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10183884 No.10183884 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop being a starcuck? I spent $5 a day here literally every day. All my crypto gains being evaporated with each expensive sip. I can’t stop though, every morning before work I feel compelled to go. What do I do biz, I want to stop being poor

>> No.10183894

drink your own coffee, cuck

>> No.10183898

buy a coffee pot retard

>> No.10183901

\u can buy 2 monster energy drinks with $5

>> No.10183919

stop drinking coffee. you don't need it coffeecuck

>> No.10183928

I swear to god you must be american

>> No.10183934

Dude their coffee tastes like burnt rubber. You must be drinking that sugar water frappuccino bullshit instead...
Get some fucking taste. You can brew your own coffee at home for cheaper, and it will taste better. Get a french press, buy some Gevalia or Seattle's Best.

>> No.10183945

Make your own

Search for the recipe on the internet

Buy one of the in-the-bottle mixer

>> No.10183947

what is American about this?

>> No.10183959

Used to have the same problem. It was pretty much psychological, felt like I just needed to spend $5 at Starbucks to start/complete my day.

I no longer drink it everyday now because I notice it not only can I save a shit ton of money, but it makes me pee a lot and gain weight. pretty much just once in awhile.

Save so much money now!

>> No.10183967

10$ coffee pot at walmartish type place + costarica espresso = good coffee for 1/100 the cost for the next years

>> No.10184084

Shut this down goyem. I’m a share holder here .

>> No.10184100

Their coffee blows

>> No.10184118

Make your own you fat retard

>> No.10184131


I can’t though, I just love going every day on my way to work and interacting with the baristas who all know my name (I tip about $1-2 each time I go). It’s an addicting feeling

>> No.10184138

Brew at home:

Easy mode- Nespresso delonghi automatic
Best taste- Grind with baratza grinder or lido 3 maximum coarseness, fresh light roast ethiopian or kenyan beans from local roaster, french press, volvic or zephy bottled water... 1 gram coffee for every 8 gram water (each ml is a gram), place freshly ground coffee in french press and add appropriate amount of boiling water, put top on french press and swirl on table vigerously one minute, press plunger and pour all coffee into new cup, drink luke warm.

>> No.10184141

>drinking coffee shit at all

Never gonna make it

>> No.10184148

How can you not afford fucking coffee?!?!??

>> No.10184173

I rather buy crypto with the money I safe by not drinking disgusting brown soup made by a minimum wagecuck.

>> No.10184192
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Tastes good and costs only €0.25. I know that this is a local brand but I am sure that there is a similary cheap brand that whereever you live.

I also know that this is a bait thread but I really like posting about my favorite energy drink.

>> No.10184195

I'll bet you're fun at parties.

>> No.10184200


>> No.10184236

>implying an incel goes to parties

>> No.10184242 [DELETED] 

Imagine being such a basedboy beta cuck that you need to drink coffee every morning to gain energy

>> No.10184250

Imagine being such a based basedboy beta cuck that you need to drink coffee every morning to gain energy

>> No.10184404

if you mean by ((based)) those pol/fags, then yes, I can imagine them needing many things.
They would go to starbucks and start rambling just to see others focusing on them once in their life.
How pathetic

>> No.10184412

Just make your own coffee? If you're too lazy to do that buy one of those nespresso machines.

>> No.10184447

Option 1: Buy a regular coffee instead of warm milk with sugar (still overpriced but more reasonable)

Option 2: Make enough money that you don't worry about wasting $5 a day on Starbucks

>> No.10185115

Is Keurig acceptable? less mess, less coffee wasted.

>> No.10185129

Lmao, as a current barista this is exactly what they tell us in training

>> No.10185274

>Seattle's best
shit taste

>> No.10185445

>that 25 year old boomer who never started drinking caffeine
>he makes sure to mention it to everyone isn't he virtuous

>> No.10185461

Dunkin Donuts...half the price + better taste.

If you really wanna be cheap make your own cold brew at home

>> No.10185529

I dont get it why people even drink these liquid jew drinks what do you gain from them? 27 yo drinking only water.

>> No.10185571

>OP:how do i stop being a starcuck
>just buy a damn coffee pot
>OP: but i cant lul xD
go get your test levels checked op
>my only means of social interaction is when the baristas are doing their job by forcing themselves to be nice to every customer and I think its because they like me eggsdee *tips*

>> No.10185579

as someone invested in sbux
keep buying starbux please, no one makes thicker lattes!

>> No.10186138

Pls tell us more about your vegan lifestyle so interesting

>> No.10186153

Damn you sound like a little bitch no offense

>> No.10186158

1. Buy a Keurig machine.
2. Buy inexpensive pods on Amazon or Walmart.

>> No.10186574

So this is 150$ a month. Let's say for the last 5 years
Imagin you would pay into an ETF savings plan for the last 5 years and the ETF was underperforming with 3% you would now possess a portfolio worth 9711$.

>> No.10186757

Those are expensive too. Get a stereotypical drip. You're obviously not into quality so it doesn't matter. Buy a massive bag of whole bean from BJs or Costcos with a friend's membership.

>> No.10186819

I bet you're good at having original thoughts

>> No.10186830
File: 28 KB, 649x649, Lugol's Iodine 2 percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a cuck to the caffeine industry. You are feeling tired all the time because you do not have enough iodine.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism – which can be related to low iodine levels or other forms of 'underactive' thyroid disease – include:

-Lethargy and tiredness, muscular weakness and constant fatigue.
-Feeling cold (even on warm days)
-Difficulty concentrating, slowed mental processes and poor memory.
-Unusual weight gain.


>> No.10186875

Iodine from salt does not count because you have to consume an unhealthy amount of salt. That is one of the reasons why (((they))) put iodine in salt, to trick you into eating more salt.

Corporations are making tons of money off addictive foods that are more addictive than cocaine.

Junk foods - Sugar/Fats
Fast foods - Salt/Fats
Sports Drink/Coffee - Sugar/Caffeine

>> No.10186898
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I don't even drink coffee, but I fit all those symptoms.

>> No.10187433

How much of this stuff to take as a supplement?

>> No.10187454



>> No.10187471

Get 2 espresso shots in a venti cup with light ice and add the milk and sweetener yourself.

Costs $2.40 a cup.

>> No.10187488

You're only gaining $5/day on crypto?

>> No.10187655
File: 269 KB, 790x1028, 20180707_115541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me used 2 ho to Starbucks every morning but one day pretty sure barista made cummies into me hot chocolate

Haven't gone back since

>> No.10187665

post boipuss on /trash/ and link here, thx

>> No.10187706

What do they tell you?

>> No.10187715

Make your own coffee

>> No.10188007
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Throw the next one at a roastie. You won't go back anymore after that.

>> No.10188089

Im losing a couple of grand on crypto per day by holding.

>> No.10188107

Junk food is loaded with salt and fastfood is loaded with sugar

>> No.10188243

brew your own faggot. i roast n grind, and it beats the living shit out of that burnt up starfucks garbage.
You could be buying 50lbs sacks of beans and roasting/grinding premium yourself for 1/5 the cost of what you're wasting.

>> No.10188277

Read the faq