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10178804 No.10178804 [Reply] [Original]

>I MUST upgrade my personal mobile phone every new release
Why are normies such dumb consumerists?

>> No.10178811

successful conditioning by you know (((who)))

>> No.10178818

I'm on a 2 year cycle myself.

>> No.10178821

How often does everyone upgrade? Ive been doing 2-3 years. Its been about 2 years and my phone feels slow sometimes when Im watching porn.

>> No.10178827

I paid 1k for the s6edge

>> No.10178829

I'm using a $150 Redmi 4 Prime that was released 2 years ago

>> No.10178848

My friend earns like $13/hour and wants to buy an S9+. Fucking RIP

>> No.10178865

cracked the 8. lel

>> No.10178879

still better than apple

>> No.10178896

i had s3, s5, and now s8 note. has worked out pretty good for me

>> No.10178906

Who actually does this other than Android enthusiasts?

>> No.10178915

normies every time their "contract" ends

>> No.10178919

iPhone fucktards

>> No.10178929

I don't know about other carriers, but T-Mobile makes it really fucking easy. If your phone is still in sell-able condition you can swap it and start paying off the new model.

>> No.10178939

Went from a Nokia lumia 725 to a s5 last year

>> No.10178997

planned obsolescence. the new software sabotages any old version

>> No.10179017

How long do you guys take before updating your phone?

>> No.10179019

Using an s4 with no plans on upgrading any time soon. Literally what's the point?

>> No.10179027

I upgraded last time in two years, went from s4 to oneplus 2 in dec2015 and this is is still solid

>> No.10179029

Lol I had the same phone for 11 years. Good old Nokia brick phone. Only got a new one after At&t turned off 2g.

>> No.10179043

this is literally me, except I keep upgrading the Pixel phone from Google

>> No.10179160

I had the Xiaomi MI5 pro up until 2 days ago when I ran it over with my truck, got the mix2s now good phone

>> No.10179194

I only upgraded because my lg bootlooped. Messed up my 2fa

>> No.10179199

this I am buyung a Xiami too, same or better quality without all the brainwashing of dumblets.

>> No.10179220

Once my contract ends (2 years) I upgrade.

>> No.10179226

Xaomi seem really like a good brand

>> No.10179267

I've determined every 3rd release is a good break between upgrades. You will see a significant jump in the tech every 3 years. The camera, storage and screen has had ~2 years of research then a year of implementation.

>> No.10179288


I went from an S2 to a Oneplus 1 and last month upgraded to Oneplus 6. That's about an average 3 1/2 years per upgrade.

The S2 costed $650, the Oneplus 1 was $500, and the Oneplus 6 was $750. I find it fucking absurd that people are dropping $1000+ on a fucking phone nowdays, especially considering the only difference is the huge margin these companies are now expecting you to cough up.

Oneplus 6 is unironically an excellent phone and competes with IfaggotX and samsung 9 in terms of quality and is almost half the price.

>> No.10179331

pajeet saudi lenovo ftw
>broken by oreo

>> No.10179343

I've had the same "smart" phone for 5 years now. Starting to run into problems like no more updates, random glitches and shitty battery life. The planned obsolescence gets you in the end.

>> No.10179347

every 4-5 years.

>> No.10179364

They upgrade often when they care about the social status that a smartphone bring.
DESU I used to do it and then Samsung stopped having removable batteries in their devices, since then my S5 has worked well.

>> No.10179373

Anon... The oneplus 1 was 300$...
Its now like 100$
t. Still using a oneplus one

>> No.10179414

Going on 5-year-old Samsung Galaxy Note 3 here. Top of the line in 2013 and I only paid like $250 for it back then. I'm not paying $900+ for a fragile phone with shittier battery life. Using this one until it shits the bed, which is probably never.

>> No.10179443

Going from iphoneX to iphoxeX pluss as soon as it gets out.

Just because Im not poor.

Stay poor biz

Put your wage into link biz

Complain about rich people biz

Never change biz

>> No.10179465


I'm quoting in approximate AUD

>> No.10179497

>5 years now
>planned obsolescence

>> No.10179504

I buy a new one only when my current is lost or broken. There hasn't been a single reason to upgrade since the advent of the phablet.

>> No.10179506

It’s actually pretty easy to change the battery in the S7 edge on up.
-t.guy who works in a phone repair shop

>> No.10179507


Also I would have stayed with the Oneplus one for another 6 months for the Oneplus 6T but my dog chewed my camera so I upgraded early. The 6 is great though, it was a shocking experience to upgrade from such an outdated old POS to such a nice new phone.

>> No.10179667

Back when there was upgrade pricing, I had two phone lines, and upgraded every year. Shit was nice. Now, it's just wait until something I feel like dropping the money on comes out. Still have a Moto Z Force from 2016, waiting on the Note 9.

>> No.10179683

Had a note 4. Best fucking phone I ever had.

>> No.10179776

My parents got me a Moto E. I'm on a family network plan, which is free for me. Good enough.

>> No.10179783

It was the same story with PCs before ~2006. You had to change it every two years or everything was way too slow. Too big difference in hardware.
Smartphones today need 6GB of ram to function normally.
Even 3GB is agonizing, so many tabs auto closing. A 2+ year smartphone cpu is noticeably slow.
Only since about a year new smartphones are advanced enough to probably last years, as they are as powerful as a pc from ~2010.

>> No.10179845

hopefully youll be back to being poor cuz you deserve it if you put your money in link

>> No.10180407

still on an iphone 4S, i think. bought it new in 2012.

>> No.10180433


This. Every 3 years is my cycle.

>> No.10180442

s7 here waiting for the s10

almost fell for the s9 meme but i decided against it

>> No.10180449


>> No.10180451

nah senpai we reached smartphones being good enough to not upgrade every 2 years since 2016

>> No.10180470


Every six months.

I'm not a poor incel loser like most here.

>> No.10180508


I upgraded last year from my Note 4 after I finally broke the screen. I try to get 3+ years between upgrades, wtf do normies do on their phone that requires the latest hardware every year? It's not like Twitter and Instagram are resource intensive.

>> No.10180523

Almost time to change my iPhone 6s, most likely because it's a 16GB and I'm running out of space.

>> No.10180566

This thread made me realize I need to upgrade to an S9+

T. iPhone 6s+

>> No.10180603
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If there would be actual innovation it would be worth it to upgrade.

But it is almost the same shit just bigger and with minor tweaks + removed headphone jack for giggles so I don't see the point in getting a new phone after 2012

>> No.10180690

me on the 2nd to left

>> No.10181097


I've had my galaxy s4 mini for years now. Still works like a charm, will probably use for years to come. Only had to replace the battery once... costed me 10 bucks or so. *shurgs*

>> No.10181143

Yeah I don't see me going for a new phone in a decade or two since I just went from a shitty on5 to a galaxy 9.

>> No.10181514

The majority of people are shallow enough to define their identities through the brand they exhibit.
I blame it on bad parenting the never ending war that marketers wage on our minds.

>> No.10181909

Are the blackberries the only ones with a physical keyboard?

>> No.10182015

kek y are u trying so hard

>> No.10182053

they drop it every time they drink

>> No.10182080

In the past decade, Nokia N95 > HTC Desire S > Nexus 4 > OnePlus One (current)

Pretty frivolous carry-on seeing as none of them broke or had battery issues before upgrading. They all got passed along or sold.

>> No.10182086

whoops that should be an N97, had an N95 before that.

>> No.10182147

>shit android in like 2009 with a 3 inch screen
>always been shit needed to upgrade
>s3 in 2012
>battery started to last 3 hours and everything was slow
>moto g3 in 2015
>fell asleep with it in my hand and i guess i squeezed it too hard and it broke
>nexus 6p in 2016
>charging port stopped working
>moto x4

i only ever upgrade when things go to shit. the only good one was the g3 because it was small and water proof with a plastic back so i didnt have to use a case
i wish you could get a phone that looks like a cheap phone with the internals of a expensive phone.
Plastic and sub 5 inches is the best.

>> No.10182160

2-4 years depending on functionality

>> No.10182181


Yeah because they fucking break every two years.

>> No.10182188

I still use my S5. I am to greedy to buy a new model. Imagine the potential gain you loss not investing in crypto/stocks.

>> No.10182196

Had flip phone from 2006 to 2013, galaxy s4 from 2013 to 2017, then my current galaxy s7 active

I think i get pretty good mileage out of my phones. Ive never understood why faggot millenials want the new iphone every fucking year, such a waste of money

>> No.10182216

iFags are even worse. Spending $800+ for a phone, lmao. That's 5 Xiaomis worth.

>> No.10182256
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I know I'm always going to get fucked on this, but what phone steals my personal data the least? I don't want to upgrade to a normalfag type phone like a galaxy and have a bunch of back doors and shit on it. Obviously I sure as hell don't want an iPhag. I do need some more modern hardware than what I have, but everything is made to break these days and I don't want to upgrade in 2 years because I have to.
I'm thinking something Chinese probably? I don't know shit about their phone market, but I always here how their phones are not only cheaper than ours but better in a slew of ways.

>> No.10182281

Still own a Nokia Lumia 1020.
Still the best camera in a phone.

>> No.10182304

Every 4 years or so or when it breaks.

>> No.10182329

Got a Le PRO 3 for like $130 snapdragon 820 4 gigs ram feels super fast

Changed my previous samsung A3 that I had for 3 years, only changed because of shitty 1900mAh battery, fukin kek

>> No.10182338


Chinese botnet. STOP FEEDING CHINA.

>> No.10182343

Something without back doors and chinese? How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.10182345



All phones are made by Gooks, except the iPhone (assembled by Gooks)

>> No.10182352

I'm much more comfortable with Chinese back doors.
I mean the ones marketed to the west.

>> No.10182511
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>> No.10182525

Post your Galaxy progressions

S3 -> S4 -> Note 7 -> S7

>> No.10182527

You prefer feeding the NSA?

>> No.10182535


Yes, the NSA won't conquer Australia within the next 50 years.

>> No.10182566

Moto E
Enjoy ball cancer

>> No.10182577

3 years for me

>> No.10182694


I've had a Galaxy S4 since release pretty much. It's getting a bit slow now but i'm not really planning to change as long as it continues to work.

>> No.10182795

Three years, went from a Nexus 5 to a Huawei P10 Pro.

>> No.10182952

Apple enthusiasts

>> No.10182994

same boat as you, I love my 6s+ and have replaced the battery, jacks, and screen. I still think its time for an upgrade though. but ill keep this one in my back pocket. its an amazing phone

>> No.10183029

>ya gotta have it new!!
I had the same shitty flip phone for 4 years before I got a smartphone. In the 4 years since, I have owned 5 smartphones.
>first one, unmarked ZTE on clearance for $30 at wal-mart. root it because its low-powered and kinda shitty. drop it when i drop t-mobile
>second, Moto X 1st Gen, $80, worked great until the charger port stopped working one day.
>third, Nokia Lumia WP, $25, still works. great build quality, great sound, terrible OS
>fourth, Kyocera Hydro Shore, $50 on clearance, worked great until I had it in my pocket at work and cracked the screen past any form of redemption
Now I have a rooted Galaxy Prime. I bought a good case for it and its lasted almost a year.

>> No.10183073

Huawei is the shit. it can do the same thing as your overpriced Samsung, HTC, Motorola, etc.. brands but costs half the price

>> No.10183092

Holding onto my iPhone 6s as long as possible

>> No.10183207

i'm on a 3 year cycle...

just research for good phones and when you find a gem just buy it.

in 2015 i found this killer:


>sick specs for 2015, looks good AND £300

latest me three years

currently hunting for my next 5" miricle phone now but it's hard because they're all like 6" cucks now.

>> No.10183208

I am using my FIRST smartphone still, the Samsung Galaxy S5, which I believe I've owned since 2014. It's not PERFECT but it works pretty well and I don't have any immediate need to upgrade.

>> No.10183228

fyi if anyone suggests an upcoming gem for me, i'll send you 0.05 eth.

>> No.10183230

Every 2-3 years

>> No.10183251

blackedberry keyone

>> No.10183270

>upcoming gem
Oneplus 7

>> No.10183273

>all this chest-stomping for Trump
>hurr hurr ebil chinese trade war nao
>buys Hauwei, Lenovo or Xiaomi brands

This is the exact problem with Americans and why everyone thinks you are dumb. You rant about muh jobs and muh economy, but play your part to directly contribute to the loss of those jobs by buying cheaper chinese wares. You could literally have stopped China in its tracks without needing trade wars and tariffs and shit, but simply voting with your wallets.

>> No.10183301

Probably a little big though, I realized, after rereading your post.

>> No.10183307

I still use pic related because I'm not a retarded consumerist normalfag good goy autist

>> No.10183317
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fuck moot

>> No.10183433

To anyone who buys a galaxy S6, S7, S8 or S9 and thinks they're getting a good deal, you wasted your money. Alright, if you are able to throw $1000 around like it's nothing, this doesn't quite apply to you. The upgrades from S5 to S7 are barely notable and from the S7 to S9 even less so. My S5 and it's battery was able to run for 4+ years without any significant speed decrease. I have been using it since release and I've replaced the battery once. About a month ago my S5 started getting flickering on the screen and I spent £8 on a new battery and it fixed the problem. If you get an S6 model or later once something like this happens you have to throw it away. The S5 is now only sold refurbished and they generally work like brand new. But for the price of an S9 you can get 15 galaxy S5, for the price of an S8 you can get 12 galaxy S5, for the price of an S7 you can get 10 galaxy S5 and for the price of an S6 you can get 6 galaxy S5. OK, this might not apply in 3-5 years when the OS becomes unsupported but if you need a good, reliable cheap phone buy a refurbished S5.


>> No.10183464

I feel like I have to buy a new phone every 2-3 years because after a while it starts running incredibly slow. It's like these things are designed to only operate well for 3 years. And there are so many software updates that eventually the old phone just can't run right because it isn't optimized for the new stuff.

>> No.10183552

I agree with your sentiment.
However, don't you agree that it's bullshit how many midrange phones nowadays are $600?

OnePlus too used to advertise themselves as the "flagship killer", offering top spec'd phones (OnePlus One) for $300. Their phones now cost more than double the price.
It's hard to say they're as competitive as they used to be given how expensive they've gotten. I guess it's what they had to do to appeal to the normies.

>> No.10183612

i have a cheap ass BLU R1 HD. Little slow, but only Cost me $70. Broken one already, got another for $70. I don't know how anyone spends more than $150 for a phone or why they upgrade sooner than 2 years minimally.

>> No.10183640

iPhone 5 since 2012. Cracked the screen after 4.5 years and after a pajeet replaced it the battery expanded after 4.5 years and pushed the screen forward. I took it to the apple store and they said it is a safety hazard cause it might explode so just gave me a replacement iPhone 5 which I still use now.

>> No.10183696

>tfw yesterday my father wanted to buy me a new phone as a gift.
>tfw I said I just wanted his old Motorola because it was good enough for me.

Aside from Emails, WhatsApp, GPS when I need it and some Youtube Videos, why do I need more processing power for?

I don't play video games and browsing on the internet is pretty easy to run.

>> No.10183773

Got my first mobile when i was 12, 23 years ago! I have had a mobile longer than some of you fucks have been alive, deffo a boomer. I don't even think that phone had a clock on it! Gen 1 Motorola Startac.

Got my first flagship last year. Originally bought 1+5 but phone part of the smartphone worked intermittently/fried 2 sim cards. ended up with a S8, fuck me that thing is a piece of trash, the curved screen is a joke! Going to give the pixel 3 a try, but if that sucks i will not be buying flagship for a while...

>> No.10183986

iphone x

bought in december

hope to get at least 3-4 years out of it.

last phone was iphone 6 which i had for 3 years

>> No.10184037

I was still using a Galaxy S2 until last Summer when I bought a Galaxy S5

>> No.10184077

Mine is an 4 years old Galaxy GT that I will only ditch because the battery doesn't hold energy anymore and is really difficult to buy original batteries apparently.

Even big companies sells fake batteries as if they where original.

>> No.10184102

I got an iPhone 4S in like 2012 from my parents, was 19 at the time. Had it for four years before I bought an iPhone 6S which I don’t feel like replacing yet.

>> No.10184153

About a year and a half ago I got a flip phone (Samsung Rugby 3 or something) and put my iphone in a drawer.

Still rocking the flip phone and it's fucking amazing.

>> No.10184161

Xiaomi uses the Qualcomm SOC's. Hard to tamper with that. Same as other large phone manufacturers, it should be relatively safe (it's probably all bugged, but you know - relatively - safe). The only directly suspicous one is Huawei, with their proprietary designed in China Kirin SOCs.

But yeah, I'm looking into phones to buy. Either Xiaomi A2, or Motorola One Power, both Android One phones. I don't trust Xiaomis software, and I don't trust Motorola to update their regular phones, so Android One seems like the way to go (unless you're specifically buying a Pixel of some kind).

>> No.10184174


My iPhone 5 lasted 4 years and was still going strong when I decided to upgrade to the 7. My 2 year anniversary with this phone will be in September and I’ll probably try to keep it until at least 2020

>> No.10184189

I have an iPhone 6 and planning to upgrade to an iPhone 8 when the next iPhone comes out, prices gonna drop for these with the old design like flies.

>> No.10184190

Why don't you consider Sony Xperias, anon?

Also, Im about to get the Motorola from my father and I know for a fact that the software is bugged.

Sometimes the screen stop responding but the corner works.

And if you push home, the thing shows the apps you are running and this way, you can open the one you want despise the fact that the initial screen is not working.

>> No.10184207

It’s called having enough money to buy nice things and not be affected financial you poorfags

>> No.10184213

New phone every 5 years

New car every 15 years

Never eat out

Wear clothes until they are literally falling apart

Who else /retire by 35/ here

>> No.10184232

Still rocking a galaxy S5, it's not too big that it'll fall into the toilet, still has enough ass to be a work horse and completely hackable to my liking.

>> No.10184245

>Sony Xperia

He said "normies", so average people with average income that spend a sizeable amount of it on a phone they don't really need. The kind of person who buys a phone on contract and ends twice what it's worth, or that buy a car through monthly payments.

>Never eat out
She'll appreciate it every now and then.

>> No.10184258

>not just not even owning a cellphone or car in the first place

>> No.10184264

4-5 years or when my dad/brother upgrades, whichever earlier. I've only bought 1 phone for myself till date. My dad and brother upgrade every 2 years or so, so I just take their old phone. Using a redmi note 3 rn. Will probably use it for 2 more years and then sell, so 4-5 years.

>> No.10184266

>>Sony Xperia
Aren't Sony cellphones well made products?

I was considering getting one t.b.h.

>> No.10184268

I'm using a Pixel 1 and this thing runs Waterfox with ublock and umatrix about as good as a desktop. Don't see any reason to get a new phone until I break this one which will inevitably happen

>> No.10184279

i am worth hundreds of thousands and im still rocking an iphone 4 that works fine. dumb normies.

>> No.10184315
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Because you need one, it has all these new perks, better screen, easier to push buttons, more apps, apps, apps APPS DOWNLOAD THE APPS GOY, MORE FACETIME, MORE SNAPCHAT, FILM AND PHOTOGRAPH EVERYTHING. It's safe in the cloud and very handy to use, do not worry, just get one. There are very easy paymentplans and it doesn't matter if you're poor or rich. Just do it. Don't you want a nice girl, what will she think when you don't have the latest? Your friends and family will think you're poor or some strange weirdo, you wouldn't want that to happen would you? So tell me anon, which one will you buy?

>> No.10184418

>i am worth hundreds of thousands
If you have such a money, you are a normie too.

>> No.10184419

Probably, but there's nothing special that I want from them. I also value the stock Android experience, I don't want bloat. Android One phones have that, and are guaranteed a few years of updates (two?) so that's why I want one of those.

I have a phone from 2011 or something, needless to say I don't use it too much. It worked fine until recently, when it has started crashing when I try to take pictures (it has an 8 Mp sensor so while the optics are shit, it's good enough after some photoshop) and whatnot. Also, it can't check messages offline like modern low-power core phones so that's a huge thing. Internet radio still works on it, but it'll crash randomly. I think the battery's screwed up and it's not worth replacing (even though it's only $25).

Time to replace. My grandparents have newer phones than me (on my recommendation/research). But yeah, Android One Xiaomi or Motorola probably. inb4 the Motorola has a 636 or some mediocre piece of shit, I don't really want to go Xiaomi but..

That's a good pic, I'm saving it.

>> No.10184444

One of the things that makes me thing twice when talking about Android phones is that Google will try to make revenue by pushing their own apps or speeding up the launch date of new OS making your cellphone obsolete faster.

Your specs will be OK, but they have to make money somehow, so they will make apps heavier so you either buy a new phone or you use only apps they make.

I really don't trust google with this shit.

>> No.10184462

3-4 years. I had the galaxy s4, then the s6, now I have the s8. Which I am actually trying to preserve as long as possible. My next phone is going to be something different that has better security and I'll keep it for a long time.

>> No.10184490

Clueless boomer

>> No.10184569
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tfw i am a normie.