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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 2000x2000, Bitcoin.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10171911 [Reply] [Original]

According to what many would call "inside" sources, there's a HUGE DUMP planned and it's just around the corner. We're talking a $750 to $1100 drop which will complete VERY quickly once it begins. Tether THE FUCK up or go into fiat right at this fucking moment senpai! Later today or tomorrow it may seriously be too late. Not fucking joking guys, and don't be fooled by minor upward movements over the course of the next few hours - IN FACT that's to be expected before the dump begins! If you're thinking of buying in now, hold out and wait a few days and you'll get significantly cheaper bitcorn. Or if you must buy then at least be VERY careful and attentive. Buying now is basically like buying on the 7th of June.

You've been warned now, so this is off my conscience now. Take care everyone.

>> No.10171929

buy my tether bags goyim

>> No.10171938

Damn it,
senpai = f.a.m

>> No.10171955


>> No.10171958

planned? Its fucking in the TA. The bubble popped and we STILL havent gotten to the depression yet.

>> No.10171960
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>> No.10171976

thats because people know how to short

>> No.10171986
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>Muuuh dump
Pic related.

>> No.10171987

just entered a short position with a loan from Tyrone. i had to put up my wife and daughter as collateral. you guys better not be wrong about this.

>> No.10171992

back to rebbit frnd

>> No.10171993

Sold. Knowing my luck I’m about to get Fuucked by a green dildo

>> No.10171996

>STILL havent gotten to the depression yet.
he doesn't know any normies who bought in nov/dec

>> No.10172000

Agreed, everything is indicating a crash very soon, whether naturally occuring or engineered.

>> No.10172011

>biz agrees that the price will tank

>> No.10172013

>or engineered.
get ready for the opposite

>> No.10172015

your "inside" sources knew you'd come here and elsewhere to spill the beans, so they're probably going long. Prepare for 1k pump boyos

>> No.10172018

>everything is indicating a crash very soon
And that's why exactly the opposite will happen

>> No.10172029

I will unironically HODL until the end.
Death to Jews

>> No.10172030

Thanks for the warning. I'm tethering half my stack.

>> No.10172037


>> No.10172041

/biz/ knows the drill, time to buy

>> No.10172055
File: 582 KB, 1282x822, blockstream gassed get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should hodl BCH though, since that's what (((they))) fear as it's not under their control. Eventually it's gonna flip BTC. BTC will keep crashing, and BCH gets hurt too but recovers better than BTC each time. So eventually it gets worth more than BTC. They can't stop that from happening.

>> No.10172066

Shorting with 20k with 100x now, you bett be right

>> No.10172100
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>insider here



>> No.10172104

You all know that the 5th richest btc address was activated on July 1? Right guys?? Serious look it up

>> No.10172111

Whales are dumping? Maybe they will, but that doesn't need to happen. Just doing some basic TA and it's obvious we're going down way more before a proper bullrun can begin. Only people who are total brainlets at TA will fail to see this.

>> No.10172137
File: 557 KB, 479x567, kek cleaned gamma 096 40percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek wants blood. Bitcoin's gonna bleed.

>> No.10172157

I smell a bulltrap incoming first before the dump...

>> No.10172160
File: 398 KB, 1500x1500, 1529830031034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fork, a free airdrop that supposedly they don't control when they got equal amounts of it. You bcashie cultists should just give up.

>> No.10172199

Unironically a time to do the opposite of what /biz/ op says

feeling bullish, so much support at 6200 it's a bottom. Seeing 7k sooner rather than later

>> No.10172223
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>> No.10172242

I thought everyone knew we were heading to 4k by August? This is going to be a bloodbath month. Crazy if you are in alts now they are going to get purged hardcore.

>> No.10172270


>> No.10172318

I disagree. I think, bitcoin's use of soft forks and second layer networks like lightning is the way to scale and defeat the banking jew.

I think bitcoin cash users have their heart in the right place, but are misguided. There is no way a flood network like bitcoin can scale just by block-size increases. That only scales linearly, where as lightning allows for exponential scaling. I agree a blocksize increase should happen for bitcoin, and I was a little disappointed that segwit 2x didn't happen.

Never the less, both bitcoin and bitcoin cash users agree that the banking kikes should be thrown into gas chambers and that's all that really matters. We must remain united even if we have different philosophical differences on how bitcoin should scale. We ultimately want the same thing in the end.

>> No.10172335


>> No.10172364

Divide and conquer is the most ancient strategy in the book. These banking kikes are probably behind the fork

>> No.10172380

you ok fa󠁿󠁿󠁿m?

>> No.10172383

The next few hours are crucial for Bitcoin.

>> No.10172405


>> No.10172446


>> No.10172463

So in other words we should sell? Since the majority of /biz/ is delusionally bullish like you? Stay in and you're gonna cry. Regardless if OP is legit or a larper this truly is a good time to get out of crypto if you're still in. I haven't been in since mid-May and I'm planning on getting back in once it nears 5k or mid 4k's

>> No.10172484

always do the opposite of what retards on /biz/ say

>> No.10172521
File: 85 KB, 804x802, B3F231A0-6B11-4ADB-AFF3-1E0A5181054D-5045-0000072CAE84789E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw phone temporarily out of commission, waiting for new battery
>mfw I'm in this ride whether I like it or not

>> No.10172588

Yeah. It's (((their))) main strategy.
Whenever a group of people start calling out the big nose tribe, the group suddenly starts fighting with each other, instead of teaming up against yahweh's chosen people.

Seems to me that they played both sides of the fork (like they always do with everything else).
Within the span of a year, the entire market lost its unity against central banking and now has effectively turned into a dick measuring contest focused on which slightly different block-chain implementation is the best, when in reality, they all are pretty much the same, with one or two minor changes.

It's really sad honestly. We were so close.

>> No.10172615

jump ship do dogecoin my frens, no jews, just doge

>> No.10172642

Desperate winnies everywhere. Holy shit this is sad.

>> No.10172666

Cool, my paychecked just came in.

>> No.10172680

This is huge buy signal

>> No.10172686

So, what should I buy during the dip, /biz/?

>> No.10172695


Don't listen to this fag. During the april 22nd reversal we saw a sharp drop in BTC price, followed by a record setting 1 hour candle. They do this in order to first rekt all the longs, then get people to open shorts. Then they pump the fuck out of it and all the shorts have to buy back in to cover, further pushing up volume, and all longs who got rekt and sold when it dipped buy back in, along with a bunch of people fomoing in as it rockets upward. I expect the exact same thing to happen.

>> No.10172718

bcash (unironically)

>> No.10172732

told you for one week now
double chad fad pattern followed by inverted marge, then the golden bullrun starts
it's like nobody listens to very serious bart analysis

>> No.10172739
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Bulls will be in tears tomorrow.

>> No.10172760

no one here knows anything do they

>> No.10172897

Why do you people do this? What do you hope this thread will accomplish?

>> No.10172996

thanks for the tip anon I cashed out at a 75% lost.

im fucking done with crypto

>> No.10173028
File: 30 KB, 480x360, 1530559347764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically bought more.

>> No.10173042

I don't know desu. Last week my charts were showing a golden shower triangle, with BBC angles showing possible divergence. Then I saw a 50/50 chance of an Elton John purple sunglasses inverted penis popcicle.

>> No.10173204

>According to what many would call "inside" sources, there's a HUGE DUMP
i took a dump this morning too probably gonna take a dump tomorrow morning also.

>> No.10173243

>Elton John purple sunglasses indicator
>in a Nappa and Videl invested in a house and what should be their next investment market
it's like you want to be poor

>> No.10173300

i really can't give a fuck what happens short term. i need a few days to prep if i want to buy more btc, so it would be nice to know if it really drops but insider infos are not gonna cut it. i have to see it move have to see it hit a new low then i will wire the cash.

>> No.10173346

The looking around the corner/doorway makes this one really good. Saved.

>> No.10173365

Why would that matter? What exchange do you use?

>> No.10174636

>I expect the exact same thing to happen.
That's what happened last week. Check shorts vs longs on tradingview. Back in April it didn't go as low and went straight to 8k. I don't except it to hit 8k this time.

>> No.10174725

A lot of us know BTC is going down another 1k or so - at least 1k. It's actually kind of obvious if you have any sort of skill with TA.

>> No.10174744

...and of course, if you do your TA objectively (don't allow your desire for a bull run to influence your analysis)

>> No.10174758

okay im only gonna say this once. syscoin will be the only cryptocurrency by 2020

>> No.10174944

I'm an inside insider trader, bull run and green dildo up asses will be shat

>> No.10175713


lol kikes win either way. u unite? they just infiltrate your community and slowly make you assimilate to their ideals like animal farm. divide and conquer? technological progress is stunted while they make money off of JUSTing both sides. u cant win if u trap urself in a false dichotomy as jews already know, that's why they keep winning and have the highest IQ(ashkenazi jews) out of any race

>> No.10175790

>read chicken guts objectively!

>> No.10175852

>thinking people have only one strategy

guessing u fags don't play any strategy games? having only one win condition is exactly how u get fucked, jews keep winning because they aren't close minded conservatives that stick to one strategy for life. that is why i laugh when white people try to make fun of black people, all of u inferior brainlet apes(aside from east asians that can go to toe with jews) are just having a dick size contest between ur microdick sizes while big dicks keep raping you all.

>> No.10175933

fuck off

>> No.10175960
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>> No.10176352
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It's over, the crypto gods have spoken.

>> No.10176734
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>big dick insider dumps privileged information on 4chan
sure thing buddy

>> No.10177164

I'm not sure if this is true or not but I have to HODL, fren. I'm down 40k, so its either all or nothing for me.

>> No.10177253

sup? your short failed? trying to fud?

>> No.10177325

no, the bogs are in control

>> No.10177809

I always trust insider tips on 4chan thanks anon

>> No.10177958

Kike garbage. Fuck off. Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.10178370
