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File: 32 KB, 366x366, oxbitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10165429 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone tell me a reason why this a bad coin since all I see is people just calling it pajeet scam with no reason why

>> No.10165440

>tell me a reason why this a bad coin
it's not

>> No.10165452

I have no real problems with 0xBTC.

I do question if early miners mined the fuck out of it and spread it across a bevy of wallets. That seems plausible.

>> No.10165915

Total scam was pre mined and skipped having an ico, pre miners hold 50%+ of supply. It is totally susceptible to a 51% attack due to its low hash rate .

>> No.10165936

it's not a pajeet scam, just useless.

interesting concept (mineable token) though.

>> No.10165953

all crypto is a scam. Go get a real job

>> No.10165962

The thing is, anon, that the code is fully public and anyone trained in Solidity can audit it and easily discover that there is no way to scam users. No premine, no ICO, no backdoor in the contract (the only thing the contract deployer/dev has control of is the tokens and eth send to the contract address by error. He uses this as a community fund, join discord to get involved).

0xBTC has no dev team (devs working with 0xbtc sure but not on 0xbtc itself), so there is no risk of overhyped solutions to problems or anything.

If you were to criticize 0xBTC, it would have to be a critique of the very core purpose of the token, which is to be a PoW fair and unbiased distributed currency/store of value token. To say this is a bad idea means that either you do not believe there is a demand for such a thing in general (making you in idiot because BTC is still the most in demand crypto), or you do not think it is needed within the Ethereum framework.

This is a valid argument, and it is certainly true that Ether has taken the role of store of value/currency on the Ethereum network. That being said, there are many legitimate fundamental questions about Ether's suitability for that role. It was not fairly distributed from the beginning due to ICO (water under the bridge, perhaps) but also as Ethereum transitions to secure itself through Proof of Stake, further distribution of newly minted coins will continue to not be fair either. Ether does not need to be valuable; Vitalik himself has said this. This went under the radar but even people like Vlad Zamfir, very influential within Ethereum, have stated that they think ERC20 tokens are better currencies than ETH itself: https://twitter.com/VladZamfir/status/954819096922779649

So where has this ERC20 currency been? 0xBTC is first pure mined currency on the network that is mined independently of Ether itself. That is why I, and many others in the community, think that this token has massive potential.

>> No.10165994

That's not really what a premine is, the token contract was made entirely public from before the very first block was minted. Early miners mined early, no shit. No PoW currency exists that isn't like that.

But also more importantly, 0xBTC does not run on its own chain so it can only be 51% attacked if Ethereum network itself is 51% attacked. The PoW mining is for unbiased distribution not for network security. As an ERC20 token it benefits from the security of the Ethereum network.

>> No.10166000

because they keep saying it's the next bitcoin
only pajeets shilling a scam say this shit
so it's a pajeet scam

>> No.10166029

The more legit, long term community members all respect Bitcoin and do not in any way think that it will replace Bitcoin. Few if any will say it's "the real bitcoin". The contract deployer himself (goes by Infernal Toast) talks on the discord often about how he would never consider 0xBTC to ever overtake BTC. So what you're fudding is 4chan lunatics or other people false flag fudding.

Again, join the discord find the link on the subreddit. I invite everyone to do so.

>> No.10166176

bitcoin will die because it’s flawed by energy problem which 0xbitcoin solves. symbiotic relationship between eth and btc they merge into one. similar to in nature how plants merged with cyanobacteria to gain chlorophyll

>> No.10166228

I've been to the discord and saw people organizing shills
pictures being posted in discord only to be used as op for a shill thread here within 30 minutes
the fucking marketing tab

kys pajeet no one is pumping your bags

>> No.10166299

They also stole ebtc’a logo and idea. Ebtc is the real bitcoin on ethereum, 0xbtc is just a centralized shit coin.

>> No.10166308

no reason to exist + large volume of shilling = pajeet scam

>> No.10166326

It doesn't bring anything new to the table. Sure some people think it has value, but people think TRUMPcoin, Milocoin, DOGEcoin, etc all have value too. It just has 1 useless feature of it being a PoW coin inside a PoW coin. That's it.

>> No.10166334
File: 117 KB, 502x381, Kek_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10166362
File: 38 KB, 757x288, 727AC751-B803-42B7-969A-7AC9A8E5C7EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0xBTC is a shitty smart contract built by 1 guy in his mom's basement. It is nothing but a generic erc-20 token with a dumb mini game to distribute the coin. Anyone can copy it easily. Anyone can create another generic erc-20 and distribute it through a faucet or airdrops and get an even more equitable distribution than 0x without wasting energy. Nobody is going to use 0x in their project's smart contracts rather than create their own utility token; why the he'll would they want to generate value and demand for a coin they don't own (0x) rather than capture the value generated by their project via their own token. It literally makes no sense. Eth is the store of value on Ethereum and it always will be. The only other tokens with value will have utility in some economic system. As interoperability develops you will be able to do shit like wrap BTC and tokenized BTC so that it can be used itself in smart contracts.

it is an absolute miracle 0xBTC got to the price it hit already and only happened due to massive shilling efforts and the number of absolutely gullible and unintelligent people in this space.

save your money and stay away from this trash. there are much better coins you can spend your money on obviously

>> No.10166812
File: 136 KB, 861x1024, 1530589880531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to tell the secret I guess.
I was mining this thing very early, started to mine at like 16 dificulty with a 4770k and google cloud. Mined a couple of tens of thousands.
All was ok until some faggot figured out how to mine with GPU and absolutely rektd us, the guy was like 95% of all the hashing power and mined for like 2 weeks before everyone else could GPU mine.

I sold all my coins at $4 because of this. Basically all the supply is owned by one guy with a shitload of wallets. All the newfags who didn't knew this were slaughtered. But I don't feel bad for anyone, after all the money has to come from someone.
pic semirelated

>> No.10166837

>the real bitcoin on eth
choose one

>> No.10167229


I don't really know what to tell you man. Community members make images and infographics for marketing (images that were made for BTC, ETH, and literally every single project in crypto history) and then some people choose to post them here. There are no ICO funds so 0xBTC relies on community creations for marketing. I literally cannot control what discord members do with this marketing material. As you can see in the pinned posts on some of the tabs, organized shilling of any sort will lead to a ban by mods.

weak bait my dude. eBTC granted all tokens to contract deployer. It's centralized crap. 0xBTC is pure mined.

> PoW coin inside a PoW coin
The latter PoW will become PoS soon, so 0xBTC will be the premier PoW store of value token.

>Anyone can copy is easily

Yea that's the point, it's called decentralization. Anyone can fork Bitcoin at any point too. Someone already made a 0xBCH which had the code copy pasted.

>Anyone can create another generic erc-20 and distribute it through a faucet or airdrops and get an even more equitable distribution than 0x without wasting energy.

Why would any of those methods be fair distribution? Instead of mining you'd just have bots tapping the faucet, with the best bot winning. That makes more sense to you than gpu mining? Or an airdrop that simply rewards those who have more wallet or more ETH in their wallets? None of those things make for fairer distribution.

>Nobody is going to use 0x in their project's smart contracts rather than create their own utility token; why the he'll would they want to generate value and demand for a coin they don't own (0x) rather than capture the value generated by their project via their own token. It literally makes no sense.

There are plenty of dapps right now that run using ETH and do not use their own utility token... I'm starting to think you're not really understanding the idea of decentralization.

cont. 1/2

>> No.10167273

> Eth is the store of value on Ethereum and it always will be.

I'm betting through my investment in 0xBTC that there will be room for competition in this space (as there is now with Bitcoin Gold, Diamond, Cash, Dark, Private, etc all with tens to hundreds of million in market cap). I think once Ether goes PoS people will start to ask some real ideologically backed questions about what makes for a fair currency, and plenty of people will prefer a pure mined PoW store of value on the Ethereum ecosystem to an ICO'd Proof of Stake coin that rewards big holders with more ETH for doing nothing. I honestly think that if you think about this fact and how powerful people's libertarian urges are in crypto, and then envision the massive ETH market cap in 2020, you'll see that 0xBTC has a lot more potential than even ETH to grow in value, especially being valued at 3mil right now.

> As interoperability develops you will be able to do shit like wrap BTC and tokenized BTC so that it can be used itself in smart contracts.

Fair point, this may render 0xBTC irrelevant. It's not going to happen for a while though and it's a relatively small risk in coming months and years.

I don't think you have any hard evidence of this desu but thanks for the anecdote I guess.

>> No.10167277

Everyone invest in 0xBCH! It is real Satoshi vision

Everyone invest in 0xBCH! It is real Satoshi vision

Everyone invest in 0xBCH! It is real Satoshi vision

>> No.10167368


We fully approve and welcome all community made memes for 0xBCH. Best ones are voted up and praised in our Discord.

0xBCH is pure mined and computer raised. We take pride in our code. Since we are a token on Ethereum's chain, we tip our hats to eBTC and the progress they have made in this space.

> PoW coin inside a PoW coin
The latter PoW will become PoS soon, so 0xBCH will be the premier PoW store of value token that will also keep transactions in mind.

>We IOTA'd the code so anyone can copy the code, with certain limitations (wink).
We actually had our code copied by the 0xBTC team (reason why they say they don't have any devs). It's a hard truth to swallow, but you gotta come to realize that this is what happens in the decentralized world of crypto.

>Anyone can create another generic erc-20 and distribute it through a faucet or airdrops and get an even more equitable distribution than 0x without wasting energy.

We bring mining to the table to switch things up. Get out your GPUs, boys!

>Nobody is going to use 0x in their project's smart contracts rather than create their own utility token; why the he'll would they want to generate value and demand for a coin they don't own (0x) rather than capture the value generated by their project via their own token. It literally makes no sense.

Are you Vitalik? I'm starting to think you got a good understanding the idea of decentralization. Good insight. We can only really pray that /biz accepts our coin, 0xBCH, in its current form. If not, well, we may not be able to support our families if the mines run dry.

cont. 1/2

>> No.10167392

>Total scam was pre mined and skipped having an ico
wrong, no premine

>It is totally susceptible to a 51% attack due to its low hash rate .
also wrong, mining is only for coin distribution with this coin

Why is it a scam? It is a classic miner hype scam. Remember with turtle? The trick to these (((scams))) is you find an actually OK and interesting coin, mine the shit out of it silently, then hype the fuck out of it, limit supply, and dump.

It isn't a scam, it's a shitcoin.

>> No.10167404

> Eth is the store of value on Ethereum and it always will be.

I completely agree. We here at 0xBCH are not trying to compete, we're just trying to find our place in this crypto wild west. We appreciate Vitalik and the Ethereum blockchain as we would not be here without it.

> As interoperability develops you will be able to do shit like wrap BTC and tokenized BTC so that it can be used itself in smart contracts.

I think 0xBCH has it's place. We're fine being lower half of all the marketcap coins.

That's very true. I trust that you have hard evidence for your claim, because we are all adults and I respect you and your opinion as such.

>> No.10167440

>Ebtc is the real bitcoin on ethereum, 0xbtc is just a centralized shit coin.

God this is going to be a painful 10 years. I can't wait to see what comes out on top though.

>> No.10167461

Please take sides with 0xBCH. We may not have the bells and whistles or pictures that our copycat has, but we are all good, honest, hardworking men who are looking to become wealthy through the mines.

>> No.10167662

What kind of absolute scam pajeet coin skips having an ico.

>> No.10168052

The token itself isn't a scam, more like a capricious attempt to build a proof of concept by some guys who are probably trying to get some stuff in their portfolio.
However there is clearly a orchestrated pump and dump scheme behind the constant low quality posting of this token here - anyone who shills this coin here on /biz/ is a scamartist. Why!?
They don't discuss their holdings, they recite the same copy paste shit from the official page. They are just looking to off-load bags. That's why they are coordinated in their selling.

It's a useless coin that was ill conceived, there is nothing special about it, there is nothing particularly inept about it - there are far worse coins. It's just a nothing.

The only project they're working on is their 'lava wallet' which can send any ERC20 token if I'm not mistaken, the developers have become distracted and are doing other stuff. Because this was never meant to be a 'big thing' its clear some guy in college just wanted to show off what he could do. Hence the LAZY name. That doesn't mean he's a scamartist, he's built a product and it's exactly what it says on the lid.
But anyone shilling this on /biz/ is 100% a scam artist or a bagholder.
This coin isn't going to moon.
Screencap this line
>0xBTC will not moon.

>because it’s flawed by energy problem which 0xbitcoin solves.
>>Mineable token
>>solved the energy problem

>> No.10168055

And by 'portfolio' I mean professional, not investing

>> No.10168184


>0xBTC will not moon.

Why did it already moon then?

>> No.10168192

Theres no accountability when its exit scammed

>> No.10168200

Because a pump and dump shitcoin needs a pump before it can dump and never recover :^)

>> No.10168246
File: 3.38 MB, 2287x1671, 45897263547891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can not disturb the peace when the truth is known.

>> No.10168260

It hasn't though...!

>> No.10168294

Well said /biz/ doesn't deserve you. You should instead go over to Reddit.com/r/cryptocurrency friend. :)