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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10185280 No.10185280 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10185284

>no tweets or appearances from Sergey or smartcontract since February
>page last updated 3 months ago

stinklinkers BTFO

>> No.10185291

Wow how will we ever recover

>> No.10185297

>more 0/10 pajeet tier FUD

oh fuck!! Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I’m going to market sell my stack right now!!

>> No.10185301
File: 34 KB, 221x246, GOWPWZE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he need $32,000,000 for?

>> No.10185317

Silently exitscams.

>> No.10185318

Lol dude straight up stole your money and went into hiding with zero updates to give you

>millions invested by people
>don't say a word for over 4 months
Doesn't sound too promising does it?

>> No.10185339

Again, thank you for bringing this to my attention. You probably just saved me a bucket of money. I doesn’t sound promising at all... promise me you won’t fall for Sergey’s disarming smile and charisma and invest either anon!

>> No.10185384

Just invest $100 tops, if it moons, it moons, and you will make tens of thousands of dollars. If it doesn't then you lost $100, big whoop. It's up to you. I wouldn't invest a significant amount of money into this.

>> No.10185454

Eating Big Macs and doing lines off bbw asses ain't free anon

>> No.10185470

This. All these people falling for the fake pivotal tracker are delusional Sergey is in Thailand smashing ladyboys prove me wrong pro tip you can't

>> No.10185471

LOL thanks just bought some more, been flipping this shit for insane profit

>> No.10185633

You fat cock sucking pieces of shit have no idea what you're talking about. This is a legit project, out of thousands of crypto projects this 1 and a handful of others actually looks good and should take off 1 day with good reason. You honestly think that devs of a $32mil project are concerned with keeping some social media addicted millennial morons up to date with the latest news from said projects? Because they are not. If you want to keep up to date, ask questions on the slack, follow the github, don't come to a Japanese anime board crying about lack of tweets.

You people think bin laden orchestrated 9/11, you probably think iraq had weapons of mass destruction, you think north korea and iran are threats to the west and you probably think we've been to the moon and we live on a fluke ball spinning around the sun at thousands of miles an hour and that the moon is just a lump of rock there by chance that only appears to be the same size as the sun, travelling similar routes, because it's exactly the right distance, by coincidence, and our ball earth tiliting at exactly the right angle, by coincidence, rotating at exactly the right speed, by coincidence that rhey just "appear" the same size, travelling the similar routes and the same speed because COINCIDENCE MUH BIG BANG ALL THE SCIENTISTS CAN'T BE WRONG. WELL YES THEY CAN. BECAUSE THEY ARE. AND ALL YOU FUCKING RETARDED PIECES OF SHIT CAN'T WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND THE FACT THAT YOU, YOUR PARENTS, YOUR TEACHERS AT SCHOOL, REPORTERS ON THE NEWS AND ALL THE "TOP SCIENTISTS" HAVE BEEN LIED TO FROM FUCKING BIRTH. ABOUT EVERYTHING. INCLUDING THE VERY NATURE OF YOUR BEING AND THE VERY NATURE OF REALITY.

>> No.10185639

Well shit... so the meme was right. It was a fucking exit scam afterall. God fucking dammit.

>> No.10185658

Sergey never exit scammed because he never existed. He was a collective hallucination for people who needed to believe in something.

>> No.10185733

You're a moron - go look at the Github, only two devs are even working on it, neither of which are located in San Francisco. Probably just some guys who want to be part of the project and are working for free.

You got conned nigger.

>> No.10185755
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>mfw you unironically wrote this out and posted it thinking it'd be effective fud

>> No.10185776

reminder this is your average stinky

>> No.10185788

Reminder this is your average no linker

>> No.10185793

no chainlink has lied many times... they're everything but not trustworthy. fucking smart contract company that was supposed to be making money by creating smart contract for other companies and they ultimately fuck their ICO? TOP KEK, BOY

>> No.10185797

Why would they need to update the website frequently? It's not tron or verge, where literally every roadmap item is "NEW WEBSITE INTERFACE ~W0WIE~"

>> No.10185799

Kek has truly blessed us

>> No.10185805
File: 565 KB, 1876x1662, sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, Sergey's involvement in the Github project

Go look at the involvement of the other 17 developers, only 2 developers are even actively involved and I'm not sure they are even members of Smartcontract

>> No.10185824

Priase kek and bless you anon
Sergey is travelling all over the world, speaking and making deals with top banks and corporations

>> No.10185838


he's travelling the world eating burgers with your money

>> No.10185842

Feel free to link us to any of those events or speeches from any time during the past 2-3 months. You can't find any.

>> No.10185850

>implying the public gets to know about it

>> No.10185858


>> No.10185874

/biz/ on the weekend is absolute garbage I'll see you fags Monday when the wagies are away

>> No.10185904


he's not speaking at events, he's meeting with top banks and corporations. this is done behind closed doors.

>> No.10185912

Prove it

You are making the claim, so you must know this somehow. Prove how you know this information. Otherwise you are just making shit up

>> No.10185926
File: 96 KB, 750x915, IMG_3576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He exit scammed

>> No.10185933

the proof is in the fact that he hasnt exited. and in the fact that you can actively watch them completing tasks. which would be a waste of money if they werent actually trying to be functional

>> No.10185978

Which tasks are you referring to? Only 2 developers are doing anything on the github.

>proof is in the fact he hasn't exited
How do you know? What sort of bullshit proof is that? Are you 12?

>> No.10185990
File: 22 KB, 514x296, ascension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a Chainlink investor. The hints are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the banking system and fintech most of the hints will go over a typical newfags head. There’s also Sergey's optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Satoshi Nakamoto's literature, for instance. The Linkmarines understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realize its not just brilliant- it can revolutionize the entire financial system. As a consequence people who dislike chainlink truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor in sergey's existential catchphrase “ "This isn't an idea. This isn't a white paper. This isn't something on a whiteboard somewhere,"which itself is a cryptic reference to M2M transactions. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those nolinker simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the Chainlink development team's genius wit unfolds itself on their Binance trading screens. What fools... How I pity them.

>> No.10185998
File: 200 KB, 1669x648, iffoh5iskgsz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


listen fuckface, don't come at me with this tough-guy horse shit when you're clearly brand fucking new around here. sergey & co have stated many times in the past that he meets with huge institutions to implement the chainlink network. he's head of business development, it's literally his job.

>> No.10186006
File: 7 KB, 250x205, 1516500197332s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone gets it

>> No.10186025

Post the link

When is that from? Where is he making these updates? You're gullible as shit.

>> No.10186064

The slow exit scam is the worst kind of exit scam.

>> No.10186072

The delusion and false hope of Link

>> No.10186097


you're right it's fake. and to think i almost had ya!

>> No.10186269

Who killed JFK?

>> No.10186295

the limo driver

>> No.10186301

shot a very small, modified firearm through his blazer shoulder, watch the video

>> No.10186382

10 secs onwards, I didn't mean the driver, the guy in the front passenger seat

>> No.10186422


Wasn't he shot and the bullet went through him initially and hit kennedy. Then the 2nd bullet explodes his head.

>> No.10186428

that's the official story, watch the video

>> No.10186447

Had, and did, the exact thought

>> No.10186448

Prove yourself right. Pro tip you can’t. You’re retarded neck yourself

>> No.10186871


their github is just fine, if theyd've exit scammed, why would that be?


i guess its of no use to say DYOR since you literally couldn't even if you wanted to but DYOR you sacks of shit

>> No.10186886

how can the wife live after seeing that face implode

>> No.10186906

Shut your fucking mouth, pussyboy

>> No.10186950

marrying a shipping magnate?

>> No.10187100

imagine being supid enough to still be holding onto link. literally one of the worst performing tokens, and a development team that perfectly captures why 99% of icos fail.

instead of being an emotional teenager clinging onto your failed investment, you could have seen 30-50x gains on any number of other coins since last fall.

>> No.10187119


Dude stop spamming this guy. We arent your personal army

>> No.10187273

has there even been a progress update this year? I know there was one in December last year but has there been anything since? if this were an IPO sergey would be in prison by now

>> No.10187428

a bunch of bs that he only posted because people were BEGGING for an update
this is how you keep bag holders holding

>> No.10187474

kek fucking amateurs who think a static HTML page that hadnt been updated in 3 months makes any difference.
you fucks think this is a shit tier coin but it's actually the real last moon mission y'all will ever have again. if you believe that brainier level shit then you deserve to miss out on these 1000x gains.
fuck you all, im on this train without you or not.

>> No.10187501

>static splash page that doesn't need updating

FUD is getting pretty desperate now

Why is /biz/ full of ADHD arsewipes anyway, you need 24/7 non-stop bullshit partnerships, announcements, faggotry like Tron?