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File: 528 KB, 996x1337, subway_stations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10174165 [Reply] [Original]

The NYC subway is probably described in one sentence:
"By September 1979, there were over 250 felonies per week being recorded on the subway, making the crime rate much higher than any other mass transits system in the world"

This is legit fact. "worst in the world"...
So my idea is, I would go for a year to the US, buy the NYC subway.
Renovate it.
Make it first world tier and shit, better even.
Make the trains come on time (I don't know how this is even a problem in NY. I've never seen a delayed train, especially on the subway. How the fuck?).
Sell them tickets slightly more costly, but of course more people would use the trains.

How is this business idea not going to succeed?? It's genious!
Everyone is complaining about the utter trash you have, but nobody is thinking about making good money out of it!
What do you think? What could go wrong?

>> No.10174193

Fine anon. Just some regulations and a couple of billions

>> No.10174204

Instead start a private security force that escorts cleaning crews and enforces basic rules and regulations.

>> No.10174219

just get some armed guards down there that'll shoot the inmates on sight

>> No.10174220

Preferably hire ex-military too.

>> No.10174270

You can’t fix niggers for this to work all you would have to do is ban black people but this is illegal

>> No.10174279

Your main problem is the target market who will be using your transportation services.

People in the United States who are regarded as "middle class" or higher, you know, the kind of people who can take good care of things? They drive. Cars. Trucks. Vans. Whatever. You're going to have literal niggers and drug addicts using your transportation. I don't know if they will generate enough revenue to keep your business profitable, but even if it's kept profitable, it will quickly fall into filth and degeneracy.

In the United States, there is a clear divide between "well-to-do" individuals and the filthy criminals. We don't put like a 200% tax on automobiles here, so it's actually kind of affordable. In Europe, it's a different story, so the "well-to-do" individuals, being forced to take public transportation with the sewer rats, have to make the best of what they have.

>> No.10174306

Does Africa have trains the answer is no

>> No.10174356

>cleaning crews
You just give them a key, and close the sub at night.
Or give them a gun, in the US even teachers have guns. How do you think our crew cleans here and nothing ever happens?

>>10174219 >>10174220 again?
wtf? Come on, every city can secure it's subway, and you gonna tell me it can't be done in NYC?

Well, if the service is good, then the middle class would use it too.
It's a lot faster then going by car. Especially in the city.
That's the main reason to use it. It's also cheaper, if you do it right. More then twice as cheap.
New York had rooftop helicopters in the 80s. You could do a expensive high-quality subway service, with a portion of that helicopter money. And just kick the homeless people out, like everywhere else in the world.
Also, there is no 200% tax. Not in germany, not in any place. It's a meme.

>> No.10174358

The unions will strike and you will be branded a racist and run out of the city.

>> No.10174369

>Well, if the service is good, then the middle class would use it too.
No. They will pay to get away from the niggers and felons. NO ONE who can afford to do better wants to be around them.

>> No.10174378

>Also, there is no 200% tax. Not in germany, not in any place. It's a meme.
I'm exaggerating. Point is your VAT is too expensive for most europeans to afford, so you're forced to take public transportation.

>> No.10174381
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yes they do, you fucking nigger!!!!
Compare that image to an NYC subway station.
Now tell me again, you can't do better then 250 felonies a week?
What's wrong with you americans?

>> No.10174397

Most foreign countries have homogenous populations or cultures that inherently enforce social norms. Since the US has become a diverse population inundated with foreign and clashing norms an outside force is needed to incentivise the masses, or you reverse the trend of miscegenation and enforce cultural homogeneity. One if these is better for the NYC Subway and one is better for the nation and being undertaken currently.

>> No.10174402

Just renovate Manhattan, parts of Brooklyn, and Queens. Being someone who actually takes the subway daily to my six figure job, the ridership is generally good in these areas. I used to live in DC and the subway there is so much fucking nicer.

But yeah no reason to waste time in the Bronx it'll just get trashed again.

>> No.10174407

I think you should go back to /pol/.
Anyone who goes outside or does buisness doesn't care.
I think americans don't want to get robbed and filth. It's a sanitary and security problem. I think many problems in the US are sanitary and security related. But it's not african culture, lol.. like many americans wanna believe. It's YOUR culture.
> shitting in the street

>> No.10174416

kek. There are people in this thread taking you seriously who do not realize NYC is currently one of the most crime free cities in the world. Subway platforms don't look anything like that.

>> No.10174419

... Yea, a lot of them do. The subway is fucking disgusting.

>> No.10174430
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This is another meme.
Statistics tell otherwise. Can you americans do anything other then lie and blame others?
Are you really that braindead?
Suddenly I don't want to do business in NYC so much

>> No.10174432

>I think you should go back to /pol/.
LOL when you run out of arguments. Typical.
>Anyone who goes outside or does buisness doesn't care.
Literally bullshit. People who aren't criminals can afford cars in the United States. We don't have to get herded onto public transportation like animals. I don't know why you're bragging about not being able to afford a car. It's kinda sad.

>> No.10174434

you dont have enough money to "fix" this subway

to make the transit come on time you would need to increase the train count and update the train routing system which would cost you several hundred million because its ancient stuff

to fix the station you would need to renovate them aswell as upgrade them to allow for better usage. remember they where designed for lower user count and are ancient as well.

it is honestly suprising that this shit show hasnt derailed already and still runs.

>> No.10174461

Stats are an ineffective format for judging cultural fluctuations and the effects of them. The same principle is what led to us lose the Vietnam war, and arguably the Middle East.

>> No.10174474

Also if you don't want to do business in NYC that's fine too, desu we don't need foreign inclusion in our market. It's entirely self sustainable unlike the vast majority of nations.

>> No.10174494

oh boooo hooo whooooo

> pulls up statistic
> stats are obviously a lie - gets called out
> "oh no, statistics don't tell you anything. they are useless"

you're such a joke. A typical american. Look at it, bros!

>> No.10174502

You are only proving my point that euro culture is based heavily on dependency. Without public transportation you would literally die, because you're not self-sufficient. You can't take care of yourself. You need masters. And that's okay. People like me will always rule over people like you.

>> No.10174520

You didn't counter my argument or example. You should probably just shut the fuck up since you have no coherent point. Also your stat literally doesn't say anything of value whatsoever, hence why I felt no need to even bring it up. I assumed you made a mistake on your end and still have you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.10174538
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There is an existing renovation plan already motioned. If you'd live in NYC then you'd know that already. Why do you care about NYC subway when you aren't even a local?

NYC subway is one of the first ones in the world to exist. Of course with such age, it is much harder to maintain than others.

Also, wtf, why is something from 1979 of any relevance here? 1979!?! A time when USSR was still in place and the whole food infrastructure of the nation was starting to collapse. There wasn't enough food to go around so the gov handed out food stamps that allowed a citizen to buy one loaf of bread a week after waiting in a queue for 30 minutes. No doubt the felony rates in USSR metros were similar or even worse at the time. Well, things have changed around the globe, m8, it's 2018 now.

>> No.10174551

I'm sure you're self-sufficient in your F150 that you fill with fuel you produce yourself in your backyard from your own oil well.
You're so self-sufficient that you actually don't even need the truck, since you don't need to go places to buy shit from, and drive on goverment-built roadsbecause you make everything in your ranch.

I envy you so much.

>> No.10174552

I just think you are projecting your problems onto other cultures and minorities in your country.
Also, like >>10174434 said, it's cramped in your stations because the infrastructure is not up to date.
Our trains are from siemens I believe. They arrive at a 5 to 10 minute interval in rush hours, and up to 15 minute in the evening.
At weekends the trains run though the night. Rarely anything ever happens. And I've maybe once seen a cramped train.

>>10174434 so you are right. New trains, track repair, full renovation. But then you can arrive at your destination twice or up to three times faster. Even more if your city is big like moscow.
You can't compete with that! I think it would be cost effective.
It has to be, why every other city is doing it? Because it's fucking intelligent!

>> No.10174563

Senpai what if he produces his own bio-diesel and puts it in his custom built F250 he maintains?

>> No.10174580

And drives it on his own roads to buy things from his own grocery store that relies on his own supply chain that only sells products made on his own ranch.

>> No.10174581
File: 16 KB, 425x425, 61EkJeddKdL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre absolutely correct, we actually really need to privatize public transportation because its bullshit, garbage service, they jam pack people on the subway.

What we really need are private subway lines, as you suggest. 100 dollar ticket for on board entertainment and meal services, waiter provided, champagne service, chandeliers in car, with golden PS4's

>> No.10174582

fyi bombadier is canadian

>> No.10174588

I think you're heavily underestimating the sheer volume of people using the subway. Remember the population of NYC is larger than quite a few European countries.

>> No.10174590

anon do it let me work for you we'll turn the train around before the city goes underwater. even better extend it up and down the east coast and make it a mag rail we can make tens of dollars!

>> No.10174594

Fucking kek...
> NYC subaway is one of the first ones...
London subway is much older, and has new trains, new tracks, superb flow... why do you americans always lie your way out of issues?

>> No.10174602

Bro he owns a ranch? Why does he need a grocery store? Also why need a road? Just clear the ground and off road that shit.

>> No.10174623

>Just clear the ground and off road that shit
I haven't thought of that.

Maybe he could learn from the mexicans and make his own underground tunnel to drive through.

>> No.10174631

Do you have any idea the amount of economic slowdown that would happen if you even close one line of the NYC Subway system? It is actually more than it would cost to revamp it. The only reason I mention this is because when I was in NY a while back I ended up meeting one of the engineers who maintains it at a pub. Basically gave me a whole rundown as to why the subway is shit and probably will be till 2050. It's just a cost benefit function.

>> No.10174635

Lived in NYC the last 10 years of my life literally never have seen a platform that looks like that, sorry.

>> No.10174645

Heck yeah, also let's assume he's on a uranium deposit and some lead. Now you have the makings of a Nation state.

>> No.10174663

Moscow has the same amount of people.
And I've been on their subway a lot of times. It works flawlessly. And you gonna bet there is no criminal activity, nobody would ever dare!

But it proves again and again, you are just reflecting and going for excuses. This is no way to conduct business, people..

>> No.10174688

Again, why are you comparing the criminal activity of NYC metro in 1979 to Moscow metros in 2018?

>> No.10174689

In vienna, if a part of a subway line closes, they just supplement it with more of the other vehicles.
We have trains underground, trains above the ground (in the city), trams, buses and citybikes. If you're lucky you can catch a riksha too xD

>> No.10174696

Bro you're comparing two fundamental approaches on public works projects. You can't just boil it down to "muh subways" there's more to it than that and you know it. Stop being intellectually dishonest. If you want a discussion in good faith that's on you, if not I'll just shit post :^)

>> No.10174707

NYC does not have the available transit space to accommodate that. There's a reason the subway is inefficient and it has to do with fundamental limitations of the city itself.

>> No.10174712

In 1979 it was the worst subway system IN THE WORLD.
Maybe it's better now. But everyone says it isn't. You just can't tell me it's because there are so many people in NYC. That's where moscow comes into play. They have the same amount, if not 30% more. And it works perfectly well. It's clean, it's safe, relyable and fast.
Don't distract from the problem and solution. Focus, for god's sake!

>> No.10174741

This goes back to my original point, Moscow has a strong police presence. It physically enforces cultural norms among a diverse population, therefore there is a mutual respect for public works projects. Since the US refuses to do that you're left with the two options I posted above. Diverse populations always and will forever lead to police states. If you don't like that then tough shit.

>> No.10174785

> tfw us american tells police presence in russia is high xD xD xD
this can't get any better
> complains about diversity in his country being the problem
> sees diversity in other countries as solution to their problems
you fucking nigger, get outta here

>> No.10174790

Having enough money to shift the work to someone else is still self-sufficiency. It's called OUTSOURCING.

>> No.10174813

>I just think you are projecting your problems onto other cultures and minorities in your country.
No, I have no problems to project. I have no problems at all if I stay away from areas high in crime. Do you want to start posting black crime statistics? Let's be honest, you wouldn't travel through Harlem even with euro-tier infrastructure.

>> No.10174826

Good luck with that seriously, The NYC subway system is literally ancient that's why it sucks. The entire infrastructure has to be redesigned, Get Elon Musk to help you OP it's our only hope.

check out this article it compares nyc subway system to that of london's

>> No.10174830

So shifting the work of driving to the bus/subway driver/conductor is self-sufficiency too, right?

Also, the things inmy post aren't things you just outsorce because you have money. They're things you literally can't do yourself and have to rely on others (mainly the government) doing them for you.

>> No.10174837

or better, get back to /pol/, you piece of shit.
You literally devalued your existence in a few posts. We know now what kind of person you are. You're a shame to your fellow citizens. Pathetic piece of shit. Nobody will trust you in your life, you just take whichever opinion suits your feelings most. Pathetic and not worthy of more

>> No.10174860

>too much afraid to travel across own city
>claims he has no problems
yeah, that's why you brought all this up. Because everything is good, right?

>> No.10174866

I live in NYC. Subways run every 3-4 minutes. There is no trains being "late," or checking times for the train, they run very frequently. I've never heard anyone complain about the shit you listed, and I've also never seen a station as dirty as your picture. I've also never seen that type of garbage can anywhere in NYC. The garbage cans in the stations are stationary large black cylinders in the middle of the platform, you cannot move them. Also, the subway is subsidized and does not make a profit, they actually operate on a loss.


>> No.10174869

Never at any point did I say diversity is good for other countries. Also I'm not complaining, I'm just stating it as a matter of fact. It's just how nations can cope with competing ingroups. Also I have a really hunch feeling you're not really Austrian, or you're just a really stupid one. At this point I'm pretty done, you're not gonna do shit and probably in the next few years we're gonna fuck your economy so hard because of your reliance on out markets. Good luck europoor. :^)

>> No.10174874

:D thx for source. Appreciate every supportive and honest input.

>> No.10174876

Eh, I get the feeling you're just one of the lower criminal class. That explains why you settle for mediocrity and depend on government transportation.

>> No.10174884

No, you "shift the work to drivers" because you literally can't afford to drive yourself. Big difference.

>> No.10174899

You would need to be a billionaire and unafraid to tell thug nigs and spics to beat it. Unfortunately even with that, you need to grease some palms. Trump and Giuliani came close, but it wasn't enough.

>> No.10174914

In most of Europe, everyone with a job can afford a cheap car and gas for it.

Still avoiding the fact that you do all those things because you have to rely on the government to do them for you.

>> No.10174973

I will admit I'm envious of your education system. I do wish more people in the US could get a solid grasp on higher learning.

>> No.10174977

kek. Larp some more. We live happy here :) And have no free trade agreement with the US, there is too much protest against that

Depend? Why should I not take public transport, when it saves me half the time for travel?
And If I need a car, I just unlock one with my app. There are those brand new BMWs standing around, which you can use (of course it costs). :)

>> No.10174983

>Still avoiding the fact that you do all those things because you have to rely on the government to do them for you.
No, not really. I am not arguing for some kind of cowboy society where everyone is for themselves. There are things called public goods that the government provides which the free market has a hard time providing.

By self-sufficiency I mean being able to afford your own mode of transportation and not depending on government welfare programs, and being able to work for yourself without wage-slaving. You know, adult things. But it's clear to me that you're more interested in moving goalposts than you are in being honest.

>> No.10174995

>Depend? Why should I not take public transport, when it saves me half the time for travel?

>> No.10175003

I'd rather live free than happy. That's why America exists. Get fucked.

>> No.10175023

This. I would rather be free to succeed or fail on my own, rather than depend on government handouts.

Coincidentally, with freedom comes happiness. I can't even imagine settling for euro mediocrity.

>> No.10175053

I feel more free than any american, I believe.
US is really comparable to russia, in case of public freedom. Of course doing business in russia is terrible, don't get me wrong.

But if you tell any western european america is more free, they will straight laugh at you. We know, bro... you don't need to hide from us

>> No.10175063

Your mode of transportation is useless without the government giving you the ability to fill it with fuel.

>and being able to work for yourself without wage-slaving
Are you under the impression that Europeans are all employed by the government and nobody owns any business?

>No, not really. I am not arguing for some kind of cowboy society where everyone is for themselves. There are things called public goods that the government provides which the free market has a hard time providing.
You said that Euro culture is based on dependency.
I gave you examples of how American culture is too.
That's it.
You can justify yours as good things while ours as bad, but at the end of the day, both cultures (and most of the others) are based on depending on the government.

Also, public transport isn't free in most countries. You still need to pay.

>> No.10175084

Volunteer to clean and bag up trash. Problem is the people dumping shit and not sanitizing.

>> No.10175096
File: 41 KB, 616x308, 46-106160710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You still need to pay.
yeah, 360 € in vieanna for the whole year, all systems: Train, Sub, Tram and Bus :)

>> No.10175116

>I don't know if they will generate enough revenue to keep your business profitable

Regardless of what class you are in. People love convenience. They look getting to places in less time as opposed to new york gridlock traffic.

The people honestly have no choice in taking the train due to that convenience. It's going to be profitable by default. You win by default because you are the ONLY monopoly in that city.

>> No.10175123

Cheaper than a car for sure, but just because something is cheap it doesn't mean it's being provided to you and you're dependant on it like you're on welfare.

>> No.10175152


Wow, you're dumb!

>> No.10175167

>LOL when you run out of arguments. Typical.

It's not an argument. He's fucking telling you. You are literally not bringing any progress to the table.

>> No.10175168

That's right. It means I am really glad we have it.
I really don't want it to go away ;S Imagine sitting for hours in your fucking car waiting for other fuckers to move, always concentrating.
When I leave the tram, I always say thank you. You see that pic? >>10175096 We hug each other good buy. Sometimes i kiss it. But not too much, I know it's not only mine. I want that tram to hug me when I go to bed.

>> No.10175193

*good bye

>> No.10175279


I axctually appreciate your idea in gentrifying the New York Subway! It would make it easier yet safer for the people and many opportunities and jobs created. Putting coffee shops at each stop and wifi for the he people out of conveniences would encourage more people to take the subway.

I would love to talk to you personally about this if you are actually serious on this idea.

Do you use discord?

>> No.10175287

It's not 1979 anymore, fuckhead.

>> No.10175312

It is different in new york city. There are pleanty of homeless living in the subway system that pee and shit where they please. Prices for transportation keep going up.

It's 1 buck for a new mta card which is required to ride. It's 2.75 for 1 train ride in the city. You need to purchase an amount of value from their value selection screen which won't be divisible by 2.75 meaning you will always have value left on your card that you can't use. You can't use value on your mta card to purchase goods. I know in japan you can use the value on your metro card to purchase anything in a store.

Everyone knows the mta is corrupt. Sometimes the machines double charge your card or you might only get part of the value you paid for when you add value and the mta won't help because their purposely downgraded computer systems only show them the last ride purchase made on your card. For any help they force you to pay to mail your card in and wait weeks to months for any sort of response.

The mta makes pleanty of money but won't renovate the subway systems so they are all old smelly and full of shit yet prices keep going up. Its what happens when you allow one company to have a monopoly on transportation in one area. Tge closer to a monopoly you get tge worse it gets for people.

>> No.10175316

>Your mode of transportation is useless without the government giving you the ability to fill it with fuel.
What an idiotic statement. There is a thing called capitalism, which allows for all sorts of innovations in technology and transportation, like Tesla's electric cars for example. Government doesn't own any of those fueling stations. Those are all private companies. But let's pretend gasoline-powered vehicles are the only ones that exist. You buy gasoline from private companies. Even if government sells it, you are still buying it in the same you you would buy it from someone else as an act of self-sufficient outsourcing. You are trying to equate this to the government literally providing gas as a social service like welfare that people depend on, but it is just not the same thing. Everything we know about economics has shown that the free market will always step up to fill a market demand because we are all self-interested individuals who respond predictably to incentives.

>Are you under the impression that Europeans are all employed by the government and nobody owns any business?
No, what am I implying is that most of you are forced to work for someone else because EU regulations impose heavy regulations and fees that favor corporations with deep pockets but lock small entrepreneurs out.

>Also, public transport isn't free in most countries. You still need to pay.
Then what's so great about it? Because it's higher-quality? You pay for that quality whether you use the public transportation or not. Any government service is paid for by your taxes. TNSTAAFL. At first you could say, "well that's a fair deal." But it's just another cost on top of many tax burdens. You are quite literally forced to choose government-provided transportation because it's cheaper, as you said here >>10175123, literally bragging that your government imposes insane VAT on automobile purchases.

>> No.10175359

Sure, drop me an invite or something.
I'm no billionaire. I know a few people, but based on the reaction the problem is larger then anticipated :/ If the condition is such that it really needs a teardown and rebuild from zero, there have to be a lot of people involved.

And the other solution, making it luxury like >>10174581 is not as sexy.
Like the brutally failed trump helicopters in the 80s - kek. The key is convenience and speed. And in case of NYC, additional filth and crime prevention.

>> No.10175368

oh SHIT dude, that is some important information

>> No.10175417

Ok, I have a new idea.
Why not buy everything around the subway system and the system itself, and make the owner the city of New York?
Then, basically, the citizens own the subway system. And if the managers are corrupt, they just fire them, or vote them out. Many large infrastructure projects are owned by their citizens around the world.

>> No.10175537

Shit, I've just realized that this IS the current state.
The NY subway is owned by their citizens.
The question is, why is it failing then? WTF
The costs are quite the same. One ride in vienna costs 2.40€
But for 360€ a year you can use every public transportation the city has to offer :)
Train, Sub, Tram and Bus

Somewhere between the lines I don't get why it's failing.
The ticket price is the same.
Both systems (vienna and NYC) are owned by the people.
Something is not right...

>> No.10175559

You're misconstructing each one of my arguments to fit your strawman version of them.
I can't be bothered to waste time on this pointless shitpost.
I'll just wave my white flag and accept the US as the greatest and most free country on earth.
Have a nice day/night.

>> No.10175581

NYC daily commuter here.

Anon I think you’ve failed to take into account the sheer cost of doing business in NYC. It costs billions to lay a quarter mile of subway tracks.

T. Family engineer who works with NYC subway

>> No.10175595

In case you want a non self serving source


Disclaimer: I don’t read The NY Times

>> No.10175621
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>> No.10175684

>public transport
that shit is only for niggers and poorfags

>> No.10175701

thanks so much! :D

>> No.10175745
File: 69 KB, 897x480, imageformatservlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As comfort and relyability rises, more and more people want to take the public transport.
It's the business of the future. A self-driving car is basically public transport too. Somebody is driving for you.
Numbers don't lie. Especially in business.

>> No.10175759

>more and more poor people want to take the public transport.

>> No.10175932

>comparing urbanized cities to our biggest prison

>> No.10176048

yes, you incarcerate proportionally many people for profit.
But i compared an african subway to an american. That has nothing to do with your prison and police problems.

>> No.10176719

>but based on the reaction the problem is larger then anticipated

It's not hard to gentrify subway system and hire police (LA's metro subway station hires cops all the time to kick out homeless folks)

Making it into a "Luxury" is extremely niche since elites don't take the bus since they have no clue how to socialize with commoners.

You need mass numbers of people who will pay daily/ monthly vaia tap cards. This pays for the subway.

>> No.10176748

can you remake this so that it's not in spanish?

>> No.10176777

VAT also affects public transportation prices you spastic. In Europe we ise public transport because it's convenient, well-maintained, secure, clean and free of traffic jams.

>> No.10176819

call bullshit on that. the subway is absolutely fucking digusting and sometimes even worse than in the pic which is why i just use uber now

>> No.10176857
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>You pay for that quality whether you use the public transportation or not. Any government service is paid for by your taxes.
That's wrong. I live in a 2.5 millions inhabitants urban area in europe and our public transport is entirely funded by fares prices, and still generates enough money to expand and maintain its quality and cleanliness. It's cultural, americans simply don't have a sense of "long term" and it causes them to shun infrastructure.

>> No.10176885

the renovated stations still look like shit compared to other country's subways. it's a joke honestly, trash is everywhere cause no one gives a fuck, STILL no railings like the ones in asian countries so people don't kill themselves, VERY little platform and train space because of bad design, and train traffic is still a thing. aesthetic design looks like shit too, all they did was give the walls a paint job and keep the old shitty design unlike the modern designs in other subways.

>> No.10176920

i lived in harlem for four years. you're an idiot and a racist if you think it's at all dangerous
in fact, it's the opposite of that--it's literally gentrifying
a whole foods just opened up there for fucks sake

get your head out of your ass

>> No.10177001

>no railings like the ones in asian countries so people don't kill themselves
This one I don't like tho. Shinkansen stations look really depressing with that.

>> No.10177032
File: 165 KB, 1278x505, og_martin_luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't seen nothing yet.

>> No.10177033

New York has niggers


>> No.10177271
File: 169 KB, 960x684, chartoftheday_2770_US_States_with_the_Greenest_Commuters_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's german. And it means that the usage of public transportation in vienna is trending up. Now it's about 50%.
With higher comfort, higher speed and relyability, people just don't wanna stand in traffick jams. Even car owners buy year long tickets, because it's so fucking convenient and fast.

>> No.10177298

I meant 40% ... without the bikes and pedestrians.
40%, a bit more in Vienna then in New York...

- The ticket price is the same
- The same amount of people are using it
- The same ownership structure

Yet... one system is failing, the other one thriving... what's happening?

>> No.10177394

The same here.
Our public transport is making over 500 million €.
Nearly all of it is going into infrastructural reinvestment (~460 million €).

The parent company, Wien Energie, owned by the people, is making ~50 billion revenue after all spendings, every year.

Yeah... and americans say europeans can't handle business. They just like to deflect from their problems.

>> No.10177415

>400+ subway stations
>5.6 million passengers a day
>constant fixing and repairs of old shit
>one way or another you will be dealing w/ unions

Why would you go through all this hassle to pocket maybe several million dollars a year? And you would be lucky to turn a profit within a decade and recoup the money you spent to buy the subway. Just an awful awful idea.

>> No.10177448

I don't know, mate. Looks comfy to me, I've just searched it.
I would feel much safer with these railings.
You know, not long ago a baby in a strowler was killed, because the wind from a train pushed it on the tracks... this railing looks safe

>> No.10177462
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>> No.10177472

>not realizing American crime is largely a nigger problem
Liberals will tell you crime statistics are institutionalized racism

>> No.10177489

>Well, if the service is good, then the middle class would use it too.
Why would I when I have my new car in the driveway I'm not just paying the loan, registration and insurance on, but that the infrastructure in the US for vehicles is vastly superior to a piss stained seat across the isle from some masturbating homeless man on some underground train?

Even if you clean the piss and just shoot the homeless man my car will always be there and is incredibly more convenient.

>> No.10177516

NYC runs 24/7

that's the price you pay

it's getting better slowly but change costs so much in ny

>> No.10177526

>Suddenly I don't want to do business in NYC so much
>Chart for EU states
>No data for the US
White/European will become the minority State side in 2049, can your nation say the same?

With dumbshit reading comprehension like yours, please stay in the EU and continue to ruin your nation.

>> No.10177539

>cherry picked image from a culturally homogeneous state

>> No.10177545

go back to /pol/ you useless piece of shit
I would do something useful :) Imagine how nice and fun it would be to build up and make the subs shiny again. That opportunity alone, man!

>> No.10177556

top kek. Looks like fucking china dude

>> No.10177595

Moscow's subway system is literally perfect compared to America's in terms of cleanliness and lack of mentally ill people. Sad that even a borderline third world country beats America so badly here.

>> No.10177598

>I would do something useful
Lol fag, that's not the American way. The subways should be kept shitty so I don't have to hear a nasheed blair in the gang banger junker next to me on the commute to work.

Fuck off to some caliphate shithole you crawled out of

>> No.10177618

>go back to /pol/
What's your rebuttal faggot? If niggers disappeared, none of the problems with crime would exist to the degree it would. Even gun homicides would drop to Switzerland tier.

>> No.10177668

People are not really this dumb?

>> No.10177704

personally i think ur better off just making new subways in other cities that need the infrastructure. nyc isnt worth saving at this point.

>> No.10177752

It is not. Time is money. And our pulic transport moves twice, if not three times as fast (if you go across city).
That's why many people have a car and a full-year ticket.

>> No.10177816

salty rednecks detected.
I'm the most white above-average IQ specimen you can find.
And I'm telling you.
You are utter trash and not worthy. You have yet to earn your dignity.

>> No.10177836

I'm not American, try again

>> No.10177905
File: 100 KB, 777x583, Redesigned-Subway-777x583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said that.
I said you are a salty redneck, fucker!

>pic ~related?
This is Gov. Cuomos idea of a modern subway.
The same cramped space. 2 meter platform, dangerous like a motherfucker.
Paint and a unnecessary USB port, voilá! Renovated! -.-

We can do better, boys

>> No.10177917

Your car will always get stuck in traffic. My tramway or my subway won't. My train speeds at 250km/h to 400km/h trough the country.

All my travel expenses are paid by my company but I refuse to lose time driving. I prefer using my comute for better things.

>> No.10177925

My commute is 20 minutes to my office, why should I care what some twink euro faggot that thinks niggers get prioritized over me has to say?

>> No.10177937

>We can do better, boys
Nah, why should I improve conditions for the street filth? I don't have to use the subway and I never will.

>> No.10177944

African sub probably transport in a month what NY does in a day anon.
Plus, it's middle class that use it, not junkies and homeless...

>> No.10177950

Aren't people going to be angry when you plan to kick out all the black people?

>> No.10177964

I refuse to get stuck in traffic with niggers , retards and poorfags in financed cars desu.

>> No.10177998

>>10177925 I don't prioritize niggers. I don't care. All I care is skill.
You should care because you own the fucking company, you moron. You are losing money while our company in vienna is making profit. We have the same ownership structure, the same ticket prices and the same % of people going by public transport. Think about that...
>>10177950 No. Only passengers are allowed down there. All other people (bums i guess) have to get thrown out. That is no place for chaos.
>>10177944 Yes, in vienna, middle class is using it too. Because it's comfy.

>> No.10178045

>You should care because you own the fucking company, you moron.
Yeah, it's called pitchfork insurance. We give the poor people the absolute basics so they only turn on each other, then I get to pay single digit percentages or even less in taxes on my income for throwing some money my friend's way at his charity to cultivate partnerships.

>having to cross poor communities on your commute

>> No.10178121

>poor communities
I just want to help americans, because I only see poor communities. It's now like late 90s russia. The rich are building walls around their houses, protected by the army. That's how it will end, if nobody comes from the outside and helps the US a bit with patience and skill.

>> No.10178165

I live in NYC. 75% of the people using the subways are hoodrats that jump the turnstile anyway, or homeless people and people on welfare. Charge more and theyll continue to not pay, or find an alternative thats cheaper (the bus)

>> No.10178191

>I just want to help americans
I already have an in on a residence permit for myself and my family when everything goes to shit for leaving the states. Anyone worth saving in any sort of collapse already has the means to do so. Really you're only wasting your time on gibs apes and useless single mothers.

>> No.10178216
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>> No.10178221

The funny thing is, we don't even have turnstiles in vienna. No doors or passthroughs. You just go onto the train. If you haven't paid, you just haven't paid.
Still our company makes profit. Yours doesn't.
And even in russia they organized it.
Are you telling me the US population is so massively poorer then our or even russias population?
These are excuses for failing, simple as that...

>> No.10178269

>Are you telling me the US population is so massively poorer then our or even russias population?
No, it's that there's a cultural precedent of everflowing gibs and racism towards the white man who owes the chimps and spics everything.

You give them an inch, they'll take a fucking mile. Offer free rides and your subway will just be carrying shit eating druggies all day.

>> No.10178316

Do you even see racism in real life? I hear about it every single day on the internet but I've only ever encountered it once in my entire life. And I live in Boston and use their shitty subways.

>> No.10178329

There's no incentive to make the NYC subway nicer, the transit system is much more comprehensive than all the ones listed in the picture above so actually fixing it would cost stupid amounts of money.

Also the LIRR already exist for people who want a nicer transit system.

>> No.10178341

You realize you'd have to get NEW YORK CITY to agree to let you use their subway lines right?

>a white male wants to do something?

What world do you think you live in?

>> No.10178387

What? Are you retarded? NY has WAY more extreme poverty than Vienna dipshit.

>> No.10178410

Dude the whole world sees american racism from thousands of miles away.
Equality? Improvement? Half your country went into fear-bunkers when a black person got elected president.
Your policemen shoot minorities like flies. They incarcerate minorities for profit.
Your country is just so foul, nobody wants anything anymore coming from your direction.

>> No.10178426

we have a railroad to in vienna. But it's not the sub. It's a train. It won't take you to the inner cities, and doesn't have as much stations.

>> No.10178434
File: 106 KB, 1136x640, based-chink (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10178438

why is that?
Yes, I realized later on that NY has the same ownership model as viennas public transport. This just makes it more confusing. Because ours make profit.

>> No.10178473

seriously, why is that? Why "extreme"?

>> No.10178499

That was kind of my point, everyone online talks about American racism but I never actually see it. I'm sure it does happen but it's greatly exaggerated... like "half the country went into fear bunkers because of a black president". Most people who disliked Obama did so because they disagreed with his world views and would have reacted similarly to any liberal president. Policemen do sometimes shoot minorities, but their high rates of poverty and mental illness mean there's usually a good reason to do so. An even bigger killer of minorities is other minorities, but that doesn't get talked about as much.

>> No.10178538


Yes, you see our racism from thousands of miles away, but everything you just said is exaggerated trolling bullshit. It's almost as if certain chosen people who own and control the major media is actively promoting a slanted view of America to further its own divisive, anti-American agenda...

>> No.10178583

Hmmm.. you may have a point here.
Still, equality takes time. In switzerland, women couldn't vote 40 years ago. Equality and progress takes time. I believe blacks are still underprivileged, and covert racism is playing out hidden from sight. But it's true that there is exaggeration, but there are also data points. Like blacks getting pulled over much ofter. Blacks getting harsher sentences for the same crimes. These are hard to swallow pills, and not what justice should look like.

>> No.10178593

I'm still interested in your opinion on this.
What is the cause?

>> No.10178722

I dunno anon Im not an anthropologist. Go read some books. Vienna is arguably the most privilaged city on the face of the earth. You are a city of spoilt milinial zoomers.

>> No.10179069

