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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.10172049 [Reply] [Original]

REQ gives updates 2x a month
LINK gives updates 2x a year at most
What in the actual fuck?
Speak to us, you

>> No.10172059

Sergey is busy. He will provide updates before the golden bull.

>> No.10172065

yeah busy blowing your cash on hookers, blow and big macs you stupid ass nigger. Sell while you still can.

>> No.10172103
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Sell, pussy. You're clearly too ADHD to hold for a few years.

>> No.10172119

The project is purposefully being kept secret, why does no one understand this

>> No.10172235
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I don't give a fuck how super smart his secret plan is, this shit can drop to 1/1000 EOY and I won't touch that fucking dip until he acknowledges me as deserving of his prose.

>> No.10172366

What are you talking about? They update the pivotal tracker all the time.

>> No.10172611
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>Dero updates every other day

>Chainlink updates once a year
>"Just trust them oh by the way did you hear about this thing called FOMO3D it's coming out this Sunday here use my link :^)"

The very state of /biz/

>> No.10173062
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We are all going down

>> No.10173089

lmao maybe because he realized that the oracle problem doesn't exist and he became suicidal?

>> No.10173968

A bullrun for alts will not happen until a bullrun for bitcoin happens. Then the run will spill over to alts. That is how it always worked and will ever work.

>> No.10174042
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I've been in crypto a long time, Nimiq has the best community dev updates ive ever seen just switch fuck

>> No.10174743
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>REQ gives updates 2x a month
and how is that working out for ya reqtards?
LINK is only for high test hodlers that don't need handholding, true MGTOWers, the alpha chads, the slayers, the top 0.02% of genetic pinnacle

>> No.10174922

stop comparing link to req, thats like comparing lisk to eth in 2017