a break in gift-game theory.

How long do you think it took to perfect a system of farming humanity. One or two generations?

The benefits and privelages of yeilding freedom to percieved power is a problem of the multitude, the weeds, and the wHeat. You have to allow them to grow up together.

Having a strong nation, common language borders and culture, protects the gift economy from the azure other.

A demoralized peoples prefers the State to issue Law Of Man to regulate the gift economy, and to hierarchicalize Capital moral-relatively.

>> No.10190068

A Moral Nation keeps the Law Of GOD, to regulate the gift nation and the service to other material hierarchical State, allowing Capital to be unhindered by NOT deliberately keeping markets in permenant information asymmetry.

>> No.10190109

The god of the Keynesian is the assumption that markets are a perfect information relaying topology in which every actor has perfect knowledge.

The Neoliberal argument is that the people can never know the truth because white men keep it, and have perveted the world through pre-scription. The Neocon knows the multitude are useless eaters. This is the enforced scope of debate.

>> No.10190112
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This is why Lightning Network will never work.

>> No.10190120

It's a shame that ancaps think they're anarchists. Capitalism and anarchism are incompatible ideologies.

>> No.10190128

Ok, a bunch of stuff unrelated to the things we were discussing.
>Having a strong nation, common language borders and culture, protects the gift economy from the azure other.

I agree with this yes.

>A demoralized peoples prefers the State to issue Law Of Man to regulate the gift economy, and to hierarchicalize Capital moral-relatively.

Demoralization nor Moralization can fix biology, you are born with the intelligence you will have for the rest of your life. You may gain knowledge, but that is not intelligence. Also there exists no such thing as Law of Man in the common minds unless it's your own made up phrase.

Again, what does any of this have to do with my presumption that ancaps should, in the end, become monarchies. You're throwing around a bunch of shit with no meaning. I get that the JQ is fun to talk about but it literally has nothing to do with this. I don't know if you're machine translating or what, but you're not making much sense bud.

>> No.10190193

Monarchies are appointed by the Lord God, mate. Or they are a line succesionally possesed by an Archon.

Do some bi-baal study, eh? Learn about the blood, the LIVING WORD

The law of man is commercial code, administrative criminal code, civil code. It is death. Juris Prudence goes back to the beginning. Masonry is all about this Court symbology-magic.

>> No.10190244

I think you're referring to common law and yes, I do agree that monarchies SHOULD come from the Lord. I think you were just misinterpreting the fact that I was trying to make a case for ancaps to understand that I did not understand the religious history tied with monarchies.

>> No.10190275

The Christ messages an anArchonic holarchism.

>I respect your will to dominate others.
>I love you.

Invert these for hilarity,
>You love I.
>Others dominate to will your respect, I.

How do you discuss your presumption of ancap to monarchalism without knowing the history of Christendom nor Christ?

Are you asking how to ostracize ancaps into monarchonists using the Satanic ideologies of Moral Relativism, Social Dariwinism, and Service to Self Material hierarchicalism? Such is hopelessly derivative.

>> No.10190285

Believe in Christ, move somewhere rural and start a family. Anarcho capitalism right there and it works well.

>> No.10190369

Derivative? Maybe, but useful in the modern world where this is all they have known. You can't be the preacher on the street haggling every passerby.

>> No.10190395

We’re out here OP

>> No.10190425

Lol dude, pearls before swine man.

The weeds are cast into the lake of fire, my brother Yahuwshua comes back with a sword!

You do not grasp any of the symbology of monarchism!

They are the weapon against democide, against the mob, against the multitude, against the locust army, against the mindless eaters, against the Synagog of Satan.

You must be a teacher of the word, you are solely tasked here to FEED MY SHEEP.

One may not shepard DEAD sheep! One mustn't shepard a wolf in sheeps clothing!

>> No.10190445

"Modern world"

The world-view is an idol, including perspective you will never adopt. It is an illusion.

This is the first commandment.

Even you are incapable of unrooting your idols, and you have eyes to see and ears to hear!

>> No.10190461

You can't sermon me to change my current understanding of monarchy. I may get there, one day, but I see no benefit in acting like a zealot. Thanks, but no thanks.

>> No.10190473
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>> No.10190494

I love you!

>> No.10190507

You too bro, let's both do our best to make it.

>> No.10190514

Lot went around kicking the cairn-idols of baal, and boy did he pay for it loving zeal!

See how the words spell-ing ignorance are being used to make onesself a cruel hypocrite-judge?

>> No.10190522

congrats, you're even more retarded than ancraps

>> No.10190527
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WHOA, look the fuck out motherfuckers
radical centrist over here

>> No.10190534

An actor zealot is an oxymoron.

Actor means hypocrite, it is you whom feels that Lot is being a hypocrite in his Zeal for the Lord God, because you hate without cause.

>> No.10190544
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>> No.10190593
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god DOESNT REAL you mong

>> No.10190681

government is a far more ethical gang than any actual gang you stupid fuck. have you seen videos of any actual gang fights? they will fucking hunt down your entire family and kill you in the worst way possible just for looking at them the wrong way. this includes chopping off people's limbs with axes, slitting throats with a dull knife to prolong the pain and so they choke on their own blood, etc.

>> No.10190697


>> No.10190704

the fact that you put a space like your shitty liberal arts degree deserved it

>> No.10190721

>tfw burger and mandatory binary politics
Slave cope babe

>> No.10190731

>Being anything other than a tribalist extremophile means you believe in nothing

Really boxes me in.

>> No.10190743

ur actually retarded btw, just saw this brainlet post. the person u replied to said that you shouldn't hold any extreme positions, which is what normal centrism is, not radical centrism. radical centrists can and will hold extreme positions from opposite ends that end up averaging to the center, it doesn't mean they need to hold center views at all.

>> No.10190774

>From "no real communism" to "no real communists"

>> No.10190795

Obviously, like the moon landings, communists were faked by the US gov to fuel the military industrial complex. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!1!

>> No.10190816

It's a really dumb argument that reeks of privilege and shelteredness. Plus, democratically elected officials have to leave eventually or can be voted out.

An easy mistake to make if you only browse 4chan

>> No.10190864

How is 'but real capitalism has never been tried!' more valid than 'but real communism has never been tried!'

>> No.10190902

Government kidnaps people and puts them in cages to literally get raped for decades because they grew/bought/sold dried plants, had sex for money, etc. But I'm not an anarchist because making these high-minded utopian plans about how society 'should' operate is futile and pointless. Just deal with reality as it is.

>> No.10190933

Fuck off, /pol/.