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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10186357 No.10186357 [Reply] [Original]

I took out $50k in student loans that I instead put into Nano when it was $30 and I don't know what to do with myself.

>> No.10186377

post pics or be a faggot

>> No.10186387

Lesson learned, now move on. Get a job and pay your debt.
Next time, pay attention to my warnings.

>> No.10186390

Pay for your mistakes unfortunately. But hey who knows maybe you'll be ok one day.

>> No.10186391

>buying nano

How are people so fucking stupid

>> No.10186393
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Not OP but I did this too

>> No.10186404

I hate to be negative, but you guys aren't smart enough to own money. Never - NEVER - borrow money to invest.

>> No.10186411
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 437B8B04-17CB-40B2-AF05-6628FC34BCDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an investment opportunity for you

>> No.10186418

I know this might be looked down upon, but I'm thinking of taking another loan, smaller, around $25k-$35k to buy some bitcoin and XRP just based on historical returns (XRP was #1 in %tage returns last year), and go all in hoping for a golden bull run in December. Thoughts? Be honest please, literally my life hangs in the balance.

>> No.10186434

or you could do lending on bitfinex and compound daily returns....

>> No.10186439


Explain more please?

>> No.10186454


>> No.10186455

>paying a loan with another loan
Are you retarded?

>> No.10186465

I tried doing this anon but I got denied lol

>> No.10186473

it's called refinancing nerd

>> No.10186476

I was worried about this, but I figure I'll just ask my sister to take it out for me (It'll be under her name with good credit and I'll just convince her crypto is going to 100x by EOY and be homeless if not)

>> No.10186485

This needs to be illegal. because of retards like you your generation will suffer for decades

>> No.10186510

Our fucking tax dollars at work. Please say Burger. Btw you can’t claim bankruptcy on student loans so good luck paying the interest payments for the remainder of your existence

>> No.10186522

Good thing my loan isn't a student loan you brainlet

>> No.10186523
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oh shit

>> No.10186524

Are you from Reddit?

>> No.10186525
File: 127 KB, 706x562, golden-bull-run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol, gtfo boomers. I'm gonna make it and you're not. I'll enjoy sippin on my martinis from my lambo while you are still wagecucking. That, or I'll be homeless. But at least I will have tried unlike you.

>> No.10186547

Sell sign if I’ve seen one.

Get help bro you have a problem. No lambos in your future. More like a lifetime of regret.

If you’re going to invest learn how instead of gambling

>> No.10186554

Fake as fuck, post pics or fuck off faggot

>> No.10186558
File: 96 KB, 792x558, 1450857802274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took out a 20k loan and just bought the 5.7k dip, bought a lot of really obscure alts that I spent months researching (no i wont give them out because everyone will call me a shill).

Its make or break, boys. In 3 years I'll either be rich or break even [have a job so I'll slowly pay off the loan - you don't get rich without some risk]

>> No.10186569

exactly bro. you get it. i don't have a job, just a sophomore in college rn, but I'm taking up electrical engineering & computer science, so i think i'll be good when i graduate (If crypto succeeds, parents still don't know I took out $50k yet, and about to take about $35k via my sister), but we're gonna make it. fuck the central bankers and wall street cucks.

Gotta risk it for the biscuit brah

>> No.10186575

Well lets not get crazy, you're definitely off your shit if you took out almost 100k with not even a job. You my friend are definitely fucked.

>> No.10186588

>but we're gonna make it
I'm not so sure about you... Pay your debt first then come back here.

>> No.10186595

and I was being suicidal for 10k loan. I feel like killing myself it will take 1 year of no spending to pay it or 3 years of comfy life to pay it

>> No.10186608
File: 141 KB, 1596x901, LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags are off your rockers and I'm out. I don't need these negative vibes. Going all in. (Btw, Discover is the easiest to get loans. They will literally lend you $50k in 20min. Definitely recommend if you want to walk down the path of greatness)

All in baby. Let's see it moon BTC and XRP

>> No.10186617

So you didn't even go to classes for what a year? You had this student loan since last September at least. What was your major? Maybe /biz/ could teach you enough to get through an interview

>> No.10186621

fuck you. I cashed out 30k and put in back crypto and now it is nothing

>> No.10186627

Not a student loan. An unsecured personal loan. I'm a wage cuck

>> No.10186666
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lmao you're not going to make it bro. we can't all make it.

>> No.10186677

if I could get 5k at least I could nuke my cc debt and live peaceful life. I am hoping at least 3 x mission by end of the year

>> No.10186687


>> No.10186701


>> No.10186750

You think XRP will be over $4? Why?

>> No.10186753
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Sell it all and buy a rope

>> No.10186814

I would probably do it if I could just die in my sleep

>> No.10186837

To me it sounds completely stupid. If nothing really unfortunate happens, do you know when you're going to be able to pay it back? I see a pile of bad ideas just make sure you have good reasons to do it if you're seriously considering it.

>> No.10186887

I don't understand how I knew about crypto in 2013 yet I joined on the worst normiefomo ever

>> No.10186891

This thread is seriously so sad. Leeches. Have you ever created something of value in your entire life? Or do you hope to get rich by creating something from nothing?

As a engineer you should understand the limitations of physicality . Oh that’s right you’re not an engineer you never will be. See you at the mc Donald’s.
Also will be researching

>> No.10186932

So, if you take your 30-35k loan and lend USD on Bitfinex's funding you could compound $3539 a year @ 0.0308 (todays rate).

my acc size is 300,000 and if I were to put all of it into lending I'd be compounding around 30 335.6584 a year.

Passive income as you zoomers call it. You could try it whilst everything bottoms out then buy the dip and enjoy your easy ride to lambo land. I think we've got a 3 year bear market ahead of us.

>> No.10186934

Give me the suicidal gamblers over the suits I fucking swear.

>> No.10186941

How do you take out student loans without being a student? If you are a student, how do you pay for tuition?

>> No.10186942

by that time everyone has paid their debt already and we can take another one

>> No.10186954

>I took out $50k in student loans

>> No.10187014
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It didn't feel like a smart thing to do until then, we all fall for the same shit.

>> No.10187033

>we all fall for the same shit.

>> No.10187043

Larp is larp is larp

>> No.10187088


Do not do it. Forget about the golden bull run. There probably will not be one. All the fools already spend their money on crypto. They will not jump ship again any time soon.

>> No.10187195


>> No.10187252


>> No.10187434
File: 48 KB, 498x456, 1527531966252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment you realize that all the students who paid for crypto with loans, now broke, will trigger a regulatory event increasing scrutiny and a run on the crypto market.

>> No.10187475

Imo it will be the credit card that do it
Me maxed out CC's then threw them away after purchasing crypto on them with absolutely no intention of paying back if so make it kek

>> No.10187490

did better than a lot of people do with their student loans

>> No.10188479

Nano is the only investment that could be worse than a college education

>> No.10188912
File: 4 KB, 342x97, loan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a $100k loan in March to buy the dip on ETH. I make almost $150k a year but I can only save up like 4 or 5 grand a month. I needed money ASAP!
Crypto can go to 0 and I'll still be fine anyway. I'm only down about 15%.

>> No.10189084

>I hate to be negative
Why the fuck are you on 4chan, faggot?

>> No.10189155

>my life hangs in the balance
>I'll just double down

>> No.10189164

Absolute madman

>> No.10189185

>buying a coin that went from $0.08 to $34 in two months
>after the fact
shit, anon—even i'm mad at you. go get a job, buy one (fucking ONE, AT LEAST) bitcoin cash, and cruise into eventual comfort

>> No.10189440

A glimpse into the americuck's lifestyle

>> No.10189516
File: 597 KB, 1428x1174, yvonne strahovski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God she is gorgeous. How can brunettes even compete?

>> No.10189791

She is a brunette anon, look at the roots of her hair

>> No.10190403

wow, so that was the bull market? people like you buying with their student loans.
How I wish I knew that people like you existed.

>> No.10190437

March was after the bull run, retard. And I used a low interest personal loan.