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10185815 No.10185815 [Reply] [Original]

>the meaning of life is to give it meaning

>> No.10185821
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The meaning of life 2 suffer

>> No.10186184

if life has no meaning to you, you are a upper-middle class bubble dweller. the member of the leisure class with no problems. The minority.

>> No.10186202

>hurr the meaning of life is to slave for basic needs!

>> No.10186227

it's not "the" meaning because that's subjective. but it's most certainly "a" meaning. and a very powerful one. one of the most powerful you could have. certainly more so than whatever faggot meaning you could give yourself coming from some cushy intellectual tower where everything is already provided for you by others and your only problem is pondering the meaning of life

>> No.10186270

nice projection fag. been pretty poor all my life and worked my ass off. it gives no meaning, just additional bitterness about all the richfags who get everything paid for and a comfy job thanks to their father's connections, if they even have to work

>> No.10186316

Your life was pretty meaningful when you weren't well off.

>> No.10186352

bullshit. it's a slave's life. the fact you believe financial troubles give any meaning makes me think you're a richfag romanticizing being poor

>> No.10186384

nobody said it wasn't shit or that you can't be bitter, just that it's meaningful. striving to make it is very meaningful even if you hate every second of it

>> No.10187353

Listen here you dumb fucking representation of fetus shit. You are born in a way and you live 80 years of your life stuck that way.
Money will not bring you happiness if you weren't happy to begin with.
Changing your brain is a lie and no trillions of euros will help you because we just haven't evolved on biology that much to change the genetic lottery in your favor.
And today's losers that have the power are too scared to lose it and prefer instead to waste and sugarcoat around with it.
We are broke financially, but most importantly mentally and there is no cure for a broken brain that can have diamonds under his feet and he'd still be too lazy to dig them and too stupid to give them value.
This world is already as shallow as it can get. The endgame is garbage because you'll never control the world and shape it your way. Your life, your biology is also shit and I guarantee you 80 years isn't a long lifespan compared to our planet's or our civilizations.

Millions makes you a useless faggot with a safety raft above the ocean of piss. It makes you a comfy loser. With billions you can start investing in a machine that starts to clear the ocean, with trillions you can start clearing 1% of the piss to create your safe haven.

>> No.10187368

cool story bro

>> No.10187431

kids this is why you go to work, work hard, and be productive. otherwise you'll end up with the free time to post something like this

>> No.10187476

Speaking of meaning: why is froggo upside down?

>> No.10187785
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thanks dad, but i've been thinking...

on the real tho, living with grandma has given me no new perspective. I help her with daily functions and she provides me shelter. If only I could get a job with my meaningless degree. Will have to wageslave soon in food or retail if I can't find anything in a month, agh. Such is life

>> No.10187794

Me came here 2 post this

>> No.10187824
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>> No.10187849

The meaning of life is reproduction you autistic faggots.

>> No.10187854

>If only I could get a job with my meaningless degree

you can, just not in your field apparently. you should too. as soon as possible. you need to introduce some struggle into your life even if at the moment is isn't technically necessary because you are provided for. you do yourself a great disservice living only in the moment and not thinking about providing for at the very least your future self. if you wish to take advantage of the opportunity of not having bills, you should be busting your ass to make money (yes even retail or anything) to invest and grow. if you understand that and don't do it you are literally throwing your future life away instead of using a golden opportunity

>> No.10187892

Those who wonder about this question are broken. Thats why they ask it. A hardcore muslim or an amish or mormon has no such qualms.

If your life lacks meaning, then its your parents fault, and your life will never have meaning no matter how hard you try, whether you go to a buddhist temple, or out into the wilderness to fuck bears or w/e. Meaning has to be built into the fabric of the society you are born in. Its bigger than the individual, but if you had any sense for the future, you could make sure your kids lives have meaning. Odds are you can't think like that though, and that you're merely another beast burdened with higher consciousness, and this higher consciousness is the cause of your problems, because if you were merely a beast, you could just hump and eat and shit all day for a couple decades and the croak. But no, its this higher consciousness which bothers you, because its not merely satisfied with that. It wants something else. It wants to be convinced that its doing something worthwhile, which means that it needs society at large dispensing with all doubts that it may have. It needs reinforcement from society at large. Its why doubters and unbelievers are cast down as heretics in most HEALTHY (as far as MEANING is concerned) cultures. If you can't be sure whether you should do x or why in your life, whether life would be better if you did x or y, or if someone told you x, others y, then you'll always get older and approach death with uncertainty as to whether you lived a good life, whether you should be doing something else, whether your life is good. No, you need certainty, which means you need to either insert yourself into a religious society/community and fake it until you make it (you won't, not genuinely), but at least your kids won't suffer what you suffered.

>> No.10187927

>being too low iq to create your own meaning
lmao'ing so hard rn

>> No.10187971

The meaning of my life is to explore and discover the Earth and its civilations' cultures

It came naturally to me, I didn't need to create meaning. You shouldn't need to think hard and force meaning into your life

>> No.10187979

*civilizations', Jesus

>> No.10188025

Listen here you beef-witted troglodyte. A meaningful life is a valuable life. To say "my life has no meaning," is to say "i don't find anything of value in my life." To find meaning in one's life means nothing more than to find something worthwhile in it, i.e., something with worth, with value. To "create your own meaning," along these lines means to convince yourself that something in your life has value, and that as a result, your life is valuable/meaningful. The problem is that first, whether you believe x or not-x is not up to you. If you disagree with that statement, try getting yourself to believe that there's not a computer screen in front of you, that there's not a roof over your head, that the desk is not solid, and so forth. You may, on a very superficial level say that you now don't believe the desk is solid, but you know that's not true. When you go outside, you immediately believe everything your senses report to your brain. Belief is beyond your control. Mother Theresa spent all of her life trying to get herself to believe in God, but she couldn't. That's how it is with belief, and the same goes with a subset of beliefs, viz., beliefs about what has value. You can't psyche yourself up into thinking that a piece of turd has value. You can't get yourself to believe that a goldbar is valueless. Your attitude towards these items is not in your own control, irrespective of how much piss and vinegar is brewin inside you right now and telling you that it is. You'd have to have the power of imagination and self-deception of a fucking toddler that can convince herself her stuffed toys are real and drinking tea with her in a tea-party to be able to convince yourself of this kind of thing. That is to say, you'd have to be insane. People have no take acid to see the walls melting. They can't just get themselves to believe/see the walls melting. Its not in your own power to manipulate your mind in that way.

>> No.10188030

Have fun, work hard, help others

>> No.10188081

And for the same reason, you can't "create meaning," because that means "making yourself believe that something has value," which I just said is the same as "makin yourself believe the walls are made out of pudding. It requires a fantastic and literally incredible amount of imagination and self-deception, and you and nobody else is capable of doing it. You can't make yourself desire something you don't already come prepackaged desiring either, and for you to truly believe that something is valuabe, some course of action, like having kids, or drinking monster and mowing your lawn, you have to genuine desire it and be satisfied by it, but if you can't make yourself believe that sort of thing is valuable, and if you can't get yourself to desire it, then you can't fucking create meaning, now can you.

What you can do, however, is realize that if other people come to value x, you will start to value it, too. That's how it works in the literal marketplace, and that's how it works in your mind with regard to meaning/value as well. That's because we are social animals and halfway retarded like that. Other people wanting something makes us want it, too. And if everyone around you wants to mow the lawn, and rive nice cars, and have kids and seems satisfied with that sort of thing, you will, too. You will come to believe (regardless of whether you want to or not) that that shit is valuabe, and if you have it, you are doing something valuabe, and your life is meaningful. Problem is that in this pluralistic society we live in, you have wildly varyin estimations of the worth of things in life, so you're left wiht individuals completely unsure about the worth of anything.

>> No.10188092

OP that's the most nebulous statement I've heard all day.

Your statement is effectively a tautology. If the meaning of life is to give life meaning, how do I give it meaning? According to your assertion I give life meaning by giving life meaning, whell how do I give life meaning by giving life meaning? I suppose I give life meaning, by giving life meaning, to give life meaning.

Fuck you.

Here's a meaning of life, go get some friends and stop shitposting.

>> No.10188096

This, you don't go and find the meaning of life, life chooses it for you.

>> No.10188206

Yea I was just ribbing you. I do agree with most of what you say. The bit in the first post about
>at least your kids won't suffer what you suffered
really got me.

>> No.10188419

Its what I'm settling for. What got me is a part in Plato's Republic where Socrates is asked how anyone is supposed to believe his myth about the metals, that we're all brothers springing from the earth, and some are born with a golden soul, others with a bronze and iron. The point of this myth is that if people believe it, then they'll come to possess certain desirable attitudes towards others as well as towards themselves. They'll be happy being soldiers for instance, or merchants or whatever, and not feel themselves lacking because they're not rulers or anything else, because that's just the kind of soul they were born with. The myth's purpose is to ensure social cohesion in that everyone will be content occupying their roles as particular cogs in the gigantic social mechinery, but it effectively accomplishes this by providing each person with meaning in their station in life. Socrates answers this question by saying that you can't get adults to believe it. You have to start with kids, which then raises the further question of what's to be done with the adults, with the first generation of this Republic. Plato does not answer this question, except perhaps implicititly when he says that his Republic can never come to be, and that may be because the adults would have to sacrifice themselves and grind their teeth and endure a meaningless existence, and that will simply not happen. Fact is, the firstborn of this kind of life has to be sacrificed, and few if any are willing to be that firstborn. If one has kids, then maybe one's love for them will make them see something valuable in the sacrifice, but I don't know. I don't have kids.

>> No.10188459

It reminds me alot of the common story nowadays of the elephant who grows up in chains. He is now big enough to break the chains, but growing up knowing he could not, he doesn't even consider the possibility. In this case, it's a mental chain on the masses, and the fact that growing up doesn't mean much in this society, where most still hold the mentality of children, has cut me deeply. But as they say, weak men create hard times, and we definitely seem to be in the thick of it. In this case, the myth to be the ones to lift those from this hell is something we all have to consider.

>> No.10188474

Tp submit to God's will be it yey or ney

>> No.10188478

no it's not but I'm glad to see you are suffering.
btw whats that picture from? she does not look like she is having a good time.

>> No.10188569

The problem is that we have broken through those mental chains and dispelled with those myths which made life meaningful. My posts above suggest the problem lies in that people are incapable of re-enslaving themselves. Imagine you're someone in Plato's republic who no longer believes in the myth of metals. Your life won't be better for it, and if you try to get yourself to believe what you now consider a myth, you will fail. So you'll be left incapable of ever being satisfied with your position in life (or as satisfied as you once were when you believed the myth that you were born for that sort of thing).

>> No.10188608

That's my proposed solution though. To become the people who can lift the ignorant masses up, as helping our fellow man is noble and powerful enough. We're on time for a revolution. You sound like you're saying we have to take the blue pill again when there are now many we can take from. That opened up choice, to be "free from our original enslavement", is the burden of responsibility akin to the choice Adam and Eve made to commit original sin and leave the comfortable lands in search of more than what they had.

>> No.10188632
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>helping our fellow man is noble and powerful enough

>> No.10188674
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Maybe the real infinite jest was the friends we made along the way...

>> No.10188689

Now that you mention it, I suppose I do lean towards that "Union of Egoists" mindset, but I do not believe in equality of man. Men are unequal, but can still be of value to their society.

>> No.10188735

There is nothing special about our contemporary masses, contra all the other masses of unwashed masses throughout history which makes ours worth "enlightening," and thus the endeavor to enlighten them noble.

This enlightenment faggot is right, but he had too much faith on the common man and what he would do if his lifeworld was stripped of all that once gave it meaning by enslaving him.

>> No.10188750
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>the meaning of life is to reproduce

>> No.10188801

But that's exactly it right? The world goes through cycles and you can either choose to play a hand in the lifting of the world or not, maybe even play a negative if you'd like. I do agree that the current masses are not special, but whatever you choose, the social fabric will bring you to wherever you need to be (as you mentioned before).

>> No.10188848

It really pains me to see how some of you seem to have given up on starting a family. I believe you would be able to find a lot of meaning in sharing time with a retarded thing who knows nothing as it discovers the world. But you're all yourselves and I hope you can find the right box where you belong, you don't look like horrible people. Often I find more hope listening to the ambitions of the videogame hikkis than yours.

>> No.10188881

Most of 4chan shouldn’t be breeding, let’s be honest here

>> No.10188937

The meaning of life is to have kids and be happy. Nothing else to do.

>> No.10188968

I don't get that or why reddit or whoever should be more worthy.