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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.10180544 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, I'm in dire need of a job. The only thing holding me back is the fact that I'm disabled from the torso down after breaking my neck in a bike accident a year ago while me and my friend were up in the mountains. I'm 19, going to ASU, and my scholarships cover most of my tuition. However, I can't shake the feeling that I'm a total burden on my mother--who is barely scraping by and needs to take the shitty bus system here in 110 degree Arizona heat. I really want to help her save up for a car, but I need to get a job to do that. My main goal has been to get a job writing for a website or a newspaper, and I've sent in a great number of short essays--but to no avail. Of course I'll always keep trying, but I'm just losing confidence.

I've been on the board for 2 years after becoming interested in crypto, and I love this retarded community. All that being said, I want to make something of myself with this dysfunctional body. Yes I need a helping hand. Yes I'm asking for a jumpstart. No I'm not asking for money.

>Inb4 kys
You don't have to tell me. I can't do that to my mom, though.
>Inb4 programming
I'm self-teaching. It takes a while to get to an employable level, though.
>Inb4 SSDI and other welfare programs
I get about $800 each month. It goes mostly to debts and old bills my failure of a father left on us, as well as my $20,000 medical bill from a year ago. If not that, than it goes toward storage, rent, insurance, utilities, or necessities.
>Inb4 /biz/ isn't the right place to do this, go to plebbit instead
I know some of you faggots are cold, but I also know some of the people on here aren't just in it for themselves.

>> No.10180588

Keep self teaching programming,you live in an age where despite your condition you can still be an asset and make a very nice living, is good you're focused but trying to rush down things might be worse for you on the long run

>> No.10180602

disabled going to same school here

programming/law is a good choice

>> No.10180611

>survey sites, maybe just the largest and most trustworthy ones like swagbucks or perk

>> No.10180626

You might also want to look into the sites where they pay you to write short articles on random topics. Its low pay and not fun but you would get to practice writing/research. I think if you graduate youd easily get a job and can repay your mom in time.

>> No.10180630

bump for disabledbro
also this >>10180588

>> No.10180637

Tell the bill collectors to go fuck themselves and file for bankruptcy. Unless you're buying a house in the next seven years you don't need to worry about not having credit. Not like you're going to be getting a car loan either.

>> No.10180673

Well focus what you are good at OP and try to find a way to make it on the Internet. You're very fortunate that we are not living in the 1960s as there's so many different ways to make money, OP, you just have to put in 110%.

You mentioned that you like writing?
- There are plenty of sites that are looking for content creators, keep asking admins of whatever sites/ blogs.
- You could also look into doing people's homework.
- Finally, you could also look into writing and publishing books on Amazon. I'm not sure how profitable this is anymore, but Crypto and Self-Help are good genres.

Additionally, since you have a unique situation, you could start a Youtube channel/social media to document your story and bring in additional revenue. If you become popular enough, you could then release a course on Udemy. There's more you can accomplish when you self brand yourself, but you won't need this post when that time comes.

You better be self-disciplined, OP, because you won't make it (and potentially end up homeless) if you are fucking lazy.

>> No.10180679

My mom is so obstinate about this. She's a very by-the-book type of person and feels like she's committing a moral sin by not paying her debts. It may just come down to her filing bankruptcy, however.

>> No.10180692

Bankruptcy is literally in the book. That's why it's called Chapter Seven.

>> No.10180728

I can vouch for Appen for jobs, I did it for more than a few months when I had to scrape for cash being getting the wageslave job I have now. Its the easiest and the most reliable imo for "online/contractor" work


>> No.10180746

File for bankruptcy unless you want to be on the streets.

>> No.10180796

this. you are correct that it takes a while to teach to employable level, but spend every moment awake learning and cut down on the browsing of a mongolian basket weaving forum. god speed anon and good luck

>> No.10180874

Thanks, I just applied as a Web Search Evaluator.

>> No.10180906


> Broke
> Decided to do extreme sports
> Breaks neck like a fucking moron
> Now a fucking burden to the society
> Government handouts forever

KYS Useless Disabled FAGGOT!

>> No.10180943

Hey you can help work with me on a website I'm launching.

I can't give you a wage at first but once it grows past a threshold I can see it being a huge earner.

>> No.10180944

Don't worry anon, he's not going to live up to fullest potential but he is going to be ... a web search evaluator.

>> No.10180953

>I'm self-teaching. It takes a while to get to an employable level, though.

While you still can't wagecuck as a code monkey, you can continuously pump out mobile apps (on both Android and iOS), and even Steam games if you can.

This is a VERY reliable way of building up a passive income stream, I know of some solo coders who have so many games on the mobile app stores and steam, that they earn tens of thousands of dollars per month COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC and none of their apps have even gone viral at that point.

You can use your disability to help you market it even, if even just one of your apps goes viral because of some sob story that gets tons of shares, you can end up being set for life even.

>> No.10180970

I know it isn't writing, but maybe you could find an online gig creating content? If texturing or taking up 3d modeling would interest you; you could make and create content and sell it on Unity, Turbosquid, or Second Life, (Lots of people manage to make a living creating in SL)

In the cryptocurrency vein of things, assuming you don't having any money to speculate or trade with, if you have a youtube/twitch channel or website you could register to refer for Brave and earn some BAT;
https://brave.com/refer/ ($5 per referall plus you can receive Brave payments)
Might even be a way to earn some with your writing.

>> No.10180972

Is it still a viable option when there exists so much competition?

>> No.10180979
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>mfw I saw "web search evaluator" as a job listing
but it's something I guess

>> No.10181005

Do better, OP. You came here because you didn't want the plebbit bullshit advice.

>> No.10181019

I genuinely don't think I would be of any use. My technical experience with any kind of coding, programming, or otherwise is exceedingly minimal. Unless you have a writing position you'd like to offer.

>> No.10181028

Yes, but you have to put in extra effort with marketing, make sure to use ALL your resources (e.g. all your networks, friends, relatives) to get as much exposure as you can. Even just word of mouth really works wonders. And get creative with your in-app purchases to milk it as effectively as you can.

I can't even recall how many times I've spent a few dollars on some unknown game just to unlock some additional content (or even to just disable annoying/intrusive ads), I'm sure there are TONS of other people like that, you just need to get yourself a small share of that wealth.

>> No.10181049

> My technical experience with any kind of coding, programming, or otherwise is exceedingly minimal.

Do something about that.
Make a minesweeper clone, make a pong clone. Just keep coding.

Upload all your projects on some blog even, so that you can add that as a portfolio on your resume if you really want to wagecuck as a code monkey.

Just. keep. coding.

>> No.10181087

Most of what you listed are long-term commitments. I explicitly stated that "I'm in dire need of a job." I will consider doing people's homework, however. Unfortunately it's summer and school hasn't started yet. Even if it's a nothing job, I'm applying to most of what is within my physical capacity.

>> No.10181089


Out of all the great opportunities mentioned in this thread, you pick the one that will not challenge you or give you any life skills. I'm just an anon, but do something to give your life meaning OP.

>> No.10181107

Just bought 100k

>> No.10181129

This isn't about a career, this is about getting by and ensuring my mother doesn't have to break her back for me. I've committed to strengthening my writing and coding skills, but in the former case I've been incessantly rejected, and in the latter case my abilities are insufficient. I just need a job. Even if it's the online equivalent of a mindless McJob, I need a semi-steady source of income.

>> No.10181131

Sell plasma

>> No.10181205


Dude look into writing for crypto companies such as upcoming ICOs or establish cryptos looking to pay for promotional writing such as reviews or news coverage.

Sign up to Medium or Steem and start posting stuff. Research and write and start looking for bounties. Hit up upcoming ICOs directly for promotional writing.

Good luck!

>> No.10181215

You're not going to make $$$ over night. Hell, it even looks like the job you applied for takes 1 month for interview process.

You're young. Failure/rejection is the best thing that could happen to you. One thing I've learned is that your 20s are the years you want to challenge yourself and fail. Just. Stay. Fucking. Persistent. Also don't fail in your 30s, lol.

It's good you have a drive. Use the drive you have now to push you to learn, push you create, and push you to make money.

>> No.10181217
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Good idea, but the closest one is about 10 miles away and nowhere near the bus line.

>> No.10181247
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Hope you make it bud, have to think regenerative nerve treatment is around the corner.

>> No.10181252

>online equivalent of a mindless McJob
Google "online english teacher". It's a huge market filled with Japanese and Chinese students (you don't actually need to speak Nihongo or Mandarin though, you just talk to them in english for their practice and so they can pass tests like IELTS).

You'll earn around $1000-1500 max if you turn it into an 8-hour 6-day-a-week job.

I agree with >>10181089 though.
Basically the best advice here is: >>10180796 saying
> spend every moment awake learning
> cut down on the browsing of a mongolian basket weaving forum

When I was 15 years old, I first learned to code, and I was not enrolled to school, I spent every waking hour learning to code, and went from being a noob codes, to making several games and even my own NES emulator (although supports only mapper #1 and #3) after spending like 2 months doing nothing but coding from waking up to going to sleep at night.

>> No.10181264

>noob codes
I meant "noob coder"

>> No.10181334

>Google "online english teacher"
I've definitely looked into this, but all I could find were jobs that required a Bachelor's degree.

>I spent every waking hour learning to code
I can't say I've ever spent that much time in a day learning code, because it's always been a peripheral pastime for me. Given enough time, I'm certain my skills will be up to an employable level.