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1017163 No.1017163 [Reply] [Original]

I'll put it in greentext as tradition here.

>I am 28
>living in the city of Windsor, Ontario. unemployment capital of Canada
>I dropped out of engineering @ the university a few years ago
>currently living in my mother's basement, going insane and impatient
>I have to pay $2400 to go back to school
>Thinking about computer science, already have some of their courses. possibly 2 years to finish. Already know basics of coding
>any job i find, will be $10/month (I have security guard license)

What should I do? I feel like I should get in my uninsured car and drive far far away, with no money, and just start new.

Should I go back to school? Can I fake my degree or something and get a job?

/biz/ is based sometimes.

Help me make a decision please. I can't take it anymore. I haven't held my chin up for so long.

>> No.1017173

Go for CompSci, you wont drop out again since now you literally got no choice. Comp Sci is not just about coding though. Algorithms, datastructures - hackerrank, khansacademy and coursera are gonna be ur friends. Dont wait to start the program, STUDY AHEAD now. Four hours every day at least, get the discipline going. Going to your local bank and ask for a personal student loan if OSAP isnt an option. Good luck.

>> No.1017199

Is it worth getting a degree now? And I know it's not gonna be easy. Specially since I have no money and have to work for it. I wont get OSAP or student loan. Maybe OSAP after a semester.

>> No.1017209

Run of the mill programming jobs require a degree. Sure there is a push by Google and recently Accenture to get qualified people without degrees in. But thats aimed at 50 year olds who know their stuff inside and out but never bothered to get one.

Register for a github account now. Start coding and push everything on there so you can use it on your resume. Participate in contests on hackerrank. You'll suck at first but will get better with time. These, and whatever you can think of yourself will be differentiating factors to get you a job. Try to go for co-op and internships. IBM Canada takes ~200 co-op students in the GTA area every 4 months. $22/hour buddy, just for the co-op. Smaller companies take less. Degree and decent (B+) grades are just the start. Either that or I guess neetdom till you become homeless (hate to motivate by fear, but think long term).

>> No.1017216

Thanks anon. Appreciate your reply. And I think I will do it. I have to borrow the money for the first semester, just to register.

another thing though is that my university sucks. Professors just put lectures on the big screen and if u wanna pass a course, u have to read it on your own. Is this just normal things I have to deal with?

>> No.1017230

Yeah thats normal. I went to Ryerson and I only had three (3) good professors in the entire four years there, that had passion for their subject and tried to explain so that I could easily understand.

Basically, studying is entirely on you they're just there to present the concepts. Some are useful in the office hours, others never even show up. Connect with people around you (theyre compsci spergs who love vidya, is its ez) to have a support group for labs/etc... At least you can ask someone if you dont understand whats going on.

Get copies of past exams from upper levels if you feel you need them. 50% of questions are similar year to year so thats a boost to your GPA.

Ask a few different banks concerning your personal student loan, get the lowest rate. I had OSAP + job money all the way through so I didn't need it, but you might. The shittiest sweatshops start at 45k/year, so 2.4k is peanuts down the road.

>> No.1017236

Never buy a book if you can help it. Get it from upper years for cheap, torrents or look here:

Gotta run I'll check later.

>> No.1017240

Goddamn. Thank you so much anon.

>> No.1017387

This is all useful information, thank you guy!.

Just do it man! I just jumped right into it, i'm working on my associates to BA for Comp Sci and its difficult but really not that hard if you just take the time to try and really understand what you are doing. I had absolutely no prior programming knowledge before I started and I'm acing my classes with 90+ averages.

>> No.1017397

Man I just feel too tired when I get home. The lectures are bs, I don't understand anything. I go to class at 8:30 am. by the 5:00 p.m time I get home, Im so tired. It's so hard to catch up. How do you manage?

Not to mention, I am broke as fuck. I can barely keep from starving. Car has no insurance. there's no food at mom's house. If i'm being a whiny biitch, dont hesitate to tell me.

>> No.1017848

Tell me about it. Sometimes I didn't even go home cause that'd be 2 wasted hours of going up north by subway and then back again, I just slept on a bench @ Ryerson (inside).

Read a book by Alan Lakein on time management (its his only one). It somewhat helped me get my shit in order and spend time studying. Its all about incentives and discipline basically. A few years of hell to live the rest of your live decently. Not a bad bargain. I had a few beers so thats it for now.

>> No.1017902

how old r u if u dont mind me asking?

>> No.1017909


There are often events which provide free food at colleges. Keep an eye on your campus e-mail, sign up for clubs and shit.

>> No.1018223

if you're more than halfway done engineering, I'd just finish it

Go on OSAP if you're eligible and then try getting scholarships

Work at mcdonalds or tims or something

>> No.1018230

Don't bother with the minimum wage job. 8 shekels per hour after the government takes 2 isn't worth the stress. Just do odd jobs on Craigslist. Helps if you got a truck.

>> No.1018727

27 now. Graduated at 24.