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File: 16 KB, 400x400, ppn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10172247 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw premature ejaculation so no point in making effort into "making it" since I just last seconds
>inb4 try this useless advice that doesn't work such as nofap, edging, cum before fucking etc

>> No.10172266


use a condom that numbs your dick

>> No.10172274

you can't ejaculate prematurely if the tip of your penis is sealed op/

>> No.10172277

Try prescription painkillers.

>> No.10172298

It's pretty much the same for me, so I usually just try to make the girl cum first by eating her out. Then you can cum in 10 seconds and she won't care at all

>> No.10172305

Those don't really work and they make your partner numb too. PE is at least 50% mental anyway. Some topical novocaine isn't going to help with that part.

>> No.10172308

>squandering such a gift

you're meant to pleasure yourself, not the walking fleshlight you stick your dick into, who cares how long you last

>> No.10172316


>> No.10172319
File: 10 KB, 419x555, that_30yo_boomer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this except I use fingers because my wife doesnt want my disgusting mouth on her lady parts anymore

also OP you are probably young, trust me once you get past 30 year old boomer age you will wish you could still cum in 10 seconds. instead you'll get hard, stick it in, and go soft in 10 seconds without even cumming

>> No.10172348

>having a mouth more disgusting than THAT
What the fuck, bro?

>> No.10172357

>15 year old incel boomer.

>> No.10172358

>t. boomer with ED

>> No.10172401
File: 77 KB, 640x960, E5AxL8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you were partying
I studied the redpill

When you were having premarital sex
I mastered edging for hours to porn

While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity
I cultivated true love for pure 2d girls

And now that your dick is on fire and you can't last for more than 10 seconds you have the audacity to come to me for help?

>> No.10172447

Who cares if the girl enjoys it? Drop the feminist mindset you little fag. Sex is for you, not for her

>> No.10172454

lmao 4chan in one pic

>> No.10172469


Try lifting weights you pussy. Squats and Lunges specifically.

>> No.10172477



>> No.10172601

my sides

>> No.10172802

If you’re having sex on a regular basis the situation should naturally improve, especially if you fuck more than once in a session.

>> No.10172930

back to /pol/ shithead!

>> No.10172951

Learn to use other parts of your body. She'll appreciate it. She'll also appreciate that it only takes her 4 seconds to return the favor.

>> No.10172957

Kek my man, kek

>> No.10173015

anon i'm 33 and i fuck my gf at least twice a day
willing to bet you fell for the "date your own age" meme. this makes for a miserable experience because for her you don't have the older man vibe that is necessary for authority = respect = domination = arousal, and for you she's not a cute sexy little thing you can deflower and protect
don't give up on your dick before you tried the right pussy, your age has little to do with it unless you're in your 60s

>> No.10173284

im guessing he is 200 pounds over weight with diabetes.

>> No.10173320

and on antidepressants, smokes and has a girlfriend he finds unappealing.